scene three : becoming closer to you

5 Centimeters Per Second



   5 centimeters per second   )

chapter one : cherry blossom
scene three : becoming closer to you



The last hour of school flew by and before the students knew it, school had ended for the day and the students ran out eager to finish their homework and relax for the rest of the day. Kyung Mi waited for her two friends and they all walked out towards the school's entrance where they parted and walked separate ways. 

"Kyung Mi! Wait up!" a voiced shouted. Kyung Mi turned around and saw Byunghun trying to catch up to her. She smiled brightly but her smiled wavered as she saw So Hyun trying to stay near Byunghun.  Byunghun gave her a big smile, completely ignoring So Hyun, which Kyung Mi saw and silently cheered in her mind. Tugging on his sleeve, So Hyun tried to get his attention.

"I'll be going now Byunghun. I'll see you tomorrow right?" Byunghun merely glanced over and nodded once. Looking over at Kyung Mi, So Hyun gave her a glare that read 'you-better-stay-away-from-him' before turning around and walking away. When she walked away, Byunghun gave Kyung Mi's hand a little tug and they walked on the sidewalk together. Glancing up at the cherry blossoms, Kyung Mi closed her eyes and breathed in the sweet scent that floated in the air.

"Smells good doesn't it?" 

Kyung Mi turned her head and gave Byunghun a warm smile. "Yeah it does. I've always been fond of the smell. It's just so addicting. The cherry blossoms also remind me of something as well."

Byunghun was curious, "What do they remind you of?" Kyung Mi just smiled and shrugged.

Byunghun nodded and they both continued walking down the sidewalk. Not knowing where to put her hands, Kyung Mi clung onto her backpack straps. Byunghun felt a pang of dissapointment but quickly shook the feeling away. When they reached some apartment together, Kyung Mi halted and turned towards Byunghun. "Is this where you live?" Byunghun asked.

Kyung Mi nodded shyly, not knowing what to say. Without thinking, she leaned up and kissed his cheek while shoving a piece of paper into his hand. Blshing furiously, she ran into apartment, never glancing back. Shocked, Byugnhun touched his cheek and continued walking towards his house. When he reached the front, he snapped out of his trance and blushed. He opened the door and walked in.

"Byunghun? Is that you?" his mother shouted from the kitchen. Byunghun shouted a greeting and walked up to his room. Throwing himself on the bed, he buried his head in his pillow. Clenching his fist, he heard paper rustling and remembered the piece of paper Kyung Mi gave him earlier. Unfolding it, he read the words that were written on it.

Doesn't it look like snow?





AUTHOR'S NOTE : Third chapter is here! Man it's so short. I hope you liked it though. The quotes will come into the story somehow as I try to figure out where to place them in the story but other than that. it should be good. Comment and subscribe. Please~



credits to fallen angel

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X_Wolf_Angel_X #1
Chapter 4: Please update I love this so much it's so sweet .
Chapter 3: I love it! It's swwet and simple :3 I'm looking forward to your process ^^
Chapter 2: Hey author ^^
Keep on with good work. Up until now, it's very sweet