Chapter 1

Full Moon

I’ve spent all day looking for food! Ah! This is so time consuming! I rather be asleep right now! Curse this damn body that needs to be fed constantly! Luhan complained silently to himself while trying to find a new strawberry bush.  As much as he’d like to say he didn’t like them, Luhan is addicted to the red berries. Lost in his daydream of the sweet reds, Luhan doesn’t see a tree root and promptly face plants into the dirt. He groans at his stupidity and rolls over onto his back.


It was difficult being on your own. Not only does Luhan have to defend himself against threats, but he also has to take care of the simple stuff like making sure he didn’t starve to death. If only he had a pack like all the other blessed beings. But that was the thing. There weren’t others like him. Werewolves, vampires, even the merpeople didn’t have Luhan’s predicament. Every night when he hears mysterious rustling in the leaves outside his den or distant howls at the moon, he is reminded that he is alone.


In this world, no one could want or love a monster like him. Luhan stared at the sky and laughed bitterly. Maybe that bit was a lie. People wanted Luhan, but not to love him. He guessed that’s just what happens when you’re the only vampire wolf hybrid to survive past infancy. At least the humans only want me for my beauty which isn’t too bad I guess. At least I’m hot right? As for the other blessed beings, it’s better if they don’t know I exist. They would probably use me to gain the upper hand against the other blessed species. Luhan didn’t want to know what would happen if he fell into the wrong hands.


Luhan quickly decides that it’d be ok if he died right there on the ground and promptly rolls over on to his side to perish in comfort. After feeling sorry for himself for about a minute, he focuses his eyes on a bush with little pockets of crimson here and there. He cracks a smile not believing his luck. A strawberry bush just for him! Maybe the gods have decided to take mercy on me.  Practically bouncing across the ten foot clearing that separated him and his precious strawberries, Luhan can’t help but exhale with relief. He doesn’t even stop to wash them in the creek before gorging them into his mouth.  He couldn’t help but make moans of satisfaction as he started to fill up. No one was around to hear him anyway, so who cares if he sounded like animal in heat? Giggling at that thought, Luhan almost didn’t hear a soft cough behind him. Luhan froze and panic shot down his spine. All theses upgraded senses and he still didn’t hear someone one sneaking up behind him? Aish some powers, so much for being the epitome of perfection.  At least I’m still handsome, Luhan thought. Maybe it was just another dumb human. Hopefully if I make a face, they will go away, Luhan thought as he turned around. Nothing could have prepared Luhan for what he saw next.


He was about to muster up a psycho face, but his facial muscles halted in shock. Instead of being some dumb hunter or a family of hikers or even just a rabbit, it was another boy ten feet away. It wasn’t that he was threatening that caused Luhan to freeze, the guy’s appearance was simply too enticing to have appeared out of nowhere. Apparently Luhan’s beauty wasn’t enough to faze the other either because the boy’s expression didn’t change to the awe-struck one that most humans gave him.


Is that pink hair?!? And what’s with the Parent Advisory tank top? Even though Luhan thinks the hair is a bit odd, he can’t help but admire how well dressed the newcomer is. The tank paired with a dark school jacket that had a militant look, charcoal jeans, and boots seriously magnified this guy’s atheistic. This kid’s got style, Luhan’s subconscious whispers, but he doesn’t allow that to change his demeanor. Luhan inhaled softly only to discover the distinct smell of decaying roses.  Luhan decides that the mysterious blessed being is a bit more attractive than he is willing to admit. Everything about his stance was threatening, yet Luhan couldn’t help finding it endearing. Maybe it was the pink hair; it didn’t really work for the tough guy look this kid was going for. When Luhan giggled at his own thoughts, the other frowned.


“Well, what are you laughing at, baby face?”

“What? I should be asking you the questions, Vampire!  What the hell are you doing in this part of the forest? This is neutral ground!” Luhan huffed with a frown.


The pink haired male was about to open his mouth to retort when Luhan heard rustlings behind him.  The distance yelling caused the other to turn and perk his ears as if he was listening. Luhan saw this opportunity to swiftly disappear into the brush. The hybrid ran without stopping just to put enough distance between him and the other male.


Damn it, just when I find food, some stylish idiot bloodsucker shows up and brings a party with him, Luhan cursed silently as he arrived to his den. I didn’t even get to gather up some strawberries to hold me over to next week. Idiot.


Luhan stayed in a bad mood until he noticed the sunset on the distant horizon in the direction of the human settlements. Maybe it’s not a bad thing he startled me, I probably wouldn’t have noticed the clan until it was too late. That was a close one; I’ll have to pay more attention in the future. Luhan placed his escape pack near his fern mat. He might have lost the blessed being, but that didn’t mean fuchsia head wasn’t going to track him down in the dead of night. And Luhan would be caught dead before he had to flee unprepared like last time. I wish I didn’t have to live like this, Luhan thought mournfully as he lay down to sleep.  Slowly, Luhan drifted into a dream in which he didn’t have to run anymore.



Earlier that afternoon


“Ok, I want everyone to be on their best behavior. If anyone steps out of line, you will have to answer to Kyungsoo,” Baekhyun threatened as he led the clan away from the cave. “That means no talking unless I address you first. I can’t have you maggots picking a fight when I’m trying to settle a treaty. We only have one shot at this, so if you it up, I will kill you.” A mumbled chorus expressed the group’s understanding and left a satisfied Baekhyun to focus on the way to the meeting site. As much as the rest of the clan thought this was a dumb tactic to intimidate the humans, no one had enough courage to oppose the little leader. Even though Baekhyun was short, he was fierce which is why he stayed the leader despite not being the oldest.


“Why do we even have to do this?” Jongdae whispered to Yixing. Baekhyun spins around and grabs Jongdae by the collar of his shirt. “Because we need more places to hide,” the leader announces for all of them to hear. “We can’t stay on this side of the forest for long; the humans are building towards us. If we are able to obtain the same territory as the wolves, the humans will be reluctant to continue.” He drops Jongdae to his feet as he turns on his heel. Sehun giggles as he tries to help Jongdae off the ground, but Jongdae pushes the youngest away angrily. Kyungsoo and Tao hold their breath as Baekhyun pushes past them. Before he reaches the front once more, he looks over his shoulder at the group and snickers, “anymore questions?”




“Yah!” Jongin yelps as a hand slaps him in the face. “Chanyeol!”

“Get up, Mutts. We’re late,” Chanyeol’s husky voice booms.  “We have to move. Now.”

“What about breakfast?” Minseok questions as he wipes sleep from his eyes.

“We’ll get it on the way, sleepy head, now c’mon,” Suho reasoned. Chanyeol was grateful that Suho was trying to help get them clear out.

“This is really important guys, I really need you guys to cooperate, no morphing, and above all, be nice to everyone, alright?”Chanyeol announced. All of them groaned loudly at the mention of being nice, especially Jongin. Well, I guess we’ll see how it goes… Chanyeol thought on their way out of their cave. I hope it’s not a complete disaster…



As Baekhyun’s group reached the edge of the woods, the scent of burnt honey offended his nostrils. He huffed in disgust and scanned the meadow from a nearby bush for the wolves. Late, of course,  Baekhyun thought.


“Let’s set up here while we wait,” Baekhyun confirmed as he returned to the clan.

“Ugh! Late again are they?!” Jongdae complained. He pouted as he plotted himself on a rock.

Baekhyun, already irritated at the wolves for being late, took a deep breath to control his tone of voice, “Someone just go find some firewood, it’s going to get colder later tonight,” he mumbles more to himself.

Baekhyun jumps onto a tree branch to take a quick nap while Jongdae beings to occupy himself by picking up ants out of line only to flick them in the opposite direction. Kyungsoo goes off to find food and Lay starts on the makeshift hammocks with Tao gathering vines and leaves to help. “I’ll go get some, hyung,” Sehun replies as he, assuming the task for himself, begins to walk past the others deeper into the forest.



As Sehun got farther into the woods, he begins to walk slower. He really enjoys days like these when the air was clean and the sun warmed him with its heated rays. He breathed in deeply and listened to the birds sing while he hummed along.


As he jumps a log, he realizes a river crossed his path up ahead. He can see that the perfect firewood tree stands defiantly on the other side.  Just my luck. Stubbornly, he refuses to leave when he notices bushes on the bank rustle. He walks cautiously towards it, his senses on edge as he lunges forward to scare whatever was there when he almost falls into the river. He falls backwards trying to steady himself still clutching the bushes in hand. As he lands hard on his side and takes the bushes with him, rabbits run over him as they disappear in the forest behind him. Ouch. Sehun gets up and dusts himself off as his looks back to where the bushes rested. A fallen tree that lies across the river, creating a path to get across. Just my luck, Sehun echoes his own words in his head as he crosses the plank with no trouble at all, smiling.


Now across, Sehun scans the surroundings; nothing seems out of place as he makes his way to the tree. He almost pulls some bark off the trunk before he hears a groan. He looks past the tree and sees a blond tuft of hair. Huh… He moves to a bush to get a better look and watches as a being springs up to run to a bush a bit farther away. Why didn’t I sense him earlier? The scent’s faint; maybe if I morph a bit, I will be able to catch it. Sehun forced his features to change, then took a deep breath. A familiar aura filled his lungs, but then he gagged in disgust causing his human visage to return.  Oh god, what is that? He reeks of burnt honey. A werewolf. But strangely enough a vampire’s scent of decaying roses is fused along with it.… He definitely can’t be human… Sehun reasons as he begins moving around his bush to get closer.


He watches silently as the blonde dressed in a scarlet hoodie and black jeans begins making soft mewlings of content by eating the strawberries straight from the bush. After noting this, Sehun decides the blonde isn't dangerous. It’s from eating strawberries for crying out loud.


The vampire maknae shakes the thought away as he makes his presence known with a cough after the perplexing blessed being giggles one too many times. They both stand frozen for what seems like an eternity. The blonde turns slowly in his high tops and Sehun’s breath catches in his throat when he sees his soft face.


Whoa he’s kind of cute…


Hi, this is my first fanfic, so feel free to comment with great ideas or questions if your confused!

Alright, I hope you liked it!

~.~ Until next time!


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Hopefully more frequent updates!


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Chapter 4: I'll just say; i'm still waiting, keeping my hope up! I don't care if it's been 2 years, it's worth it
Chapter 4: I am so sad there's been no new chapters. This is one of my absolute favorite fanfics and i'm not just saying that. I love the way it's written and the way you've done the characters. I really wanna know what happens and i'm a bit terrified that you've abandoned the story. I might legit cry if this story get's scrapped. I love it so much
the_wabbit #3
Im a sorry, i am a piece of ice cream for not uploading. i will try my best to get one out before July
the_wabbit #4
Chapter 4: lol SORRY I though i published 4 a long time ago~ ah im a loser. anyway expect the chapter soon
milikaa #5
Chapter 3: Update soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this!!! Moar please *kiss*~ >///u///<
the_wabbit #7
so like sorry guys... life got in the way. I back to writing tho, hopefully there will be a couple chapters before the summer ends!
Lots of Love ~ the_wabbit
the_wabbit #8
lol ok remember when i said the 16th? i meant the 30th... a very late update i know! life got in the way, but hey! im still around to update so holla! cx haha jk nothing bad happen im just lazy. any way about that update, ill be post 3 chapters cx
Hi there ^^ if you're still looking for someone to design your poster, I would love to do it! You can find some of my examples, as well a short form to fill out, here:
Chapter 2: I like this story a LOT author-nim. Keep up the amazing work!