The Past

Don't leave me

Jonghyun was still crying after Taeyeon and Baekhyun left. After some difficulty, Taemin managed to calm Jonghyun down and suggested that they would go to the park. Jonghyun smiled again after hearing this suggestion. As they went to the park, Taemin noticed that Jonghyun was holding on to the teddy bear much more tighter than he needed to. 

Taemin gently asked "Are you okay? You're going to strangle the bear at this rate. Loosen up a bit. We left baekyeon a long time ago.”

"Baekyeon?” asked Jonghyun puzzled.

"And this is why I said your don't get out enough."

"Don't blame me. I was betrayed and left alone by someone and this caused this phobia. Go blame him."

"Mind telling me the story?"

"After you tell me what Baekyeon means"

"*sigh* You don't give up easily do you. Beakyeon is a couple name that everyone made up because they are so inseparable. "

"I see. So if we were a couple it would be called jongtae?"

"What are you suggesting Jonghyun?"

"Nothing at all."Jonghyun's face started to get all red. Taemin chuckled. They both walked in a comfortable silence. In no time at all, they walked to the park. They set aside their things on a bench. 

Jonghyun comfortably sat on an empty swing and Taemin took the one next to him. 

"Can you tell me how you got your phobia Jonghyun?" asked Taemin carefully. One wrong move would bring Jonghyun into a mental breakdown. 

"I used to have friends before this stupid phobia. Actually, more correctly is that I have this phobia during that time but it didn't affect me that much. So back to the story. One particular friend his name is Key. We were out shopping once for clothes. He had bought a lot of bags of clothes so I decided to help him out a bit and helped carry 1/2 the number of bags. Then in the middle of the mall, I tripped on something. I think it was my shoelace. And I fell and the clothes from the bags came tumbling out. All of the people around me turned around. And Key... Instead of helping me up he laughed. Then everyone started laughing too. After that I ran home and locked myself away. " anger could be heard in his voice when he mentioned Key. "It's okay though. I got over it, but I never really allowed myself to go into places with many people. Going to the mall was the best experience for me today. Thanks Taemin. "

"It was nothing. And that name Key... It sounds so familiar for some reason but I can't pinpoint where I have heard of him before..."

"You couldn't have heard of him, he moved away to somewhere and found better friends. "

"I see... What to hear how I got my phobia?" 

"As long as you push me after.”

" Children these days."

"You sound old Taeminnie"

"Anyways... My ”awesome ” phobia started after Minho left me alone at the zoo. In the insect exhibit I think.”

”Taemin I don't think there are exhibits like that in the zoo...."

”sh..... Don't interrupt a master while he's gelling his story"

"Ahh.... Okay.....”

"So Minho left me there and I was so scared. There were so many exhibits with bugs and they were doing a show and tell on a grasshopper. And I was so afraid that it would jump out and attack me- . What?!"

" A grasshopper is so small. You can easily kill it. " said Jonghyun after some difficulty while trying not to laugh. 

"Well sorry Sherlock I didn't think of that. And I was busily trying to find Minho before I lost my head. "

" I see... What happened after that?"

"I found Minho in the next exhibit. He said he was following a little birdy."


"I thought that my phobia was getting in the was of my life so I decided to end it."

Taemin heard Jonghyun gasp.

"That was the day before I meet you" continued Taemin.

Jonghyun pulled Taemin into an embrace. "Then I will never leave you."



I don't know if I should make this ending a heartbreaker or not.....

Nah that would be too mean

Check out my other story(Its not a fanfic. It's something i thought of while listening to some sad songs") it's called Heartbreaker. 

And another one called EXO Family.



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4____nobody____4 #1
Chapter 23: I still don't know how to fold a paper airplane
(that has nothing to do with the chapter I'm sorry)

cool chapter
ying9202 #2
Chapter 23: well i was hoping for minkey but i think this is good. xDDD

and "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" xD
Ikuto01 #4
Chapter 23: Chapter:23 key do not try jonghyun is taemins!
Chapter 23: Lol "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" Aaaaaaahhhh Jinki XD
Chapter 22: key please
Ikuto01 #7
Chapter 22: really love this story. finally onew appeared. looking forward for the next update author-nim hope you are havering fun writing this story and I wonder who will aperer next
Chapter 22: S.I. as in metrics? Absolutely. The metrics system is so much simpler by going with factors of 10. The USA and one other country are the only two countries that still use feet and inches. It's ridiculous. Whenever a measurement from another country comes in or information is given it is in metrics, then we to convert it to understand it. Ridiculous right? My point is that yes, I think the USA would be poetically a lot simpler if we used the metrics system. :) I hope I helped!!!! :D
sujulover23 #9
Chapter 21: i really like it but the update seem to be slow