Meeting again

From Country Pumpkings To Tough Citizens

A/N: A change of plans. I couldn't stand the chapter that was supposed to be before this, so I decided it was not needed. Therefore, I present you the great Oh Sehun. Oh, and I'm also really sorry if this chapter seems a bit... scattered. P.s the amout of mentioning Jieun's name seemed to be quite a lot XD Counted 28 myself. How about you? Also, I did not proofread this yet, so it might be a bit bad for the grammar or so. Don't curse me, okay?


Sehun's pov

I inhaled the smell of the wheat field for the last time. It was time to finally go to see Jieun after two whole months! I was more than just a bit excited, I was totally out of it. My mom had thrown couple of fits as my mind had only drifted to Jieun while working, and I did try to slack off more than couple of times.

But it was all worth it! Now I had done my packing, I got my ticket away from here and I had a permission to go. I was more than eager to leave and more than that, I got a letter from Jieun's parents. I had no idea how she was doing though.

She promised she'd send a long letter once she'd settle down, but I haven't heard from her. Maybe she was extremely busy or something, I should give her time to adapt well before whining for a letter after all. Besides, I could've written her first, but I only realized it now that it was too late.

Hearing and seeing her by myself sure was far more better, and that was how I decided to keep it. I'd keep my arrival in secret until I'd meet her face to face. Oh boy, she was going to be so surprised!

"Sehun!" Shouted my mom. "You forgot to feed the hens again." She scolded as she came to me. Her face wasn't angry, but rather teary as she knew I was about to leave her.

"Sorry, Mum. I was too thrilled thinking I'd meet Jieun again." I admitted sheepishly and rubbed the back of my head. She smiled at me knowingly and shook her head.

"What could stop young love?" She questioned. What young love? Me and Jieun? Please!

She let out a laugh as if she had read my mind, and patted me on my shoulder. "You have to act soon, boy. She isn't going to stay like she was forever, you know."

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" I wailed as I watched her retreating back. She didn't even answer me. Tsk.

"Say Jieun I said hi!" She hollered from another room and made me jump in surprise.

"Jeez, mom! I was thinking! You scared me with your shout."

"Aigoo, you finally used your head for good?" She joked, making me pout. "Why are you so nervous? You have known Jieun for years, you know she isn't a monster that'll eat you." She stated matter of factly while carrying a basket full of dirty clothes.

Ah, right. Today was the laundry day. What a good day to leave that was. L.Joe would have to hang the clothes for me while I'd be on a train to Seoul. And Mom was right. Why was I so nervous anyway?

It was like an every day meeting with us, though we hadn't seen in months. It shouldn't be anything new. If you didn't count in that she was, indeed, in Seoul, in a place of her own that I'd soon live in too. Then we'd live together like a young couple in love. Sehun! What are you thinking with that mind of yours?

"Stop thinking of dirty thoughts, and get your ready, now!" Mom suddenly commanded.

"I didn't have any dirty thoughts!! I complained and she cast me a look of disbelief.

"Then why the heck is a grown child like you blushing like a school girl and giggling to yourself if not?"

Whaaat? Was I blushing at the thought of being Jieun's lover? Wait.. "I giggled?" I asked in disbelief. Mom just laughed it off with a nod and left me yet again alone as she had to start doing laundry before it would be too late.

I didn't have much time either. Jieun's dad had promised to take me to the train station, so I'd better hurry up. Before I could move a finger, I heard a familiar car driving to the yard. He was here.


Finally I understood how overwhelmed Jieun must've been when she came here for the first time. Even in the train I felt so out of the place, especially when the scenery turned to a totally different one from the fields I was accustomed to. So, this was the start of my city life, I assumed with a huff.

I quickly digged the paper with the Jieun's address out of my worn out jeans' pocket, memorizing it just in case it got lost. Knowing me, it would be gone rather soon. After all, we were already near the station I had to get off, so I'd probably get awestruck by the place before I'd have a chance to retaliate. I couldn't help but to anxiously jump up and down in my seat.

"Oh my, you seem like a nice, young boy." An old aunt suddenly exclaimed from my right. She must've shared the same carriage I was in without me noting her. I was too overwhelmed of everything to do so.

"Ah, thank you." I thanked, but I couldn't tear my gaze away after she didn't either. It was sort of an competition, though her kind eyes told another story.

She offered me a small, warm smile before saying, "you know, you remind me of another young girl, around your age, perhaps." I smiled as I automatically thought of Jieun.

"Well, do you know her name, ma'am?" I asked. She shook her head, smiling in amusement.

"You're so much like her, so much..." She stated with a small laughter that ended up in coughs. I rushed to help her, but it was unneeded since the coughing stopped after she drank some water. "You're like that Jieun."

"Jieun as in Lee Jieun?" I asked. Her face started to gleam in joy and she recalled the same Jieun I was talking about, apparently.

"Yes. She was a delightful girl, that Lee Jieun of yours."

"She isn't mine, ma'am. I'm her friend." I stated with a chuckle.

"So you know her. Isn't she then yours if no one else knows her?" She asked. I was getting flustered until she let out a laugh again. Afraid she might start coughing again, I gave her the bottle. "Thank you, you young boy. I was only joking, please don't get shocked."

"Of course not. Call me Sehun, ma'am."

"Oh my, so similar that I'm getting goosebumps... Alright, then I must let you call me Soojung as well."

"It's a nice name. And I like your hat." I commented as I saw the big, green hat with black feathers. She froze as she started to inspect me closely, and in close proximity, I must say.

"How close are you with that Jieun girl?" She asked me suddenly, narrowing her eyes as if she was calculating the possibilities. I didn't know why, but I was suddenly reminded by my mom that acted like I was dating Jieun.

"Very close, ma'am."

"Soojung, I told you already to call me Soojung. I guess you two are a bit different, but so close that it makes this old lady dizzy." Aunt Soojung exclaimed. Before I could even fully register what was happening, we had arrived to our destination and I saw her pulling my arm. "This is the destiny I was talking about with her. Come, I'll give you a ride. You don't have a car yourself, do you?"

"No, I don't. I've never driven one before. A tractor is something I have wheeled, though."

"A tractor? Sounds fun. I hope one day you'll give me a ride with that, then."

"Sure, let's just keep contact and I tell when we're going to visit home."

Soojung let out a sigh. "Listen, boy. I tell you what I told her before. I do not keep contacts, I trust on fate with that. If we are meant to meet again, we will. If I'm meant to get a cool tractor ride, so will happen one way or another, I bet you that."

I let out a chuckle, and she raised her brow curiously. "You sound just like her when you talk about fate and such. She believes in that too."

"Then we are a match, I assume." She told happily, guiding me towards her car in the big parking lot. Her car turned out to be an old, wine red Fiat, quite comfy looking one.

The ride through the city was amazing. I had never seen buildings that big and steely before. Soojung must've noticed my expression since she kept chuckling beside me.

"Where are we heading, then?" She asked after she showed me the places I should know to survive my experience here.

"Oh, I have the address right here!" I exclaimed happily, grinning like a little boy since I didn't lose something important. Well, everything had a first time, so did growing up. And I surely added myself to the list of responsible people now.

"Ah, I know right where that is." She said and nodded before her attention was turned to the road again.

"Really? That's great." I let out a sigh of relief and trusted myself to the hands of the aunt I just met.

"Say, you won't mind if I pop in that shop right there, do you?" She asked all of a sudden. I tore off my gaze from the buildings and saw that we had stopped at red lights, and the shop she was referring to was a bit ahead of us, enough far for her to change the lane and get there.

It looked like a nice little shop and she seemed to determined to go there, so I saw no reason to say no. "Sure, few minutes here and there."



"I'll just drop by the shop for a while. Wait outside and let the city's air overwhelm you."

"Okay." I agreed though the city's great air seemed suffocating. I just had to get used to it for now, I thought and let out a smile. I would accept it after going through so much effort on moving here. But it wouldn't make me sick, right?

"Be back soon." She promised once more and I nodded.

To pass time faster, I started to surveil the people passing by. City people. They're clothes were more stylish and cleaned, making me wonder how would they react after going to our house and seeing everyone in the clothes that had holes once in awhile, not to mention the smell that came from the piggery. They'd probably freak out if they would have to wear live a life like that.

Laughing to the imagined picture of it happening, I turned my head to the left. I was stunned after one particular lady walked past me. She looked like Jieun, but in... city disguise. Trying to check if it was her by a small hand wave, I met a disappointment as I was left unnoticed on the side of the road.

But I couldn't stop wondering if it really was Jieun. I kept watching her every move like a spy, trying to analyze her. The hair was in the same color that she had when she left, but otherwise there was no other remnant that would be connected to the life in the countryside. I had to take a double take, but I ended up in the same result; she was Jieun.

The Jieun I used to know, though, walked with light, bouncy steps that looked like the ground beneath her feet was a big, connected trampoline. Her brown hair- usually tied to a ponytail- swooshed from side to side rapidly with every step she took. Her steps were long, though her legs were short, so she walked quite fast.

But she, that girl who I believed to be Jieun only after a second glance, walked with small, slow and even steps. Her long hair was down, cut evenly from the bottom as if not even a single hair was let to go solo.

Though the person held so much similarity with Jieun, there was those remarkable differences as well. Or then the odd walking style was caused by something else that was bugging her mind, like, maybe she was testing out new shoes or something.

But I couldn't let my assumptions cloud up my brains; I had to make sure of it and she was already slipping out of my reach.

"Jieun!" I yelled. The girls of my observations flinched and halted her walking immediately. She tried to seem like she didn't stop by my call, however, and continued walking soon after realizing her mistake.

So... Either she was Jieun, who tried to ignore me maybe for a prank, or then she was another lady called Jieun, whose back view looked similar to the original one? She always blabbered about coincidences that were meant to happen by destiny's will. Wow, she really sounded like Soojung. Or Soojung sounded like her. It was hard to tell which one had it stronger.

Nevertheless, I was never that fond of the theory. But maybe I'd make an exception for once and actually agree to it. Only this time, I swore under my breath.

I ran to catch the mysterious woman, swinging her around by her arm. She let out a familiar gasp and I smiled in delight until I saw her face. It was messed up with some thick stuff and her eyelashes were filled with black.

"Jieun, what happened to your face?" I asked shocked.

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I guess it's too late to change Sehun to Zelo? xD Suddenly I'm getting weird zelo vibes...


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 7: Ahh author-nim update sooonnnnn
update soon !! ^^ i luv it :3
Salsal28 #3
Chapter 5: Yeaayy thanks for your update author-nim, can't wait for next chapter xD
song jieun is evil, poor jieun. I hope jieun and sehun can meet soon >.<
Chapter 5: When will sehun come to seoul? Miss HunU moment...
Salsal28 #5
Chapter 4: Please update your story soon author-nim >.<
Chapter 4: aww aww~ the school is starts! :D
agtrnta #7
Chapter 4: Please update soon
Chapter 3: uh, still waiting for Sehun XD
Livingthetime #9
Please update soon! This fanfic is very interesting! I can't wait for Sehun and Jieun to meet!
Chapter 2: omg, Sehun, pls come soon ><