A Big Surprise

A Real Oppa

Sooyoung's POV

I'm gonna come right out and say this: I was really surprised when Key asked me to tag along with him and Nicole. Sure, he's my brother and he's supposed to take care of me, but wasn't it their date? Pushing aside that, I was actually really happy when Key asked me to come.

We got into Nicole's blue Hyundai, however Key was driving. Nicole was in the other front seat, and I sat in the back like a little girl.

I tried to strike up a conversation.

"Soooo....How long have you two known each other?" I asked.

"I dunna know. Six, seven years?" Nicole says.

"But when did you start dating?"

"Oh. I can't remember."

After that, we kept on driving in silence. Fail, I thought to myself. I kept on thinking, but as I did, the light caught Key's hair in a way that made him seem like an immortal, a very good looking one at that.

Wait!! I shook my head. What am I thinking? He's my foster brother--There could NEVER be anything between us.

N-Not that I like him, I thought.

I sighed in exhaust. The tall buildings and restaraunts zoomed past the red tinted windows. It was a blue sky, but there was a cloud scattered here and there. When we stopped at a red light, I saw the display window for a small teenage clothing store. In the window, I saw a petite mint-green dress that complented a pearl necklace hanging with it. Some white stilletos sat by the mannequin and a black leather clutch had a glint. The whole outfit seemed to be screaming to me. "Buy us! Buy us!" They begged.

Key must  have been caught me looking at the ensemble, because soon he said, "Nicole, let's make a quick stop at this tiny boutique, okay?"

"Why? I need to make it to the arcade and pizza fast, and I've got a manicure at four." She complained.

"Nicole..." Key said warningly.

Nicole's eyes widened. "That's the first time you've ever disagreed with me."

"Well, maybe I've been stepping in your shadow for too long. Maybe I should get my way once in a while."

She was growing impatient. "Excuse me, but that isn't the way our realationship works. I say something and then you follow it. Now be a good boy and drive us to the pizza parlour."

"You know what Nicole? It's time that you respect me more. I'm not your little servant, buying you things and driving you where you please. That's not a realationship--Go hire a butler if you want that."

"Kim Kibum, you do NOT talk like that to me!! You earned instant popularity because of us dating!" She boomed.

"Dealing with you isn't worth popularity! Nicole, we're over!" He roared.

Instant silence followed his remark.

Nicole got out of her seat and up in Key's face.

"You and that filthy orphan get out of my car." She said frighteningly.

Key, still standing his ground, got out. He came and opened my door.

"Let's go Sooyoung. Away from this spoiled princess." And with that we left.

We made it to the boutique and stepped in through the glass doors.

And then it hit me.

Nicole and Key aren't dating anymore.


Sorry about the late update!! I had a VERY big case of writers block. Since this chapter was dramatic, expect the next chapter to be light and funny. Thank PrinceAwesome for reminding me to update! Now, I shall update Days Go By. Ciao!

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yooooooooo this is awesome!!
PrinceAwesome #4
I can hear you fic begging you "Update me! Update me!"
Hahahaah. Update soon ^^
I really wonder what's with the wet thing on Sooyoung's neck.
Dood !~ They are not dating anymore !!
update soon , Sookey <3
PrinceAwesome #6
This is a very good story and badly needs an update :/
IWriteForU #7
If you don't mind I moved some of the photos for this story to your account and you'll see the one with Tiffany, Kevin, Key, and Sooyoung in your albums
Weeee :"> omona~ Update soon ^^
IWriteForU #9
Update more
I'm<br />
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Still<br />
<br />
Waiting<br />
<br />
For<br />
<br />
The<br />
<br />
Promised<br />
<br />
Update.<br />
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PLEASE, UPDATE SOON T-T really craving what will happen next.