Episode 1


Should I tell Jongin? Should I? Should I???

"Krystal! Come fast, we're leaving soon!" her manager calls for her. Krystal calls Jongin- but Jongin didn’t pick up his phone. She took one long and deep breath and said to herself, “Krystal, just go. Let’s handle it all later.” She took her bag and got into the car as fast as she could, to keep herself as distracted as possible.

Krystal looked very beautiful- with just a simple plain white shirt and skinny red jeans, a simple black clutch and a pair of loafers. She looks calm on the outside- but she is so nervous on the inside. The filming started in the car, from the start- making her startled. As she got into the car, “OMG, already?” and covered her face, then laughed at her own reaction. The PD at the front seat gave her a card- “Congratulations on your wedding! Now- go to XXX to meet your husband!” She could feel the nervousness from her toes to her fingertips- wiggling around, making her super uneasy. Krystal kept thinking of how she’d need to explain to Jongin once she gets back… What if it’s Minhyuk? Jongin would never approve- even if it’s just a show… haih, ottoke~

Krystal Interview

Krystal then introduced herself to the camera. “Hello, to all viewers, I am Krystal from f(x). And I guess…I am going to be the new bride?”

Interviewer: So, what are your thoughts when you were on your way to meet him?

K: I was scared, like really- I was. Nervous, scared—everything! I really wanted to know who it’ll be… but I just couldn’t guess who at that moment.. But most of the time… I was just… blank. (laughs)

Interviewer: What’s your ideal type? Who do you wish to become your husband?

K: Erm, I don’t really have a specific type… but, I guess… I just like a guy who looks good with horn-rimmed glasses, a white t-shirt, jeans, and black hair. A guy who is fun and has his own signature scent… Okay, is that too weird?

Krystal arrives at location. She comes out of the car, with 2 cameras following her into the building. Just when she entered the building she saw a person holding a card- it was L, from Infinite. He was definitely one of the people Krystal thought could be her on screen husband. “Oppa! What are you doing here? Are you….by chance…. My husband?!” Krystal says to L so frankly making the staff and L laughing. L smiled, and just gave her the card. She took the card and the card told her to go up to the 3rd floor. She was honestly relieved at first when she saw L but when she read that she had to go up to meet her ‘real’ husband- her nervousness grew even more. “It’s not you, oppa?” Krystal says, not wanting to go through another round of nervousness. “Go up!” L says. She left L and went up. As soon as the lift doors open- she saw, Minhyuk standing in front of her. Ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap please don’t tell me it’s going to be with him noooooooo nooooooo. Krystal froze in the lift, and Minhyuk then says, “Ya, Krystal! Come out!” Krystal had her this-cannot-be-real-please-tell-me-i-am-dreaming face on and slowly went out. “You….you….?” She stutters a bit. Minhyuk laughs and smiles, “Here.” Passing another card to Krystal. Krystal sighed with relief, and Minhyuk says, “Ya! You don’t want to marry me that much, is it?” Krystal laughed and said, “No….” while opening the card. ‘Go inside room 203’ Krystal felt her nervousness peaked again. Honestly, she could only think of L & Minhyuk, she can’t guess who the next is/ real one going to be! Minhyuk wishes her all the best and said “You are going to like him”. Krystal then says, “You know who it is? Come on tell me faasttt!” Minhyuk laughs and bowed off. She then went to find room 203. She found room 203. She was just standing in front of the room. And when she opened the door, she saw a big room, with a see through glass- with a view overlooking the city, and… a guy, wearing a white shirt , jeans, platinum white hair- sitting on the chair, his back facing her. His back looks familiar though. After she closed the door, the guy looked back and stood up. The two both stared at each other in disbelief; both had their mouths drop- wide open. It was Kai, Kim Jongin.

Kai Interview

K: Hello, I am Kai from EXO. And I am the new groom. (Laughs shyly)

Interviewer: How did you feel that day?

K: The feeling is so hard to describe… I was so nervous, I could barely think!

Interviewer: Anyone you had in mind?

K: No, I really didn’t know who to expect!

Interviewer: What’s your ideal type?

K: Ummm… maybe a girl who has a pure heart, as white as snow?

Interviewer: How can you see that from first sight?

K: I don’t think you can tell from just seeing her- I think I’d be able to figure it out if I talk to her…?

Jongin and Krystal laughed after seeing each other’s reactions, and then he pulled out the chair in front of him to let her sit. She sat down with still covered by her hand. The two looked at each other and laughed again. “Hello, I am Kai, from EXO” Jongin introduces himself. Krystal then introduces herself, “Hello… I’m Krystal from f(x)”. The two went back to laughing- still not believing that they are the pair! Krystal then asks, “Are you… my husband?” and Jongin nods. The two laughed again.

Krystal interview

Interviewer: So… what was your first impression of him?

K: I was actually shocked when I saw him! I mean, I didn’t expect someone to be from the same company… but he’s alright… he’s okay I guess, I am not THAT close with him- so, I think it’ll be a good chance to get to know him…?

Interviewer: Does he fit your ideal type?

K: Well… he doesn’t wear horn-rimmed glasses… and he doesn’t have black hair… but I think overall I’m okay with it.

Kai interview

Interviewer: What were your thoughts when you saw her?

K: I was… shocked actually. I think we both were- since we both had our jaw drop (laughs) but… honestly, I think I am content with my…. Wife? (laughs again)

Interviewer: Are you guys close?

K: Well, not THAT close- I mean I know her, she knows me kind of thing- I guess…

Interviewer: Do you think she has a pure heart?

K: ….. I think she does.



Till next week’s episode!

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Chap 7 is here! just wanted to tell you guys i'll be away, until mid next week... so chap 8 will come a bit later. Have fun reading!


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Chapter 7: oh my god.....I CAN'T HANDLE IT
SOOOOOO......amazinnnnngggggg...pls. update
Chapter 7: want to know abt the netizen's reaction and their fellow label mates ~ update soon authornim... ^^
Chapter 7: cant wait for d next update.. KAISTAL 4ever!!!!!
RanHwa #4
Chapter 7: Aish... Amber and Sulli ruined everything khu khu khu
Chapter 7: Kyaaa this is so cute! Really :))
nurmasyitasr #6
Chapter 7: I can't stop smiling when i read this omgg update soon please... who's that in the black van? Paparazzi? Fans? Who??
Chapter 7: omg theyre so cute>__<
krystaljxox #8
Chapter 7: OMO that was short but SO CUTE! I can totally imagine everything going on! <333 wouldn't mind a bit of ;) Hahahahahhaha love your stories <3
Chapter 5: I'm dying of happiness right now!!!