A try to remember

It's spring and everything hurts

I reached the doctor’s office late. “I’m sorry, I overslept,” I said while bowing.

“It’s okay,” she said smiling. “If you sleep so hard that you can’t hear your alarm, it’s a good thing here.” I wasn’t sure if she’s joking or not. She was looking at some papers.

“So, how you’re feeling?” finally asked the doctor.

I shrugged. “I don’t know, okay, I guess,” I told. I was thinking, if it’s worth to tell her the accident in the café.

“You guess?” she raised her eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”

I sighed and replied, “Some weird stuff happened yesterday.” The doctor looked at me, encouraging to speak. “I don’t know what actually happened, but I saw some people and I felt really weird,” I finally said, trying not to mention that I fainted.

“Weird? What do you mean?” she asked, quickly writing something in her journal.

“My head started hurting. Well, it wasn’t even a pain, more like burning and I felt really weak,” I told. She lifted eyes from her writing.

“Anything else? Loss of consciousness? Nausea? Anything?”
“I kind of fainted,” I finally admitted.

“Kind of?” she frowned.

“Okay, I fainted, but it wasn’t longer than for a couple of minutes,” I said.

The doctor scratched her eye. She looked surprised. “What exactly caused you to feel like that?” she asked. “Was it something they said, their actions or it was just the place?”

I closed my eyes trying to remember the details, but I the more I tried to remember, the more I failed. “I don’t know. For one, it was his voice, the other… I don’t know.”

"So they’re both male?” she smiled.

I nodded. “Any ideas why I could feel like this, doc?” I laughed. After all this time we became kind of friendly towards each other, so she allowed me to drop the formal language, when I wanted.

She let out a small laugh before answering. “Are you sure you saw them for the first time? You could have met them on streets, in a store, literally, anywhere,” she asked one more time. I shook my head – I was really sure that I didn’t see them before. “What does your friend, Kyungsoo, say about this?” she continued.

“What does he have to do with this? He’s not a doctor to have a say here,” I frowned. “Besides, he’s acting weird lately. He avoids questions about my past, I even think he lied to me, he tries to isolate me from the world – I mean, he even didn’t want me to go with them that day and – “

“Better safe than sorry,“ doctor cut me off. “Look what happened. Okay, listen, Ha Eun. There is a chance that people that triggered you have something to do with your memories and you’re trying to remember it, but... Don’t force your brain and don’t create false hopes. You really could have seen them somewhere else.”

I just looked at her. “So what I should do now?”
“Wait,” she said. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”
“I’ve been waiting for a year already!” suddenly I got angry and frustrated.

The doctor gently smiled and said, “I know, Ha Eun. But this is a trauma that cannot be healed whenever we want. Brains are mysterious little s.” I started laughing after her unexpected swear. “If you don’t have any more complaints about your head, or how Kyungsoo is treating you, I’ll set our next appointment for next month, on 14th. Unless, of course, something will happen, then you can come whenever you want,” she said smiling.

I nodded, said goodbye and left. As soon as I left the building, I bumped into someone. What a luck.
“Hey, watch where you’re going,” I heard a man’s voice. Crap. It was Kai. “Ha Eun? What are you doing here?”
“Hmm… I had some stuff to do,” I said. I didn’t want him to know what’s wrong with me. “You?”

“I had an appointment with a dermatologist,” he said. “Is that ‘stuff’ related with what happened yesterday?”

I shook my head praying that he wouldn’t suspect my lies. We both just stood there for a moment, not knowing what to say. Suddenly he smiled and said, “I’m happy you’re okay.”

I smiled back, not sure how to reply. “Thanks,” I finally mumbled. I was turning to go, but Kai grabbed my hand.

“Want to hang out today? I have some free time and I’m sure you need some company, living with Kyungsoo must the second most boring thing ever after our dance practices,” he offered.

“He’s Kyungsoo hyung to you,” I said. And immediately felt Kai’s glare.

“How do you know that I’m younger than him?” he asked strictly. Good question. I didn’t. I had no idea why I said that. “Nevermind. We dropped the formalities with him long time ago, don’t worry,” he changed the subject seeing my confusion.

My mind started running through my memories. Everything unexpected that I’ve done or said was somehow related to this guy. Maybe if I spend the day with him, I’ll remember something? It was worth a try.

“Sure, I have some free time, too,” I answered. Kai looked sincerely happy. “So, where are we going?”

“Well, I need to grab some things from the dance studio, so we can start from there,” he said and we started walking.

I was comfortable with him. Too much, I guess. His jokes easily amused me and we had no problem talking to each other.
“Why did you say that your dance practices are even more boring than living with Kyungsoo?” I asked when we stopped, waiting for the green light to show up.

“Because I’m a genius,“ he laughed.

“Don’t be so full of yourself,“ I jokingly scolded him.

“But I really am,” he pouted and I punched him on a shoulder.

Soon we reached the studio. My heart fluttered for some reason, but I didn’t pay any attention – I was busy talking with Kai.

“This is the room where we practice most of the time,” he said showing me the place.

“But you have a practice room in the agency building,” I was surprised.

Kai stopped walking and once again glared at me. “How do you know all that?” I shook my head. “You’re weird, you know?” he said. But with some kind of worry in his eyes. I just laughed it off. Maybe Kyungsoo told me about their agency, who knows. It’s not a thing that isn’t known publicly.

I was moving around, when Kai said, “I need to go fetch some things from the staff, wait for me here, okay?” I nodded and he left.

I noticed a barre near the wall. They’re dancing ballet here? I silently laughed and went to look at it. I was curious, so I tried to put my leg on it to see how high I can lift it. To my surprise, I put it on top of the barre without any struggles.

“Whoa, nice one,” someone said. I looked at the mirror and saw Baekhyun and Jongdae. They looked surprised and... a bit afraid? “But what are you doing here?”

“Waiting for Kai,” I answered, blushing. Somehow I didn’t want them to see me here. I quickly left the barre and went to them. I waited for something to happen like it did yesterday, but nothing.

“So, you’re dating him?” Jongdae let out a fake laugh. “How on earth Kyungsoo allowed it?”

“We’re not dating,” said Kai behind them, finally he came back. “Back off, guys.”
“Hey, have some respect for elders, you brat,” said Baekhyun.

“Yeah, elders who can’t even move while dancing,” he laughed.

Jongdae’s reply “I’m the dancing machine and I’ll prove it.” caused Kai to burst out in laugh.

“Anyway, who moved the barre?” asked Kai. “Were you guys practicing ballet here?”

Baekhyun pointed to me and said, “She did, when we came, she was standing here with her leg lifted for almost perfect 90 degrees like it’s the most usual thing ever.”

Kai looked at me, but didn’t smile. “You guys should go now,” he said. He looked worried. Or maybe a bit angry. I saw that Baekhyun and Jongdae aren’t comfortable to be here either, so they gladly left.

“Since when you’re so flexible?” Kai broke the silence. I shrugged.

“I don’t know, I just tried,” I replied. “Why is it such a big deal?”

“It’s strange, that’s it,” he said.

Suddenly I remember something strange I saw before Baekhyun and Jongdae left. “You know what else is strange?” I told. Kai looked at me. “Those two, Baekhyun and Jongdae.”

“How are they strange?” Kai laughed, relieved that I changed the subject.

“I don’t know, but are they always so… together?” I said before even realizing what I’m asking.

“What do you mean… together?” Kai slowly repeated.

I started stuttering. “Well… Yesterday they were basically talking with just each other… today… they’re together… and…”
“And?” his lips started forming a smile and I didn’t know why.

“And I swear I saw them holding hands when they left now,” I finally said.

Kai sighed. He clearly hesitated before answering. “I don’t know if I should say this…”

“You’re almost said it already,“ I said and started teasing him. “Is genius Kai afraid to tell me something?”
He jumped out and pulled me against the wall, with a serious look in his eyes. “Listen carefully. No one calls me a coward, okay?”

I was taken aback by his rude actions, but he immediately started laughing and let me go. “I’m kidding, don’t be so scared, “ he said.

“So, what’s about those two?” I asked once again.

Kai rolled his eyes. “Okay, but don’t say them that I told you. They’re together.”

I raised my eyebrows and repeated, “Together?”
“As in couple,” explained he and some weird feeling hit me. Like deep in my heart I knew it. But from where?

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