Amusement Park

You're My Chicken

"Let me show you what's the meaning of fun"

You took a hold on Onew's wrist and pulled him to where you always wanted to go.

The amusement park.

Once you and Onew reached there, Onew gaped at the whole area near the entrance and wow'ed at them.

"What? Haven't you come before?" You asked.

Onew just looked and shook his head.

"Ever since I became the kinka of the school, the girls are always blocking my way, pulling my shirts apart and because of them I always stayed in Jonghyun and Key's house. They never knew where they live since they never bothered about them" Onew replied.

You scoffed and shook you head in disbelief. "Poor them. Now let's go" You said and pulled Onew with you.

"Fist stop, roller coaster!" You grinned.

You always love scary rides. Especially when you're someone who you can tease at afterward. But of course, you wouldn't know if Onew is scared or not.

"Wahh! Let's ride it!" Onew chirpped and pulled you towards the ride entrance.

It was lucky for you two to take the last seat and you two sat together beside each other.

When the ride starts, Onew hopped up and down feeling very excited in his seat.

"So what does this do?" Onew asked.

"You'll know" You smirk.

"But, when you feel scared, just scream" You informed.

"Oh boy I'm excited!" Onew squealed.

The roller coaster (I don't know what the thing you sit on is called ;A;) got higher and higher and Onew just couldn't hide his smile.

"Here is comes!" Onew said.

Once the roller coaster rushed down the rail. Onew raised his hand and shouted while you screamed.

"Yah! Put your hand on that thing!" You shouted.

Onew didn't hear you because he was having too much fun.


After the ride, Onew was talking about how fun it was again and again.

Seeing Onew like this made you feel like as if Onew is like a brother of yours. You quickly shook the thoughts off and looked around the park for another game.

"Yah Onew. Let's ride-" You said as you turn to Onew finding Onew is gone. You looked around your surroundings looking for Onew but you couldn't find him.

You squinted your eyes a little when you spotted a familiar figure.

You look up at the store sign and of course, you won't be wrong who is that person.

You went forward to him and grabbed his collar from behind.

"Not now!" You said.

"Noonaaaaa~ I'm hungryyy" Onew whined.

"You'll throw up if you play after you eat" You said.

You dragged him here and there and played a lot of rides.


"Wah noona! That was fun! I wish I could come here with hyung and all!" Onew sretched his arms up high.

You didn't reply and just replied.

When you two are about to cross the road, a car stopped in front of you two and the driver rolled down the window revealing Jonghyun in there.

"Yah where were you?! Geez, don't make us worry again! Hop in" Jonghyun said.

"Keke sorry hyung" Onew chuckled.

"I'm going now noona! Thanks for letting my know what's fun" Onew grinned.

"You're wel-" You said but was cut when Onew suddenly gave you a peck on your cheeks making you shock.

Both you and Jonghyun widened your eyes as Onew did what he did.

Onew leaned back and quickly hopped inside the car waving at you through the open window.

"Bye noona! Let's go hyung!" Onew smiled.

"Y-Yah! Do you want to die?!" You shouted as the car moved.

You touched your cheeks and the scene kept on replaying in your head not leaving for a single second, holding tightly in your mind.

'Why am I feeling this way? Argh!' You rustled your hair in frustration. You let go of your hair and stomped back home trying to stop yourself from thinking.




Wow, I haven't been updating ever since........I don't know o-o

Sorry about that T^T I was out of idea. I actually planned for the back of the story but not the middle part of the story so yeah.

T.T Forgive me D:

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AptonKey #1
Chapter 9: I hope this fanfiction is rewritten soon
aww... i was enjoying da story so far, but I'm eager to know wat the new story line will be :D
triskaya #3
New reader! :)) Please update soon!^^
@DSCZImInsane; Keke..I will update later xP
Update as soon as you can, yeah?
@emilymar; Lol xP I will :D
so bad just leave it at cliffhanger update soon!