score. | ft. minho

my {o n e-s h o t} at ℓσvє.♥

score. | ft. minho.

"Who's that?", I asked my friend, HyoSung.

I was currently attending one of my school's soccer games which I had never been to in my life. I was always uninterested in sports and HyoSung just HAD to drag me out here. During the semi finals... whatever the hell that is.

I was looking at the guy who had just made a goal and was high fiving his other team mates. The girls were squealing and the boy's eyes burned with what looked like jealousy.

"You don't know him?! He's Choi Minho! He's the star of our soccer team!", HyoSung chirped.

"HyoSung, this is my first game, how am I supposed to know?", I said sarcastically.

I looked back at him. He was tall, well defined and had a proportional face. I think I had an idea why girls fawned over him.

 After I realized I was staring at him for a while, I turned to HyoSung.

"I think I'm gonna go home. This is boring."

She gave a small pout, but nodded anyways. I went up the bleachers and exited our school's arena.


My head bobbed up and down as I tried to stay awake. I always hated this class and could never find myself awake. I was amazed at how I could fall asleep with all the chattering. Then it got quiet. Too quiet. I looked up to see Minho handing the teacher a sheet of paper. I saw her motion to me and I watched as Minho made his over to the seat beside me.  I shrugged and fell back asleep.

 "Aren't you the one who left in the middle of last week's game?", I heard his husky voice say. Honestly, I had never heard him talk....but his voice was pretty appealling. My eyes sprang open as I realized what he had said. He noticed me? Oh boy. Well I guess it was rude. It was like walking out of a concert and having the artist see you.

"You noticed?"

"I know everything that goes around me."


                      Minho was a model student. No wonder he was so popular. He started talking to me more often, but once I realized the attention I was getting, I started avoiding him. Some girls tried to get close to me being their fake selves and other girls scowled at me as I walked down the hallway.

 "Are you coming to next week's game", he hoarsely whispered. We were both copying down notes in the class I slept in before Minho barged in. I liked spending time with him but I was losing precious nap time!

"Did you not see me walk out of the first game I went to?", I scrunched up my face.

"But it's our championship game!"

"Don't care!"

"Come on~ Have some school spirit!", he nudged me.

"No", I said, rooted at my spot.

"Fine, then come to the game with ChunHa High School?"


"Yeah, they're this lousy school that hasn't won anything in years. The game'll be over before you know it."

I gave in and nodded my head one last time.


I lowered my eyes as I saw that guy stare at me AGAIN. I went to the game that Minho had asked me to go to and this cute guy from the opposing team wouldn't stop staring at me. Maybe I was just thinking too much. Minho said this game would be done with over with but the other team was ahead. I had never seen Minho so frustrated or angry. Good thing almost no one was around to see the pummeling defeat.

The other guy smiled at me and waved. It was such a nice gesture that I just had to do the same.

Little did I know, Minho was watching everything from the corner of his eye.


I watched Minho lay on the grass with his arms spread out. It was hours after the game, yet here he was. He must've really hated losing. It was a really close call; Minho must've really been out of it too. I knelt down beside him.

"Minho, winning isn't everything you know."

"It's everything to me", he replied after a while.

"Then you must be really shallow", I glared at him. He sat up immediately.


"Yeah. You think you can win everything? Of course you'll lose. It's a part of life."

He suddenly pulled me down and rolled on top of me. I was so shocked that I couldn't even lift a finger.

"We're going to have a rematch with ChunHa High School and this time we won't lose. You know why?", his lips were pressed against my ear.

"W-Why?", I squirmed but his grip was firm. He looked deep into my eyes and it made me stop after seeing his seriousness.

"Because that guy won't be flirting with my girlfriend."

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Aprilia_Jasmine #2
So great
im here to visit and wishing u a very good luck!
LeeJinki-s #4
seems interesting
Wow this is a really good idea~

Not to mention your writing style is so sweet~ ^___^

Oh! And hullo, fellow sub-continental fan~ We're a rarity, we should stick together >.<
kissingyoulove #6
eekkkk!!! <3 it