Slap on the face

..Come back, I still love you! [Short Story]


Narrator: It's been a long day and its finally time for Dara to have some time after her heartbreaking separation with Ji Yong.. Will she have fun to forget or just become more depress that she already is..

Dara's Friend: Yes!!! We're finally out!!

Dara: hmp, yeah i know. It was a long day at the hospital today..

Dara's Friend: Well, at least we're done and we could finally go party!! Are you ready, Dara?

Dara: Of course im ready.. *She said with a little bit of smile on her face* But i'm really hungry.. Can we go eat something first?

Dara's Friend: *Sigh* I guess dara.. Anything for your broken heart!! *She laughed*

Narrator: The two went to go eat Samgyeopsal and other kinds of bbq and after that they went straight to a karoke place/noraebang.

Dara: Hmm, thee's a lot of choices of songs in here. Myabe you should go forst and i'll order some drinks..

Dara's Friend: Alrighty yo!

*Dara orders there drink and wonderered.. "I wonder what he's doing right now. Did he already eat dinner? Is he doing okay? I hope he's fine... & happy?"* -- Her friend interrupted her...

Dara's Friend: ok, its your turn now.. here! *hands her over the mic*

Dara: Hmm.. Oh, i like this song.. I'll choose this one..

*Dara, chose the song "Someday" by Nina*  

~~*If you wanna listen to it click this link (: ->

*Dara, picked the song.. and sang endlessly*  

"....someday someone's gonna love me
The way I wanted you to need me
Someday someone's gonna take your place
Oh, one day I'll forget about you
You'll see I won't even miss you
Someday, I know someone's gonna be there

Someday someone's gonna love me
The way I wanted you to need me
Someday someone's gonna take your place
One day I'll forget about you
You'll see I won't even miss you
Someday, someday"

*Another song she chose was  "Love Will Lead You Back" *  

~~*If you wanna listen to it click this link (: ->

*While she sings this song.. Dara thought "Will i ever have him back? Will he ever miss me?*

"...Love will lead you back
Someday I just know that
Love will lead you back to my arms
Where you belong"

"...One of these nights, well Ill hear your voice again
Youre gonna say, oh, how much you miss me
You walked out this door, but someday you"ll walk back in.." 

Dara's POV

Do i really need to move on now? What, if.. What if he comes back? What if he realizes that he still loves me. What if.. What if everything would go back to normal and we'll be happy together again and pick up on where we left on and have some kids. But is this too much? Am i asking for too much? But nothing's wrong about this, right? I just love him too much i need to keep hoping.. I need to keep hoping that we'll get back together eventually & i'll be happy again..

*The two stayed at the place til midnight.. and on they're way out Dara saw Ji Yong*

Dara: *With a smile on her face she said* Oh my gosh! You're here.. What are you doing here?

Ji Yong: Oh, hey! & Uhm im with here with some of my friends and.. *Some girl interrupts her*

Girl: Hey, babe.. You ready to go? *She looks at her right and said..* Oh, my gosh!! Its you! I haven't seen you since high school, how have  you been!?

Dara: Oh wow.. So its you.

Girl: It's me what? 

Dara: Ji Yong's girl friend?

Girl: Oh, Right! Yeah.. i didn't think think we'd ever get back together cause everyone thought im a lesbian since i got with that girl but i was just testing the waters to see what i really want and I didn't think you two would break up too..

Dara: Yeah.. Me too *Dara's friend, interrupted their convo..." 

Dara's Friend: Well.. We gotta go guys, we still have work tomorrow.. Take care

*The two went on their separate way, Leaving Daravery shocked about the situation*

Dara's Friend: Are you okay? Did you want me to send you home?

Dara: Yeah, Im okay.. and ill be fine ill just get a taxi.

Dara's Friend: Are you sure?

Dara: Yeah, Im positive *She said with a frustration on her face..*

Dara's Friend: Alright, well be careful on your way home, I'll see you tomorrow!

Dara: Bye! Take care..





I hope you liked it guys!! :)

Thanks for reading! 


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sirrianna7 #1
Chapter 9: Maybe Jay or Jae
Chapter 11: waaah! It's Minho!! keep going! thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 10: too short... please make this a long fanfic instead <3
anna0315 #4
Chapter 10: Chapters are so short:( sigh
Chapter 10: The word 'alien' makes me think is TOP but the word 'beautiful' makes me think is Jaejoong. Haha
geekgeek #6
Chapter 9: Donghae~ ><

Thanks for the update authornim {}
Nicoletan0000 #7
Chapter 8: Update update ><
effy123 #8
Chapter 8: please make updates longer its just so interesting
Chapter 6: Haha yeah dara have fun too it for the best haha but before that get to work first hahahalol

thanks for the update
Chapter 5: Dara dont doubt urself ur pretty and u love jiyong with all ur heart it jiyong fault and not u ,,dont waste ur life to jiyong have fun too hahahalol

thanks for the update authornim
love it thank you