prologue two

5 Centimeters Per Second



   5 centimeters per second   )

chapter two : friendship
prologue two




can't believe I'm friends with Lee Byunghun. My friends told me that he's really hard to talk to. No one knows why though. Everyone believes that he's hididng a secert and he won't tell anyone about it. I wonder what it's about. Anyways, it's nice talking to him. He's really easy to get along with and we have a lot of things in common. A few things we have in common are seasonal allergies, cherry blossoms and music. We both can play the piano and the violin. He likes to rap and I like to sing so we make up silly little songs in class while the other kids are outside. It's so much fun to be around himand he makes school seem a lot more fun. I don't ever recall actually wishing that the school day would end.


It's so easy to be myself when I'm around her. Whenever we talk, it feels like I've known her for years. Because I feel so comfortable around her, I can tell her almost everything about me. Well, almost. There's still somethings that can't be told so quickly. Only as time goes by, will I tell her. But all the same, we know each other almost inside out. However, when I ask her about her family, she always avoids my question and changes the subject. I hope there's nothing wrong with her and her family. Anyways, I've never been so excited to go to school now. Because I know that she'll be there, I can look forward to school.



AUTHOR'S NOTE : Fourth chapter is here. I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time. I haven't much inspiration for this story. I'm trying to get back into writing. I hope everyone likes this chapter~



credits to fallen angel

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X_Wolf_Angel_X #1
Chapter 4: Please update I love this so much it's so sweet .
Chapter 3: I love it! It's swwet and simple :3 I'm looking forward to your process ^^
Chapter 2: Hey author ^^
Keep on with good work. Up until now, it's very sweet