Stupid Liar

So Much for Lying

Tension grew as seconds wore on.

I tightened my finger on a piece of hair that fell from my shoulder, twirling it for what seemed like the umpteenth time. It was a habit I knew and I tried to paced myself with that as a distraction. I was never really good at hiding my uneasiness. In seconds, my nerves were already stung with impatience.

I mean... GAAAH! I just wanted to rip my hair out!

“Go back,” I finally broke the silence. I couldn’t take this anymore. “He can’t hold them off forever.”

Jiyong gunned the car, maniacally. My eyes flew towards Jiyong, narrowing into tiny slits as we bumped against the pavement.

“No,” Jiyong said, sounding exasperated. “But, he can hold them off long enough.”

There was an unquestionable force in his tone --- almost sarcastic. He wasted no time to prove his point, though and gave me a weary look. As if he knew what he was doing.

I found myself rolling my eyes. It wasn’’t surprising really. As much as time passed, what Jiyong wants, Jiyong gets. In this case, Jiyong wants to leave Sanghyun behind.

Gee, how nice.

I bet he was just using the macho Sanghyun thing as an excuse. He didn’t know Sanghyun like I did to make assumptions.

But there was only so much I can take. Friends were supposed to support and help each other out right? So why should I put up with this? I shouldn’t have to sit here and let Sangyun take all the beating.

“Go back,” I repeated, narrowing my eyes . I tried for a more serious approach. “Because of me, Sanghyun’s going to die out there.”

“Just to let you know, I called him,” Jiyong said, tilting his head back with an annoyed expression. “He can last out there. I’ve seen him.”

“Bwoh? You called him?” I asked, surprised. This took me by surprised. I mean, since when wasn’t I notified of this? Was it so wrong to let me in that my ex-boyfriend and Sanghyun were friends of some sort? I mean, I wouldn’t exactly approved of this, but...still I’m his noona.

Note: Ask Sanghyun about this

On the other least I know he’s safe. I just have to wait for a little bit longer before Sanghyun and I can resolve all this. In the mean time, I’m just stuck dealing this guy kind of guy.


“Look, it was the only thing I could think of,” he countered, smoothly. “I told you to wait but, you left already before I could delay the pictures.”

I made a humming noise in the back of my throat. Out of all things, the pictures.

I shook my head, stiffening at his answer.

Pssh. SO he’s taking it out all on me?!  

“So?” I snapped, fury burning in my eyes. “This still all your fault!”

I crossed my arms and shrank back into the seat, muttering in frustration.

He cringed, blinking in confusion. “My fault?”

“If you would have just let get me the CD,” I muttered and glowered at him, “we wouldn’t have gotten in this mess in the first place!”

“Yah!” Jiyong called, lifting his head from the road.  “We ran out. That was for ----”

“Aiish.” --- I ruffled my hair frustrated --- “ I don’t care who’s it for. What matters is that because of you did, Sanghyun is in trouble!”

His insensitivity sent anger rippling down my spine. My fingernails dug into my jeans, constricting my anger to take over.

He raised an eyebrow, “Since when did you start caring about Sanghyun so much huh?”

“Since you became so selfish and arrogant!” I exploded, my fury bursting.

Gritting my teeth, I tried to ignore the urge of to punch my fist right in the socket of his eye. I mean, how can he be so --- so Jiyong!

It angered me that seeing him like this, as if nothing changed. You would think that 4 years and a break-up would change a guy. Truth is, I’m just tired. Tired of being this way. To the point where I’m refraining myself from crying and punching his sockets out.

How does one make on feel this way?


“Me? Selfish and arrogant?” His brown eyes held disbelief. “Would a selfish person just did what I did back there?”


“Yes! What makes you think telling the reporters that I’m your girlfriend was not selfish!” I shot back. “ Have you ever considered my feelings?”

I narrowed my eyes at him.  

“Stop being irrational,” he said,  throwing his head back. “What about mine? If you haven’t noticed, one more hook-up then I’m out of business.”

I knew he was referring to the scandals. The fact that Jiyong kept moving from girl to girl didn’t pleased his fans that much nor did the girls he dated.

I took a deep breath, my hands shaking out of anger. This wasn’t a light matter.

“See this is exactly why you’re selfish. Look at someone else for once,” I said, tightly and my eyes narrowed at him.


Did I dare to say it?

“... This --- this  is why we broke up.” I said, unstoppable words flowing out of my mouth.

Silence engulfed the air. The sound of our slow, rigid breaths was all I could make out.

And I said it...

All I could look at was Jiyong, my flippant answer resonating from the back of my mind. No one said anything that moment.

He pressed his lips in a thin line and shifted in his seat.

“Look, I’m sorry arraso?” Jiyong broke the silence, his expression undefinable.

His eyes were distant as if he was watching something from far away. “You got the CD isn’t that enough?”

The inside of chest tightened with anger.

It was clear from my memories that he thinks he can buy me off with a CD like he can with everything else. Does he think that I’m blind?


“Oh, you’re sorry?” I mocked, flailing my arms in mid-air. Just like that, his presence soured my mood. I was like a time bomb ready to explode and his every word provoked me. “Why don’t you go and tell that to someone who cares.”

His gaze hardened and his eyes turned cold. “What happened to you? Why are being like this?”

“You. That’s what happened.” I wanted to say, but I couldn’t. I knew what he meant though. I was once a bubbly and crazy girl with an 8-D personality that people came to know me for. So when we broke up, I felt like that girl  ceased to exist anymore. Without Jiyong, I was no one. He made me feel alive ya know.

I shook my head, trying to get all thoughts of the past out.

“I just am.” I said quietly, my eyes diverting to the window “I’m sorry, I can’t just play pretend for your sake.”

“Why not? At least just for 6 months okay? That’s ---” He paused, looking up at me. “Wait.” Realization and suspicion played on the tip of his tongue. He raised an eyebrow, “Why did you need the CD in the first place?”

I froze.

“Pssh.” I grunted, trying to put reason into my next answer. “N- no reason.”

I mentally slapped myself. Great going, Bom! Way to give him a good reason.

I re-diverted myself to look solely down at me feet, avoiding his gaze. My hands started to fidget slightly and I tried, hard, not to give myself away. My anxiety irked me sometimes and unfortunately for me, this was one of those time.

I mean, here I was LYING to THE G-Dragon. I quote “G-Dragon”, top superstar of Korea despite his horrid reputation.

“Anyway, let’s move on,” I concluded, trying to change the subject yet at the same time I tried not to stutter. “I think  ---”

I was suddenly cut off.

“C'mon, 6 months,” Jiyong murmured and let out a deep sigh. His tone held determination and admancy. “That’s all. That’s all I’m asking.”


The car, screeched, stopping at a red light and he took that moment to look at me.

“I won’t ever bother you again,” Jiyong murmured, softly and looked at me with such pleading eyes. “All I’m asking is for six months to be my girlfriend.” He pouted, batting his eyelashes before giving me a playful smile. “Pweaaase, Bommie-ah?”

Oh god.

Oh god.

Oh god.

Oh god.

Oh god.


He was using aeygo!

Bambi eyes, to be exact. Why that devil!

I always had a thing for cute things, for sure.

Looking at him now, there was this indescribable feeling.  I felt drawn to him and it --- it felt like I was dragged into world of pitiful darkness with chains on my wrist. I had a glimpse of history, where days were filled with aeygo and laughter in the air. I wanted to go back to the days. But I knew if I went back, I would be giving in.

Come on, Bommie. Pull it together I tell myself. Don’t let the aeygo get to you!

“Shireoyo!” I crossed my arms, huffing. “Lalalalalala ~”

I placed my hand over my eyes.

“I can’t see yooooooou ~”

“Don’t tell me you’re upset, I did you a favor,” he said bluntly. He whipped his head, his dark eyes in slants.

I peeked through my hands and they fell to my sides.

“A favor?” My voice clipped, screeching with agitation and I looked at him. “I have to be your stupid girlfriend for whenever when I could be working on my audition. You call that a favor?!”

My tone transition to a screeching anger and in a nano second, I felt my chest clutching with fury.

“Audition?” Jiyong rolled his eyes and scoffed. “You don’t need an audition. Don’t you get it? I can give you whatever you want...or at least help if you agree to my condition.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can make you an instant star over night,” Jiyong said, snapping like that. “Think about it: instant pass audition, top notch studio, top producer, an unforgettable debut, and fame.”

I stared at him, annoyed. “Just because I love music doesn’t mean I want to be famous.”  

“Right,” he spoke slowly, not listening to the very words that came out of my mouth. “Okay so just try to avoid any questions the press might ask or…just avoid everything.”

I gritted my teeth.


“YAH! KWON JIYONG!” I raised my voice, my irate tone resonating off the glass windows. “I SAID NO!”


Everything fell silent. He didn’t say anything for a while.  I shifted in my seat, nervously. I took note of his firm. masculine hands as he drove.

His hands clutched, tensely around the wheel. His fingers began turning white, grasping and squeezing the life out of the steering wheel. Like he wanted to kill.

“I get it,” His eyes were unsettling.

“You get it?”

Every fraction of Jiyong’s features froze. He detangled his fingers and brought them to his sides. He clenched his fist, slowly lowering his head and his bangs fell over his dark brown eyes.

“You’re seeing someone...”

I choked on my saliva.


“You’re seeing someone aren’t you?” He kept his voice flat and monotone --- but sharp like a razor.

“What? Yes!” I blurted out before I could shut my mouth. “I mean, no. No, I meant yes!”

“Aiish,” he snapped, steering roughly. “Which is it, Bommie?!”

“Seunghyun! He’s my boyfriend!” I blurted, staring wide-eye. I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand.

I wanted to slap myself silly right then.

“Seunghyun?” Jiyong questioned, raising an eyebrow.

His face crumbled into an impassive expression  and he tried to focus on the road. Within every second, I noticed his fingers were turning white.

I stared out the window, panicking. I racked my brains for answer. Any answer!

I mean, why the freak did I say that? AND WORSE, why the freak did I say Seunghyun?! I mean, was this a sign of some sort? Was I that desparate?

I took a deep, long breath. Breathe in. Breath out. Breath in. Out. In. Out.

Okay, Bommie. Think this through. Nothing beats good old knowledge. It’s just a slip up. No big deal. Use your brain. Use your brain.

How would Jiyong react?


“I don’t have one. My mouth just slipped.”
“WHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I knew you wouldn’t have one!”


Ok, so what can I learn from that?  If I tell him that I don’t have a boyfriend, then I’ll look like an idiot. He’ll surely make me his fake girlfriend then and I do NOT want that. I repeat DO NOT want that. 



“Yeah, I have one. Why, jealous?”
“Mwarago? How can you be my fake girlfriend now?” Cries. "WAAAAAE!!!!!"


I shook my head. Obviously, Jiyong wouldn’t say that, but it increased my prospects of avoiding the whole girlfriend charade under the pretense of having a boyfriend. He wouldn’t dare impel me now. I mean, I can’t cheat on my fake boyfriend right? He doesn’t even  know Seunghyun, anyway.

I knew for a fact that this wasn't like one of those dramas. He was an ox, with horns as stubborn and hard as antlers. Deep inside, a part of me told me that he wasn't really going to drop it. Facing the facts, I knew this wasn't some drama. This wasn't some fairytale.

I'll do what I'll have to do.


“Hello?” Jiyong’s voice echoed through my ears. “Earth to Bommie?”

I shook my head. As if morphing back to reality.

I faced him, “Jiyong, I’ll be frank.” I took a deep breath. “I have a boyfriend."

As I'm saying this, I pretend like I'm one of those protagonist girl in the dramas who's picking one guy over the other. I had no idea how to do this. I needed some base. Might as well as go with one I know of.

"I love him, and he loves me." My eyes burn with determination.  "I'm not going to give it for one your pettish games, okay? I''m not your puppet for you to control, you can't tell me what I can do and what I can't. I've had enough of you!"

"Don't expect me to run back to you, just because you told me to," I continued. "To be honest, you have billions of girls who would die in my shoes. Pick one of them. I --- I just can’t betray my boyfriend. I don't want to lose him. He's one of the nicest guy I've met, Ji."

I clasped my hand together and smiled, indulgently.

Jiyong ponders for a moment before his eyes stares, dazedly outside the car window. I can see his eyebrows knitting together in frustration. It looks like it's working. 

I continued absent-mindedly, “plus he’s really handsome with weird, white silverish hair and ---”

He blinked, murmuring to himself. “White hair, deep voice, and unusual...?”  

Suddenly, he stopped the car and spun around like some thought actually hit him. I didn’t think much when he grabbed my shoulders and his eyes pierced, longingly at mine.

“Choi Seunghyun...” He let out a rigid breath. His lips barely moved as his tongue skimmed the very name.

He closed his eyes, frustrated.

“...he can’t possibly be your boyfriend, right?” he spat out.

I almost choked on my saliva. I froze, staring at him blankly. I tried pulling in my voice to continue. To give some sort of explanation.


But, one detail gave everything away.

“H-how do you know his name?” I blanched, stuttering. I never told him his last name. “His full name.”

I sat, my hands clamped together with sweat as my stomach churned. I folded them neatly, daintily and tried to refrained from twitching. It was no time to give myself away.

He paused, his head tilting sideways before his lips quirked suspiciously. He turned to face me, fully.

“No one, but Choi Seunghyun has white hair.” He looked past me, gesturing his head to the right.  “And it might have helped if you looked outside.”   

My eyes slowly made their way towards the window. I looked out, eyes wide. Outside, was a big CF billboard plastered with the Big Bang members, separated yet as one.

I recognized Jiyong in a second. He was all to recognizable with his killer fashion style. He screamed swag.

My eyes wandered through until I spotted white hair, tousled in spikes. His silhouette crouched next to Jiyong, like a tiger. So confident, so assuring. His features were smooth, already coursing through the board, labeling him as handsome. His eyes, concealed with sunglasses, were hauntingly familiar.

Then, it hit me like a bolt lightning. It was Seunghyun. Big Bang’s Seunghyun that I bumped to.


So much for lying.

A/N: So I thought I'd give it another shot. I'm not gonna promise much, but I guess I'll try to rewrite some chapters. Hope you guys are good at waiting then! Sorry about this chapter btw. The spacing confused me and a bunch of other stuff. ;/  

Subscribe and comment ~ (I'll give you your bias. Naah. Even better! You get a free virtual cookie! WHOO!)  cookie-21afte4.gif

Since I'm rewriting, hope you guys don't mind the jumbled up details. If you do, guess what? You get TWO free vitrual cookies. Hopefully that will compenstate your needs. ^^ 

PSS T.O.P's debut next chaaaaaaapter ~~~

- hellokimchi signing off (^_^)/ 

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jerewhites #1
Chapter 7: Hope u update this story even though it's been a long time already
kazorashi #2
Chapter 7: Waaah! This is getting so exciting! I'm really pulling for Bom! Her characters is outrageously funny and strong-willed. Omo, this is too hilarious! I love everything about it, poor Bom. Lol, she's having a rough day. But in my eyes, pulling it off like a pro.

Like a pro!
oh oh i miss this story TT where are you authornim?
topbom_gbom #4
I love it!!!Pls update soon. Kamsahamnidah
~yah keke I'm sorry for missing these few chappies, well I'm in wisconsin on vacation so therefore also been very busy the past week too lol but cheri back for now^^!!! Keke happy belate one anniversary^^ aigoo bommie is not giving up, she is too funny..and now she found top!!! Can't wait^^ I'm so happy you updated, I would offer to help you but I'm more of a reader so I'll just continue to support you Kay!!! n_n
Yhulai #6
OMG I really missed this Fic Y.Y and I'm sooo Happy because your update!! *party hard* 8(^o^)8 kyaaa she found Seunghyun OMG what's going to happen? update soon and a lot of TOPBOM please!! :3
cheer-123 #7
I really like this story, wish you could update more. I guess we'll just patiently wait for you whenever you are ready.
Topbom pliz..kekeke..
bomxalijah01 #9
:D more pls!
JYBzkeys #10
aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want this to be a gbom fanfic like crazyyy!! but then... TOPBOM is justtt LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. damn it. i am torn. why must you make a gbomtop fanfic!!! i am dyinggg.

update soon please. ahahaha imagine how top will act to be bom's lover. i mean.. that bingu top.... haahahah