Chapter 2

Full Moon

While Sehun was away...


Chanyeol could see a vampire carrying twigs from across the meadow. The tall blonde male wearing a black jacket on with faded red stripes made his way behind a large bush that seemed a bit too big to be natural. Chanyeol smirks as he begins to make out the other blood ers through the leaves.


Let’s make sure this isn’t a trick, they wouldn’t all have come if it was an ambush. That’s one with the first, his eyes are a bit dark like a panda. Panda Eyes walked up to a figure with dark auburn locks and a cutoff jean vest. That’s two blood ers. Number three’s sitting on the ground messing with something…odd. Even stranger, Number four looks like a small red headed demon with owl eyes who seems to be stalking a squirrel. After observing the others, Chanyeol reasons that the one with honey colored fringe taking a nap on a tree branch is the leader.  Didn’t the leader say there were six? Chanyeol studies the figures for a few more minutes before he decides it’s time to make a move. Maybe the egoistic bastard counted himself twice… Chanyeol chuckles to himself as he made his way back to the pack.


“Alright, guys, they seem mellow right now, let’s meet here after the meeting. I will go out first and, when I signal you, come out from hiding, but slowly. We don’t want to scare them off now, do we?” Chanyeol grinned. The boys chuckle and smirk to one another. “Make sure you only come out when I give the order, understand?” He eyes Jongin who tries to avoid eye contact. “Do I make myself clear?” Chanyeol barks in his direction. “Yes,” Jongin hisses back. “Alright then, let’s get this show on the road,” the alpha jokes as he makes his way through the trees for another look at the vampires before revealing himself. His smile disappears when he notices the vampires were nowhere in sight.


What the- His eyes quickly fall upon a line of men now standing on the edge of the meadow in a threatening stance. The tall blonde Chanyeol saw earlier is now bearing his fangs in the direction of the wolves. Soon, the rest of the line followed suit and began advancing towards the wolves’ side of the meadow. Chanyeol is about to give the command to attack when he hears a voice yelling. The vampires stop immediately, and a short disheveled blonde appears from behind them.


“Why didn’t you wake me up when they got here?!” He sneers. Without waiting for a response, he continued, “Why were you about to attack, idiots?! Who instructed you to? I am the leader and I sure as hell didn’t tell you to do anything!”


This… puppy of a man… is THE Fearsome Vampire Leader? The man turns toward Chanyeol and smiles so sweetly that his eyes looked like crescent moons. “Hello, I’m Baekhyun, the leader in charge of this idiotic vampire clan. I’m sorry if we frightened you, you can come out now,” the vampire cooed with a tilt of his head.


Chanyeol, now aware of his stance, straightened himself swiftly while nearing the center of the meadow where the vampires now stood. The other wolves follow his lead trying to look tough and not like scared pups. The two supernatural groups remain a good distance from each other, not wanting to threaten the others accidentally.


Being the first to react after the caustic encounter, Chanyeol clears his throat.

“I’m Chanyeol,” he manages to cough out.


“Mhm, that’s nice,” Baekhyun grumbles back losing his sweet tone from earlier as he looks at the line formed by the wolves. “It would be nice if you would tell me who the leader is, Chanyeol, so we can begin this meeting.”


“I AM the leader,” Chanyeol growls softly, his eyes staring intently into Baekhyun’s.


Baekhyun’s glimpse of shock is replaced with a smirk on his lips. “Shall we begin?” Baekhyun suggested.



The two groups begin negotiating how much land they wanted and the locations of said land in the area. Ten minutes in, tensions rise when the two groups can’t agree on which river will act as the boundary between their lands.


“WE WANT THE FREAKING NABI RIVER AS THE CHECKPOINT!” Baekhyun practically shrieks while tip toeing up to Chanyeol’s face.


“Well, that is a problem, you see…. BECAUSE WE WANT THE LEE RIVER AS THE MAIN SOURCE!” Chanyeol thunders in a deep annoyed voice.


“The Lee river gives you too much land. It’s not fair! The Nabi river evens out the area more and-”

“But that gives your group more land than us!” Chanyeol irritably cuts him short. “That’s obviously not where half stands! That’s not enough hunting ground. I thought this deal was about sharing hunting lands.” Chanyeol argued.


“Well you thought wrong!” Baekhyun exclaimed frustrated. “You’ll have twice the area that we own if the Lee river is the boundary!!!” Baekhyun brandishes his fangs while waving his clenched fists in the air. Drops of sweat fall down along his jawline as he stares at Chanyeol, who has his arms crossed stubbornly. Chanyeol breathes deeply as he tries to calm down, his claws beginning to shift out of his fingers.


“Can I say something?” Jongin and Chen ask in unison. Both of the leaders glare at their respected member and reply with a harsh no.


Chanyeol’s ears perk up at the soft sound of a certain twig being crushed. He focuses past Baekhyun’s scowl and sees a figure. The vampire leader stops frowning as he notices the sudden change in Chanyeol’s expression. It’s holding something… Chanyeol squints his eyes for a moment, and then Baekhyun sees his eyes shoot wide. OH !


“Baekhyun!” Chanyeol tackles him just as a loud crackling sound is heard. Baekhyun lands on his back with Chanyeol covering Baekhyun’s head with his arms. Baekhyun shakes the daze off and frantically looks around for his clan. When he turns his head sideways, he sees a man aiming a gun in their direction. He quickly grabs Chanyeol by the collar of his jacket and pulls his head down next to his as he forced all of their weight to the left of him to roll them out of harm’s way. The bullet meant for Chanyeol’s backside sends dirt flying into the air above the space they just were. Baekhyun grunts as he puts his weight on top of Chanyeol. Why did he have to put all of his weight on me, Stupid werewolf.


Chanyeol looks through the grass from where they laid on the ground and sees his pack growling at the trees, and the vampires hissing along with them. He watches the hunter’s backsides until they disappear in the lush vegetation. He sighs in relief before looking back at Baekhyun.


Baekhyun searches for the armed men again but is relieved to see Chen leading the others in chasing away the hunters. Baekhyun’s eyes stare at the trees; his mind racing at what had just happened. After seeing the clan were alright, he takes his gaze back to Chanyeol just in time to see a wide smile spread across his face. Wow… his smile is so… toothy. Baekhyun doesn’t realize he’s smiling as well until the others walk back towards them.


“Uhh… Guys? Are you ok?” Suho asks innocently as he walks closer to aid them.

“Mm? What? OH! Yeah, we are fine!”Baekhyun blusters out, his voice getting suddenly loud as he realized their position.


“Oh!, umm, I’ll get off your lap now… I mean, off your b-body, err… you’re y-your body and your body is y-you s-so I’ll… g-get off… of you…” Baekhyun stutters, heat rising on his cheeks.

“Yeah,” Chanyeol confirms with a leveled voice. “Thanks for rolling me out of the way… I guess,” he admits sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.


“You’re welcome… I saw the gun and it… looked like it was pointing at you…” Baekhyun explained while making no eye contact. “Thank you for saving me… too.”

“Welcome… The gun… you didn’t see it…” Chanyeol assured. He gestured to the dirt in Baekhyun’s hair. “But it saw you…”


Most of the group circled back to where their leaders stood. The awkwardness grew more as the others joined to hear the leaders address the aftermath.With rosy cheeks, both leaders try to take charge as a few of the members grew more confused. The jokers, the ones who arrived first, watch their flushed leaders in amusement. Instead of teasing, the leaders’ embarrassment was enough to fuel Jongin’s and Chen’s amusement.


“Guys!” Kyungsoo shouted, he had been yelling at them from the edge of the forest for over a minute now. “They’re com-”


“-ing back!” Tao finished for him, out of breath. He had just come up to the group to get their attention. “Lay! Leave the butterfly alone and come on! We are about to leave!”


“Quickly! There’s more hunters, a lot more! I don’t think we can fight all of them, so if we are going to survive, we have to move now!” Kyungsoo warns as he sprinted near the group. As Xiumin runs closely behind him, the leaders shake off their flustered faces and began barking orders.


Within seconds, the groups split by species and head in opposite directions of the meadow toward their caves. No one said goodbye, and no one looked back as they vanished into the trees, becoming two separate groups once more.

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Hopefully more frequent updates!


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Chapter 4: I'll just say; i'm still waiting, keeping my hope up! I don't care if it's been 2 years, it's worth it
Chapter 4: I am so sad there's been no new chapters. This is one of my absolute favorite fanfics and i'm not just saying that. I love the way it's written and the way you've done the characters. I really wanna know what happens and i'm a bit terrified that you've abandoned the story. I might legit cry if this story get's scrapped. I love it so much
the_wabbit #3
Im a sorry, i am a piece of ice cream for not uploading. i will try my best to get one out before July
the_wabbit #4
Chapter 4: lol SORRY I though i published 4 a long time ago~ ah im a loser. anyway expect the chapter soon
milikaa #5
Chapter 3: Update soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this!!! Moar please *kiss*~ >///u///<
the_wabbit #7
so like sorry guys... life got in the way. I back to writing tho, hopefully there will be a couple chapters before the summer ends!
Lots of Love ~ the_wabbit
the_wabbit #8
lol ok remember when i said the 16th? i meant the 30th... a very late update i know! life got in the way, but hey! im still around to update so holla! cx haha jk nothing bad happen im just lazy. any way about that update, ill be post 3 chapters cx
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Chapter 2: I like this story a LOT author-nim. Keep up the amazing work!