Taemin's room

Don't leave me

The next morning, Jonghyun wolfed down his breakfast and sprinted to Taemin's house. When he arrived, Taemin had just finished breakfast. 

"Damn, you got here early." said the very suprised Taemin.

"Mmm.... I have.......... something important............... to show you." said the out of breath Jonghyun.

"Dude. Calm down, catch your breath then speak."

Jonghyun took a couple of deep breaths and finally spoke again. 

"I have something important to show you" said Jonghyun clearly.

"Me too. Come I'll show you. It's in my room" Said Taemin and he turned to go up a flight of stars. 

Taemin's room was messy. Like really messy. Books were scattered everywhere and CDs were scattered on the floor. 

"Ignore the mess. It's not normally like this."

Taemin reached under his bed and pulled out a box. 

"You found it too?" Asked Jonghyun

"Yeah a few nights ago when I was trying to clean my room."


"Can't you tell by the state of this room that i didn't do a sucessful job?"

"I see...."

Taemin opened his box. There was the same things in there..... Except Taemin had a CD and a poster of SHINee rolled up there. 

Jonghyun unrolled the poster and looked. 


Jonghyun looked at the CD, and view the tracks. 

Y.O.U (Year Of Us)

Ring Ding Dong


Get Down

SHINee Girl

The Name I loved

"Did you listen to the songs?" Asked Jonghyun

"No I was waiting when you came over and I though of playing it then"

"Can you play it now."

"As long as you help me clean up this room of mine. I already forgot how the floor looked like."

"You such a bad boy"

When Taemin put in the CD, Y.O.U. started to play. sweet soft music started to play. 

Jonghyun quickly started to stack all of the CDs into a neat pile. Taemin started to pick up the discarded clothes on the floor. 

"♪Nothing can stop me from loving you......♪"  sang alongs Taemin as he looked up at Jonghyun. 

Jonghyun was looking through all the CDs. Taemin was just going to tell Jonghyun to finish cleaning. But when Taemin saw the area caround him it was spotless. 

"Wow, how did you clean so fast?" asked Taemin

"All you have to do is just stack everything up according to what they are then place them in a place that won't disrupt you from walking place to place."

 Ring Ding Dong was the next song. 

Jonghyun looked up puzzled. Taemin saw the confused face."what's wrong?"

"I feel like i remember the moves to it."

"Dance "

"I think if i remember correctly you where the dancing machine."

" Help me clear this mess and then i'll dance. Or do you want me to trip and die."

"I rather have you not die"

When they finished picking up the clothes and hung them up, the room looked spotless and the song Jojo came up. 

Taemin sat down next to Jonghyun and Taemin laid his head on Jonghyun's shoulders. 

I love you Jonghyun............

iframe width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/3077933&&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true"



Comment please. 

And does anyone know how to add audio into a layout?

Please tell me via message or something

Thank you.


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4____nobody____4 #1
Chapter 23: I still don't know how to fold a paper airplane
(that has nothing to do with the chapter I'm sorry)

cool chapter
ying9202 #2
Chapter 23: well i was hoping for minkey but i think this is good. xDDD

and "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" xD
Ikuto01 #4
Chapter 23: Chapter:23 key do not try jonghyun is taemins!
Chapter 23: Lol "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" Aaaaaaahhhh Jinki XD
Chapter 22: key please
Ikuto01 #7
Chapter 22: really love this story. finally onew appeared. looking forward for the next update author-nim hope you are havering fun writing this story and I wonder who will aperer next
Chapter 22: S.I. as in metrics? Absolutely. The metrics system is so much simpler by going with factors of 10. The USA and one other country are the only two countries that still use feet and inches. It's ridiculous. Whenever a measurement from another country comes in or information is given it is in metrics, then we to convert it to understand it. Ridiculous right? My point is that yes, I think the USA would be poetically a lot simpler if we used the metrics system. :) I hope I helped!!!! :D
sujulover23 #9
Chapter 21: i really like it but the update seem to be slow