Chapter One

Dare You to Move

Chapter One

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Chaerin laughs at the joke Seungri makes and playfully slaps his shoulder not noticing how stiff he goes after she does it. He nervously laughs not wanting her to notice how he really feels. He grips the straps of his backpack trying to collect his thoughts but it proves to be harder than he thinks.

˝You are really funny.˝ Chaerin says when she finally stops laughing ˝Did you ever think about becoming a stand up comedian.˝

˝I did,˝ he says looking everywhere but at the girl that is walking next to him ˝But I’m too lazy to stand up for so long.˝

Chaerin covers as she laughs and Seungri tries to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. They continue walking in silence, both of them too occupied with their own thoughts. Seungri steals a couple of glances and he can’t stop his heart from skipping a beat when he sees that Chaerin is looking at him. She smiles at him before she turns away. Seungri takes a deep breath to calm himself down. They walk like that for a couple of minutes before they hear somebody shouting Chaerin’s name. When he looks up from the ground Seungri sees Park Sandara waving at Chaerin.

Seungri doesn’t know much about Sandara but from what he sees he can figure out that she is Chaerin’s best friend. He only talked to Sandara once when she was recruiting people to the school’s drama club.

˝Do you mind if I go with Dara?˝ Chaerin glances from Seungri to her friend ˝We need to talk about something important.˝

˝I don’t mind at all.˝ Seungri says hoping that his disappointment isn’t showing on his face ˝Go and talk about boys, clothes and all other girly stuff.˝

Chaerin laughs ˝Thank you.˝

Than Chaerin does something completely unexpected. She hugs Seungri. It only lasts one or two seconds but to him it feels like eternity. He watches as Chaerin walks up to Dara and they continue walking to school while they talk. Seungri shakes his head to get rid of all weird thoughts. The hug probably didn’t mean anything to Chaerin. It was just something she did because she thinks of him as a brother.

Seungri sighs and starts walking again.


˝Why are you so grumpy today?˝ Daesung asks Seungri when they are sitting in their favorite spot in the garden with their lunches in front of them.

˝I’m not grumpy.˝ Seungri denies not wanting to talk about his problems right now.

 But Daesung is still his best friend and hiding something from him is pointless so before Seungri even notices what he is doing Seungri already tells Daesung everything that happened with Chaerin since he moved into her house. Daesung doesn’t interrupt him and just nods occasionally to show him that he is really listening. When Seungri is done both of them sigh.

˝I don’t know what to say to you,˝ Daesung says looking around the school’s garden ˝This whole situation you’re n .˝

Seungri snorts ˝Tell me about it.˝

˝Tell you about what?˝ Minji asks as she sits down next to Daesung and steals some of his food.

˝Nothing.˝ both Daesung and Seungri say at the same time witch makes Minji roll her eyes at them before she steals some more of Daesung’s food.

˝Is it about Chaerin?˝ Minji asks when she swallows ˝It’s only going to get harder if you keep thinking about it.˝

Despite being the youngest out of three of them Minji is the most mature one. But even if Seungri knows that she is right and that the smartest thing he can do is forget about his crush but still he can’t stop himself from thinking about Chaerin in romantic way.

˝She’s right.˝ Daesung agrees with Minji as he slaps her hand away from his lunch ˝Unless your parents brake up there is nothing you can do.˝

˝They won’t brake up. You should see them acting like love sick teenagers when they are together.˝ Seungri shivers as he remember going to the grocery store with them. It’s not that he isn’t happy for his mother he just doesn’t want to witness just how much in love she is.

˝Moving on from depressing topics.˝ Minji decides to steal some of Seungri’s food ˝What are we going to do this weekend?˝

˝I don’t know,˝ Daesung shrugs ˝I’ll probably have to help out my mom in the coffee shop.˝

˝I will probably have to help with wedding preparations.˝ Seungri rolls his eyes ˝Did you know that there are more than fifty different shades of white.˝

˝I’m proud to say I didn’t.˝ Daesung glares at Minji when he notices she managed to steal another bite of his lunch. ˝Where is your food?˝ he hisses at her.

˝I wore up late and didn’t have time to take anything.˝ Minji uses her puppy eyes and all three of them know that she won this argument.

˝Fine,˝ Daesung pushes his lunch so it’s closer to Minji ˝But you own me one.˝

˝Actually,˝ Seungri says putting the things he doesn’t like from his lunch in front of Minji ˝This is the fort she owns you in the last month.˝

Minji glares at him and mouths threats while Daesung tries to figure out if Seungri is right. Soon they start fighting while Seungri eats his lunch laughing every now and then when one of them says something that’s simply too good not to be laughed at. They are interrupted by somebody clearing their throat. When they look up the last person they expect to see is Chaerin.

˝Hey.˝ Seungri says a little awkwardly. Even if they lived together now Seungri didn’t think that they will talk that much at school.

Chaerin nervously shifts her body weight from one foot to another before she sits down next to Seungri. ˝Hey,˝ Chaerin’s voice is barely above a whisper ˝Do you mind if I sit here with you?˝

˝No,˝ Seungri answers immediately ˝Of course we don’t mind. Right guys?˝

˝It’s always nice to have girl company.˝ Daesung says not noticing the glare Minji sends him.

˝What am I then?˝ Minji asks crossing her arms.

Daesung looks at her for a minute before saying ˝A potato.˝

˝I’m a potato to you.˝ Daesung nods and Seungri shakes his head already knowing where this is going.

Just as Seungri thought they start fighting once again. Chaerin is looking at them with wide eyes. Seungri is afraid that she will leave any second because his friends are too weird for her but then she smiles. Seungri tries to ignore the fact that he feels his heartbeat fastening.

˝They are a cute couple.˝ Chaerin says and for the first time it is Seungri’s turn to laugh at something Chaerin said. ˝I’m going to take that as your way of telling that they aren’t dating,˝ Chaerin says clearly a little embarrassed ˝But they would make a cute couple.˝

Seungri shrugs ˝To me they look more like siblings.˝

Neither of them says anything else as they continue to listen to Daesung’s and Minji’s bickering. Seungri pushes his lunch to Chaerin when he notices she doesn’t have her own. She mumbles a thank you as she starts eating slowly. Seungri frowns when he notices that Chaerin looks upset. Just as he opens his mouth to ask Chaerin if everything is all right the school’s bell interrupts him.

˝I need to go now.˝ Chaerin says getting up.

Seungri wants to stop her and ask what happened but once again he can’t find the right words. Instead he asks ˝Are we walking home together?˝

Chaerin smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes ˝Of course, bro.˝

˝See you later, sis.˝ Seungri returns her smile but his also doesn’t reach his eyes.

He ignores the disapproving looks Minji and Daesung give him and gets up to go to class. He tries to concentrate on Mss. Jung’s English lesion but he can’t get Chaerin’s sad look out of his head. He has no idea what made her so upset when just this morning she was laughing and joking around with him on their way to school. Seungri decides he will ask her what’s bothering her on their way home because he knows he won’t be able to sleep tonight if he doesn’t find out what’s wrong with Chaerin.


¨Is everything all right?˝ Seungri himself is surprised at how easily the question slips out of his lips on their way home.

Chaerin looks surprised for a second but then she smiles ˝I’m completely fine. What made you think something is wrong?˝

˝I was just asking.˝ Seungri decides not to say anything else because he can see that it’s something Chaerin doesn’t want to talk about at least not with him.

So instead of trying to figure out what made Chaerin upset he does what he is best at. He jokes around and makes Chaerin laugh. Seeing her laugh became one of the only good things in Seungri’s life in the past couple of days and he isn’t willing to lose it. Seungri swears to himself that he will do whatever he can just so Chaerin never stops smiling.

A/N: The first chapter is up and I hope you like it. Please comment what you think. I’m really starting to like the idea of background music for chapters so I’m going to put a song for every chapter from now on (it will mostly be piano covers or ballads). Also I will put a ririn gif at the end of every chapter to spread the ririn love.

Aren’t they the cutest couple ever?

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9gagger #1
Waaa! ! I really enjoy this story! I'm hsppy to have found it^^ fighting author-nim~~
AkI-ra #2
Chapter 6: pls make sequel authornim!!
Chapter 6: i really like how the epilogue explained everything and how they both ended ^^
but like u know ..i really want the sequel of this story to be honest :')
Chapter 6: I think it would be a best story if you make a sequel author, hehe . . .
And actually I want it badly @_@
Chapter 6: Woah. That epilogue made up for the whole story. I actually liked how it ended. This is, again, beautiful, authornim. A sequel would be good too. Kkk but as I said I really liked how it ended. ^^,d
Chapter 5: Why TT.TT cant wait for the epilogue TT.TT
Chapter 5: Crying... Give some tissue jebal. TT_TT This is so heartbreaking yet so beautiful. TT_TT
Chapter 5: Sobs ToT huhu. . .
I'm looking forward you're epilogue author, this story is full of angsty, you make a good job