Hell breaks loose

It's spring and everything hurts

Kyungsoo made a sharp turn and went back into my room asking, “Jongin?” He looked really worried and I didn’t know why.

To be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure why I asked for that name, but I just HAD to ask him. I didn’t even know how I came up with it, because I had no friends named like that. Oh wait, I didn’t have any friends at all.

“Why are you asking about this?” Kyungsoo said, sitting on my bed. I just shrugged. “Did you remember something?”
I shook my head. “My doctor said that it’s possible that I will start remembering names and things, but I don’t remember anything in particular now,” I said. Was it just me or Kyungsoo really smiled a bit with a relief?

“Well, maybe you just heard it somewhere or dreamed of it,” he said. I nodded, but I was almost sure that I haven’t heard that name until now. “Now get back to sleep, you don’t know anyone named Jongin anyway.”

He smiled to me and stood up. And something about him was suspicious. I knew when Kyungsoo is lying to me, but I had no idea why he should do that now. “Goodnight, Ha Eun,” he said before leaving.


I woke up at noon. I always was a heavy sleeper. I was completely sure that Kyungsoo has his schedules, so I was surprised to hear voices in the kitchen. It looked like we had guests.

“No,” I heard Kyungsoo saying strictly when I was coming to the kitchen. I wonder who he was talking with.

Imagine how surprised I must have been, when I saw that guy from a park sitting in our kitchen and looking like he’s very comfortable here. I mean, not every guest would put his legs on the table. On Kyungsoo’s beloved kitchen table. It’s basically committing a suicide.

“What’s going on here?” I asked both of them. The stranger smiled to me a little and looked at Kyungsoo.

“I thought you said she left early in the morning?” he asked ironically. Kyungsoo looked down focusing on the floor and didn’t say anything.

“Apparently, I just woke up,” I said sitting in front of him. For some strange reason it was easy to speak with that guy. There wasn’t any shyness that is usual when talking to strangers. “Did you search for me or what?”

“Kind of,” he smiled. Kyungsoo just stared at him with his murderer glare and he finally got his feet off the table. “I need to repay for your ruined clothes.”
“It would be nice to know how do you know each other and what’s your name in the first place,” I replied. Seriously, why that guy is insisting on those jeans so much?
“My name is J-“, he started, but was interrupted by Kyungsoo in a blink of the eye.

“His name is Kai,” Kyungsoo almost screamed that into my face. I looked at him like he’s insane.

“He could’ve told it himself,” I said. “And you didn’t need to scream, it’s not your vocal practice. So, Kai, how do you know Kyungsoo?”
Kai looked at him like asking for advice what to say. Jesus, if there are friends, they’re really weird ones. While Kai was thinking of an answer, I took a cup of coffee. “So?” I asked again.
“We’re both trainees at the same group,” he finally said. Kyungsoo frowned even more than he already was.

“Really, Kyungsoo? Why do you never talk about your friends with me?” I complained. “I don’t know any of the members and it’s been a year of your training.”

“A year?” Kai looked surprised. “It has been more than three, if I remember correctly.”

Kyungsoo just made a weird hand gesture like he wanted to slap him, but changed his mind on the last second and just said, “It has been ONLY a year, Kai, stop making things up.”

“You guys are weird,” I said finishing my coffee. “Why are you here, Kai?”
“I already told you, I want to repay you for what my dog did.”

“And she clearly doesn’t want that, otherwise she wouldn’t ask the same question for the 2nd time,” remarked Kyungsoo. I didn’t get why he’s acting like my lawyer or something.
“Well, it’s up to her, not you, mommy,” said Kai with a wicked smile and I laughed. “So, Ha Eun – see, I even know your name – are you coming with me to eat lunch? I don’t really have money for your new jeans.”

I giggled. And at the same time I kept thinking what the hell is wrong with me. That guy clearly had some impact on me already.

“Don’t you have an appointment with your doctor today?” Kyungsoo didn’t even think about giving up.

I shook my head and I told, “Nope, it’s tomorrow.”

Suddenly someone’s phone started ringing. It was Kai’s. He replied to the text he got and said, “Minseok hyung is treating us for lunch today.”

“And what do you mean by saying this?” Kyungsoo asked.

“I mean that she could go with us. It’s about time to her to meet our crew,” said Kai. “It’s been a year.” That sounded somehow sarcastic.

Kyungsoo thought for a little. Literally, he was acting like a daddy whose daughter asked him if she could go out for the night. Finally he agreed. “Okay, get ready. But just this time, because Minseok hyung rarely treats us like that and I don’t wanna miss this.”
I laughed and went to change, but I was 100% sure that I heard Kyungsoo saying to Kai, “I swear, if you’ll up everything that we did this year, I’ll kill you”.

We reached a café a bit later than it was agreed, so we already found everyone here. I looked around wondering, where’s the Kyungsoo’s fellow trainees and Kai pointed to the largest and the noisiest table. My jaw dropped, there were 10 people. Well, 12, if you’ll add Kyungsoo and Kai. What the hell, they won’t even fit on stage together, I mumbled to myself. Kyungsoo just laughed at my remark and told everyone to greet me.

I looked at all members and suddenly my eye caught one guy. Black hair, puppy eyes… That looked somehow familiar. I tried to remember where I’ve seen him before, but I couldn’t. And next to him there was another guy, his was talking to someone and his voice sounded so familiar that I didn’t hear anything else besides it, but once again – I couldn’t recall anything.

Kyungsoo started to introduce everyone to me. I wondered how the hell I will memorize all the names. Yixing, Junmyeon, Yifan, Sehun… And then Kyungsoo pointed out the ones I was curious about.
“That one with black hair is Baekhyun and right next to him is Jongdae,” he said. They both greeted me.

And all the hell broke loose. I started to feel dizzy, I literally felt like my brains were burning down. I remember Kai asking me why I became so pale, but I just couldn’t answer him. All I saw that Baekhyun and Jongdae looked at each other and for some reason they didn’t look surprised by what’s happening. Then I passed out.

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