
So Much for Lying


My heart thudded as my sneakers padded against the hard pavement and asphalt. The Olympic hall looked like about two stories tall with an intricate tiara gate running from the front. Geometric blue windows lined the building with pillars holding up the domestic, white dome.
I took a deep breath, though I was breathing fairly hard from the running, and forced my legs to drag on. Just until I reached the ticket sales lady or whoever. Chebal. 
My lungs felt heavy and sweat trickled down my forehead as I cutted across the lot. Man, I haven’t ran this fast since Physical Ed and let me tell you I was never good at P.E. My lack of exercise gave me a stomach cramp as I limped forward, pain temporarily shooting up at the sides. 
It didn’t help that it was the middle of winter either.
Strands of auburn hair stuck to my forehead, but I kept running. I reached the gray doors of Olympic Hall just as hoards of fans, journalists, photographers, and secruity guards came into view. I didn’t mean some.
I meant a lot. Like a lot a lot...if that even makes sense? 
The CD thing comes rushing back to me and I realized why I went down the easy path of forging his autograph. It was because of Jiyong’s fans! His crazy fans who would outside in the freezing cold for this. The very ones that stalked him, loved him, and knew what color underwear he preferred. 
How had Jiyong avoided this and managed to get in? I didn't know. Hmmm...there must have been some secret entrance.
But, I didn’t have time to waste by searching for a secret entrance. I would have to enter it the hard way.
“Aiish,” I muttered to myself in frustration. 
I turned around, noticing that there was two lines. My gaze snapped towards the first line, in which some fans had entered the stadium. Then it shot towards the second line, where some fans were bribing the ticket sales lady for entrance. Line one was obviously the one to go for, but there came a consequence.
See the thing about line one was well, how do I put this...very long. It stretched about a couple of meters long and the extensive line was barely moving. And let me tell you, there was no way that I was going to go to at the end of the line.
Ethically I would, but this was a crisis here!
It wasn't even straight either so I don’t think it would matter. Lots of fans were jumbled, crowded together and I’m sure they didn’t have time to notice someone like me. I was positive that if I could hide behind other people, I would seem invisible.
Okay, Bommie, you’re just going to have to run for this I told myself
I had one goal and one goal only: Stop Jiyong from reaching Seunghyun at all cost. Even if that means cutting all these people.
I reminded myself to avoid the press and bodyguards at all cost before putting one foot in front of another. They would slow me down even more.
in a deep breath, I shoved forward, pushing past hordes of fans that stood waiting outside.
I caught a few “Hey!” and complaints here and there but the force of their inhibitions kept me going faster. I pushed even harder. Boy, let me tell you they were like bricks.
The impact of the pushing I did was probably enough to leave me bloody and bruised when I got home but the only thing I could focus on was the doors. I scratched, I hit, and I pushed until I would  be the one standing in front of the gray doors. The doors that would save me life...well if I ever got to Seunghyun.
I shuffled from my spot near the doorway. I heard muffled complaints from behind but I didn’t care.
“Almost there,” I whispered, trudging to the door before I pushed past my way through. Imagine locked inside a closet with except I was in the middle of it.
I ran, scrambling up to the doors before the gray doors was practically a few inches from my body. 
Finally! I made it! My inside screamed. Ha! Prepare to die, Kwon Jiyong!
I took a step forward before I felt a jerk on the back of my jacket. More like a hand pulling the back of my hoodie.
I turned around, absorbing the sight of a dark-haired male. There was something intimate about him --- they way he looked, the way his features played out, and the way he was dressed. All in black with dark sunglasses. I noticed something weird on his left ear, it was a swirly cord attached to the back of his earlobe.
I gasped.
No no no no no no no no. Out of everything, why now?
I took in the blue uniform he donned and his ear piece wrapped around his ear before immediately recognizing him.
He was a guard. 
The guard held on me really tight before turned to look at me, furrowing his eyebrows in a straight line.
“And where do you think you’re going, cutter?”
The dark-haired male shot me a dirty look when I reached the doors. 
“I’ve been watching you,” he barked, pursing his lips in disapproval. “Back of the line princess!”
I held my hands up in defense. “Wait,” I said, trying to explain my situation.“You don’t understand ----”
“Oh let me guess,” he mimicked a perky teenage girl, doing some aegyo. My eyes crinkled in disgust. “Your Youngbae Oppa is waiting for you and you can’t bear to wait any longer, am I right?”
What? I don’t sound like that.
I shook my head neverless. “Well no, but  ---”
He cut me off. “Oh, I’m sorry was it Seungri, T.O.P, Daesung oppa?" He looked upwards, pausing in silence before continuing. “Or GD, the charismatic one of them all?”
The man flashed a superior smirk, “Feel free to stop me anytime.”
I started, “I don---”
“Look, princess,” he interrupted for the second time, his lips curled in distaste. “These people have been waiting just as much or heck longer than you. Now do us all a favor and get back in line.”
I was about to protest, but was hesitant when hearing the girls behind me.
“Back of the line, you bissh!"
“C'mon! I've been waiting for 3 hours lady! Who do you think you are?" 
I sighed, whipping around. I can’t deal with this. There’s too much at stake here to go back like this. 
My eyes swept over the insides of the building. I move towards it despite the complaints.The thought of Jiyong swelled up and I bristled past him in an attempt to get to Seunghyun. No way was I letting Jiyong win! 
I flew past him, practically running to the doors not before something grabs my arm, jerking me back. I swiveled my head around only to meet the dark-haired man before.
“Let me go!” I struggled from his grip. His hand wraps around me like a chain. “Let me go! You don’t understand!”
The guy shakes his head. “Aiish. Kids these days.”
He rolled his eyes before muttering under his breath, “they don’t pay me enough for this.”
“Yah! I’m not a kid! I’m 25!” I continue at an attempt to break free. “Let go!”
My stomach rolls uneasily as he pulls my arms, attempting to drag me back to the line. I struggled harder up until the point until I start kicking and screaming.
“Aiish,” the man cursed to himself. “You’re crazy.”
I mustered up what’s left of my energy to stop him from throwing me out of the line. Punches were thrown, elbows were flailed until I felt something, hard. Like bricks.
I swore it was like one of those movies. I raised my leg, ready to give it my all and you can guess what happened next. I turned to see, the dark-haired man groaning in pain on the pavement as he held on to his erm, peanuts. 
“Security!” he croaked, reaching for his walkie-talkie. Looks like I really did it this time.
I began backing away, very slowly. I turned around, sprinting into the doors of the stadium.
Well, at least I’m free? I thought nervously. And most likely will be sued after this...
I steered myself to the corridors, reaching inside my bag for my tickets. Upon reaching the entrance, I spotted a short-haired lady with a small name tag I couldn’t read out. She looked a little less than professional. A college student maybe?
She was the fashionista type I could tell. She was adorned in black leather bumps and a fancy line skirt. Designer, I presumed. Her beige blouse was fitted with puffy long sleeves. It looked like it  made of refined fabric.
Definitely sounds designer to me.
I ran to her, slamming my hands at the information desk huffing. Others would have approached the inside of the concert hall. Heh, not me. I have a little something up in my sleeves.
“Where’s Seunghyun?” I demanded. If it's one thing I've learned it's not to show fear.
“What?” She stopped flipping through her computer files to look up at me.
“Choi Seunghyun, T.O.P” I clarified. “I need to see him. Where is he?”
“I’m afraid that’s classified,” she said in a clipped tone. "Unless you have a V.I.P pass."
Aiish, I was stuck there. 
The little lady gestured towards one of the halls.“Now why don’t you run along and watch that little concert of yours?”
I reach into the confines of my bag. I was in a rush, but I wasn’t leaving without an answer.
“Here take what ever you want,” I said, pulling out my tickets, ramen, a fake autographed CD, some gum, several bills of wons, and a pair of sunglasses I forgot to take out last summer. 
“Just tell me where he is.”
“Look sweetie ---” she stopped herself, swallowing a lump in before her eyes focused on mine. "I'm not that low to take a bribe. If you value your life, I suggest you leave quietly and just enjoy your concert."
I gulped hard. I would have to beg. "Chebal if you could please ---" 
She shook her head, her eyes darkening. "I'm sorry but if you continue to be like this, I'm going to ask you to leave. Our stars personal whereabouts are under our care and --- " 
"Fine!" I yelled angrily while I jammed the remaining items in my bag. "I don't need you! I can find Seunghyun on my own!"
Dang, it failed! I was sick of this! I was sick of it all! How hard was it to beat Jiyong? 
My teeth clenched.
"Jiyong is going to pay," I growled before making my way to where ever I could run. 
I wanted to get away from here as fast as possible. Where would an idol be? 
Making a turn, I ran down the corridors. If idols went anywhere for concerts, it was the stadium. I was panting once I reached a narrow entrance to the stadium. I could practically feel my rigid breaths pumping vigorously against my chest. 
Deciding that I should rest, I leaned myself against the wall as my breathing began to resume to normal. In the meantime, I should wait here patiently around this area before I gave him my proposal. Now if there was only something I could bribe him with...
I paced, irritably back forth waiting for any sign of white hair and some sort of idea for my next move.
Suddenly I heard the sound footsteps padding across the floorboard and muffled voices. My ears picked up two voices. Was that him?
A thought trickled in the back of my mind. 
Wait...or was it security? 
“Security!” he croaked, reaching for his walkie-talkie. Looks like I really did it this time.  
I instantly looked around for someplace to hide myself. I gulped and out of desperate time, hid myself against a wall near a seluded corner. The front part was big enough to hide my figure, blocking my face at least. The steps were coming closer and I shut my eyes, closely hoping the guards or whoever wouldn’t see me. I heard them stop for a second, the sound of footsteps undetectable and picked up parts of their conversation.
“get the cd you wanted for....”
“blahblah...caught you with a random girl?””
“Sort of...blahblahblah.” 
What were they saying? I could barely hear anything? Dang, if only I was just a smidge closer....
A lump rose to my throat as the voices drifted through the air. What were they talking about? I couldn’t take this anymore. The curiosity was killing my insides.
I chewed on my lips before I raised my head to peek out. I whipped around to view the full figure.
My lips escaped a little gasp as I covered my mouth. 
I hit the jackpot.
It was Seunghyun.


Thank you for reading! I wrote this a really long time away but just never posted it up. I'm sure that after such a long time, you guys probably lost interest in this fic. I'm sorry about that but I've been having writer's block. Maybe a co-author will help? I've been thinking of hiring one to help me continue. Anyone interested? No? Maybe? Yes? PM me?


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jerewhites #1
Chapter 7: Hope u update this story even though it's been a long time already
kazorashi #2
Chapter 7: Waaah! This is getting so exciting! I'm really pulling for Bom! Her characters is outrageously funny and strong-willed. Omo, this is too hilarious! I love everything about it, poor Bom. Lol, she's having a rough day. But in my eyes, pulling it off like a pro.

Like a pro!
oh oh i miss this story TT where are you authornim?
topbom_gbom #4
I love it!!!Pls update soon. Kamsahamnidah
~yah keke I'm sorry for missing these few chappies, well I'm in wisconsin on vacation so therefore also been very busy the past week too lol but cheri back for now^^!!! Keke happy belate one anniversary^^ aigoo bommie is not giving up, she is too funny..and now she found top!!! Can't wait^^ I'm so happy you updated, I would offer to help you but I'm more of a reader so I'll just continue to support you Kay!!! n_n
Yhulai #6
OMG I really missed this Fic Y.Y and I'm sooo Happy because your update!! *party hard* 8(^o^)8 kyaaa she found Seunghyun OMG what's going to happen? update soon and a lot of TOPBOM please!! :3
cheer-123 #7
I really like this story, wish you could update more. I guess we'll just patiently wait for you whenever you are ready.
Topbom pliz..kekeke..
bomxalijah01 #9
:D more pls!
JYBzkeys #10
aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want this to be a gbom fanfic like crazyyy!! but then... TOPBOM is justtt LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. damn it. i am torn. why must you make a gbomtop fanfic!!! i am dyinggg.

update soon please. ahahaha imagine how top will act to be bom's lover. i mean.. that bingu top.... haahahah