I miss you

Always Here

Sorry for bad English...


“My heart only ever had one thought, one want. One need. Despite all, in spite of all...All my heart has ever wanted is you.” 
― Stephanie LaurensThe Edge of Desire


It's funny you know, when I thing everything will end at the moment you left me. But...

The sun still shine, the flower still bloom, the bird still singing and  the clock still tickling.

Yes... everything still continue their life, and how about me??

Breathing... check

Beating... check

So I'm still alive...

I continue my life like nothing happened...

I'm still breathing, beating, moving... But...

Inside, I feel nothing.. just emptiness..

My heart still longing for you, yearning for you...

If I can turn back time...

I want back at that moment and make the right thing for my heart...

If only I never let you go...

If only I brave enough to hold you..

If only...

If only...

I know this is useless now...

I can't change the past...

I don't want to live like this...

Longing for you...

Yearning for you...

But I know what my life for...

Because it's the easiest way...

Breathing for you...

Beating for you...

Longing for you...

Yearning for you...






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