Arriving Seoul

From Country Pumpkings To Tough Citizens

Lee Jieun's pov

I had to admit, the train ride to Seoul was boring. Even though I was super nervous, I couldn't help but to fall asleep in that steady bouncing, that makes everyone sleepy. I fought against it for a long time, but in the end I just couldn't.

I couldn't be more happier, when someone nudged me awake. "Miss, are you going to Seoul?" Someone asked. I nodded as I rubbed my eyes, so I could finally see the speaker, an old but friendly grandma. She had a lovely hat that hold one feather on it. The feather reminded me of a magical fire bird. 

"I love your hat!" I exlaimed sleepily while rubbing my tired eyes.

"Oh my! Aren't you a sweetheart!" The lady exclaimed warmly. "You must be one of those country children." She guessed with a worried face. I was surprised at her righ guess. How did she know?

"Yes, ma'am. I'm just about to move in Seoul." I said enthusiastically with a wide, wide smile that hurt my cheeks little. She smiled sadly and nodded her head.

"You are one of a kind.. It'll be a miracle if you would stay like that.." She said, making me a bit nervous with her words.

"But ma'am, even you are so sweet and friendly. Why should I change?" I asked in a tone full of wonder. The old lady laughed smally and patted me on the top of my head.

"You are right. Why would you change?" She said and her face showed how relieved she was from my answer. "Will you now help me to get my luggage?" She asked kindly.

"Of course I will!" I beamed and reached for her luggage on the upper rail.

"Be careful dear, it's quite heavy." She warned me. Well, I am quite strong. I have carried all kinds of equipments and woods at our lavender farm and I have also taken care of the animals in Sehun's farm.

I have seen how a cow gives birth and done some yacky things with them, which you don't want to know about. I have also fed the pigs, which is nothing. One luggage is no big deal for this chick!

I smiled towards the lady aassuringly, telling her that I got this. I easily lifted it down, but as she started to drag it, I noticed a missing wheel. "Ma'am, let me help you." I said and lifted it up from the ground, so I could carry it for her. It wasn't heavy at all, even though I am still a growing child, at least that's what I wish.. Besides, she is an elderly woman, so of course I should help her. I must write about this in a letter to my mom, she will be so pleased!

"May I know your name?" I asked politely as we walked through the train station.

"My name? Well, why not! It's hard to make friends at this age anyway." She said and offered her hand. "I am Kang Soojung, aunt Soojung to you dear." She said as I took her hand. I shook it eagerly and introduced myself as well.

"Nice to meet you aunt Soojung. I am Lee Jieun." I said and we both smiled widely. I called a taxi for her and she kissed my cheeks as an goodbye.

"If the fate is on our side, we'll meet again!" She said before the taxi left. Let's hope that's our fate then, aunt Soojung.

Now I was all alone in this big busy city called Seoul. It can't be that bad, right? I slowly wandered to the busstation nearby and started looking for bus number nine. I couldn't find it and I started to get nervous. After couple of minutes the right bus arrived, it had been on a tour while I was looking for it. I hopped in and paid for my ticket just like my mom taught me to do.

"Could you please tell me, when we arrive this street?" I asked the driver while pointing to a certain place on my map of Seoul. The driver nodded and I walked over to the first row without worries.

Bit by bit the knot on my stomach loosened, allowing me to breathe. I have met wonderful people today, the busdriver and aunt Soojung. Seems like people in Seoul are nice, I thought happily. It was time to my new adventure, exploring the dream city I never thought I could see. Only thing that's missing was Sehun, but he will be here soon, no worries.

"This is your stop." The driver informed me.

"Oh, thank you!" I said happily as I hopped off the bus. I looked at the house in that address I received.

the house was a big and old block of flats. It wasn't exactly charming or inviting, but I did not have any complaints. Sure, it was a bit run-down, but who am I to complain? I barely have money to rent that place, what do you expect? A big mansion? Even a tent would be okay for me. The house had seven floors and I recalled something about my apartment being right at the top, the seventh floor. I just have to find the landlady to make sure of that, so I looked at the sight one more time and looked at the wall plant that has reached the sixth floor already. Maybe I'll see how it slowly reaches out to my floor?

I walked in, but no one seemed to be there. "Hello?" I asked inside of this quiet big house. It echoed through the house, making me nervous. I'm scared for nothing, for nothing, I thought, trying to calm myself. I tried not to be bothered by it my fear, even though I didn't get an answer, so I walked further and further, but I saw no one. "Hellooo?" I asked louder.

Suddenly someone put a hand on my shoulder and said  "Boo." I could not lie, I did scream as I turned around. I was expecting to see a ghost, but instead of that, I saw a woman in her mid 30's smiling friendly at me.

It took me awhile to compose myself, but when I did, I speculated something. "Are you perhaps Ann Miller?" I asked and she nodded happily.

"Yes I am! I'm sorry, did I scare you?" She asked and I nodded sheepishly, not wanting to lie. "Hahahaha, you poor little girl! I should warn you beforehand, I tend to do that often." She beamed and winked at me.  I giggled and she lead me to her small office. She started telling about herself, how she came from the US when she was young, just like my mom, and other things I listened carefully. We talked happily for a long time and I found out that she was a very lovely person, like aunt Soojung I met earlier today.

"So your English name is Lily?" She asked.

"Yes, my mother gave it to me, just like to my brother." I answered. After that response, I yawned and I noticed how tired I was. Travelling seems to be tiring as I've been told. "May I see my new home now? I'm a bit tired." I admitted. She stopped blabbering and looked at her wrist watch.

"Oh my! It's already midnight! Look how the time has flied." She said cheerfully and laughed.

We started to climb up the stairs all the way to the seventh floor. It seems like there is no elevator, but that's okay. That means great daily exercice. We reached the floor, but there was only one door. "Eh? Only one door?" I asked from Ann in surprise. She chuckled at my confused reaction and nodded.

"The whole floor is yours." She revealed. My mouth was hanging open and Ann had to close it for me. "Now, now dear. Open the door." She commanded and I did it with my new keys.

I stepped in and I couldn't believe my own eyes. I looked around in awe. My new apartment was big! Whole floor for me, and of course, Sehun when he comes. Sure it was dusty and there were some spiderwebs, but I can swipe them away. I just have to sweep and.. A new paint wouldn't make harm to these grayish walls that were once white. I had to pinch myself to make sure I'm not just daydreaming again.

"This is... Awesome!" I beamed after I felt my pinch. Ann smiled and looked around next to me, while I was too excited to find more and more little details I adored or wanted to fix.

Ann left after awhile, leaving me alone. I knew I was going to lack some sleep since I have to start school soon and I haven't found a job yet. Ann promised to help me with the job part tomorrow, and help me enroll the school nearby the day after tomorrow before she left, so I'm not burdened. It's a school we dreamed of, the one that helps talented youngs to survive in this world. I got an art scholarship from my paintings, but I can also sing. I usually sang to the children at our village when they begged for it and to the elder people, just to make their day better. 

I like it of course, but I still do prefer painting. It needs no words, a perfect way to express my heart. I can sit hours in my room and just paint everything I feel. That's why I decided to apply in Seoul's performing arts and art college. It's a highly appreciated school many rich kids attend and I heard the students can do anything they want, but their not kicked out, just because the school can't afford losing it's talents.

I do hope it's just a rumour that was created to lessen applicants, especially poor people. I'm not poor, but I'm not rich either. Our lavender farm produces enough money for all of us, we have enough clothes and enough food for everyone. I did not own a phone, it was useless in our small village, where you can just shout if you want to ask something. I did not use any brand clothes nor make up, but I'm not applying to the school just because I'm rich or I use make up to make myself pretty. I'm there because of my talent.

I sighed as I laid on my bed, thinking of home. I had finally arrived finally Seoul, but I was homesick. I missed my mom, dad, brother, Sehun, his parents, old Gal and our Young. Sehunnie, please come soon.. I'll wait for you, I know you'll come... Those were the last thoughts of mine before I drifted in a dreamland.



Yey, another chapter updated! ^^ It's a bit crappy, but I hope you like it~ I love you all, please comment & subscribe! 

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I guess it's too late to change Sehun to Zelo? xD Suddenly I'm getting weird zelo vibes...


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 7: Ahh author-nim update sooonnnnn
update soon !! ^^ i luv it :3
Salsal28 #3
Chapter 5: Yeaayy thanks for your update author-nim, can't wait for next chapter xD
song jieun is evil, poor jieun. I hope jieun and sehun can meet soon >.<
Chapter 5: When will sehun come to seoul? Miss HunU moment...
Salsal28 #5
Chapter 4: Please update your story soon author-nim >.<
Chapter 4: aww aww~ the school is starts! :D
agtrnta #7
Chapter 4: Please update soon
Chapter 3: uh, still waiting for Sehun XD
Livingthetime #9
Please update soon! This fanfic is very interesting! I can't wait for Sehun and Jieun to meet!
Chapter 2: omg, Sehun, pls come soon ><