Prelude: Leap of Death

We are Bulletproof

2. Leap of Death

You barely made it to the stone steps of a nearby building before finally collapsing. Seoul, you laughed, what a joke. All that effort into following him had all turned to dust. All the studying, the part-time job, leaving home, everything became meaningless. How would your parents take it? You were so stubborn about getting into Yonsei even though they wanted you to go abroad. Not mentioning the lost opportunities of graduating from a university abroad.

Moreover, how would your little brother take it? He told you over and over to stop meeting that man. He even followed you here in his distrust. He hated it when you two became engaged. Now that he finally came through and accepted your engagement, this happened. You buried your face in your hands.

You've disappointed everyone, you thought as you took your shoes off and looked around. It was already dark. Thinking of your brother, you check your phone. It was nearly midnight and you haven't made him dinner. You felt so useless. The were ten missed calls from him and he was calling once again. How could you have missed every call?

Perhaps it's best if I disappear, the thought runs through your head as you began to walk again, this time barefoot.




'You're telling me that you definitely hit your head on the sink?' his brother asked for the umpteenth time as he drove.

'Yep.' They were in Seoul already now, and it wouldn't be long until they reach Yoongi's flat. It would be a relief once they arrive. His brother had questioned him non-stop, like the police interrogating a suspect or maybe a psychiatrist doing so to a patient. 'I already told you.'

'Alright, alright, just checking.'

Yoongi sighed and looked out of his window while the car slows into a halt. They managed to catch the rush hour traffic jam.

'Like, your head hit-'

'Yeah. It did.' he interrupted and hit the radio switch to avoid any more conversations.

'Oh, it's your song.' his brother points out. 'It's in the charts.'

But Yoongi wasn't listening. 'Hyung, look.' he points to one side of the road. A woman had started to climb onto the railings of the bridge. 'Hyung, we have to stop her.' he said, taking his seat belt off. 'I'll be right back.'

'What?' his brother responded a moment too late and Yoongi had closed the door behind him.

He ran full speed to the bridge. 'Stop!' He shouted.

The woman paused, her short hair blowing in the wind. She wiped her tears and her bare feet to face him.

'Don't jump!' he tried to convince her. 'Whatever it is, it's not worth your life.'

By then, a crowd had began to gather around them. A buzz of excited concern filled the scene. He looked to them for help but they were only ready to observe. And observe they did, some even filmed the event, but nobody even tried to dial the police. In the end, he grabbed the nearest phone and keyed in the emergency number before passing it back.

But when his attention returned to the woman on the bridge, she was already taking her last step into the air.

His eyes widened as he leapt forward in an attempt to snatch her away from death. 'No!'



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Chapter 9: Haha the part where yoongi screwed up jin's name was really funny, i wonder who the receptionist is? :) Thanks for the update !!!
Chapter 4: Your story is good I like where it is going and I want to know more so update when you can