blossom. | ft. lee taemin

my {o n e-s h o t} at ℓσvє.♥

blossom. | ft. lee taemin 

I watched as she read her book peacefully. I was surrounded be plenty of girls; all the time. I was supposedly the adorable maknae of one the greatest Korean boybands, SHINee. Sometimes that just wasn't enough. Everyone just had to have a piece of me. But she treated me like a normal person; something I haven't experienced in a while. She knew me WHEN I was a nobody, but treated me like someone nonetheless. She was my friend in middle school, so why was I so scared to face her now. Shouldn't I be proud, that I returned as a great pop star?

She looked up towards the ruckus, more specifically, me. Her big, innocent eyes looked confused as she scanned the crowd before me but it changed once her gaze landed on me. She gave me a knowing smile, almost even sympathetic. It's as if she knew how I felt. I didn't want all this attention, all the time. I just wish I could be a regular kid sometimes.

She let out a heavy sigh and started to pack her things. I wanted to talk her; I wanted to know her. This following crowd wouldn't even give me a chance to do that. The bell rang and our free period was finally over. The crowd eventually dispersed, and I went off to my next class.

I snuck glances at her as she looked out the window, head resting on her palm. Her bangs were covering her soft features. It always seemed like she was trying to hide. What was she so deep in thought about?

"Oppa, what are you doing after school?", one of the fangirls broke me out of my trance.

"I have a SHINee thing today", I fibbed.

"Wow, you're so cool", she gushed. I wish they would stop. Now, being showered with compliments, was like poison to me. Who would I be if I wasn't the dancing machine of SHINee?


She closed her locker door as she took the necessary books for homework. I haven't heard a peep out of her since the first time we had met. (again) Occasionally I would catch her tinkling laughter when she was with her friends. I barely knew this girl yet I was so intrigued.

It was only me and her. This was my chance to talk to her.

"Hi", she stopped in her tracks at the sound of my voice.

She gave a small smile, "Hi."

We walked out the building in an awkward silence. I had to come to a stop, because manager hyung specifically told me to wait here. A few steps later, she realized I was no longer by her side.

"Is something wrong?", she asked, as if at fault.

"No, I have to wait here for my ride", I spoke as softly as she did.

"Oh, I'll be taking the bus then. Nice seeing you....without a crowd."

"H-How have you been?", I stuttered.

"You remember me?", she asked with disbelief.

"Why wouldn't I?", I challenged.

"I don't know.... People change after they become famous."

"How so?"

She gave me a smirk, "Can I show you something?"

"Now? It's getting dark and my m-manager is going t-to be here any minute", I hesitated.

A flash of disappointment crossed her face, "You're right. I'll be going then."

With each step she took, the more I wished I had gone with her.

"W-Wait!", I was surprised as I called her, "Take me."

Her eyes brightened and continued to walk, "Follow me, Lee Taemin."


"Where are we?", I heaved as we stomped up the grassy hill.

She gave me no answer as we finally reached the top. I looked up and saw the sky flooded with stars. There were so many, that I felt insecure under them. Surely, I could never shine as brightly as them.

I heard her chuckling.

"What is it?", I felt foolish.

"Taemin, people are so concerned with striving for the stars they fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet."

Sure enough, after she had said that, I flashed my cell phone light on the seemingly empty ground. I was wrong. There were some beautiful flower arrangements. So perfect, it was as if they were fake. Noticing I had crushed a few, I bent down and touched the damaged petal.

"Why'd you bring me here?"

"On their way to the top, people lose sight of what's really important. I hope that never happens to you, Taemin", she said sincerely.

 I didn't say one word, as I pondered what she had said. It was true. Fame does change people. However, she cares enough to never let that happen to me.

 I plucked a cherry red flower and placed it in her hand, which were now enveloped in my cold ones. I leaned in to give her a small but slow peck on the cheek.

"I hope I never forget this flower."

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Aprilia_Jasmine #2
So great
im here to visit and wishing u a very good luck!
LeeJinki-s #4
seems interesting
Wow this is a really good idea~

Not to mention your writing style is so sweet~ ^___^

Oh! And hullo, fellow sub-continental fan~ We're a rarity, we should stick together >.<
kissingyoulove #6
eekkkk!!! <3 it