scene two : getting to know you

5 Centimeters Per Second



   5 centimeters per second   )

chapter one : cherry blossom
scene two : getting to know you




The bell had rung, signally that it was time for lunch. Kids hurried to put away their books and take out their lunches to eat. Two girls had moved their desks closer to Kyung Mi while Byunghun stood up and moved to another part of the room where his friends were sitting to eat lunch. Kyung Mi felt disappointment when she saw him move but quickly shook off the feeling when the other girls started talking to her.

"Hi, my name is Park Min Sun," a girl with light brown hair introduced. Kyung Mi nodded shyly at the introduction.

"My name is Jang Hwa Young," the other girl introduced. "It's so good to have you in our class. There aren't many girls around here that both of us can really talk to. But now that your here, we have someone else to talk to."

"But what about those girls that are in the corner over there? How come you don't talk to them?" Kyung Mi questioned while discreetly pointing towards the girls. Min Sun and Hwa Young glanced over in the direction that Kyung Mi was pointing in before looking at each other.

"I forgot that you're still new here so you wouldn't know anything. But the girl that's sitting in the middle is Kim So Hyun. Her father is the CEO of one of the big companies around here. She just thinks that because her father's so successful, she can get whatever she wants, whenever. As you can see, so many girls wish to be like her and so they become friends with her. She doesn't like competition and so I think when she saw you, she thought that she would have to compete with you," Min Sun explained before stuffing some rice in .

"Why's that? I mean I just got here, so I couldn't have done anything wrong. So why am I considered competition to her?" Kyung Mi wondered.

"Because you got to sit in the seat next to Lee Byunghun and I guess she saw something between you two that she didn't like and I guess that's why. She has a major crush on him. Everyone can see that, except Byunghun himself." Hwa Young explained. Kyung Mi nodded and glanced over at So Hyun who was giggling with her friends and talking to Byunghun. Kyung Mi felt angry but she quickly turned away and spent the rest of lunch time talking with her two new friends. When the students finished their lunches, they all lined up at the door to go outside.

"Um.. excuse me Teacher Lee," Kyung Mi raised her hand, "but I have seasonal allergies and I was wondering if I could stay indoors instead of going outside."

"Of course you can. You won't be alone though. Byunghun will keep you company. He has seasonal allergies as well. So you both can just stay in here and try not to get into trouble. You can start on your homework though," the teacher hinted. Kyung Mi smiled and nodded before walking back to her seat. So hyun gave Kyung Mi a hard stare while walking out the door, though Kyung Mi pretended not to notice as she waved to her friends.

"So you're Kwon Kyung Mi," a voice suddenly started speaking behind her, scaring her in the process. "Interesting to know that you have seasonal allergies. It's not very common for someone to have seasonal allergies, you know. But it's nice to finally have someone to keep me company. By the way, my name's Lee Byunghun. I'm 13. What about you?"

"I'm, um, 13 as well. When's your birthday? Mine's December 23, 1993," Kyung Mi replied.

"That means that I'm the oldest then. My brithday's November 23," Byunghun boasted. Kyung Mi smiled and looked out the window. 

"What  are you favorite flowers? I'm curious."

"Hmmm... I would have to say the cherry blossoms. They're so pretty and it represents fragility and the beauty of life. Because it blooms during a short amount of time, it's a reminder that life is so beautiful, yet so short. So we have to enjoy it while it lasts. So I guess that's why their my favorite," Kyung Mi explained. Upon receiving silence after her explanation, she turned around, a bit annoyed, but was met with a small, genuine smile in Byunghun's face.

"Cherry blossoms are my favorite flower too."




AUTHOR'S NOTE : Second chapter is up! Here you go! Sorry I haven't' updated in a long time. I started highschool and it's just been crazy studying and tests all the time. But here's the next update for you guys. Please subscribe and leave a comment! Thanks!



credits to fallen angel

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X_Wolf_Angel_X #1
Chapter 4: Please update I love this so much it's so sweet .
Chapter 3: I love it! It's swwet and simple :3 I'm looking forward to your process ^^
Chapter 2: Hey author ^^
Keep on with good work. Up until now, it's very sweet