
5 Centimeters Per Second



   5 centimeters per second   )

chapter one : cherry blossom
the prolouge



won't move! My parents can't make me. Just as I was starting to make friends and getting accepted by society, we have to move again. All because of my dad's job. Why can't he get another job? I mean, he just had to work for a really big company and that big company just has to keep transfering him to different places all around the country. But why can't my dad just move around on his own instead of taking his whole family with him? Wouldn't that just be easier for him instead of just taking the whole family with him and packing everything, then upacking, then repacking everything. I want to stay here. In a place where I can be myself. Not another new place where I know nobody and have to be alone and wait to be accepted by society.


The alarm clock sounded and I reluctantly rolled out of bed. Taking my time to wash up and get ready, I walk downstairs to eat breakfast. Sitting down, I  grab a bread roll and chug down my glass of milk. 

"Have fun at school today!" my mother calls from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. Yeah right. Fun at school? Fat chance. Nothing interesting ever happens at school. Walking towards school I glance up at the cherry blossoms that are blooming. Something looks different about them. Not in a bad way though. The blossoms look bigger and their color seems a lot brighter. Like something might happen today. Something good. I don't know what it might be. When I walk towards the gates, I turn around one more time to look at the cherry blossoms. But when I looked, they look normal. Like nothing happened. Was it my imagination? I shrug it off and head to class.




AUTHOR'S NOTE : Prolouge is here. A little teaser... Just a side note, I wrote this prolouge in the main character's point of view but the rest of the story will be in the narrator's point of view. Most of these chapters are flashbacks just to let you know. Until I change the chapter layouts, all the chapters will be flashbacks. Just a heads up. Anyways, I hoped you liked the prolouge. Please give me feedback. :) I appreciate them.



credits to fallen angel

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X_Wolf_Angel_X #1
Chapter 4: Please update I love this so much it's so sweet .
Chapter 3: I love it! It's swwet and simple :3 I'm looking forward to your process ^^
Chapter 2: Hey author ^^
Keep on with good work. Up until now, it's very sweet