Chapter 3

Our Hideous World


“We could practically hear you from downstairs, you know?”

Standing at Kris’ doorstep, Bambam’s face explains every sort of disgust; I’ve always known that Kris was not the cleanest member of our family but sometimes, Bambam just loves to exaggerate things, he is not called Jackson’s other half for nothing.

Bambam is the child of our parent’s closest friend. We had known him since ages ago and had been together for as long but we were separated since he was sent back to his homeland for further education.

“I thought this was the guest room.”

Scrunching his face, he decided to follow me to my room. Bambam surely had a weird antic.

“I thought you told us that you weren’t coming over?” I raised a questioning brow and he just shrugged.

“Well, it’s our school’s spring break for your information and I had literally begged my mom so that I could come here for your extra extra information. Aren’t you happy to see me?”

Bambam stood at my doorway with all his pouting glory and although I had to admit that I hated his i-am-forever-a-diva attitude, I Still cannot handle that Kid’s cute pout.

“Of course I’m not happy. Yes, I said NOT and nop, you didn’t mishear it.”

“Noona……” the pout deepened and I laughed. “Of course I am happy, you fool and don’t you noona me.”
I squeezed him in a bone crushing hug. I have long considered Bambam as the little brother I never had the chance to have and he just loves the fact that his cuteness always works on me.

“How long are you going to stay?”

He pretended to wipe off his invisible tears, a bit too dramatically for my liking.

“Over a week? I will fly back to Thailand next weekend.”

He plopped himself on my bed and I went to the bathroom to change when Jackson hollered “LUNCH IS READY!!”

We rarely have lunch together, only at occasional times when we have someone over (which is the case right now) or when Mom and Dad are on a day off, which is never.

I sat at the far end of the dining table, Bambam on my heels while Jackson had already taken his seat which was across mine.

Bambam talked about his school, his new circle of friends and although we had heard about it a couple of times, we still nodded along ; pretending to be interested. The boy is quite naïve not to notice.

“Sooooo, what are we gonna do on weekend, which is tomorrow? Should we visit lotte world?”

Lotte World seems like a brilliant choice but “No, we’re going to catch some fish.” My voice gave out the annoyance.

I have never personally liked fishing, Kris knew it full too well. He had told me about a change of atmosphere and all I did was roll my eyes at his reasons.

“It’s going to be fun!”

I stared at Bambam with mild disbelieve.

“Bambam, you’re scared of fishes.”

He scoffed “That was a while ago, I have grown up.” Although I doubt he had, it  was best to keep my opinion to myself and instead nodded at him.

“I have invited Amber to come along.” I eyed Jackson closely, as if I was suspecting him just because I wanted to . “Hey, no funny business is happening. As Jaebum had said and I quote “based on a friendly matter.”, no suspicions allowed.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

Wiggling my brows, I allowed myself to feel the triumph when Jackson let out a frustrated groan; Bambam just laughed.


It wasn’t much of a surprise when I had found Jinyoung and Mark, standing by the seemingly endless sea, challenging each other as to who would be able to catch more fishes.

Jinyoung had waved his hand at us when Mark hollered “I GOT ONE!” and Jinyoung groaned and cursed, complaining about how Mark wasn’t playing fair.

I walked my way to the chairs Kris and Chanyeol had brought and had set up in a reasonable circle around a plastic table.

Bambam had jumped around asking people to help him with the fishing rod but everyone was busy and he pouted before taking a seat across mine for a resolve.

“Why so sulky, lil brother?”

“People are being mean!” I laughed.

“Up on your feet brother, I am the kindest of all those people and is currently at your service.”

We both had a good laugh at my formal offer. I was never fond of fishing but having two persistent brothers, either one of them had forced me to learn the basics of fishing and as I have grown up, I can do it just fine.

I had taught Bambam the basics but the boy seemed more confused than he already was so I had to demonstrate it for him; not expecting to catch a fish at my first throw.


Jinyoung, as usually, managed to fill the surrounding with his loud voice.

“I didn’t get it! Please, please, please teach me more!”

And so I ended up as Bambam’s personal fishing tutor. Such an honor.
I placed my hand above his when I had to slightly hug him to teach him to roll the fishing rod.

“Seriously, have you ever held one in your life?”
His grin says it all.

I let go of him once I made sure he had a good grip on it but by some magical power ( by that I meant, he finally got a fish) the fishing rod got pulled and was off his hand in just a matter of a second, resulting in the fishing rod drowning to who knows how deep.

“Brilliant. Very, very brilliant. You deserve an award.”

Amber snickered and Bambam just grinned his awkward grin; should have known that we shouldn’t bring him anywhere close to fishing or fishing rods for this matter.

“I think we’ve caught enough fish. LET’S PARTAYY!”

Chanyeol’s voice boomed from across a field. Now, you don’t have to doubt Park Jinyoung and Park Chanyeol’s sibling chemistry.

Amber circled her arm around my shoulder and we both walked our way to the set up chairs, Chanyeol took care of the fishes while the rest followed us.

The boys were chatting rather loudly while I and Amber let out our voices low but audible.

“I have something to ask you.”
I raised an eyebrow but nevertheless, nodded. “Go on.”

“What is actually wrong with Mark? I mean, he seemed rather distant only to talk to Jinyoung if it was necessary. What irked me the most is that, does he have a problem with you?” she paused eyeing me and when I shook my head, she continued “Like, a while ago, when you were busy teaching Bambam, he was staring at the both of you so intensely that I was scared. Seriously, what is wrong?”

Amber looked clearly disturbed (and a bit concerned) and I really couldn’t blame her. “Probably plotting ways to murder me?”

We laughed.

“Honestly, I don’t even know. We weren’t so close since the very beginning, please note that we were together since kindergarten days but yeah. I don’t like him so maybe that summons up to everything?”

Amber nodded in agreement before “but, Mark actually is distant to everyone.”

“Well, I don’t know. He might be an alien, you know, a secret agent on some mission or something.”

She was on the ground, laughing so loud that Jinyoung thought she had consumed the wrong amount of medicine. I joined along not long after.

We had made Mark as an inside joke because we’re reliable friends. Or not.

[Note : Well, this chapter didn't turn out as well as i thought but oh well, i hope you readers enjoy it :)]

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Chapter 5: Hahaha, this one made me chuckle! I really liked it xD waah~ Why is mark so cruel? T.T
Chapter 4: Ahhhh oh my god he was staring at her? Does he really hate her like she thinks?
Chapter 3: Who??? Update soon please!
Chapter 3: Aaah~ Who was it? I can't wait for the next update xD
Chapter 3: Haha I think I'm gonna end up commenting on very chapter of this story, which I hope you'll be okay with. This chapter was nice and I can't wait until you update. (:
Chapter 2: hehe that was good~ excited for next chapter~ ^^ Ahhhh Mark is so quiet for now T.T He's so cute xD
Chapter 2: I just finished reading the first chapter and I think you started the story quite well. Can't wait to read more when you update. (:
Reading the introduction makes me want to read this story. It was interesting and I can't wait until you update. (:
Chapter 1: ~ Seems interesting, update soon ^^