Episode 2


[HOTNEWS]  New couple will be joining the WGM family!

The two who are very talented, charismatic duo, two who may seem cold on the outside… but super warm on the inside! Want to know more? Since, we are very nice, we’ll leave you with a hint- they are from the same company! Now, that’s a HUGE hint! Are you excited? Guess who the couple will be!


It’s been a while since I last talked to Jongin, well to be precise, the night of last week’s first recording. We have decided to try not to talk or meet with each other, so that we will make ‘newer’ topics on the show- hence people won’t think we are actually linked. Even though, it felt so weir and empty  not contacting Jongin before I sleep everyday… but I’m sure, well both of us are, that this would make the show seem more ‘I just met you, and you’re my husband’ feel. Still can’t get over how we can date so freely now.

I can’t wait to see you, Jongin-ah.

Today is the second episode’s filming day, and also the first time Krystal and Jongin will be seeing each other since they parted last week. The public has yet to know about them being the new couple- so they are not nervous with the response yet.This time Kai starts the show, into the car filled with cameras and greeted nicely. A card was placed on the seat next to his, he took it and said, "UH OH. Why do I sense it's going to be hard?" He shook his head then read it out loud, ‘Plan of an ideal first date and pick up your wife!’ “UH OH. The thing that scares me the most with WGM is already here. I am SO bad at planning things! Ottoke~” Kai talks to himself. “What does she like…? We didn’t talk that much the other day… so probably go to a place we could talk and get to know each other more…?” “What does she like?! Hm, let’s search the net” Kai giggles as he takes his phone from his pocket and surfing the net. He sighs a place his phone on his lap. Just then Kai went, “AH!”- A light bulb moment came. Kai started dialling someone…

K: Hey, Sulli-ah!

S: Eh? Jongin? Why you calling? (Laughs)

K: I need help…

S: On what?

K: What is Krystal’s ideal date?

S: OMO OMO OMO OMO Sorry Jongin-ah, I really don’t know…

K: YA! Okay then tell me what she likes, like anything

S: Erm, I know she likes mangoes… hate cucumbers though… oh and she’s…

K: She’s allergic to apples right?

S: WOAH how did you find that out?! But yeah, she is… I need to go, Jongin; I can’t help much either, BYE!

K: Haha okay, thanks Sulli. Bye!

After the phone call Jongin lets out another sigh and dropped his hands on his lap. “What am I going to do!!!!!” he says while face palming himself. I SO know what she likes…   

Kai interview

Interviewer: How did you feel when you read the card?

K: I was SCARED! I mean, it’s only the second time we’re um… meeting as a… married couple, so I got scared, since this will be remembered won’t it? I felt tonnes of burden on my shoulders to try planning the most perfect date- yet I don’t even have a slight idea (sighs)

Interviewer: Why did you call Sulli?

K: I know that Krystal is close to Sulli, and since I have her number… I needed to find out more about Krystal!

Interviewer: How did you know that Krystal was allergic to apples?

K: …. Oh that. Erm, back then when we were trainees, I heard that a girl was allergic to apples- which really caught my attention…

Interviewer: Will Krystal be jealous if she finds out that you called Sulli?

K: … I think, Krystal isn’t the type that would get jealous if I ask someone about her… right? (Doubts)

Krystal Interview

Interviewer: What if Kai is close to a good friend of yours?

K: Erm… depends really. I want … my husband to click well with my friends, but I guess there are boundaries… he can’t click too well… get it? (Laughs)

Interviewer: Do you have an ideal date?

K: (thinks hard) Ummm… I don’t really think so. Well, I think it’s nice enough if we both have time to ourselves, talk to each other about things- work, random stuff… but I also like activities that we both could do together, know each other capabilities and such.

Interviewer: Any specific type of date you’d like Kai to bring you?

K: Kai? (Laughs) Honestly if he does something I don’t particularly like, it’s totally fine… for now (laughs), since we don’t know much about each other yet… but it’d be nice to go on a place where we could talk about things- get to know each other, kind of date.

Kai on the other hand was still in his van going around the city- looking for some inspiration. After going around the city for some time- Kai’s face finally lights up, he has an idea.


Krystal on the other hand, was at f(x)’s dorm- received a card.

‘My dearest wife, get ready by 8pm, I’ll pick you up! Can’t wait to see you- dress simple and prettily…like you always do.  Kai’

After reading the card, Krystal covers with the card and started laughing. “Ya… why is he like this…? Did he actually send this?” After finding out it was, she starts laughing again then finally stops with, “OMG it’s already 6! I haven’t thought of what to wear yet!!” and starts stomping off to get ready.

Kai interview

Interviewer: Are you usually that cheesy?

K: (Laughs) HAHA! Is it too much? Since you’re actually asking me about it? Haha, it’s not that I sweet talk or whatever, I… am the type who just, erm say what I think, rather than hide it. And the cheesiness may also loosen us both, and make our awkwardness less…? (Laughs) I don’t know, really… I am not experienced at all in this whole dating thing… so I am trying my best here!

At 8 sharp, f(x)’s doorbell rang. Krystal’s scream could be heard. Krystal runs to the nearest mirror in the living room. She fixes her new blond hair, white and blue striped knee length dress with a brown waist belt, and puts on a brown pair of sandals while muttering, “YA KRYSTAL PALLI PALLI” After putting on her shoes, she grabs her brown clutch and runs to the door. She takes a deep breath and opens the door.

She grins from ear to ear when she sees Kai, ever so handsome in a blue shirt with black pants, holding a bouquet of pink peonies, her favourite flowers. “WOW Kai. How did you know that these are my favourite?” Krystal asks, acting as if it’s the first time he has ever given her peonies. “I just thought that these were pretty, so… I thought you’d like it…GOD you look really good with that hair” Kai replies, I know that you love peonies, Krystal-ah.  The blushing Krystal takes the flowers from the Kai, and said, “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself. Erm, I am going to put these inside for a while. Um… can you… erm wait here?” Krystal stutters. Kai chuckles and nods. She goes in while Kai waits.

Krystal interview

Interviewer: How did you feel when you opened the door?

K: When I opened the door? Oh. (blushes) Honestly, I am into the kind of movies that are erm, how do I put this, hopeless romantic kind of genre. And when I opened the door- Kai was standing there looking dashing, picking me up for a date and with my favourite flowers- How can I not be happy?! It feels so much like a movie- I had to snap myself back to reality! (laughs) Honestly, it felt so nice. Probably more than that, I don’t think I can even describe how it feels like.

Kai opens the car door for her, and gets on after her. The driver then started driving. “Where are we going?” Krystal asks Kai. “Wait and see” Kai replies smiling. Then he continues, “So, how are you?” “I’ve been great. Busy trying to get all schedules done and all. With the new song… and promotions… Oh by the way how’s your tour going?” “Your song, your music video is amazing! I loved the concept that you guys pulled, and Krys, you looked amazing.” Krystal looks at Kai, after he called her, “Krys” and then Kai suddenly realises, “Is it…okay if I call you Krys? Or is that… not suitable?” Krystal laughs and said while smiling; “People do call me Krys, so its fine, Kai.” The two awkwardly laughed it off and went to a familiar silence. This time Krystal breaks the silence with, “Oh, your concerts! How has it all been going?” Kai then replies, “ Oh, sorry I forgot about the question… It’s great. It’s really similar like our SMTOWN week concert…Meeting so many great people. You know what? You should come over to one of our concerts!” Krystal then says while smirking, “Is it that great?” Kai was in disbelief and challenges her back, how dare you doubt me, Krystal. “Come and watch, then tell me, how great it is”. Krystal laughs at his challenge, “Deal”. The two laughed then the car suddenly stopped. “We’re here. But wait, don’t move just yet” Kai says. He exits the car and rushes to Krystal’s side and opens the door for Krystal. She couldn’t help but blush- “Thanks Kai… So what are we going to do tonight?”


Till next week’s episode!



[HOTNEWS] EXO’s Kai and f(x)’s Krystal confirmed to join WGM as the new couple!

Congratulations! The couple has started shooting from last two weeks, and their episodes will premier next week! Their chemistry is impeccable, their beauty is unbeatable! Do stay tuned for their updates, and please give the couple a lot of love~



Hi guys! Sorry this one is a little short- I have a lot of things on my mind right now... so could also use a bit of your help!

Leave your suggestions for episodes down at the comments below!

I do have a rough plan of the episodes, but would love to hear from you guys too!

Happy reading! <3



photo credit to owner

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Chap 7 is here! just wanted to tell you guys i'll be away, until mid next week... so chap 8 will come a bit later. Have fun reading!


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Chapter 7: oh my god.....I CAN'T HANDLE IT
SOOOOOO......amazinnnnngggggg...pls. update
Chapter 7: want to know abt the netizen's reaction and their fellow label mates ~ update soon authornim... ^^
Chapter 7: cant wait for d next update.. KAISTAL 4ever!!!!!
RanHwa #4
Chapter 7: Aish... Amber and Sulli ruined everything khu khu khu
Chapter 7: Kyaaa this is so cute! Really :))
nurmasyitasr #6
Chapter 7: I can't stop smiling when i read this omgg update soon please... who's that in the black van? Paparazzi? Fans? Who??
Chapter 7: omg theyre so cute>__<
krystaljxox #8
Chapter 7: OMO that was short but SO CUTE! I can totally imagine everything going on! <333 wouldn't mind a bit of ;) Hahahahahhaha love your stories <3
Chapter 5: I'm dying of happiness right now!!!