First Meet

Always Here

I remember our first meet, those moment really memorable. You came from nowhere and slapped me hard, made me dumbfounded for a moment. That's really hard and sting. I wonder how petite girl like you, have power like that. I really confused and embarrassed those time, but not mad at you. I don't know why, normal people will be angry if someone just slap them for no reason.

But I just dumbfounded like a fool. Ahhh, I think I know why I like that, because my heart stop beating when I saw you. It took a moment for me to recover from shocked you gave. Maybe you think, that I'm an idiot cause I just stay still and not said anything. It's funny when you panicked cause you think that my brain damaged. You asked me, am I alright but I didn't answered you. You yelled at me, that's really high pitch. 

That day end with us have each other numbers. What a wonderfull day, although my cheek and my ears suffered. 









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