Chapter Two

Dare You to Move

Chapter Two

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Seungri tries his best to ignore the fact that Chaerin is resting her head on his shoulder as they watch a comedy show that isn’t even funny at all. To say that he didn’t imagine cuddling with Chaerin is a lie but he never guessed that their parents will be in the kitchen discussing the plans for their wedding.

˝Seungri,˝ he looks down and tries to calm down his racing heart when their eyes meet ˝I need to ask you something.˝

˝Sure,˝ he smiles down at her trying to look like his heart isn’t skipping a beat or two because of her ˝What is it?˝

Before she can says anything the door bell rings. Knowing that their parents are too busy planning Seungri excuses himself from Chaerin and gets up to answer the door. The last thing he expects to be meeting with when he opens the door is Park Sandara’s frowning face.

˝Hello.˝ Seungri greets her trying not to show her that she is scaring him a little bit.

Sandara only nods at him before she goes to the living room and takes Chaerin upstairs because they have something important to talk about in private.

Seungri sits down on the couch again and sighs. He doesn’t understand why Sandara is acting like that. From the one time they talked she seamed like a nice and friendly girl but right now she looks ready to bite his head off for no apparent reason. He goes back to watching the comedy show wishing that this weekend would end as soon as possible.


Seungri stops walking when he hears the crash from Chaerin’s room. Before he can rush inside to see if everything is fine he hears Sandara talking a little too loudly ˝Tell me you’re kidding me right now.˝

Seungri knows that it’s wrong to eavesdrop to their conversation but he can’t resist the urge to know what Chaerin did to make Sandara so upset. He moves closer to the door and tries to breathe as quietly as possible.

˝You are unbelievable.˝ Sandara’s voice is quieter this time.

˝It’s not like I can control it.˝ he can picture Chaerin sitting with her arms crossed and pouting as she speaks.

˝You know that it will never work out anyway so why do you even do it.˝ instead of sounding angry like when she first spoke Sandara sounds like a mother scolding her child for eating sweets before diner.

˝I don’t know,˝ Seungri’s heart clenches from the sadness and desperation in Chaerin’s voice ˝I really have no idea why I do it.˝

˝It’s all right,˝ there is some shuffling after Sandara says that and then Seungri hears crying and he doesn’t even want to imagine why Chaerin would cry.

Seungri wants to move away from the door because he knows that if he stays here any longer he wouldn’t be able to pretend that he didn’t hear their conversation when he sees Chaerin later. But before he moves away from the door he hears Sandara say ˝Love is and always will be stupid that is something we need to learn how to accept and live with.˝

Seungri moves away from the door and goes to his room as fast as he can without making much noise. He takes a deep breath once when his bedroom doors are closed and he is leaning on them. Only now it hits him full force what exactly he heard five seconds ago.

Chaerin is in love with somebody and she is crying because it’s (at leas from what he heard and guessed) one sided. Seungri doesn’t know if he wants to laugh because of the irony of the whole situation or finally cry after holding back since his mother announced that she is getting married.

Instead of doing either of those he grabs his phone and dials his best friend’s number hoping that he will pick up.

˝Hello.˝ Daesung answers after three rings sounding like he just woke up. He probably did considering it’s the weekend and Daesung is one of the laziest people Seungri ever meet in his life.

˝Can we please meet up,˝ if it was any other situation Seungri would probably try not to sound so desperate but he can’t bring himself to care at this moment ˝I really need to get out of here.˝


˝Where you raised by wolfs?˝ Minji glares at Daesung who only nods and continues to eat the pastries they bought. She rolls her eyes and turns to Seungri ˝What happened?˝

˝Nothing,˝ listening in on Chaerin’s private conversation is bad enough but sharing what he heard with his friends would make him a total jerk ˝I just couldn’t be in that house anymore˝

˝Well,˝ Daesung says after swallowing ˝You only have to live there until you start going to a university.˝

Daesung gets smacked on the back of his head by Minji ˝We finish high school a month and then there is still summer vacation. What do you suggest he does till then?˝ Daesung shrugs witch earns him another slap.

If there is one thing Seungri is grateful for at this moment it would be his two bickering best friends. Despite probably being sick of listening to his rants about Chaerin and still trying to help him out as much as they can.

˝I’m just going to endure it,˝ Seungri says while taking one of the cookies from the books in front of him ˝Preparing for university will keep me busy anyway.˝

Seungri pretends not to notice the doubtful look Minji and Daesung exchange as he eats the cookie. He is also glad that his friends don’t ask him any other questions. Instead they move to the living room of Minji’s house and decide to watch a cheesy drama so they can laugh. They spend the rest of the day imitating the scenes from the drama and eating more snacks than they should.

The sounds of Chaerin crying don’t leave Seungri’s mind no matter how much he tries to distract him self by imitating the female lead’s obnoxious laugh.


It is ten o’clock when Seungri comes back home from Minji’s house. He expects to get a lecture from his mother because he didn’t say that he will be out almost the whole day but to his surprise the house is completely quiet. He goes into the kitchen to see if his mother is still planning her second wedding. But the only person in the kitchen is Chaerin.

Her hair is pulled in a messy ponytail; she is wearing a baggy shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. She is eating cereal while looking at her phone not noticing that she isn’t alone in the room anymore. Seungri clears his throat to signal that he entered the kitchen. Chaerin looks up from her phone and smiles at him.

Seungri studies her face trying to see any signs of sadness but there are none. He wishes that Chaerin wouldn’t act like everything is perfectly fine when something is bothering her. He also knows that saying anything about what he heard earlier today would just make him look bad. So he smiles back and sits down right across from her.

˝Where is my mum?˝ Seungri asks trying to sound like nothing is bothering him at the moment.

Chaerin swallows before speaking ˝They went out for diner to some new fancy restaurant that my dad’s friend recommended to him.˝

Seungri nods not knowing what to say. They stare at each other neither saying anything but it’s not awkward at all. Chaerin breaks the eye contact first when her phone beeps. ˝Do you want something to eat?˝ she asks when she is done texting.

˝No, I all ready ate.˝ he shakes his head. After another couple of minutes of silence Seungri remembers something and asks ˝Didn’t you want to ask me something before Sandara came this morning?˝

˝Ah,˝ Chaerin gets up to put the now empty bowl in the sink ˝I did.˝

˝What is it?˝ Seungri asks when she doesn’t say anything else.

˝Um, I was wondering if...˝ Chaerin chuckles nervously still not facing Seungri ˝I need to buy a dress for know...and I was wondering if you...˝

˝If I would go shopping with you.˝ Seungri says understanding what Chaerin wants to ask him.

˝Yes,˝ Chaerin finally turns around to look at him with an embarrassed smile on her lips ˝You don’t have to if you don’t want it just that everybody else are busy.˝

˝It’s all right,˝ Seungri says ignoring the pang he feels in his chest when he realizes he is the last person she asked ˝I have nothing better to do anyway.˝

˝Thank you so much,˝ the smile Chaerin gives him makes his heart stop beating for two seconds ˝I really mean it.˝

˝I should thank you. After all I might be able to sneak into some hot girl’s changing room.˝ Seungri mentally applauds himself for once again turning everything into a joke and hiding his true feelings.

Chaerin laughs and ruffles his hear on her way to the living room. Seungri doesn’t move from his seat thinking about everything that happened today. Once again he comes to the conclusion that not saying anything is the best opinion and that he needs to make Chaerin smile as much as he can because her laugh is the most beautiful thing he ever heard.

A/N: The second chapter is here and there are only two more chapters and an epilogue to go. Writing this whole story gives me a bittersweet feeling but it’s still one of the stories I enjoy writing the most. Anyway I hope you like the story so far and that you will support it till the end.

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9gagger #1
Waaa! ! I really enjoy this story! I'm hsppy to have found it^^ fighting author-nim~~
AkI-ra #2
Chapter 6: pls make sequel authornim!!
Chapter 6: i really like how the epilogue explained everything and how they both ended ^^
but like u know ..i really want the sequel of this story to be honest :')
Chapter 6: I think it would be a best story if you make a sequel author, hehe . . .
And actually I want it badly @_@
Chapter 6: Woah. That epilogue made up for the whole story. I actually liked how it ended. This is, again, beautiful, authornim. A sequel would be good too. Kkk but as I said I really liked how it ended. ^^,d
Chapter 5: Why TT.TT cant wait for the epilogue TT.TT
Chapter 5: Crying... Give some tissue jebal. TT_TT This is so heartbreaking yet so beautiful. TT_TT
Chapter 5: Sobs ToT huhu. . .
I'm looking forward you're epilogue author, this story is full of angsty, you make a good job