Chapter 4

Full Moon

6 AM, Day 2


The morning rays had just began to break the treeline when Luhan’s adrenaline finally gave out. No longer able to keep up his pace, he notices that he had been headed to the meadow he fled just yesterday. Huh, figures. I just hope that pink-headed idiot didn't stick around for another fight. Frowning at the thought of a bright hair boy, Luhan slowed to a halt to take stock. Ow my head, my legs, my tummy. His head is pounding since he literally got an hour or two of sleep before having to flee, and his calfs and thighs ached from his mad dash escape. And on top of all of that Luhan still hadn’t gotten any strawberries! With a rumble from his stomach, Luhan’s eyes darkened. If it weren’t for that idiot, I wouldn’t had to flee on an empty stomach!


While looking for a place to rest, Luhan swore to himself that if he ever met that vampire again, he’d show him how scary this baby face could be and beat him to a pulp! Settling on to a large flat rock, Luhan grins at the thought before being overwhelmed by his desire to sleep. Maybe after I take a short nap, I can go back to the meadow for lunch… Leaning over to rest on his side, Luhan moves his arm to be a makeshift pillow. Even under the rising sun, the blessed being has no problem shutting his eyes to drift into strawberry dreams.


Around Midnight, Day 2


" those pale bastards! It's obvious they brought those humans with them to ambush us! They might as well make a deal with the devil while they are at it!" Jongin snarled.


The only reply to Jongin's accusement is the sound of heavy breathing as the pack members continue on their way home in the dim moonlight. They don't even lift their heads to acknowledge he had spoken. They haven't said a word since the fight at the meadow. I know everyone is drained from the stress of the day but I can't take it anymore! How can they be so calm when they know I'm right?! The vampires played us, just like the times before! They knew we would be willing to comply with their pleas of help against the humans... so predictable! If only Chanyeol would believe me, maybe we wouldn't be in this state of complete exhaustion!!! Jongin's teeth force into each other as he clenched his jaw so tight it hurt.


Chanyeol looks sharply at him from the front as if he could hear his thoughts. What Alpha Daddy? Kitten got your tail? the werewolf mentally challenge. The alpha’s eyes, partially hidden from his dark brown locks, are filled with disappointment as he shoots daggers at him. When Jongin shot them back filled with equal anger, Chanyeol’s eyes instantly soften. The alpha gazes slightly behind him with an expression Jongin doesn't recognize- Is he... Sad? -then his eyes find the darker one’s again and harden as quick as it had gone. Jongin wipes the unconscious shocked look off his face quickly and returns Chanyeol’s glare. When he finally faces forward again, Jongin looks over his shoulder to see nothing but the dark trees they had past. What was he looking at? Was it sadness I saw... Or longing? But for what? Maybe the better question was... for WHO?


Jongin dismisses the thought when he feels the sudden shift of energy in the group. The sun-kissed one looked straight ahead to find their familiar den only a few feet away. What a sight for sore eyes... he smiles and takes a deep breath to shout, "Finally!" The brunette brought his hands together dramatically toward the dark sky filled with brilliant stars. "Thank God!" After Jongin stretched his arms wide to laugh uncontrollably, he dashed in the shelter and pounced on the raggedy couch.


"What do you think you are doing?" a familiar, annoying deep-toned voice addresses.

"Relaxing, what are you doing?"  Jongin replies lazily, not bothering to move an inch of his hot outstretched body covering the three-seater.

"Why don't you move over so we all can rest, Jongin?"


He moves only his head to look at Chanyeol straight in the eyes as he musters as much poison in his voice as he can. "Why should I listen to YOU?" Jongin's voice stronger than anyone expects. "You only ever listen to what I have to say... Oh I don't know... NEVER!" The room went silent instantly, the other wolves seemingly to have vanished in thin air leaving the leader and maknae of the group alone. Chanyeol, taken aback by Jongin's sudden change of mood, stares back wide-eyed before he resumes his composure. As soon as he opens his mouth, the younger cuts him off. "Give me ONE good reason why I should listen to you!" he threatens even louder than before, now on his feet with his arms gesturing with his words.


"Because I am the Alpha, Jongin! I give the damn orders and you obey them! That's how this and every other wolf pack in the world works!" Chanyeol retorted fiercely. "You think I or anyone here wants to listen to you and your tantrum speeches about how everyone in this world is against you?! We get it, Jongin, you hate everybody! But newsflash if you are going to be apart of this pack, you've got to deal with us because we’re all that’s left! It's not just you who is tired and pissed! We are all exhausted and upset, so quit your complaining because at least it would save us the headaches on top of everything else! I know I made countless mistakes with those damn bloodsuckers, but I know they weren't with the hunters bec-..."


"They were! They are! Are you not listening to me?!" Jongin interrupts.


"If they were why were they trying to kill Baekhyun?! Answer me that, smart !" the leader shouts. Jongin goes quiet. ... "Yeah, Mr. I-Know-Everything! That's what I thought!" Chanyeol lashes out. After a long moment of silence, Chanyeol sighs. "Go to your room, Jongin... I don't want to see your face anymore today..."


"I don't know everything..." the fire sparking again in Jongin, "And neither do you! You don't know anything about me, not even that my name is not Jongin anymore!" Before Chanyeol can even think of a reply, Jongin darts for his room. Chanyeol follows close behind until Jongin turns to stand in doorway preventing the alpha from following him in. “IT’S KAI, THANKS FOR ASKING!” he yells as he slams his bedroom door in Chanyeol’s face.


As he jumped on the bed, the rebellious wolf heard Chanyeol pound on his door and shout “Nobody gives a about your new name, idiot!” With a huff, Jongin rolled onto his back to stare at the ceiling. I give a about my awesome name, he thought begrudgingly. After thoughts of sabotaging Chanyeol ran through his head, Kai opts to let it go. Despite his anger and frustration, Jongin decides to drop it... For now.



Butterflies everywhere.


Jongin was floating on a cloud surrounded by butterflies.


Why are they all yellow?

Where am I?

How did I get here?

Why do I have a sudden urge to dance my heart out?


Jongin’s cloud was one of many in a skycap that stretched as far as the eye could see.

The Sun was slowly sinking beneath the clouds which allowed Jongin to see twinkling stars around a crescent moon.

The longer that he stared, the more the moon began to resemble a smile.

High and distant, it begins to stretch into a long bow with cat curves.

Now more familiar, the smile began calling his names.

Kai … Jongin … Kai … Jongin …

Come back to me, Jongin …

Please Kai … Kai … Kai



Jongin jolts awake to the sound of Chanyeol yelling. Distorted, he dashes out his room to find everyone in a mad frenzy. Holding a duffel bag in each hand, Xiumin runs past him trying to get to the storage room. Suho’s yells were barely audible over the ruckus outside their den. What’s going on…it sounds like there’s an angry mob out there! Chanyeol suddenly appeared in front of Jongin, “Head to the emergency exit, NOW.”


“What, why?” Jongin questions.


“Why do you think? We’re under attack by the humans of the North settlement. We have to leave now if we want a chance of surviving,” the alpha growled.


As soon as the leader finished Suho’s yells suddenly got louder…


“It’s going to blow!” was all Kai heard before dirt went flying towards them as their front door bursted into soaring splinters. Everything was suddenly silent. What’s happening to me? Kai watched Chanyeol move his lips but heard no voice. When Kai looked back at the front entrance, he felt his breath catch. The darkness from where the door once stood was daunting and the voice from his dream began calling. It was mellifluous  and entrancing…  Jongin… Kai…. Kai… As he felt himself slowly glide to the door, now forgotten by Chanyeol, Kai saw movement. A black figure blocked the blasted doorway and raised his arms so that they were outstretched towards Kai. Jongin…


Kai felt himself being pulled by the collar of his shirt and almost at once, a flash of light came from the figure. Other than for a burning sensation in his arm, Kai’s senses shut off as his body was pulled away.  


7 AM, Day 2


Ungrateful brat, Chanyeol huffed as he adjusted Jongin on his shoulders once more. Looking back on it, Chanyeol realizes the wolf clan hadn't slept long since the humans attacked so abruptly. On top of all the chaos from the door blasting open, Jongin had passed out after taking a shot to his bicep. Had Chanyeol not been swift to yank him back, they would have blown his brains out right then and there. This idiot could have gotten himself killed. What the hell was Jongin or Kai or whatever his name was now thinking? Puffing his dark chocolate locks out his face, the Alpha ran out of reasons to be mad at the hot head he was currently carrying.


Even though Jongin had fought with him earlier that night, Chanyeol didn't have the heart to be angry with him. Behind a stoic face, the leader began to blame himself for not predicting that an attack would have happened so soon. They should have had supplies packed and ready to go. Maybe then, Jongin would not have gotten hurt. He wasn't dumb, the young leader knew that his leadership hadn't always meant the best for the clan. But he didn't ask for this power and responsibility. It was by sheer chance the last surviving alpha from before the rise of Northern humans had been Chanyeol’s father. Well, there was nothing Chanyeol could do now but his best, even if he failed miserably.


Xiumin pulled the alpha out of his pensive thoughts with a tug on his arm and pointed between a clearing in the trees. Not understanding what Xiumin wanted, Chanyeol silently handoffs Jongin to Suho and drew closer. After being properly directed, the tawny haired leader spotted what appeared to be a rose tinted blonde taking a nap under the the shade of tree on a flat rock. Odd, I wasn’t aware of any other blessed beings in the area. Quietly advancing until they stood within arm’s length of the being, werewolves suddenly grew rigid. What on earth, why does this soft looking person smell like a threat? Weighing his options, Chanyeol tried not to gag at the thought a werewolf rolling around with a vampire and decided it best not to wake the strange creature.


“Should we take him with us?” Xiumin stated out of the blue while scratching his head.


“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, I mean we don’t even know what he is. His scent is odd,” Chanyeol barely whispers while eyeing the blessed being in slumper.


“Look, I’m not trying to say he’s not dangerous, but you saw what those hunters did Chanyeol. They came after us this time with the intent to kill. Who’s to say they weren’t after every blessing being in the area!” Xiumin heaved a sigh. “We barely made it out alive; this guy won’t be so lucky if even our werewolf clan could get this close without waking him.”


Chanyeol mentally groans at the thought of hauling yet another unconscious person around. Without knowing where this smelly weirdo came from, Chanyeol ran the risk of angering some unknown clan by kidnapping their sleeping beauty. In the long run, the whole ordeal could become a turf war of what land is left after the human invasion. Either way, Chanyeol couldn't see the advantage to helping this lonesome creature who decide to take a nap at the worst possible time. Running a hand through his hair, he groans softly and gives in to the other wolf. “Do what you think is best, but he’s your problem.” Without another word, the young leader headed back to the path feeling the weight of the rising sun on his shoulders.



10 AM, Day 2


The strange thing about waking up is that for a moment, everything seems perfectly fine until it isn't. In this case, Luhan found nothing odd about the fact his rock was gently bobbing up and down, it was breathing or that he was now being carried over it's shoulder. Why does my moving rock have shoulders? Luhan's eyes spring open as he grasps his situation.


"let mE GO MOVING ROCK!" luhan flails his legs as he attempts to free himself. "HELP! I'M BEING KIDNA-" Luhan is plopped onto the ground before he can finish.


As the dust settled, Luhan faces the would be rock/kidnapper in awe. The man before him, although not tall, wore a intimidating black tank top displaying his toned body. From what Luhan could tell, he was blessed since his ears poked out from his brown duck-tailed hair and a tail swayed behind his charcoal jeans. Thankfully though, werewolf in front of him hadn't shifted his face and even smiled a bit despite having a threatening demeanor.


“Good morning, does Sleeping Beauty have a name?” the blessing being greets with a chuckle.


After hearing the werewolf’s gentle voice, a confused Luhan managed to squeak out a greeting.  I thought he was going to rip me apart! Maybe he can’t smell that I’m a hybrid.


“Well, Luhan, you sleep like that rock I found you on. I’ve been walking for a couple hours or so now.” After pausing to laugh he adds, “I’m Xiumin by the way.”


Xiumin’s radiant smile faded away as he remembers the circumstances of their acquaintance. “Look I’m sorry about abducting you without asking first, but the humans were right our tail. I had to make a choice.”


“We? Who’s we?” Luhan asks as he goes rigged, since he hadn’t taken care to look for more threats.


Puzzled Xiumin looked around before refocusing on Luhan and mumbling, “I guess we fell behind. My wolf pack and I were fleeing from an attack from the Humans of the North. Honestly, I wasn’t happy about retreating, but we were outnumbered. Anyway, now that you’re awake, you can decide come with or not.”


When Xiumin went silence after his explanation, Luhan glances around and considers his options. He seems trustworthy right? I mean he even has a pack… If I make a break for it, the humans might ambush me… Looking back at Xiumin, Luhan decides that he won't be able to outrun or fight humans off on an empty stomach. Clearing his throat, the hybrid stands to declare, “I’m going with you! ... If that’s alright, you know, with your pack”


Shocked at how loud he voiced his intentions, Xiumin stubbles back before grinning “Whatever work for you sleeping beauty?” Sniffing the air, the coffee haired wolf passes Luhan into the brush. “We’re about 10 minutes behind, can you keep up?”


“Heh, can you?” Luhan snickers back after take a whiff of the air and taking off into the forest after the scent of burnt honey. The pair took off with dazzling smiles, leaping over logs and bounding past deer. Sounds of amusement is the only thing that gives their presence away to forest animals since their footsteps are quick and lighthearted. For the first time since Luhan didn’t know when, his heart swelled with joy. The wolf clan is by the river I passed yesterday! i’m going to win, I can feel it! Luhan pulled ahead with newfound energy and almost immediately wished that he hadn’t.


Just before the trees, Luhan halts to the sounds of shouts. Hidden in the trees, the victor witnesses the river-side drama unfold before his eyes.


“Oh god, you again,” A pissed vampire with his back to Luhan spits out. “What misfortune!” The honey ombre haired vampire proceeds to the river bank to wash his mouth out and dramatically splash his face with water. Turning to the 5 other vampires behind him, the leader pinches his nose with a melodramatic gag.


“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” hissed a werewolf secreting overwhelming power with his blessed scent. He is flanked by 2 blessed beings of the same species as they stand along a river bank.


“I mean seeing werewolves a second time within 24 hours. Ugh, I don't know if my nostrils can take this abuse,” the petit vampire retorted.


“Why you li-” before he can finish his sentence, the alpha werewolf is pulled underwater.  


lol when I said tomorrow, i meant 3 months! 

sorry everyone! i had a lot going on, i completely forget to edit and post the 4th chapter. 

o well, here it is. Hope you enjoyed! :) 

- the_wabbit

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Chapter 4: I'll just say; i'm still waiting, keeping my hope up! I don't care if it's been 2 years, it's worth it
Chapter 4: I am so sad there's been no new chapters. This is one of my absolute favorite fanfics and i'm not just saying that. I love the way it's written and the way you've done the characters. I really wanna know what happens and i'm a bit terrified that you've abandoned the story. I might legit cry if this story get's scrapped. I love it so much
the_wabbit #3
Im a sorry, i am a piece of ice cream for not uploading. i will try my best to get one out before July
the_wabbit #4
Chapter 4: lol SORRY I though i published 4 a long time ago~ ah im a loser. anyway expect the chapter soon
milikaa #5
Chapter 3: Update soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this!!! Moar please *kiss*~ >///u///<
the_wabbit #7
so like sorry guys... life got in the way. I back to writing tho, hopefully there will be a couple chapters before the summer ends!
Lots of Love ~ the_wabbit
the_wabbit #8
lol ok remember when i said the 16th? i meant the 30th... a very late update i know! life got in the way, but hey! im still around to update so holla! cx haha jk nothing bad happen im just lazy. any way about that update, ill be post 3 chapters cx
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Chapter 2: I like this story a LOT author-nim. Keep up the amazing work!