Date Night

..Come back, I still love you! [Short Story]

After work..

Guy: You ready for tonight?

Dara: Hmm, yeah? But, I need something to wear.. But i'll be ready. 

Min Ho: Well, I'll be picking you up tonight and I insist so i am not going to take a "NO" for answer. 

Dara: Ha! You dont even know where i live! *She said while trying to be a smart alec*

Min HoWhat, do youthink of me? Of course I've already asked your friend for your adress, you think im stupid? *He smirked*

DaraWell.. That is kinda creepy?

Min Ho: Don't worry I won't do anything bad to you.. So i'll meet you at your house by 9 and we'll go from there! *He smiled and walked away* 

Dara: Yeah.. Bye?



     "Hmm, I dont even know why I'm doing this? Everything's happenning so fast. I just met him yesterday and I'm going on a date with him- well it's a dinner and I dont even know him that well and i have a one major dilemma! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!!!"

*Dara walked in to her apartment, took a quick shower and opened her closet.. and said "Where do i start.." Dara, picked out all of her clothes from her closet and decide which to wear but it seems like she is having a problem "Well, it's been a while since ive had a date , i dont know if what i have here is pretty enough?" Dara took about an hour to look for a dress that she thought that looked very suitable for her date/dinner tonight with Min Ho and not to mention that they are going to a fancy restaurant. "Im nervous" Dara whispered to herself as she does her make up "But why would i be nervous.. he looks like a respectable man and nothing bad is going to happen" She finished doing hair and make up.* 15 Mins later.. 

*Knock, Knock* - *Dara opened the door*

Dara: I thought you were gonn a call me when you get here? *she said with her sad face*

Min HoYou look very beautiful tonight Dara..

Dara: Huh? *dara looks like she's out of it..*

Min HoI said you look gorgeous tonight!

Dara: Oh *She said with a smile on her face* Thank you! 

Min HoSo.. Shall we? *Min ho then reaches his hand to dara*

...The moment they arrived the restaurant everything was already set up. Everything was ready. The food, the drink - wine, champagnes, the candles and every romantic thing you can think of is present and dara was startled to see this because nobody else was in the restaurant but them.


Dara: Where's everyone?

Min HoI thought i should rent the place tonight, thats why? Isn't it beautiful?

Dara: Yes, its very beautiful.. Its so nice *she smiled and said..* Thank you for this..

Min HoYeah, No problem.. & I thought i should do this to impress

Dara: Impress me? *she looked dissapointed*

Min HoYeah? I just wanna show you how good i could treat you. Why, Is it bad?

Dara: No, no.. It's fine & lets start eating?

Min HoAlrighty *he said with a smile on his face*

...They talked the whole time while in they're in the restaurant but Dara looked sad the whole time they were there too. So, after eating dinner they went to the Han River and just talked endlessly.

Min HoSo, how did you like our dinner?

Dara: It was delicious.. the food was really good.

Min HoI know right.. That place is one of my favorte restaurants around here.

Dara: Well i wouldn't doubt it everything was just nice and elegant and awesome and the food was just, it was sooo good  as if i've never tasted anything like that like ever. *dara said while being all bubbly*

Min Ho: Right?!! *he said happily* Ha! We should eat there again.. but casually and with like people around so that it wouldn't be so awkward, right?

Dara: Haha, yeah.. you should!

Min HoWell, can i ask you something?

Dara: Yeah, sure.. what is it?

Min HoThe whole time we were in you looked sad? Uhm, why is that??

Dara: Oh, I'm sorry but its not that im sad, in fact i am really happy because nobody has done this to me before.. Not even my boyfriend for 7 years.

Min HoReally? Wow, he was probably a bad boyfriend for not treating you like a queen.

Dara: Hmm, well i dont know? I guess we were just too comforrtable with each other so he never thought about things like that and he was always busy..

Min Ho: Ahh I see.. & you guys are not together anymore, right?

Dara: Yeah, we broke up maybe almost a year ago... Why?

Min Ho: Just making sure. I dont wanna be dating someone who's already taken *he smirked* 

Dara: Oh, i see.. You've got quite a humor *she said while laughing*

Min HoHmm, yeah.. So what happened?

**Nothing came out of Dara's mouth**

Min HoIt's fine, if you dont wanna answer my question.. I'm sorry if i asked something too personal

Dara: Well, he got tired being with me and he got back with his ex girlfriend back in high school..

Min HoAre you serious? Do you want my people to go after him and beat the sh*t out of him?

**Dara, laughed**

Dara: No, no.. It's fine & you're funny I quite like you! :) 

Min Ho: Every girls love me.. So a lot of girls are probably jealous of you because you are here with me and not them!

Dara: Yeah right.. Well, don you think it's kind of getting late already?

Min Ho: Oh crap, we lost track of the time and we still have work tomorrow.. Well, ill send you home?

Dara: Alright, lets go? 


Min Ho: ...And we're here!! :) 

Dara: Thank you! Thank you for tonight and for giving me a ride home! I appreciate it! I'll see you tomorrow! Be careful, Okay? :) 

Min Ho:  I'm glad you liked it and I will dont worry.. I'l call you when i get home, okay?

Dara: Alright, bye!! *Dara, Hopped out of the car and waved* 



NOTE: Thank's for reading this chapter guys, and stay tuned for my next update to see what happens after Dara gets home!! & I would love it guys to if you comment below about what you think about my story and your concerns and all that good stuff! Thank you again! :)

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sirrianna7 #1
Chapter 9: Maybe Jay or Jae
Chapter 11: waaah! It's Minho!! keep going! thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 10: too short... please make this a long fanfic instead <3
anna0315 #4
Chapter 10: Chapters are so short:( sigh
Chapter 10: The word 'alien' makes me think is TOP but the word 'beautiful' makes me think is Jaejoong. Haha
geekgeek #6
Chapter 9: Donghae~ ><

Thanks for the update authornim {}
Nicoletan0000 #7
Chapter 8: Update update ><
effy123 #8
Chapter 8: please make updates longer its just so interesting
Chapter 6: Haha yeah dara have fun too it for the best haha but before that get to work first hahahalol

thanks for the update
Chapter 5: Dara dont doubt urself ur pretty and u love jiyong with all ur heart it jiyong fault and not u ,,dont waste ur life to jiyong have fun too hahahalol

thanks for the update authornim
love it thank you