A new kid and some tears.

Don't leave me

Friday, September 20 

Today's the day Taemin thought he would disappear from this world. He entered the classroom all gloomy, but kept a slight smile on his face. I should make the best of my last day he thought. 


"Taemin are you listening to what I was saying?!" exclaimed the teacher 

The class snickered. Taemin was wondering if he should jump of a building or hang himself. Those deaths would be quick and easy. But could he find the courage to do this? He still wasn't sure. 

"LEE TAEMIN!! This is important information that you need so you don't make a fool out of yourself when he comes"

"What are you saying? Who is he?" 

"I should of know you wouldn't listen. Like I said before there is a new student company into this class. Try to be friends with him. But don't make any rash moves. He is afraid of people"

"Just like Taemin"exclaimed Chen one of the members in the gang EXO. The class snickered again. 

"Thats why I think you can make friends with him" continued the teacher. " But don't scare him. He has been homeschooled for most of his life. He's not use to this many people."

With that there was a knock on the door. 

"Remember what I said" whispered the teacher as he went to open the door. Taemin rolled his eyes. There is no need to make new friends with the new kid. He doing to die today anyways. 

In walked a short kid with a timid look on his face he looks a bit like a .....dinosaur?

"Please introduce yourself to the class" said the teacher calmly

"…" the new kid muttered something but it wasn't auditable. 

"Can you speak a little louder?"

The new kid took a big breath and said something again. This time it was loud enough for the teacher to hear it. 

"His name is Kim Jonghyun and he hopes we can have a nice year together."

That caught Taemin attention. Normally new kids politely bow, say their name, and then say "let's be good friends". Not have a nice year. So something was definitely different about him. 

"Why don't you take a seat next to Lee Taemin. He is in the last seat of the first row. Taemin raise your hand so Jonghyun knows where you are. "

Just them the phone rang. Seeing the look on the teacher's face Taemin can tell its another meeting. This would give him some time to get know Jonghyun better. Now that he is setting next to him Taemin sees that he really looks like a dino. And something else. He couldn't exactly pinpoint it. Taemin was getting more and more curious about him.

The teacher had left for the meeting, but left work for them to complete. If it wasn't completed it was finished as homework. 

Taemin couldn't hold his curiosity anymore so in a soft voice he asked"Where did you go to school before you came here?" Taemin already knew the answer, but he had to try something to get Jonghyun to talk to him. 

Jonghyun looked at him with a sort of hopeless look in his face. 

"Its okay if you don't want to talk to me" replied Taemin. But Taemin knew if he didn't get an answer soon he would start crying again. And his mom wasn't there to comfort him. He started getting nervous. Jonghyun sensed Taemin was anxiously waiting for an answer. Something was different about him thought Jonghyun.

"I was homeschooled." timidly replied Jonghyun. After he said this Jonghyun saw Taemin relax and smile more. Maybe he was nicer than Key thought Jonghyun. 

"Do you have any fears? It's okay if you don't want to reply. I know some people might use your fears to scare you back and it's like a touchy topic. " asked Taemin

"it's okay" replied Jonghyun "I'm afraid of people and their company" 

"Oh...." replied Taemin. His smile faded away. "Do you want me give you some space them?"

"No! "exclaimed Jonghyun loudly. The class turned and look at him. His face got red and he was on the verge of panicking. 

Taemin finally understood. Jonghyun wasn't afraid of people. He was afraid of what people thought of him and public embarrassment.

Taemin tried to get his attention back to the conversation." I'm afraid of being alone and people forgetting me."

This got Jonghyun attention back. " Those are weird fears. "

"Now you are going to also think I'm weird" Taemin was having trouble keeping his emotions in check. His only chance at making a friend and he blew it. Tears started to leak out. 

"There is nothing to be ashamed about. Everyone is afraid of something. I said that these were weird fears because no one can be alone in this world that has way too many people. But like I said earlier there nothing to be ashamed of. Fears are what make all of use unique. If you deal with them correctly then that shows you are stronger than your fears. "

Someone finally understands him. Taemin cried but these were tears of happiness. There still is a reason to live on and that reason was sitting right next to him. 



Did you guys like it? I was going to make it longer but then after writing this and seeing how I ended it I decided to make that another chapter. Look forwards to it.


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4____nobody____4 #1
Chapter 23: I still don't know how to fold a paper airplane
(that has nothing to do with the chapter I'm sorry)

cool chapter
ying9202 #2
Chapter 23: well i was hoping for minkey but i think this is good. xDDD

and "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" xD
Ikuto01 #4
Chapter 23: Chapter:23 key do not try jonghyun is taemins!
Chapter 23: Lol "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" Aaaaaaahhhh Jinki XD
Chapter 22: key please
Ikuto01 #7
Chapter 22: really love this story. finally onew appeared. looking forward for the next update author-nim hope you are havering fun writing this story and I wonder who will aperer next
Chapter 22: S.I. as in metrics? Absolutely. The metrics system is so much simpler by going with factors of 10. The USA and one other country are the only two countries that still use feet and inches. It's ridiculous. Whenever a measurement from another country comes in or information is given it is in metrics, then we to convert it to understand it. Ridiculous right? My point is that yes, I think the USA would be poetically a lot simpler if we used the metrics system. :) I hope I helped!!!! :D
sujulover23 #9
Chapter 21: i really like it but the update seem to be slow