The school

From Country Pumpkings To Tough Citizens
Jieun's pov
"You should go sit next to Song Jieun. Jieun, raise your hand, please." The teacher asked. I raised my head curiously as I looked at 'the other Jieun'. We both let out a small chuckle as we made a short eye contact. "There. Now, off you go." The teacher patted my back and I realized I was supposed to go already.
Making my way to the back of the class, I smiled to everyone, even the not so responsive ones, until I finally reached the infamous Song Jieun. What could I say, but woah, the other Jieun surely was pretty. She had a light brown hair on a ponytail, and her bangs were just too adorable! She was really cute and definitely the type people adored. But I was fine as well, no worries.
"Hey! I'm Jieun!" I introduced myself as I plopped down to the seat next to her, and offered her my hand. She laughed silently her melodious laugh that sounded like the Tinkerbell's movement in the movie Peter Pan, and nodded her head. 
"I know, I know. You just introduced yourself in front of the class, Lee Jieun. I am Song Jieun." She said as she shook my hand. I blushed and placed my free hand on my pink cheek, trying to hide my embarrassement. 
"Oh.. But I knew you're name as well. The teacher told it as she guided me here." I recalled. Now it was her turn to blush. Then, like we'd known for years, we both stated to laugh. Again. I knew my cheeks were going to hurt, when I'd get home, because of all the smiles and laughs we would share to each other in one day.
Unfortunately, the teacher didn't seem to appreciate our little moments. She coughed loudly to gain our attention, and proceeded to eye us with her sharp, quite threatening look.
"I know being new is always such a thrill, but please focus on the class now."
"Yes, teacher." We both said simultaneously and looked at each other surprised. Unable to hold it in, I let out a loud laugh that made the teacher send a playful glare towards my direction, shutting me up immediately like a small child.
I heard small snickering beside me, before words, "Aigoo, who'd know an innocent child like you could be even a bit of fun.." of Jieun's murmur caught my ears.
"Eh?" I asked in confusion. What did she mean with that?
"Hm? Did I say something?" She asked me, looking suddenly quite alarmed, but soon just tilted her head to the right, forming a cute pout on her lips.
"Ah, nothing.." I must've heard the wind, I deducted after seeing an open window, or then my ears were playing a trick on me. Shrugging it off, I started to daydream of everything I could do once I get off school.
Surely working in the coffee shop would come first, but after that I'd have to buy some paint. My apartment needed some colors and I felt like painting already, even before the art classes had officially started.
"Oh, right! Jieun!" The teacher suddenly called yet again, and both of us raised our heads curiously. She looked mildly confused for a bit, until she sighed and nodded her head lightly and waved the air. "I meant the new kid."
Oh, okay. OH, wait, ME! "Yes?"
"Have you already purchased your school books?" She asked and I immediately slouched back at my seat. Umm, no, I did not have them yet. I just moved here, I had no time to look for the books this school required. I didn't even have food in my fridge for heavens sake. Okay, maybe I did peek at the prices while shopping with Ann, but holy moly... I needed to work my off for those books.
"Teacher? I can share my book with her, if that's okay." Song Jieun suggested. I glanced at her gratefully and she offered me a small smile. I had always heard of those stories of heartless people the cities held within, but maybe they were just rare myths used to scare a kid like me. Everyone had been so kind to me ever since I arrived.
Besides, would I mind a friend helping me for the times I couldn't buy the book? Not at all. The teacher then? Well, her reaction was.. rather weird. She looked shocked for about five minutes before recovering by clearing and nodding approvingly.
After she turned around and finally started the delayed class, I dragged my chair next to Jieun's desk and looked at the book's cover.
"Huh? We're having English now?"
"Yeah. Are you bad at it?" Well, was I? I understood when my mom spoke English to me, that was for sure. I could also understand the texts I read, but producing my own and speaking.. that wasn't really my forte. I nervously glanced at the obviously confident, current seatmate of mine and bit my lip.
She wouldn't laugh at me, right? I really hoped so. Of course she would understand if my pronunciation was a bit off, I kept telling myself, like trying a sudden self hypnosis.
But my worries were for nothing. Either because of my Mom's American background made her really sound native, or then Krystal fluentness made me feel like a total noob, but I had to admit, I was slightly better than Jieun. She didn't seem to understand what was going on most of the time, yet she kept the cool façade on as if she knew exactly what the teacher was talking about.
Even I didn't get it all, and if I wouldn't be saved by the bell, I could've died on the spot as her eyes scanned the class and locked on me.
"Are you on the art course or are you majoring on performing arts?" Jieun asked me and started packing her bag.
"Oh, I literally took like every art course I could see and get my hands on. You?"
Her eyes twitched a bit, but soon she smiled again and happily answered, "Then we must have the same class again." For awhile I didn't get it, until joy of realization took over. It was time for my precious art class!
"That's great then! Show me the way!" I exclaimed as I took her hand and dragged her out of the class. Every minute and every step meant we got closer to my passion. I wished Sehun would be there with me, though. He would sing to me as always while I'd paint, the artwork taking the form of whatever emotion he sang. That was the best collaboration I knew, but I was always open to try new ones.
After my mind drifted to Sehun that was far away, my hands started to caress my long, dark brown hair. I didn't even notice at first that we had gotten some more people around us. They kept talking to Jieun in low voices, until they came to me with wide smiles.
"So, you are the new Jieun." One of them, the girl with brown hair, said and inspected me with her eyes. "Not bad... You might even beat our Jieun in P.E later today."
And by that, I heard a scowl coming somewhere, probably from Song Jieun's direction. Maybe she hated being the center of attention, I mentally noted to avoid putting her in situations like that. And we had P.E today? Super! I hadn't had a chance to run out in the field with Sehun the day before I left home, and I was yearning for a good battle again.
"But just to warn you, she's quite fast on tracks." Another one of the four rushed to add.
"Don't worry, I'm quite fast too. Though I wasn't the fastest one back at home.." I said and recalled how Sulli beat me every time. Even Luna did that sometimes, but we were an even match most of times. I wasn't even going to mention L.Joe oppa's friends that loved to race, unfairly that was.
"Yeah, but our Jieun is the school's fastest person, in the girls' category as well as the boys'." One of them argued.
"Stop it, already." Jieun suddenly commanded, obviously annoyed by all the praises. Though she did sound fast and also very cool. "Come, Jieun. Let's go to the art class, I'll show you the way."
Oh boy! I had totally forgotten about that! After that, we rushed through the long corridors of the old school I was now attending, until we reached a certain door at the second floor. But I had to admit, I kind of lost it when the class started. We could paint anything we wanted, you know, so she could see how skilled we were, and I didn't even notice the others as I kept painting and searching for my tools in the class.
I had no idea if anybody tried to talk to me, if they did, I would feel so apologetic. But I couldn't help it. That was how I behaved, when I really concentrated. I could see nothing but the canvas in front of me, and the paints I had next to me, ready to be used. Since the theme was something we decided on our own, my thoughts had travelled back home almost immediately.
At first, I had trouble choosing from the many breathtaking sights I knew. But then, as I finally chose our lavender field, I had trouble getting other colors in than the main ones. So I added our wooden house painted with red behind it, though from this perspective you wouldn't really see it. And also birds in the sky, some forest in the left edge of the canvas, clouds and a single dandelion in the middle of all lavenders.
I was happy how it turned out, though the teacher was getting some coffee at the moment the bell rang, so I couldn't exactly hear her opinion of it. I didn't have any time to wait for her as Jieun already dragged me after my working space was decently clean enough, telling me we had a P.E class to go. Yet another good subject I liked, why wouldn't I rush after her?
But then the problem arrived. I was again happy as we joined Jieun's other friends near the school's girls' changing room, still oblivious of the fact that I only had my uniform. I realized it only after I saw how they started to change to their sport clothes. I didn't own ones.
I didn't even have any school books, why would I have gym clothes either? I only brought few extra shirts from house, only a couple T-shirts since the weather was still warm. I had my jacket with me as well, but it was useless at the moment. Besides, how could I have known I needed to bring some change after I only got my timetable today.
And though usually school provided the same looking, dull clothes alongside with school uniforms, our school was "made to be different with others. We encourage the uniqueness in everyone as we try to even get rid of the school uniform code", was what the principal told me after I had arrived and asked about it with Ann. 
"Jieun, why aren't you changing?" Jieun suddenly asked me, returning me from my thoughts. She must've noticed I was standing idle between the other, busy girls. I blushed a little, embarrassed of my money problems.
"I don't have anything to change to." I admitted. She looked astounded for a moment. She seemed to seriously think for an secondary option, and I was so thankful for her.
"Hyosung, don't you have an extra pair in your locker?" She then proceeded to ask the girl with short, brown hair.
"I did, but they started to stink so bad that I had to get them washed. You have a pair too, so why ask me?"
"Hahaha.. Yeah, I guess I'll just have to lend you mine." Jieun said to me, though she seemed a bit reluctant to my eyes.
"Really?" I exclaimed happily, "you'd do that?" I asked, and she nodded.
"She must have her competition, dear." One of the four friends, Sunhwa if I recalled right, said. I smiled uncertainly, but I was also delighted that we could still have it.
Song Jieun was quick to get her pair of extra clothes. I guess it was unavoidable if you knew how to walk around here, and she probably ran so she wouldn't be late. But I never knew she'd be that fast to get her things. She must've been impatient.
"Here. We'll go first, so you come find us when you're finished." SHe said after handing me the clothes that were inside a small bag.
"Sure. Thanks again!" I said and looked at the pink clothes in my hands as they disappeared to the gym hall, shaking my head amused. Everyone had their own tastes, who was I to judge? After changing to the clothes that we're slightly big to me, I stepped to the hall myself, amazed by how big it was. They even had a painted running track inside. I mean, that was luxurious. I had never seen something like that.
"Jieun!" Hana yelled across the room. I smiled after catching a sight of them and jogged to their side as they gawked me from my head to toes.
"Are you dieting or something?" Was the first thing Sunhwa asked me when I joined them. She seemed amazed, which was absurd to my mind.
"What?" I uttered, confused of why'd she or any of them think that.
"How can Jieun's clothes look so loose on you? She's so fit and all." Hyosung muttered.
"Can you give me a tip?" Sunhwa asked enthusiastically. Well, they seemed to really think I was dieting and there was no way out of that now. What should I say? Don't eat? They'd die soon, I couldn't lose my newly made friends. They were so thin already, why would they need to diet?
"Leave her alone girls. If it's that effective, it must be a secret trick." Song Jieun said with a nonchalant face. She must have been proud of her body.. Oh no, I made her look funny now, didn't I? Aish, it's all my fault. But before I could get deeper to the zone of self blame, the teacher came.
"Who's ready to race?" He asked, and I realized Jieun must've told him already. She must've really, really wanted to race as well. "So, everyone competing, come to the starting line." He instructed. I was expecting more of the people to join since it would be more fun with more people, but the two of us would do just fine.
We were quickly settled and waiting for the last words. "Okay, let's match fair and square everybody." The P.E teacher said and cast a meaningful look towards Jieun. Huh? What was that supposed to mean? Was she usually playing some tricks?
Nevertheless, I nodded and we prepared to take off.
"Ready, set... GO!" The teacher yelled and we started running like our lives depended on it. Well, aren't you supposed to run like that in a competition?
As we were running for fun, I saw Jieun fall a little behind me. Surprised gasps echoed in the hall and soon I felt burning eyes on my back. It didn't take long for Jieun to use her speed to catch up with me, but I was still comfortable with the pace.
I could see that Jieun didn't want to lose, but neither did I. At least I was the one doing this for joy, she seemed to have a rather darker version going on in her head. I didn't think much of it as I only concentrated on running, jumping and dodging her tries to make me fall behind.
Too bad for her, I was all used to this with Changjo and Chunji. Those dang rascals couldn't help but to play dirty. But really, I had no idea Jieun was so competitive. We were starting to close the finish line side by side, and as a good ending of the match between us, I took off faster till I was the first one to pass it.
I was out of breath, but I still turned to give a handshake to Jieun, she was a good competitor. After I offered my hand she snickered and hit it away as she turned her back at me.
Maybe I should have let her win? Her expression wasn't even near as happy as I felt after I finally got to run. She must really have been proud of her running skills as well. I could only thank the numerous races with my friends that led me to the victory. Though winning wasn't such a big deal for me. While Jieun kept sulking and I felt bad about it, her friends came to me with shocked expressions.
"If you weren't the fastest one at home.. That means someone was faster than you?" Hyosung asked in doubt.
I grinned as I recalled my best friends back at home. "Of course, Sulli was like Usain Bolt." I got several doubtful looks, and I understood it well. No one would believe Sulli's speed until they saw her in action. The P.E teacher asked me about my old school and its ways of teaching P.E, clearly amazed. He seemed to be excited to meet the friend I was talking about, making me promise to make it possible one day.
I laughed and gave my promise, telling him to start teaching. After that, the gym class went by fast.
"Jieun!" I yelled as I ran after her and her friends in the corridor, the bundle of the gym clothes on my hands. She said something to the four of them and turned to face me.
"What?" She asked while crossing her arms.
"I.. uhh.. just thought if you'd like to hang with me after school. And here, your clothes" I offered. She looked at them in digust.
"Cn't you wash them before returning? We just ran and played games that make you sweat, so I bet they stink. Besides the school already ended." She noted with a bored tone. I didn't know why, but I was getting a nervous feeling about this.
"Yeah, that's why I ran to catch you..." I muttered. I guess she was right about the clothes. Should I ask Ann to wash them for me? Suddenly I saw her eyes brightening while I was trying to observe her reaction, as if she got an brilliant idea.
"I could hang with you. Besides, the P.E teacher said we could go and get some ice cream from the school's cold room after we ran so well." She explained, grabbing my hands and waving them around. This was the girl I met in the morning!
"Really? Wow, this school is awesome." I exclaimed delighted. "But where is the cold room?" I asked confused.
"Right this way." She said gleefully, starting to lead me few floors below to the school's food supply room. So much food! My stomach started to grumble against my will, and Jieun laughed as she heard it.
"There, behind that door. Mind getting me one while at it? I can't take the cold very well.." She said with a frown. Poor girl, how did she survive winters? I opened the thick, metallic door and the breeze of cold air greeted me.
"Sure thing. But before I go in, where are the ice creams held?" I asked while jumping up and down to get my blood flowing well. My back was facing Jieun, so I didn't have time to react as she pushed me inside.
"Just get in there!" She said in disgust as I hit the cold floor.
"J-Jieun?" I muttered surprised. Had she just pushed me? "I'm getting the ice creams, okay? Just calm down." I said and she started to laugh like I had cracked a joke.
"There's no ice cream for us, you stupid girl! Who even falls for that?" She mocked, making me at loss of words. "Let me make this clear to you now. There's room for only one Jieun in this school, and that's going to be me."
"What are you saying?" I couldn't understand her. Just a moment ago she was laughing with me, and now she was talking about us not fitting the school at the same time. Didn't she know how gigantic this school was? "We are friends, right?" I asked confused. What was wrong if we shared the same name? It was nothing special, it made no difference.
But it seemed to be an issue to Song Jieun since she had been obsessing over the small fact for the whole day without me knowing. I started to panic as she slowly started to close the door. "Jieun, you don't have to..! JIEUN!"
I rose from the floor as fast as I could while shouting at her name, but it was too late. She closed the door and I could hear the sound of the lock being locked. I was trapped inside, and now the door was locked from outside.
Jieun started laughing over the situation after she was done with making sure I wouldn't get out anytime soon. I heard her steps getting further away, and I called her name for the last time. I didn't care if she hated me, I was totally freezing up already.
She gave me no answer.
Couldn't anybody save me? Wouldn't they wonder where I was? Sehun... My thoughts travelled to him and his protective arms. I missed him.
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I guess it's too late to change Sehun to Zelo? xD Suddenly I'm getting weird zelo vibes...


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 7: Ahh author-nim update sooonnnnn
update soon !! ^^ i luv it :3
Salsal28 #3
Chapter 5: Yeaayy thanks for your update author-nim, can't wait for next chapter xD
song jieun is evil, poor jieun. I hope jieun and sehun can meet soon >.<
Chapter 5: When will sehun come to seoul? Miss HunU moment...
Salsal28 #5
Chapter 4: Please update your story soon author-nim >.<
Chapter 4: aww aww~ the school is starts! :D
agtrnta #7
Chapter 4: Please update soon
Chapter 3: uh, still waiting for Sehun XD
Livingthetime #9
Please update soon! This fanfic is very interesting! I can't wait for Sehun and Jieun to meet!
Chapter 2: omg, Sehun, pls come soon ><