Episode 1- Part 2


This is crazy. Is this even possible? Does SM actually know about this?!

Both of them thought while staring at the table awkwardly- they’ve never… well, showed any interactions before on camera, not even during family concerts! To be suddenly close…it’s a little awkward for them and for...well fans. Since no one knew they were close due to lack of interaction in public.

Jongin broke the silence and said, “So… you were born in the same year, right? When is your birthday? I am your oppa right?” “Erm, I was born in October… you?” “January, so… call me oppa then.” Krystal chuckled at the statement, making Jongin a little embarrassed with his eagerness to get her call him oppa. Krystal nods and Jongin continues asking, “So… what are your hobbies?” Jongin knows how uncomfortable Krystal is- trying to be all normal on camera with each other, so Jongin tries his best to make conversation and make her feel more natural. “Um, I like dancing, singing, travelling… a lot more, in which I can’t really think of right now... What about you?” “I like dancing too and erm I like to sleep. A lot.” The two laughed it off, even with tons of awkwardness wash over them. Krystal feels guilty that she seems to not even trying to get to know him so she said, “So… am I what you expected?” Jongin confidently replies, “More than what I expected…You… are very pretty, I don’t know why we are not close” Krystal widen her eyes and laughs while Jongin continues, “You? Are you happy with me being your husband?” Krystal laughs and says, “I guess… you’re okay…”

Krystal Interview

Interviewer: Why were you so quiet that day?

K: I was? Oh ya… I was…Well, I felt so shy… and I can’t seem to find what was appropriate to say… How do other couples do it?!

Interviewer: How did you feel when he said you were pretty?

K: … (rosy cheeks) It was a mixed emotion ride. I felt touched by his comment, felt something going down my spine, it also made me cringe! No one has ever complimented me like that on the first meeting!

Come on guys, I am SO used to cheesiness from Jongin.

Interviewer: Why couldn’t you think of your hobbies?

K: His question was so sudden, I wasn’t ready for it! (laughs) I can’t believe I actually blurted out ‘I couldn’t think of any right now’ (covers face with palms)

Kai Interview

Interviewer: You asked a lot of questions, why?

K: I could sense that she was very shy and stressed out with what to say, so I tried to make things easier for her. (Interviewer woos) … Is that too cheesy to say? Oh god what is going on with me?

Interviewer: Is it true that she was more than what you expected?

K: (laughs) I said that right? I can’t believe I said that on my first meeting -__- Yes, I was… not sure if it’s because I didn’t expect anything, but she is definitely pretty- that I cannot deny.

As the two blush at each other and stare at the table awkwardly, a mission card was given to the two. ‘Go to coffee shop XXX & make something memorable.’ Memorable? Like WHAT?! Krystal starts feeling uneasy, even though she should be happier than ever to be in a program like this with her REAL boyfriend. But…. She can’t seem to act ‘normal’ when so many people are watching and recording them. “Let’s go!” Kai says while opening the door for her. “You know, Kai actually means ‘an open door’ in Chinese” Kai tells Krystal. Krystal bluntly replies, “Oh really? So why did you get that name? You…don’t look like a door”. Kai laughed out loud at her unintended joke, which also made Krystal laugh along. Krystal then says, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so lame… I’m not always like this okay?” Kai nods and smiles at Krystal, “I’m lame too don’t worry- I once told a fan to go put herself in the freezer when she said she melted with Chanyeol’s voice”. Krystal laughed so much she actually had to stop walking. Kai smiles seeing Krystal finally laughing, her tensed aura finally fading away.

They got into the car, filled with 4 cameras recording them and when the car finally started moving, Kai says, “So, why do you think we were put together?” Krystal then looks at Kai and said, “I don’t know really… so far we don’t have any similarities except… being lame.” Kai laughs and said, “Now THAT is a very unique thing to be similar about, we should… be proud of that.” Krystal then laughs and smiles at Kai and said, “Same company? But seriously though, I really didn’t think it would be someone from the same company…” “Me too! Oh ya, that could be another similarity”. Then the two stopped talking and stared into space- giving a thought about why they were put together. Then Krystal broke the silence by, “I know another one. And I think it’s the main one…” Kai shifts his sight to Krystal. “…I think another one is that we both seem really cold, mean and um…arrogant?” Kai nods slowly after hearing that and then says, “You think I look cold, mean and arrogant?” while smirking, making Krystal panic and stutters “No…no…that’s not what I was trying to say… I was just… the whole… well, concept placed on us…” Kai laughs and says, “Your stutters are too cute, Ms Krystal.” What was THAT, JONGIN?! Krystal couldn’t help but blush, said, “Haha. Thanks.” And looked away to the window to avoid eye contact with Kai. Shortly after, they arrived at the coffee shop.

Kai Interview

Interviewer: Why do you think you two were put together?

K: Erm, maybe because we’re both erm… how to say this nicely… have a unique stage presence? (Chuckles)

Interviewer: You complimented her twice that day, why?

K: (blushes and covers face with palm) I don’t know why I got too cheesy all of a sudden, but her stutters were cute, weren’t they? (Laughs again) I seriously don’t know what she has done to me… Is it too fast to be like this?

Krystal Interview

Interviewer: What do you think made the production team put you two together?

K: Well, erm… I think because of the aura we both give. I mean, I get ‘Krystal, stop being so cold and arrogant’ a lot, even though I am not trying to be anything- it’s just my natural look! And I think…well… Kai has the same aura- he has a very strong stage presence, which could be looked at as an ‘amazing arrogant performer’… okay… did that sound mean?

Interviewer: How did you feel when he said that your stutters were cute?

K: It was so sudden! (Covers face) and he even called me ‘Ms. Krystal’! (Hides face again) Seriously, I mean he is so… straightforward……& surprising…

Interviewer: Do you like the fact he is straightforward and full of surprises?

K: erm…… (Chuckles) I think so….

They arrived at the coffee shop, came down from the car.

Krystal; Phew we’re here now. No more i-cannot-run-away-because-i-am-in-a-car talks. Seriously, Jongin- don’t take this too fast on screen, it’s too much to take for me! Although I am SO used to it…but this is being shown on television!!

Kai; Sorry, babe for saying you’re cute just now, I know you weren’t ready for it to be broadcasted... but seriously, saying you’re cute has become a habit...

Then the two realise that they will be filming at a coffee shop. It’s where we met for the second time!

The two enters the coffee shop and Kai ordered for Krystal after asking what she wanted. Just then, Krystal realises to make something memorable so she says, “Can we make our own coffee instead?” Kai then too realises and urges the manager to let them make their own coffee instead.

The manager allows them to make their own, but one of them has to learn first and then do the next one together. Kai volunteers to do first- I’m the man so I’m the one that needs to show her- and slowly he learnt how to make a cup of latte. Then it was Krystal’s coffee’s turn.

Krystal was doing it slowly, until she put on the milk steamer to test the temperature before putting the milk at the nozzle- She turned the pressure too high, even with her holding a towel at the end of the nozzle, she felt her hand burning. She screamed, Kai who was watching her turned off the steamer instantly and took her wrist to the sink to wash with cold water. After Kai did that, Krystal’s pain seemed to be wash off along with the water, she was overwhelmed with the amount of concern he showed. Kudos to his reflexes, hehe. “Ya, Krystal! You okay? Stop staring into space like that!” Kai says. Krystal gets out of her thoughts and said, “I think its fine, I think it doesn’t hurt anymore.” Kai then says, “You sure?” and called the manager to ask if her hand was severe. The manager came and said that it was nothing serious, and the two sighed with relief. The manager ended up doing the second cup, while the two sit and wait for their drinks.

Kai interview

Interviewer: Why did you volunteer in learning the first cup?

K: Well… I wanted to look smart (laughs) in front of her… and since I’m the guy… it’d be nice if I taught her or something…

Interviewer: How did you feel when Krystal hurt herself?

K: I was scared! She looks so fragile; I felt like a need to take care of her, now that I am… erm… her… erm… (Whispers) husband… (Laughs) but really though, I was scared she’d burn her hand, so I had to do what I had to do.

Interviewer: What are your thoughts on skinship? When is it appropriate?

K: skinship? Well, erm… I don’t have thoughts about it, but I think skinship is something that comes naturally- unplanned. Why did you ask that…? Did I touch her already?! (Asks interviewer) Well… I guess that was just reflex… was it too fast? Am I gonna get into trouble because of this? I’m sorry; Krystal’s fans (bows).


Krystal interview

Interviewer: Why were you staring into space after your hand was being washed?

K: I….erm… is it okay to say this? (Clears throat) well, erm… I was shocked when he held my wrist, and so yeah that feeling covers my pain (laughs) my god I can’t believe I just said that, but really… it was nice of him to do that- I felt… safe.


Till next week’s episode!




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Chap 7 is here! just wanted to tell you guys i'll be away, until mid next week... so chap 8 will come a bit later. Have fun reading!


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Chapter 7: oh my god.....I CAN'T HANDLE IT
SOOOOOO......amazinnnnngggggg...pls. update
Chapter 7: want to know abt the netizen's reaction and their fellow label mates ~ update soon authornim... ^^
Chapter 7: cant wait for d next update.. KAISTAL 4ever!!!!!
RanHwa #4
Chapter 7: Aish... Amber and Sulli ruined everything khu khu khu
Chapter 7: Kyaaa this is so cute! Really :))
nurmasyitasr #6
Chapter 7: I can't stop smiling when i read this omgg update soon please... who's that in the black van? Paparazzi? Fans? Who??
Chapter 7: omg theyre so cute>__<
krystaljxox #8
Chapter 7: OMO that was short but SO CUTE! I can totally imagine everything going on! <333 wouldn't mind a bit of ;) Hahahahahhaha love your stories <3
Chapter 5: I'm dying of happiness right now!!!