02 - family, jobs and a guilty consciousness

The Snow Queen

"So, you're looking for the Snow Queen now?" Kris asked after giving the newspaper article a short glance. He didn't even need to read it to know what it was about, the hype in town was rather hard to miss, and he didn't want to give his friendly neighbour the impression that he cared about any of his crazy talk. It was bad enough that he again waved a newspaper at him as if he was dealing with a random dog. "Well, good for you."

Kim Jongin didn't look too surprised at the apparent lack of reaction, and when he explained the issue, he sounded as if he recited a poem in class. "Miss Shin thinks that it might be a Type A case, so she wants me to have a look."

"And Type A means...?" Kris asked in a bored tone.

"Someone who can morphe their own body," Jongin said and rolled his eyes. "And yes, according to our agreement this has nothing to do with you, but Miss Shin-."

"You mean your mother," Kris interrupted him and lazily drew a circle on the new contract he had made.

"She's not my mother," Jongin said coldly. "But well, anyway, she wonders whether you might have the time to help, since you don't seem to have that many other things to occupy yourself with. And she of course doesn't mean to remind you of all the money she gave you, which clearly is enough to pay your living expenses for the next couple of months."

Kris scoffed. "I didn't know I had to work for my hush money."

Jongin clicked his tongue in annoyance and surely would have bothered him with yet another boring replay of things his mother had uttered to win Kris over, had Chanyeol's appearance not interrupted him.

Chanyeol entered the shop with hunched shoulders, probably about to make a general comment about the sudden cold snap, and Kris saw his chance. Chanyeol apparently was the fastest way to repel any of his neighbours, so he loudly sad, "You're just the man I've been waiting for," causing him to stop in his tracks. "I have a job for you."

"Do you?" Chanyeol asked with a frown, and was about to turn to Jongin to greet him, probably because he feared another missing animal case he would have to take care of. For months now Chanyeol had been in charge of nothing but lost pets and dirty floors and he couldn't know that Kris had changed his opinion about accepting anything that included furry creatures or detective work.

"Yeah," Kris said and tried to sound urgent. "A job so important, our survival is pretty much in your hands now." He wasn't even joking. Thanks to Jongin's mother he had money, but that had changed nothing about his critical business situation.

Chanyeol already looked overburdened, but the main target wasn't him anyway. The play was meant for Kim Jongin, who needed to be shown that the conversation was over.

"I'm off to school then," Jongin finally said in an awkwardly friendly tone he only used around people who didn't know that he was some kind of super agent, and stopped in the door. "My mother asks of you want to eat dinner with us by the way," he told Chanyeol. "My grandmother sent us loads of kimchi."

"Sure. Awesome," Chanyeol said and gave Kris a side glance.

"Great," Jongin smiled. "See you after school then." And off he was.

Jongin and his 'family' apparently knew no shame. "Did they invite you, too?" Chanyeol asked, and Kris decided to just ignore the question. It frankly was disgusting, not just because they did in fact not invite him, but because they obviously still monitored Chanyeol to make sure that he really didn't remember anything unusual.

It had been months now since Kris took over Grandpa Kang's photo shop to turn it into a place where he would take on any request his customers had. He specialized in hiring out actors to play family members or dates on parties, but in theory he would have done anything he could find a youtube manual for. He had uncovered a cheating husband before, which apparently was the peak of his detective career, and had found a couple of lost pets. Apart from that he had repaired a broken car and a broken table, had helped an old lady with her spring cleaning and had successfully sold to minors, something he wasn't particularly proud of because he had actually intended to take on nothing but legal jobs. Everything worked smoothly for a while, partly because Grandpa Kang had introduced him to many of his old acquaintances.

But then everything became a complete mess.
It all started when Grandpa Kang's real grandson, Chanyeol, had started to live with them. Chanyeol not only had an obvious drinking problem, no one seemed to like him, so even Grandpa Kang eventually left them behind. Kris felt sorry for him, so he allowed him to stay, but the whole situation probably wouldn't have deteriorated if not for Chanyeol, even if it never actually was his fault.

From then on it just became worse, and Kris was tricked into taking on two useless jobs. He looked for the non-existent stalker of Chanyeol's old friend Byun Baekhyun, Chanyeol meanwhile was on the hunt for a non-existent cat.

It was then that the crazy Kim Family moved in, who were looking for something called a 'Type B', a mutant who could influence other people's minds.

Kris thought they were a bunch of lunatics. According to them was the real stalker the fake cat owner, who was so obsessed with Chanyeol, she literally told him to up his life. Another crazy guy turned up and wiped everyone's minds, or so they told him. The only outsider who still remembered everything was him, who apparently supposedly was brain-damaged.

Until the very end he thought they were messing with him. But then he realized that reality probably just was a lot worse than everything he could have imagined.
Even his own family used to hate Chanyeol, because some crazy girl had told them to, but then they all suddenly came back. His family came by, worried sick, because they hadn't heard from him in a while, and even his old high school friends began to hang around the shop.
But the damage already was done. Chanyeol didn't know why everyone used to shun him, but he remembered that they did. If he used to drink because someone made him, he now did because he was lost. If before he slept in the shop because no one else wanted him, he now did because he was too scared to go back to his family. He couldn't know that they wouldn't throw him out again, because they had never meant to do it in the first place.

And Kris wasn't allowed to tell him because the Kim Family had paid him to shut up.

"It would be harder for him to accept that there are people who can hurt him with their words," Jongin would shrug, because Kim Jongin, the son, apparently was a brat. Around Chanyeol he and his parents were awfully nice, behind his back they obviously just saw him as a test object.

It was disgusting, but Kris had unwillingly become part of the scam. They gave him money, something he really needed, and all he could do was to make sure that Chanyeol would eventually get back on his feet.

"So basically, you're going to play the lover of this rich guy called Kim Joonmyun," he explained and Chanyeol didn't look particularly thrilled. "I don't think he's into guys though. He says he just wants his parents to disinherit him."
Chanyeol scratched his face, and Kris continued, "He says he saw you on the mayor's daughter's wedding. You know, the one you trashed." Chanyeol's eyes widened in guilt, and Kris knew he had him.

Kris genuinely tried to help Chanyeol, but he would have never claimed to be a saint.


I know that the current case sounds like a typical plot, but please don't be too excited. I pretty much only chose it because I'm trying to take a spin on the cliché.

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Centenniel #1
Chapter 8: Oh maaaaaaaan. I really liked this story. But I understand if you feel like you can't really continue it right now. I totally read the spoilers but even if you decide to update, I'll still read the chapters.

I just really like this little universe a lot. I do hope you continue with it.
pendosa #2
Chapter 6: I love this story and it's plot. It made me curious all the time. I like the way you introduce your characters (>_<)
Centenniel #3
Chapter 5: I love this story. It's so weird but in a good way. And funny. I look forward to your next update.
Chapter 1: Ah chanyeol's life really is sad..
So theyre going to be dealing with a shapeshifter and a rebellious Joonmyun? Sounds exciting >.<