
Don't leave me


Taemin woke up and lazily opened his eyes. He was greeted with Jonghyun staring back at him.

Due to the shock, the first logical thing to do to him was to hide under the blankets. Taemin heard Jonghyun chuckle and Jonghyun slowly pulled down the blankets. 

"Come on. I know my hair is a bit messy. But it's not that scary." smiled Jonghyun.

Taemin laughed at his silliness. 

"I'm going to make breakfast. What do you want to eat?" asked Jonghyun

"Anything is fine" said Taemin and flopped back on bed and tried to go back to sleep.

"Hey! Get back up" said Jonghyun.

"Make me" muttered Taemin

Jonghyun pounced on bed and pinned Taemin down on the mattress. Taemin stared at Jonghyun and blushed. Taemin wiggled his hand got out of the grip and slung his arm around Jonghyun's neck and pushed them closer together. Except Jonghyun was much stronger than Taemin and Jonghyun stopped just before his lip touched Taemin's. This was slowly tormenting Taemin. So instead of waiting for Jonghyun's lips to meat his, Taemin lifted his body a bit to meet Jonghyun's lips. This one lasted longer than the one yesterday, but this time Taemin broke the kiss first. 

"I'm hungry." said Taemin bluntly.

"*Sigh* You.... I was tring to make up for what I did yesterday and you do it back to me" sighed Jonghyun turning to the kitchen.

Taemin backed hugged Jonghyun. "Aww.. I'm sorry. I still love you."

Jonghyun laughed "Of course you still do." and hugged Taemin back. 

"Now piggyback ride." exclaimed Taemin.

"How old are you?" asked Jonghyun and carried Taemin to the kitchen.


After a hectic breakfast.................


Taemin and Jonghyun were sitting in the living room. 

"Taemin what are you going to with your house?" asked Jonghyun.

"Technically it isn't mine. It's my parents. But since they are gone I guess it's mine...." replied Taemin.

"Yeah but like are you going to rent this place out?"

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"Besides the obvious that I wouldn't have a place to live, you're also afraid of people."

Jonghyun stopped. Taemin was right. He wasn't able to control himself even in the clinic. 

"Speaking of people. How was your visit to the doctor?" asked Taemin.

"Ugh, Don't even speak of that place." sighed Jonghyun

"Why what happened?"

Jonghyun told him everything. 

Taemin burst out in laughter.  "Wait. So he told you to man up and then he said to go home and eat some cookies and drink milk? How does that even make sense?"

"I know." agreed Jonghyun " How was you trip to the market?"

Taemin's face darkened immediately. Taemin told everything about his trip. Taemin's voice tightened as he told what had happened in the ally.How would Jonghyun react when he finished telling him? Taemin slowly lifted his head and saw Jonghyun trying very hard to control his laughter.

"What?!" asked the surprised Taemin

"He thought you where a girl?!" laughed Jonghyun

Taemin thought for a while. It was funny how someone would mistaken him for a girl. 

"Although... You do have some traits of a girl" said Jonghyun combing his hand through Taemin's hair.

"Yeah right." said Taemin skeptically. "Like what?"

"Mmmm. Where should I start?" wondered Jonghyun.

Taemin shoved Jonghyun playfully.

"Admit it. I look nothing like a girl." demanded Taemin.

"Wait." said Jonghyun and he went into Taemin's room and started looking for something. 

Looking around for 5 minutes, Jonghyun finally found what he was looking for.... a wig.

"Taemin come here." said Jonghyun from Taemin's bedroom.

Taemin went inside and Jonghyun placed the wig on Taemin's head and then dragged him to the mirror in the living room to see how he looked. 

Taemin laughed. "I do look like a girl." 

"If you where to walk down the street with me wearing that, everyone would think that you're my girlfriend." said Jonghyun smiling at the thought.

"Shall we try that?" asked Taemin. "But we better not, cause tons of people would be looking at us and it wouldn't be good for you."

"Then would you help me get over this phobia?" wondered Jonghyun

"I need payment." said Taemin slyly

Jonghyun shook his head and then pulled them together to seal the deal with a kiss. And this time pulling away was not an option. 



Comments are appriciated. 

And also..... School starts 9/4 *sob sob*

Please enjoy 


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4____nobody____4 #1
Chapter 23: I still don't know how to fold a paper airplane
(that has nothing to do with the chapter I'm sorry)

cool chapter
ying9202 #2
Chapter 23: well i was hoping for minkey but i think this is good. xDDD

and "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" xD
Ikuto01 #4
Chapter 23: Chapter:23 key do not try jonghyun is taemins!
Chapter 23: Lol "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" Aaaaaaahhhh Jinki XD
Chapter 22: key please
Ikuto01 #7
Chapter 22: really love this story. finally onew appeared. looking forward for the next update author-nim hope you are havering fun writing this story and I wonder who will aperer next
Chapter 22: S.I. as in metrics? Absolutely. The metrics system is so much simpler by going with factors of 10. The USA and one other country are the only two countries that still use feet and inches. It's ridiculous. Whenever a measurement from another country comes in or information is given it is in metrics, then we to convert it to understand it. Ridiculous right? My point is that yes, I think the USA would be poetically a lot simpler if we used the metrics system. :) I hope I helped!!!! :D
sujulover23 #9
Chapter 21: i really like it but the update seem to be slow