02 - controversy

The Snow Queen

"Do you know a guy who is about this height?" Kai asked and used his hand to vaguely point at a spot around his shoulders. He couldn't really remember how tall the not so feminine Snow Queen was, but thought that it already was information enough to note that they were shorter than him. "He's around my age, I think. Looks a little like a squirrel."

Most people in the neighbourhood of the fishermen just frowned at him whenever he gave them his vague description, and he wished that he had the magic ability to draw accurate phantom pictures. Had the guy walked along the street, he would have recognized him immediately, but when he tried to think of anything about him that stuck out, nothing crossed his mind. There were thousands of short guys who might or might not have been his age, and that 'they could make it snow' wasn't something he could mention during his search.

"Why are you looking for him?" some people asked, when they actually tried to be helpful, and he involuntarily lied every time. If he said that they were at the same school, be maybe accidentally lost a possible suspect, because he had absolutely no idea whether the guy wasn't actually old enough to attend university. For some people it was hard to guess their age.
If he said that the guy owed him something, people would meanwhile suspect him, because he didn't know anything really useful about him. And if he said that the guy had done something to him, he might alarm his acquaintances.

"I forgot my bus card the other day, and he paid for my bus fare," Kai usually said with what he hoped looked like the innocent smile of a noble high school student. "And I wanted to pay him back, but I don't even know his name. I just know that he lives around here, because this is where he got off."
It was a pretty bad lie, he realized, because there was no bus that connected the harbour, his house and any place of interest. But no one questioned him, and no one was of any help, at least not at first.

It was the third day when he talked to a girl with heavy make-up whom he assumed to be a university student, and who waited at the bus stop. At first she looked a little annoyed, because she seemed to have the assumption that she was being hit on by a high school student. When he mentioned the fake bus fare story though, she raised an eyebrow. "That sounds a lot like Minseok-oppa actually," she mused. "Does that name ring any bells? Kim Minseok?" He shook his head, because he had already told her that he didn't know what he was called.
"Minseok-oppa is really too nice. I can't even remember how often I borrowed money from him. It makes me feel terribly bad to think about it," she continued, and didn't act remorseful at all.

"Do you maybe have a picture of him?" Kai asked, when it sounded as if she was going to utter more information that wouldn't necessarily help him. The bus fare story was the only part that wasn't true, so it was rather likely that she meant someone else entirely. Someone who purchased the virus that could turn him into a Type C probably didn't have much money to spare anyway.

"I think I do," the girl said warily any squinted her eyes at him, before she slowly took out her phone. "But well, Minseok-oppa isn't actually your age." She frowned at his school uniform. "Although he maybe doesn't look that old if you don't know. To think that he's 23 already..." She shook her head in exasperation, and fumbled with her phone. It weirdly ticked him off. "You know, Minah, that's my friend, she and Minseok-oppa are siblings, so I've known him for a while now. I swear I have a picture of them somewhere. They look really alike."
When she finally said, "ah, there it is," he half expected a completely unfamiliar face. Luck wasn't on his side, or so he believed.

And then he saw it. The face of the boy on the street, who had caused him to be hit by a snow storm.

"Is that him?" the girl asked, when he didn't say anything, and he shook his head.

"No," he said, and shrugged. "But thanks anyway." He apologized to the girl, and walked away, trying hard to suppress the urge to grin and skip along the street.
He probably could have asked the girl for her contact information, or for the picture, but figured that it was best to keep her out of it. That way that Snow Queen guy wouldn't get alarmed. Kai already had him, and more information than he thought he would gain in such a short amount of time.

Kim Minseok, 23 years old, which meant that they were five years apart. Looked younger than he was. Had a tendency to lend money. Had a younger sister called Minah. The only dangerous thing about him probably was the power he had acquired.

Now he only had to raid his house, knock him out, and hand him to the Organization. It was that easy, and he could take his time. Or so he thought that evening, when he came home, and cheerfully went to bed.
When he then woke up to the sound of sirens a day later, and when the morning news were full of an incident that had happened in his neighbourhood during that night when he had slept like a baby, he didn't know what to think.

"I didn't even lock the door last night," Chanyeol shuddered when he stood in front of the photo shop he still lived in, and looked as if he had just woken up. The hair on the right side of his head stood up in a particularly weird angle. He smelled bad. "I mean, you wouldn't expect some random crazy woman to break into your house, would you?"

"Are they sure it was a woman?" Kai asked and stared at the police car passing by.

Chanyeol shrugged and pulled his cardigan closer around himself. "I guess? I mean, that's what the owner of the bookshop said. His house is next door, and he said he saw a white lady at night, and called the police. I mean, who would have guessed that the white lady would..." He trailed off with a disgusted expression, and then seemed to realize something. "Do you think it has anything to do with that Snow Queen thing?"

"I don't know," Kai said, because it just didn't make any sense. A woman dressed in white had broken into the house of a family owning a small pawn shop. She had hurt the owner, when he tried to hit her with a metal bat. She had somehow caused him blisters on both his arms. How she got inside, no one really knew, but it supposedly looked as if she had broken down the complete door.

"It's not hard to imagine actually," Miss Shin said matter-of-factly, when they sat at the breakfast table. "She's a Type A. She can turn herself into ice, so she broke down the door. Then she froze the man's arm, and that's where the blisters came from."

He didn't reply.

"See, that's exactly what I concluded would happen," she said, and smiled cruelly.

"So what, are you saying that I lied?" Kai muttered indingnantly, and didn't look up as he buttered his toast in frustration. She scoffed, and was about to answer, when Mr Kim interrupted them with a yawn.

"Well," he said lazily and messily folded his newspaper. "So there are two of them bastards."

Kai paused his buttering, and Miss Shin raised an eyebrow. The idea that they both might have been right had never even occurred to them.

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Centenniel #1
Chapter 8: Oh maaaaaaaan. I really liked this story. But I understand if you feel like you can't really continue it right now. I totally read the spoilers but even if you decide to update, I'll still read the chapters.

I just really like this little universe a lot. I do hope you continue with it.
pendosa #2
Chapter 6: I love this story and it's plot. It made me curious all the time. I like the way you introduce your characters (>_<)
Centenniel #3
Chapter 5: I love this story. It's so weird but in a good way. And funny. I look forward to your next update.
Chapter 1: Ah chanyeol's life really is sad..
So theyre going to be dealing with a shapeshifter and a rebellious Joonmyun? Sounds exciting >.<