xx - ending spoilers

The Snow Queen

Lately I have trouble writing. I have barely any time and whenever I try to write, I just end up staring at the screen. So chances are rather low that I wrill continue writing this anytime soon, if at all.
But well, I've been reading fanfiction for literally over ten years now, so I know how much it when a writer not only gives up on a story, but doesn't even tell us the conlusion. So in this fake chapter I'm going to summarize what the hell has been going on in the story.

WARNING: This literally just is a summary of the twists. If you by chance want to wait for the next proper chapter, you probably shouldn't read on.

Okay, so the situation right now is that Joonmyun moves into the photo shop because his girlfriend doesn't want to be with him. On the other hand we have the whole Snow Queen issue with its mysterious happenings and Kai's fake family's realization that there might be two separate persons behind it. And just like in the first story those two story parts are connected.

The twist is actually rather simple. There was supposed to be a scene when Kai sees a picture of Joonmyun's girlfriend and realizes that she's Kim Minah, Kim Minseok's sister.  So how the hell did things turn out like that?

I hinted at it, but Joonmyun and Minah are from very different backgrounds. He is extremely wealthy and spoiled, she is from a rather poor family. But that's not just everything. I haven't actually planned what exactly happened but it boils down to the fact that his family is in some kind of feud with hers (it might have been a housekeeper that was accused of theft or something similar to that). He knows that and so does she. No matter how trusting his parents appear to Chanyeol, Joonmyun knows that they wouldn't accept Minah.
The problem now is that to him the solution seems really simple: he tries to get disowned, which is what starts the whole story. He thinks that everything will be alright, as long as they're together, but she's a lot more practical. She knows that he can't just lead a life on the run, especially without money. That, and she has a secret she never dared to tell him: her powers.

I haven't yet decided how Minseok and Minah got their powers, because that would also mean that I would make a really important decision on the whole issue around Kai and where he came from. Are people born with powers or are they made? I wrote before that I make most of these things up as I go, so I'm a bit hesitant to decide.
But anyway, to Minseok and Minah their powers are a problem that's getting out of hand. He wanders around, constantly causing snow and her body suddenly turns into ice every now and then. Especially she also realizes that she's slowly losing it. The one who attacked the pawn shop owner was her, because he suddenly charged her a ridiculous amount of money for a ring her mother had owned before. In rage she broke into his house, stole the ring and accidentally hurt him. She knows she's dangerous and that she could hurt Joonmyun. She even thinks of turning herself in, but Minseok stops her.

I'm not sure about the ending yet but it would probably come down to Minseok and Minah being taken away and to Joonmyun's memory being erased (although that probably would be a tad too boring because that's exactly what happened before, so yeah, idk). Also, as a lame cliffhanger it would include Chanyeol's suspicion that Kai and Kris are hiding something from him.

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Centenniel #1
Chapter 8: Oh maaaaaaaan. I really liked this story. But I understand if you feel like you can't really continue it right now. I totally read the spoilers but even if you decide to update, I'll still read the chapters.

I just really like this little universe a lot. I do hope you continue with it.
pendosa #2
Chapter 6: I love this story and it's plot. It made me curious all the time. I like the way you introduce your characters (>_<)
Centenniel #3
Chapter 5: I love this story. It's so weird but in a good way. And funny. I look forward to your next update.
Chapter 1: Ah chanyeol's life really is sad..
So theyre going to be dealing with a shapeshifter and a rebellious Joonmyun? Sounds exciting >.<