In which everything doesn't make sense

It's spring and everything hurts

Probably I was unconscious for a quite short time, because when I woke up, we were still in the café. I saw Kyungsoo starting to panic, some guy, probably Yixing, trying to calm him down. The scene looked so funny, I even let out a giggle.

“Look, she’s okay,” said Kai, pointing at me. “Don’t try to stand up so quick, take your time,” he said to me.

I slowly sat down on the floor. I felt awkward, because all the people in the café were staring at our table.

“Are you okay?” asked Kyungsoo rushing to me. “Do you want me to call the emergency? To call your doctor? Do you want something to drink?” He was so scared and looked so funny, that I couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s okay, Kyungsoo, I’m not dying,” I told him. “Now if someone could help me stand up, I would gladly go home, because I already ruined lunch for you, guys. I’m sorry.”

I swear I heard Junmyeon saying, “She hasn’t changed at all, she’s still a fighter,” so I turned to him, but he pretended that he didn’t see my stare. I thought whether they all were on drugs or what - yesterday Kai calling me Yejin, now him speaking like he knew me, what is wrong with them?

“I will take you home,” said Kyungsoo. I tried to argue, because I didn’t want to bother him, but he shat me up.

“I’ll go with you,” suddenly said the one with a puppy eyes. His name was Baekhyun, right?

“No, you won’t,” responded Kyungsoo. Baekhyun tried to disagree, but Kyungsoo was stubborn – he took all his things and we left.

We didn’t talk much while going back home. My headache wasn’t completely gone and I was trying to figure out what happened. I’ve never felt so strange in this whole time, but those guys, Jongdae and Baekhyun… they were different than the others. And Kai. He was different, too.

“Why are you so silent? Is everything alright?” asked Kyungsoo while I searched for our home keys.

“Actually, no.” I said, when we finally entered the flat.

“Are you not feeling well?” he started to panic one again.

“I’m alright, but we need to talk about something,” I said. “Something happened and I don’t know what it was.”
He looked confused, so I explained him what I felt in the cafe, just that I didn’t mention specific names which caused me to feel like that.

“So, do you think it’s a bad or thing or a good one?” Kyungsoo asked giving me a cup of tea.

“I think my brain wants to remember something, but I don’t know what,” I said. He just looked at me blankly. “Hey, why aren’t you saying something?” I asked. “It’s probably a good thing,”.

His whole existence just shouted to me that he isn’t happy with things that happened. “I told you it was a bad idea to go with us,” he said.

“What does it have to do with me going out with your friends?” I frowned. His words didn’t make any sense, but hey, it’s Kyungsoo, 80% of his words don’t make sense. He didn’t answer my question.

For a moment it was silent. I was hesitating if I should ask him, but finally I managed to say, “Kyungsoo, can you answer one more question?”

He looked at me, obviously wondering what I’m going to say. “Yeah, sure,” he said.

“Did I know someone named Yejin back in the days when everything was okay?” I asked. Kyungsoo looked like he saw a ghost. He went from normal skin colour to pale, than to red and then he became white as paper. He didn’t say anything, so I asked once more, “Did I, Kyungsoo?”

“No, you didn’t,” he answered. Too fast to be true. He probably knew what I was thinking, so he added, “You didn’t have any friends named Yejin. I’m not lying to you. Even I don’t know a girl whose name would be Yejin.”

I just nodded. There was some going on past two days, I was sure about that. But I had no clue what exactly. Kyungsoo stood up and said, “I have a practice later on, so I need to go. Can I leave you alone here, do you feel good?”

“I’m fine Kyungsoo, enough with that,“ I mumbled. But then I remembered something. “Hey, one more question.” He looked at me a bit angry, but nodded. “How did Kai know where do I live? I’m 100% sure I didn’t tell him my address yesterday.”

Kyungsoo was clearly relieved that my question wasn’t that complicated. He managed to smile and playfully said, “Why do you think that he came to visit you?”
“Because he said that he was searching for me and he made fun of your lie that I left early in the morning. By the way, why on earth did you tell him that I left?” I asked. Everything started to not make sense.

“Really, you ask this much questions and yet we are surprised that your head hurts,” he laughed, but I knew the laugh was forced. He looked at the clock and said, “I need to go, we’ll talk about that later.”
Kyungsoo left, leaving me alone. All day I just watched movies and stuff. I tried to wait for Kyungsoo to come back home, but it was getting really late. Probably he went out with some girl. But then I laughed at my own idea – for an unknown reason, Kyungsoo didn’t introduce me to anything that would be even close to call her his girlfriend. I doubted that he even had one in all this time. Really, that guy was weird.

I didn’t notice when I fell asleep. But there was one good thing – I didn’t have any nightmares. I didn’t wake our neighbours with my scream. When I woke up, everything was the same, just that I noticed a note on a table. “Sorry that I didn’t come home last night, we were busy rehearsing. I have schedules in the morning, so don’t worry about me. Don’t miss your visit to the doctor, it’s 9.45 am.” I smiled, yeah, Kyungsoo was like a mom to me. Then I looked at the clock and jumped. It was 9.05 and I had 40 minutes to get ready and to transport my to the doctor’s office on the other side of the city.

I ran around like crazy. I managed to get ready to go really fast, but I couldn’t find my keys. I searched everywhere, but they just went missing. I went to Kyungsoo’s room. There was really little chance that the keys were there, but I had to try. Bingo – they were on the table. It looks like he left in a rush, because there were piles of papers on the table. I took my keys, but my eyes caught a piece of a newspaper, placed in some kind of diary. I never knew that Kyungsoo had a thing like this.

Well, I wasn’t that curious, so I decided to respect his privacy (okay, I was curious, just that I didn’t have time), I took out only that piece of a newspaper and read the headline. “Famous trainee Kang Yejin still hasn’t woken up from coma, doctors say there’s just a little chance to survive”. Shivers came down my body. Yejin… Why the hell Kai called my like that and why Kyungsoo told that he doesn’t know a person named Yejin, when he had an article about her in his room? I looked at the date on a newspaper. Three years ago. Suddenly I remembered Kai’s sarcastic remark about three years… I didn’t have a clue what was going on, but I was sure that Kyungsoo will need to give me a serious explanation.

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