my heart's manual| ft kim jonghyun

my {o n e-s h o t} at ℓσvє.♥


my heart's manual| ft. kim jonghyun 


So this is what a library looks like. There are so many books here.


I mentally slapped myself.

I needed a biography of William Shakespeare for my Writing Appreciation class. I swear, college has some of the stupid classes. I picked this course, thinking it would be a breeze, but boy was I wrong.

I saw a girl sorting some books and decided to ask where the biographies where.

"Excuse me, do you know where I could find a biography about William Shakespeare?"

She turned to me with bright eyes.

"All biographies are in the back", she said with a small smile.

"So then what do I do?", I asked.

"Find your book, then check it out", she looked at me weirdly.

I was dumbfounded. Was the library always this easy?

"Have you ever been to a library before?", it was like she read my thoughts.

I looked at her meekly but she just smiled. Not in way that made me feel like a complete idiot though.

"Come with me, I'll show you", she waved her hand and already started to walk.



" 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day'... What the hell does that mean?!"

She chuckled, "Romeo is basically saying Juliet is hot... like the sun."

"Whoa, even back then...What about star-crossed lovers?", I scrunched up my face in confusion.

I didn't understand this guy at all. Why couldn't they just love each other and bam, end of story.

"That means they were destined to meet."

When she had said that, it felt like something hit my heart. Destined?

I had been coming here everyday, asking for help on my paper. But most of all, because I wanted to. I just wanted to see her. Even for it was another minute, even another second. She was a friend, but I wonder if she knew I wanted to be more.

While I was pondering on the feelings she made me feel, she started to speak.

"Don't ask me though. I probably forgot everything since I read it like 5 years ago."

"Do YOU believe in destiny?", I suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I do.", she answered after a long time.

We said nothing after that.



I walk into the library one day, and what do I see?

I see her with another guy! Not just any guy though.

He was good looking, tall and....why the hell is she smiling?!

I called out her name in a hoarse whisper and earned a hush from the main librarian.

She gave me the one-minute finger.

I'm losing someone I don't even know.

After a few, not one, but a FEW minutes she stood before me.

"Hey Jonghyun! What's up?", she said with a smile.

"Who was that?", I immediately questioned her.

"Somebody who needed help", she replied, confused.

"Today, it's help. Tomorrow, it's making out in the poetry section!", I said, which was pretty loud for a library.

She grabbed me hand and pulled me outside.

"Jonghyun, you're acting ridiculous", she furrowed her eyebrows.

I looked down before answering, "You made me ridiculous."


"I've never, in my life, touched more than two books in my life. Then I meet you, and I'm coming to the library everyday so I could see you. I never got Romeo & Juliet in my LIFE. Then you come along, and it makes perfect sense about how someone can fall in love so quickly. talk about destiny. The damn destiny. Well, I believe in destiny too. I also believe that I was destined to meet you."

I saw her standing there with an amused smile.

Great, my love has become a joke.

"You know why I believe in destiny? Because I met you", she said with a smile still playing on her pink lips.

Before I could even stop myself, I picked her up and twirled her around, As soon as I put her down I pressed my forehead against her's.

"I just hope we don't end up dying like Romeo and Juliet", she chuckled.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Aprilia_Jasmine #2
So great
im here to visit and wishing u a very good luck!
LeeJinki-s #4
seems interesting
Wow this is a really good idea~

Not to mention your writing style is so sweet~ ^___^

Oh! And hullo, fellow sub-continental fan~ We're a rarity, we should stick together >.<
kissingyoulove #6
eekkkk!!! <3 it