chapter 3.


Kai's POV

I was finally getting married but why did I still feel empty? 

I looked at Krystal as she walked down the aisle but for some reason my eyes were messing with me. I kept seeing Sulli's face. I rubbed my eyes and smiled at her as I took her hand. The wedding went on and on.

Then unexpectedly, right when I kissed Krystal, I could see from the corner of my eye that Sulli was right at the door. Her eyes were red. Has she been crying? Krystal looked at me worriedly and asked if I was okay. I ignored her and ran over to Sulli but before I knew it, she ran away. I ran after her but she was already in the car by the time I made it.

I sighed and covered my face. Why was I feeling like this?

Then BAM.

I looked up and saw two cars got in an accident. I squinted to able to see the accideent more carefully.

"SULLI!" I yelled as I noticed it was her car. I ran as fast as I could to her car and opened the car door. I carried her out and called for help. Her blood going on my tuxedo. 

Awhile later, the ambulance came and took her body into the harnest and drove quickly to the hospital as I followed behind. I called her mom after I arrived at the hospital. I paced back and forth next to her room and waited for the news. Just in time, her mom came right when the doctor had came out the room.

"Sulli?" we nodded as he asked,"I'm very sorry. Sulli doesn't have much time now. With her colon cancer and this accident results to... only having a maximum of a week to live before the cancer takes over her whole body. She just passed stage 4, we can't do anything anymore." He bowed his head and excused himself.

All that kept repeating in my mind was the cancer, since when did she have cancer? If she knew this whole time, why didn't she tell me? Wait.. her being weak and never leaving the house... what a pabo I am. Shes been signaling me this whole time. God I'm so stupid.

Little did I know, her mom noticed me crying and patted my back. "She would've told you but you were so busy with the wedding and so happy... she couldn't tell you."

"I'm such a fool. I told her I'll always be here for her but I broke the promise.." I hit my head and cried more.

"Come on, lets go visit her. Make it up to her while she still has time." Her mom took my hand and dragged me inside the room. I wiped my tears and looked at Sulli who was looking at us. She looked so weak that it broke my heart little by little. I forced my smile and said,"Hows my bestfriend?"

"Dying," she chuckled,"What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with Krystal? Ka, go.."

"Don't push me anymore best friend, I want to be here for you like I always promised." I held her hand tightly.

"Don't you think its a little too late for that?" I looked down as I felt guilty. Her mom coughed to break the awkwardness and started talking to Sulli. I stood up and walked out the room.

I didn't realize how selfish I've been and now my best friend probably hates me. I punched the wall and sobbed. I was going to make sure I was going to make it up.

Regular POV

I looked at Jongin as he left the room and sighed. "Mom...." She hugged me in comfort as I cried.

All kind of thoughts were going inside my mind. Knowing that I only have a week til I disappear from this cruel world and not to be able to see my mothers face again nor Jongin.

1 week. 7 days. 168 hours. 10080 minutes. 604800 seconds.

One day has passed quickly. It was morning already. Life was getting short. I woke up with Jongins face staring at me.

"Yah, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Checking up on my best friend, duuuuuh?" He poked my nose.

"Aren't you suppose to be at your honeymoon right now?" 

"Nah, I held it back. Just for you," he replied,"Now come on, I have to take you somewhere."

"Jongin, the doctor told me I can't.."

"Nope, I got his permission and borrowed a wheel chair for you," he walked to the side of the room and rolled the wheel chair next to my hospital bed,"Hop on."


"Oh right, oops." He carried me off bed and placed me on the chair then placed the garments on me. Why was he doing this for me? He would've chosen Krystal over me. I was confused. 

"The one where we'd hide from our parents?" He nodded as we turned to the right.

"Tadaaaa! Lets reminisce the past," he smiled.


I smiled and nodded. I can't believe he still remembers this place. He pushed me through the garden as we talked about our old memories as kids. This place was most memorable to me because this is where I got my first kiss. Jongin and I always wondered how it was like so we tried it. I think thats when I started loving Kim Jongin. The spark between our kiss was unbelievable.

I teared up and before I could wipe it, Jongin kneeled down and wiped it for me. 

"Don't cry best friend.." He pecked my cheek and patted my head.  I nodded and tried my best to hold it in.

The rest of the day, Jongin kept his promise and kept taking to me places from when we met and so on. At night he took me back to the hospital and waved goodbye.

Another day, gone like that.

The next few days were the same. We revisited all the places and made new memories with them. Even though as days were passing by, Jongin made me forget that I was dying. My body was getting weaker, I threw up more often, I was losing the ability to do anything but still. Seeing Jongin before I die made my heart flutter more than anything.

Then on the 6th day, I felt pain I never felt before. Jongin rushed me back to the hospital and I got examined once again.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see Jongin anymore.

Jongin's POV

"Jongin!" she screamed. She was hurting and I knew it. I carried her and ran back to hospital as fast I could. The doctors took her in the room as I panted.

They can't take her, not yet. Please. I have one more day. Just one more day please.

The doctor came out with his head faced down. "I'm so sorry. Sulli has passed away." I ran inside the room and watched the nurse pull the white blanket over her beautiful face.

I pushed them away and uncovered her face. "Sulli.... no.. you can't.. not yet.. you have one more day right? Please.." The nurses tried pushing me away but the doctor told them to stop. I hugged her head tightly and cried. She wasn't breathing anymore.  I couldn't hear her voice anymore.

"Jongin..." her mom tapped my shoulder," this is for you." She handed me an envelope that said To my best friend.

I opened it and read,

Hi best friend! By the time you read this, I have probably passed away. I'm sorry I told you so late about my cancer. I just saw you so happy with Krystal and I couldn't break your happiness. I hope you two last forever, I'll be watching from heaven heh. Don't do anything stupid anymore. I know you more than anyone and you know how stupid you are. tsk tsk. Also, I love you Jongin! I love you more than anyone in the world. Even more than Krystal because I've been there before she has. I wish we could've been something though but oh wells. Best friends forever right? Don't ever replace me or else mister. Mhm~ my hands are getting weak now, bye bye Jongin! saranghae <3

I closed my eyes shut and cried more.

"I can't believe you Sulli. I love you too. More than anything."

I kissed her pale lips. I love you more than anything best friend.

a/n: sobs ;; sorry for the long wait, stupid school. anyways, its not the ending just yet. I have a epilogue~ huehue subscribe, upvote and comment! Thank you!

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sorry i havent been updating, schools being a >


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foreverjonginjinri #1
Chapter 3: ////criesssssss////
yuanitadhmr #2
Chapter 2: update soon pleaseeee
Chapter 2: ;; update XD <3
Chapter 2: more update soon please
thank you
foreverjonginjinri #5
Chapter 2: Why most of story that was include 'kailli' should end up with one of them heart-broken..T-T
ssseul #6
Chapter 1: update soon ^°^
sia_23 #7
Chapter 1: pls update sooooooon can't wait