The Start


Krystal and Kai have been together since they were both trainees- and have been dating all this while in utmost secrecy. They pretend not to acknowledge one another- but always trying to peek a glance when they can. Nobody knew about their relationship, except for their senior label mates- TVXQ, Super Junior, SNSD and their members. Kai and Krystal still is lovey dovey- even after being together for so long. But they would keep their distance in public and the SM directors, making sure they will not make the headlines.

 After Baekhyun’s and Taeyeon’s relationship was revealed, they knew they had to depend on technology more since people will be watching EXO even more closely. Baekhyun’s and Taeyeon’s relationship was known to the company- which they suspect that the company had something to do with the relationship reveal. That’s why they decided to keep it away from the company too.

One day, MBC production team called over Krystal for a short meeting.

“We want you to be the bride of a new couple” the WGM PD states, making Krystal dropped her jaw. “That would be a great idea, oooo who is going to be her partner? It’d be amazing if Minhyuk joins” Krystal’s manager states. Krystal couldn’t even think. Minhyuk…? I cannot! The fans will go cray about it…but no… I can’t do this to Jongin… “So, Krystal.. What do you think? Would you like to join?” the PD asks after Krystal shutting up for some time. Krystal then replies, “Can I call you tomorrow or something? It’s a big thing to pretend to be married to someone you are not for some time…” The PD nods, understanding Krystal’s situation and said, “Sure. But please, let me know before this week ends- we need to find a new one if you decide not to.” Krystal nods and leaves the meeting room. On the way to the parking lot- she saw Jongin and Sehun coming out of their car. She then quickly nudges her manager to pretend to talk to their manager so that she could talk to Jongin “Oppa, please talk to their manager for a while” Her manager listen to her words and did as told. Krystal takes a look at Jongin and feels her insides melt. Jongin smirks at her you-are-melting-me-stop face. Krystal clears and said, “Jongin, Sehun, why are you guys here?” “We left our stuff the other day, we want to go pick it up and we need to see someone” Sehun replies while Krystal and Jongin still staring at each other lovingly. “Err… hello? I answered?” Sehun tries to break off the stare. Krystal gets out of it with a chuckle then said, “Sorry, Sehun. Why again?” Sehun sighed and before Sehun could answer, Krystal’s manager grabbed her wrist and said, “We need to go, I see fans coming this way” and left. Krystal turned to take a last look of her hot boyfriend. Jongin looks at her a let out a sigh, “When can we have the next proper date?” Sehun then hits Kai, “Ya! Let’s go before we’re late.” Jongin and Sehun then leave to enter the building.

Krystal was thinking real hard in the car- Should I go? I mean, it’s good for f(x)… but it is so not healthy having a ‘marriage life’ broadcasted and a huge possibility your boyfriend seeing it… even if its fake- I need to act as if its real, and that may play a huge part of ruining the only relationship I ever wanted in my whole life. I HATE HAVING TO CHOOSE BETWEEN CAREER AND LOVE LIFE UGH! “Krystal, you okay?” her manager asks Krystal who keeps looking in front without saying anything. “Honestly, I think you should. I know- Kai etc. but seriously, think of your career… I’m sure Kai will understand” her manager continues. Krystal sighs and says, “But oppa, seriously, if I were Jongin- I’d be so angry even if it’s for his own career. I mean, seeing him and another girl will hurt so much- even if it’s unreal, it would feel so real. And I don’t want that to do that to Jongin and ruin us.” “Why don’t you talk to Jongin about it?” Her manager says. Krystal nods- and gives it a thought.

Krystal was lying on her bed, while all f(x) members just finished celebrating her offer on her bed. Victoria keep telling her tips, and the rest kept trying to guess who it’ll be. Even though Krystal was there, her mind wasn’t. Jongin- ah, what should I do?

After a while, the members left and went to sleep while Krystal still staring into empty space. She grabs her phone and stares into Jongin’s picture. Just as she was deciding to call Jongin, Jongin called her first.

J: Hey babe, everything okay?

K: Hey…. Yeah. Everything…Is fine. You?

Should I tell him? Or should I just do it and then tell him? Or should I just waste this chance? Krystal still unsure of what to do.

J: Yeah, everything is okay with me too. Why do you sound so weird? You SURE you’re okay?

Krystal hates how Jongin can sense her worries through her voice.

K: Yeah, I have something to talk to you about…

J: Me too, but okay you go first.

K: No no no, you go first.

Jongin hears Krystal’s voice going shaky so he decided to go first.

J: Um, babe. You’re supportive right with everything I do? But I’ll always think of you, you know that right?

K: Of course Jongin- ah. Why? Is something wrong?

Krystal felt glad that what Jongin said was similar to what she was going to say but also scared at what Jongin was saying.

J: Nothing, it’s just that… It’s just that I wanted to let you know that no matter what I do, I’ll always love you.

Krystal starts feeling scared.

K: YA JONGIN this is not funny, please don’t say things like this!

J: Hahaha, Krystal. No, I am not trying to commit suicide or anything- don’t worry, now tell me, what was it you wanted to say earlier?

Krystal sighed with relief, but still with a lump of curiousity building in her.

K: Well, erm... I was gonna say….the same to you… that I’ll love you too no matter what happens…

Jongin then got serious and jokingly said,

J: Then should we jump off the building together?

K: YA I’m not kidding- I really mean it!

J: I understand, babe. No matter what I’ll always be by your side.

K: Me too, Jongin-ah. I will always be by your side.

Krystal felt a tinge of sadness, thinking of how Jongin would react when he finds out that she’s going on WGM. The two start talking about their day like normal and both went to sleep afterwards.


The next day, the PD called Krystal, "Hello....Yes, this is Krystal from f(x).... Yes..... Yes, I'd like to be on the show.... but is there any way to find out who will be my partner first?, thank you anyways...."

Krystal stared at her phone after receiving a schedule text of the first shooting from WGM- it starts next week.

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Chap 7 is here! just wanted to tell you guys i'll be away, until mid next week... so chap 8 will come a bit later. Have fun reading!


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Chapter 7: oh my god.....I CAN'T HANDLE IT
SOOOOOO......amazinnnnngggggg...pls. update
Chapter 7: want to know abt the netizen's reaction and their fellow label mates ~ update soon authornim... ^^
Chapter 7: cant wait for d next update.. KAISTAL 4ever!!!!!
RanHwa #4
Chapter 7: Aish... Amber and Sulli ruined everything khu khu khu
Chapter 7: Kyaaa this is so cute! Really :))
nurmasyitasr #6
Chapter 7: I can't stop smiling when i read this omgg update soon please... who's that in the black van? Paparazzi? Fans? Who??
Chapter 7: omg theyre so cute>__<
krystaljxox #8
Chapter 7: OMO that was short but SO CUTE! I can totally imagine everything going on! <333 wouldn't mind a bit of ;) Hahahahahhaha love your stories <3
Chapter 5: I'm dying of happiness right now!!!