
You're my XOXO

“Hyejung-ah !!” a loud voice heard from the inside of their house , both Hyejung and Kai confused as they get out from the car. “Eomma ?” Jongin shocked as they saw both of their parents are there , “Eo-eomma , eommenim what are you—“ Hyejung shocked as her mom shooking her body forth and back. “Are you okay ? Mrs.Choi said that you guys went to the hospital ....” Mrs.Kim , Jongin’s mom asked her. Jongin looked dumbfounded but then laughs , “Yah , this kid , answer your mother first” Mr.Kim said to his son.

“Aniya , I’m okay eomma ...” Hyejung answered , “Then , why were you two went to the hospital ?” Mr.Jang , Hyejung’s father asked them. “Instead .... We had a big news” Jongin said and he looking at Hyejung , their parents are confuse with his words. “What news ? is it good or bad ?” Mrs.Jang asked them , the young couple just laughing at their parents. Hyejung take a deep breath , “I’m pregnant , three weeks now” she said and their parents gasped.

“Jeo-jeongmal ??” their mothers asked them again , Jongin nodsand laughing with his wife. “Woahh , yeobo , yeobo! She’s pregnant , pregnant !” Mrs.Kim said to his husband excitedly , “Finally ...” Mrs.Jang is hugging her daughter with Mr.Jang. “This arranged marriage is not bad huh ?” Mr.Kim elbowing his son , “You’re great” Jongin high-fived with his father. “Omo omo , you shouldn’t be out here too long , let’s go come in ....” the mothers are already worried and they all get in to the house again.


“I’m fine eommeonim , I’ll be okay” Hyejung laughs at Jongin’s mother who kep worrying her , “You should take care of her well , okay ?” Mrs.Kim said to her son and Jongin just nods with laughs. “Okay then , we should get going now .... See you two” their parents left their house after a few hours staying and having a conversation with them.

“Aigoo ... Our parents are amazing , how come they had a feeling to call Mrs.Choi ?” Jongin laughs , “Oppa” Hyejung said as they wallked back to the living room. “Wae ?” Jongin looking at her , “I want jajjangmyun” she said. “A-ah ... Arrasseo ...” Jongin said as he’s going to call the delivery.


7 months ...

“Oppa ..... Banana” Hyejung said and Jongin come out from the kitchen , after got a help from the maids to go shopping some fruits. “Here .... Eat well , eo ?” Jongin said to her. “Aigoo ... my baby is already this big huh ?” Jongin caressing her belly and she laughs , “I wonder is it a boy or girl ....” Jongin wondered. “Nado ....” Hyejung said while munching her banana.

“Aren’t we have a doctor appointment today ? At 10 ?” Jongin looking at the clock that shows it’s already nine. “Ah , you’re right” Hyejung nods , “Should we get ready now ?” Jongin offer his hand and help her to go to upstairs.

Although it’s weekday , Jongin and Hyejung don’t go to their company. Hyeung take a rest after doctor told her that it’s the best thing to rest and forget the work for a while. Meanwhile , Jongin decided that it would be best to forget works and focus on their awaiting child. He always there for her and even waking up in the middle of night only to make sure she’s okay or help her to go to the bathroom since her baby ‘bump’ is getting bigger.

Hyejung is very thankful to him , because he always there and try anything in his power to make her happy. He never left her alone.

“This is your baby .... Look , can you see the head ?” Dr.Seo said while doing the ultrasound for Hyejung , “Woah ....” Hyejung smiled. “The baby is fine , looks like you’re going to give a birth in normal if there’s no problem. I hope nothing will happen” Dr.Seo said and they laughs a little , “If there’s a sudden contraction or bleeding , please quickly come. There could be a chance where a baby is born as a pretern baby” Dr.Seo said and they nods.


“Woah , your belly is getting bigger now” Jihyun teased Hyejung , “So , you’re going to give a birth here ?” Myungsoo asked them. They’re sitting in the hospital’s cafetaria now. “Eo , Hyejung said she want Dr.Seo to do her delivery (labour)” Jongin said , “It’s a great decision. I done my twins with Dr.Seo too , she’s extremely amazing” Jihyun agreed with them.

“How are Hyunsoo and Hyunjoo ? They’re not coming today ?” Hyejung asked , “Don’t say that , somehow they could came out from nowhere. Their chauffeur couldn’t stop them” Myungsoo said and they all laughing together. “But you’re happy right ?” Jihyun elbowing his husband and laughing , “Ah , geurae .... They’re closer to hyung rather than noona , right ?” Jongin said. “Eiyy , don’t say it. Just thnk about how Hyunjoo join their ‘team’ to put me on a trap or prank since she was a little , I’m going crazy” Jihyun said and they all laughing together.

“But they’re doing well in school , right ?” Hyejung asked them , “Of course , their brain is working fast” Myungsoo jokes and they laughs again. They continue to talk for a couple minutes before finally Myungsoo got a call for an operation , same with Jihyun.


9 months ....

“Not this one , the chocolate one oppa” Hyejung said , Jongin rubbing his neck in confussion. “Isn’t this chocolate too ?” he asked her , “Aniya , this is mocha ... I want chocolate cake not mocha” Hyejung said and Jongin nods. “Arrasseo , anything for you” he said and then laughing.

It’s already nine months , and Hyejung is nearing her due date. Jongin getting bussier each day and the other maids can’t help but sometimes laughs but also helping him out. Mrs.Choi gave her many advices about giving a birth since she is way older than them and she already has daughter and son who already in the same age as Hyejung and Jongin.

Every time Hyejung try to move or walk , Jongin would hold her hands as if she can’t walk. He is very worry about her though she said she’s okay or nothing’s wrong.

They also have attend the parenting class to know the ‘how-to’ take care of their soon-to-be-born baby. Jongin always come with her because he also want to kknow , besides the other attendants of the class also bring their husband or someone elses.


“What should we name him ?” Hyejung think for a while as they sitting in a swing on their backyard , “How about .... Jongjin ? I love that name” Jongin laughs. “Kim Jongjin ? Sounds great hahaha ....” Hyejung laughs a little , “Jonghyun ?” Jongin said again. “That’s okay too ...” Hyejung nods , but then she stopped. She take a deep breathe ....

“Wae ? Wae wae wae wae ?” Jongin looking at her with worries face , “Ahh .... I think ... I think the baby will come out soon ....” Hyejung groaned in pain. “Ah? What ? Eo ? Andwae .... How .... Someone !!!” jongin scream in loud voices , the maids even Mrs.Choi come. “What happened , master ?” Mrs.Choi asked , “The baby is ... going to come out” Hyejung said in pain. “Call 119 , now ! Ambulance , ambulance .....” Jongin said to the maids.

Soon the ambulance come and they go to the hospital , Jongin come with her on the ambulance and some guards follow them with another car.

“Hold on , hold on .....” Jongin said to Hyejung , “Miss , please don’t try to push .... take a deep breathe ....” the emergnecy worker said to her as the ambulance speeding to the hospital.


a.n : double updates~~ ^^ lol please give me your comments T___T 

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Chapter 5: Ahahahah awwwwwwwwww jongin so so sooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeee aigooooooooo im crazy :p ~ but I love it this story ~ ♡
Chapter 5: hahahaha
This story is daebak!
rudelysweetk21 #3
Chapter 5: Bhaha well hope that will make 2:2 then..but aha jongin planned to make her pregnant..hahha sneaky rat and hmm wonder what u will name the twins..haha since jongjin and hyejin are nice name having half of their parents name. Well jongin have lots of hair. It wouldn't makes difference if hye pull some more when the twins come out..
rudelysweetk21 #4
Chapter 3: Aww sweet updates jejee love that writing message and posting angry note on the board suggested by jongin :))
Tinkerbell94 #5
Chapter 1: She has been craving for foods, is this the symptoms of pregnancy? Oh my god can't wait for the next update... Fighting authornim thanks for the update btw :)