New Beginning

..Come back, I still love you! [Short Story]

Narrator: For the past months Dara seemed to have difficulty on getting used to how things are without Ji Yong. She tried very hard to move on, she first started with throwing all their stuff away, all of the pictures and all the shared memories. She also moved out of her apartment and found a new one so that she wont remember all the memories they've shared for almost a decade, so that she could start a whole new life. 

*..While Dara is taking a break from work a guy came out of no where* 

Guy: You want a coffee?

Dara: Oh no thank you.. I'm fine *She said with a smile on her face*

Guy: No.. Take it, Its for you. It's really cold out here ao thought i should get you a coffee so.. here take it *the mysterious guy handed the coffee to her *

Dara: Yeah, I know it's really cold out here but I'm about to get back inside but thank you for this coffee!

Guy: No, Problem.. I'll see you around *he winked and walked away..*

Dara: Hey! Wait.. tell me your name!?

*Dara, effortly yelled but the mystery guy kept walking toward his car and waved at her*

Dara's POV

     Today, I saw this really good looking man outside the hospital i work for and i couldn't help but to stare at his beautiful face.  Is he some kind of an alien? I haven't seen guy who's s beautiful like him... Well, maybe  Ji Yong is, but this one.. This one looked like he was sent from heaven! I was like "WOW"!, Where have you been all my life?

    His eyes, his smile.. It was breath taking, i could feel my heart beat so fast every second that he talked and looked at me. It felt like there was an electricity that runs through out my body everytime he opened his mouth. This is weird, just weird cause it's been a long time since I've felt something like this

Narrator: Dara wondered all night thinking who the guy was. She was thinking how handsome, masculine and tall the guy was. She thought how he's just her type and how she would like to know him better. (Can you guess who this mystery guy is?)


NOTICE: Guys, If you have any Idea who this mystery guy is please leave a comment below (btw i already have a person on my mind lol). I just want to know who you think it is! :)  & i apologize if this is too short but im trying to process all of the idea in my brain and organize them.. Lol, so im sorry but i'll update as soon as possible! Thanks for reading it guys! Thank you again !! <3




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sirrianna7 #1
Chapter 9: Maybe Jay or Jae
Chapter 11: waaah! It's Minho!! keep going! thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 10: too short... please make this a long fanfic instead <3
anna0315 #4
Chapter 10: Chapters are so short:( sigh
Chapter 10: The word 'alien' makes me think is TOP but the word 'beautiful' makes me think is Jaejoong. Haha
geekgeek #6
Chapter 9: Donghae~ ><

Thanks for the update authornim {}
Nicoletan0000 #7
Chapter 8: Update update ><
effy123 #8
Chapter 8: please make updates longer its just so interesting
Chapter 6: Haha yeah dara have fun too it for the best haha but before that get to work first hahahalol

thanks for the update
Chapter 5: Dara dont doubt urself ur pretty and u love jiyong with all ur heart it jiyong fault and not u ,,dont waste ur life to jiyong have fun too hahahalol

thanks for the update authornim
love it thank you