
I'm Dating the Stuck Up Celebrity (HIATUS)






Poster by: J_oanL or Color4you







"I love you."







"!!!" -Dara

"...Sorry if it was too sudden for you...I just"

"It's okay...But it is's kind of surprising..."





-Inisde the car-

Ouside of the car, it's already dark and the car's driving in complete silence...Did I ruin the mood? As I slightly moved my head to look at Dara, her face was facing downwards while the red headband that was on her head.




"I'm sorry."



"I don't think I'm ready yet."


"Maybe I'm too young to think you as someone other than a brother."

"......It's okay. I should be the one saying sorry."



"I'm sorry I couldn't think of you as just a sister."


"But Daraya..."




"I can wait for if you're ready...can you come to me?"


"I can wait. Even for a month, a year, or even 10 years."



"I already waited 5 years."







-In front of Dara's House-


Me and Top oppa were already in front of my house. I’m glad we’re out of the car now. I couldn’t stand the deafening silence and the awkwardness between me and oppa.

And I really feel sorry for oppa.


"It's already late."


"Go in safely."

"Oppa too."

As I took a step to enter my house, I hear Top oppa's voice calling me.



"!!...Why oppa?"

"Do you have...someone you like?"




"I was wondering...the person who gave you the head you like that person?"




I like that jerk?...




"..Impossible..I hate that person oppa.."


"I don't think I have someone who I like now."




"Uh huh.. It's just that..I still have a lot of things I want to do.."

"Then can I wait for you?"



“Even if you date other people, I’ll still wait for you.”

“I..I’ll just g..go inside first oppa...”


I quickly went inside the house.

I couldn’t absorb the situation properly inside my head.

It was just too confusing

I stood in front of the mirror. What I could see first was the red head band.



The jerk...

A good...person..?

When Top oppa confessed, I thought of the jerk first...



OK. I’m crazy right now. Just insane.. Get a hold of yourself Sandara Park.”


-Few Days Later, Broadcasting System-


Okay! Let’s have a break now!”


The PD called for a break.

The celebrities, camera men, and other workers are laughing and resting.

But not me.


Hey you, make some coffee. Five cups.”


You know mine has to be with ice right?”



With all these errands, resting is impossible.

Here, yeah, wait. A little bit to the left.”

Over here?”


But also other staffs have to work to fix the stage.

The staffs were moving a large iron rectangular pipe.


!!!!!” -Staff

!!!Ya!! You move!!!” -Staff 2

....?!!!!” -Dara



...The large rectangular pipe...








....Was falling towards me....










“!!!Oh !! Call a ambulance!! Quickly!!” -PD


I can hear the staffs screams.


I can feel something really heavy.

Am I.. Hurt?

It doesn’t really hurt..



Am I going to heaven already!!... No!! God can’t take me!! I’m too young!!


T..Top oppa??


I quickly scrambled away from oppa’s tight embrace and pushed the rectanglar pipe.

Now my face and my hand was covered with oppa’s blood.

My tears were falling freely.


“Oppa! Wake up oppa!!”


Then, a person was walking towards me. I can’t see the person clearly because of my tears but I think it’s the PD.






The PD slapped my face hard.


“Are you crazy b*tch!!!! You’re not any help at all!!” -PD

“Can you stop saying b*tch to her!” -Jiyong

“!!!” -PD

“You don’t have to swear and add to her miseries” -Ji Yong

“!!W..What..?!” PD


He was holding my hands tightly. Comforting me.


While I was sitting, crying like a water spout, it was Kwon Ji Yong who was comforting me.


“Stop crying.”


“Hyung will be okay...”


“!!Your arm..”



He was looking at my left arm.

Anger was shown on his face.

As I looked at my left arm, I can see my skin ripped.

Blood continuouly dripping out.


“Are you dumb!! How can you not know that you got hurt!? Isn’t your body even a body! If you’re hurt, SAY IT!”


I didn’t know my arm was hurt.

No, instead of my arm, my head was hurting more.


The scene of oppa was hovering inside my head.

His blood covering my hands and my face.

His own face and hands covered by blood.





Everything happened because of me.









"Fortuantely his hip is not fractured. There's no damage on the brain too but there are several bones that have minimum amount of fractures so he needs complete rest. After one to two months, he would be completely recovered"


"Oh and also, Miss Park. You lost quite a lot of blood so if you're not careful you might have anemia if you don't have any rest. Your cast on your arm would be off after a few weeks."


"Hyung!!~" -Dae Sung

"Hyung!" -Seungri

".....Let's leave the room." -Ji Yong

"?" -Other Bigbang members

"Let's leave Dara alone with Top hyung. I think she has a lot to say to hyung."


As each person left one by one, I was left alone with Top oppa. I holded Top oppa's hand tightly staring at him intensely.


What was oppa thinking?

Almost killing himself to proctect me...

I can't imagine how scared he would be...


".........Why are you so stupid oppa?"




"Are you...ok-kay?"

"!!..What..? Okay..? No I'm not! How can I be okay when you're like this?!"

"...Maybe I should save you everyday to earn your attention..hehe"

"At this point, you want to be funny!?" *sobs*

"...Don't cry cause of me...sorry..I'm sorry."

"W-Why did you do that..!! Even if I get killed, no one would care..!!"


"When the pipe was about to hit you...I had a flash back...5 years the accident...I didn't want to see you hurt again."


"When you get's like the world getting heart aches like I'm going to die and I feel guilty that I couldn't protect you."

"....H-how b-bout me!! If you get hurt, you think I would be okay?! I feel so sorry and hurt I don't know what to do."

"....I'm sorry.. don't cry...okay?..Oppa's sorry.."

"I-I thought that I would never see you again..."


Right away, oppa carried me up to sit on his lap. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and cried softly. Oppa carressed my back with his arm and the other arm around my waist.


"If you keep crying, your eyes will become swollen tomorrow so stop crying..."


"I'm sorry.."









There's a man lighting his cigarette outside the hospital's entrance. Like he's thinking of something seriously, he looks at the ground beneath him.

He quickly throws away the cigarette and steps on it turning the fire off. He covers his face with his hands and thinks for a long time.

He goes inside the hopital few moments later.


The man stands in front of a hospital room door. He knocks and go inside. He can see a woman and a man sleeping peacefully together as if nothing happened. He walks towards the woman and from some where earns a permanent marker. He holds her arm carefully which is in a cast. He writes something carefully and murmurs...

"Didn't you even know that you were hurt?...Is only Top hyung a body? How bout yours?...Are you weak or just plain stupid..?Don't ever get hurt again...your heart and also your body.....erase everything...your miseries and pain..."


As he keeps murmuring incoherent words, he uses the permanent marker as a wand and turns it circular on top of her head.

Again he murmurs something...


with a gloomy but pure expression...





"Abracadabra....let all Dara's pain come to me...." -Jiyong















Sorry for updating really~ late. But I’ll update 2 chapters at once today! The next chapter is my favorite chapter!! Thanks for the 50 subscribers and welcome to all the new readers.


After reading this chapter, I would be really grateful if you subscribe and leave comments/feedback!!




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Hey new reader! <br />
I love the flow of your story! It may seem cliche but then again, just love it nevertheless. (;
orange_carnival #3
Yay! GD to the rescue!
Yay she has the job back!!!
i'll waqit patienly.. :D<br />
<br />
Waiting patiently!!^^
New reader here.. :) update more! :D
virus1018 #8
Thanks for subscribing and commenting!!<br />
unii_soeul #9
thanks for update >,<