
Don't leave me

Taemin grabbed Jonghyun just as he was going to enter his house. Taemin pulled him close and leaned towards him....

"Hello you must be Lee Taemin." said a voice.

Taemin froze and turned to the person who spoke. It was Jonghyun mom. 

"It nice that Jonghyun is finally making some friends. You know, when I told him that he was going to a public school he threw a tantrum at me." 

"Hello Miss. I was just showing Jonghyun around his neighborhood. it seems like he doesn't get out much." stammered Taemin.

"Yes that is a sad thing he refuses to make friends. But it looks like your got through his rebellious armor and managed to convince him that you were a good friend. Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"It's okay Miss, my mom is expecting me to come home."

"See you tomorrow then Taemin" said Jonghyun 

"K. Come over at whatever time you want"

Jonghyun turned around and entered his home. He had to find something that would remind him of SHINee or Replay. That name just sounded so familiar. 

"Jonghyun wash up and then eat dinner before you do playing with your teddy bear."

Huh? what teddy bear wondered Jonghyun then he looked at what he was holding. It was the teddy bear that Taemin bought him. He didn't even realise that he was still holding it so tightly. 



After Dinner. 

Jonghyun was still looking all around his room for memories of SHINee. Why did that name sound so familiar?

"This is so frustrating!!!"exclaimed Jonghyun as the flopped onto his bed. 

His bed.... He didn't look under it yet. He quickly got up excitedly and started looking. Sure enough there was a box under his bed. He pulled it out carefully. He looked at the flap of the box.

Don't open unless comletely sure.

Jonghyun wondered. He had to know about SHINee. Without second thoughts, he took a knife aout from his drawer and sliced through the tape. Inside was another box with the words

Are you really sure?

Why wouldn't he be? and he sliced the tape again. Again there was another box with the words

Seriously? What if it was a bomb?

Jonghyun shook his head. Who ever designed this was either really dumb or either really didn't want this to be out. Jonghyun sliced the tape again. This time the words where

Okay fine. cut through his and you'll have your answer. 

Finally thought Jonghyun. But the box was already so small. what could possibly be inside. When Jonghyun cut the tape, inside was his old phone fully charged(turned off) and next to it was a map and a letter. Jonghyun looked at the map. There was one line of words there. 

Look behing your piano

Jonghyun walked there and looked. There was another box there labled

Old Stuff

Jonghyun cut through the tape and there was another letter. 

Look at your phone first. 

Jonghyun his phone and saw .......


TO BE CONTINUED.........................................





Not really......

Anyone who grew up with dramas would know what happened next..........

Too bad. I'm still writing it... Sometime soon. 



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4____nobody____4 #1
Chapter 23: I still don't know how to fold a paper airplane
(that has nothing to do with the chapter I'm sorry)

cool chapter
ying9202 #2
Chapter 23: well i was hoping for minkey but i think this is good. xDDD

and "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" xD
Ikuto01 #4
Chapter 23: Chapter:23 key do not try jonghyun is taemins!
Chapter 23: Lol "Girls, you're both really pretty so let's go on with things okay?" Aaaaaaahhhh Jinki XD
Chapter 22: key please
Ikuto01 #7
Chapter 22: really love this story. finally onew appeared. looking forward for the next update author-nim hope you are havering fun writing this story and I wonder who will aperer next
Chapter 22: S.I. as in metrics? Absolutely. The metrics system is so much simpler by going with factors of 10. The USA and one other country are the only two countries that still use feet and inches. It's ridiculous. Whenever a measurement from another country comes in or information is given it is in metrics, then we to convert it to understand it. Ridiculous right? My point is that yes, I think the USA would be poetically a lot simpler if we used the metrics system. :) I hope I helped!!!! :D
sujulover23 #9
Chapter 21: i really like it but the update seem to be slow