Give me a break

The day I fell for you

               I opened my eyes wide. What did she say? I wasn't prepared to that. I stayed a few seconds like this, without knowing what to do. Once I got my sense back, I let her coming in. I made her sit on the sofa. She was shaking and still in shock. I bit my lips. Seeing her like this broke my heart. I her hair but didn't hug her. I didn't want to be too close to her. She cried a lot that day. I didn't know how to react. So I just sat next to her and kept on her hair. I felt quite awkward. I wanted to hug her but if I did, I knew that I would regret it. Once she calmed down a bit, I tuck her hair behind her ears to see her face. She smiled weakly. I tried to show her a cheerful smile. I asked her if she wanted anything to drink. She nodded and say that she wasn't against a little cup of coffee. I ruffled her hair as I stood up and walked toward the kitchen.

               I grabbed to cup and prepared some coffee. I waited next to the machine until it was done. My mind wasn't really here. I poured some coffee in the two cups and came back to Tiffany. I handed one of them to her before sitting back next to her. She drank a bit and but the cup on the coffee table. She leant her back against the sofa and took a deep breath. I asked her what happened exactly. She confessed that when she was still living with me, every morning she felt sick but she thought that she may have caught a cold. But she understood that it wasn't that when she realized that she had strange desires. She went to see her gynecologist who told her that she was pregnant. I smiled a bit and said that it should be amazing to be pregnant. She laughed nervously. Of course she was happy to be pregnant but Nickhun was clear when they started dating. No babies. Moreover, now she can't work as a host anymore. I asked her if she had told him yet. She shook her head. She was afraid to tell him the truth. She knew that nothing good would happen. I sighed and suggested her to stay here for the rest of the day. I told her that I had to leave for work.

               She grabbed my hand and begged me to stay with her. I sighed. She needed me but I couldn't let my father handle the restaurant alone. His girlfriend was working too. I scratched my head. I suddenly remembered that Baekhyun had been fired of his work.. I shook my head I couldn't do that to him. I have a heart. I eventually called my father. I explained him the situation without telling him about Tiffany's pregnancy. He told me to stay with her and said that he will find someone to replace me. I hung up and smiled. I really can rely on him. I sat up again and told her that everything was okay and that I could stay with her. She hugged me tight. My heart throbbed. She was way too close. I pushed her shoulders gently. She looked at me a bit surprised by my action. She was so beautiful. Her brown eyes were sparkling, the black mascara that dropped on her cheeks revealed their thin and delicate line. Her lips, red from being bitten, were gorgeous. Thin and luscious at the same time. I couldn't take my eyes off of her face. She called my name. I shook my head and came back to my sense.

               I smiled at her and asked her why was she like this. She looked down and told me that she doesn't want that baby. I sighed and suggested her to abort. She lifted her head up and looked at le with shocked eyes. There were no way that she could to that. She would be a murder if she ever aborts. I tilted my head a bit and asked her if she found it better to abandon her child? It seemed like she hadn't thought about that. She buried her face in her hands. I patted her head. She mumbled that how was she supposed to take care of her child if the father didn't want it? I shrugged and replied that there are some girls who get pregnant from a but they still want to raise the child. She turned her head toward me. She wasn't strong enough for that. She wanted to be with someone that would love her child.

-"I could be the one" I mumbled

               I immediately regretted what I said. Fortunately, Tiffany didn't hear it. She kept on talking. I discreetly placed a hand on my chest. I mentally begged my heart to calm down. It was beating so fast that I was afraid that Tiffany might hear it. I took some deep breathes, still hoping that she wouldn't notice anything. When she stopped talking, she looked at me and asked what she should do about that. About what? I was quite lost. I focused on my heart beat and forgot about what she was saying. I didn't hear anything. I had to come up with something and quickly. I never have thought that fast in my whole life. I told her that she should do what she thought was the best. If she thinks that her child won't be happy with her, she can abort or abandon it. If she wants to keep her child, she can leave Nickhun. If she is afraid of his reaction, she can hide here and work at the restaurant. The last suggestion came out from my mouth without I realized it. I mentally slapped myself. I slowly looked at her. There were sparkles in her eyes. She asked me if she really could stay here again. I nodded a bit surprised. Didn't she want to stay with Nickhun? Isn't she in love with him? I told her that she could settle here whenever she wanted and added that I would talk to my father about the work. We smiled at each other and she asked if she could take a shower. I answered that she knew the way.

               I the TV and watched some cartoons as Tiffany was still in the bathroom. Suddenly, someone knocked on my door. I looked at the time. It was around seven pm. I grumbled a bit. Why everyone is against me today? Can't I rest for a bit? I got up and went to open the door. It was Baekhyun and Leeteuk. I sighed. Really guys, give me a break... I let them coming in and closed the door behind them. They sat on the sofa. I asked them what was wrong. They all shook their head with an idiotic smile on their face. I smelled something fishy. But the good thing was that Baekhyun seemed to have calmed down and he looked more happy. I asked them once again and they answered me with the same smiles. Okay okay, I give up. I sat next to Baekhyun and sulked a bit. I suddenly realized that Tiffany was here. I jumped on my feet and was about to run toward the bathroom when she arrived in the living room, .

-"Taeyeon, can you lend me some...."

               She screamed and hid her body with her hands. Leeteuk and Baekhyun were red like tomatoes and looked down. I face palmed. I am going to be crazy. I grabbed Tiffany's arm and dragged her into my room. I locked it and looked in my cupboard for some clothes. I picked a blue jeans with a light purple top. I handed them to Tiffany without looking at her body once. I walked toward the door but she asked me to stay. I turned my head a bit and told her that I had to see if the guys were okay. She laughed a bit. I could hear some disappointment in her laugh. I opened the door and walked out of the room. In the living room, Leeteuk and Baekhyun were still red. They were so cute.. I ruffled their hair and went to the kitchen. I poured some water in two glasses. I walked back to the living room and handed the glasses to them. They took it silently and drank.

               Tiffany appeared. My brother and Leeteuk stood up and bowed to her while apologizing. She laughed and told them that everything was fine. They relaxed a bit but I could feel that they were still awkward. I brought two chairs for Tiffany and me. We sat on them and started to talk. Tiffany was surprised to see Leeteuk. Baekhyun explained her that he was your step brother since his mother was our father's girlfriend. She nodded. Jung Soo asked her if she liked Super junior. She nodded but confessed that she preferred Bigbang. Baekhyun and I laughed at his face. He faked being hurt but didn't really mind since Bigbang is a good band. We kept on talking joyfully until half past eight. My two brothers confessed that Baekhyun had found a job in Lee Teuk's agency. He will work there as a song writer. I was really happy about him. So that was why they smiled like this before? Why are they that weird?... Everyone finally left, even Tiffany saying that she will try to come soon. I told her to take her time. I closed the door and breathed deeply. Finally I was at peace and nobody would disturb me.

               I laid on my sofa. Five minutes after, my phone rang. I threw the pillow away. Can't people leave me alone for a moment. please, I am so tired already. I sight and reached out my arm to grab my phone. I answered it. It was Yuri. I sat up and frown as I heard her voice. She was obviously crying. She told me that Minho had a car accident and that he was at the hospital right now. I asked her which hospital was it. I guess that I was lucky that day. This hospital was just at five minutes by feet from my tenement. I told her that I was coming right away. I wore some shoes and walked out of my apartment without forgetting to lock it. I ran as fast as I could until the hospital. I was breathing hardly but I kept on walking. I wandered in the hospital looking for Yuri. She was in the waiting room with Yoogeun in her arms. I rushed to her. I asked her what happened. She told me that Minho was called by his work to come as quick as he could. I frowned a bit. Why would they do that? I sat on the chair next to her and caressed her back. She told me that a truck banged into the car. She cried more. The truck driver ran away. She added that the police thought that someone planned on doing that to Minho. I took her in my arms and tried to reassure her saying that everything would be fine and that Minho would survive.

               We waited for a hour in the waiting room. I took Yoogeun on my lap. He didn't really realize what was going on. Yuri just told him that someone hurt his father and that the doctors were taking care of him. Yuri was pacing in the waiting room. She was worried to death. I tried to keep Yoogeun calm. I kept on telling some short stories that my mother used to tell me. Suddenly, a doctor rushed in the waiting room and called Yuri. They walked out to talk. I wanted to know what they were saying but I had to take care of Yoogeun. I sighed. Today was really not my day. People around me kept on getting hurt. First there was Baekhyun , then Tiffany, and now Minho. God.. what did I do to you? If I did something please punish me but let the people I love alone. Don't hurt them because of me. Yoogeun asked me what his mother and the doctor were talking about. I tensed a bit. I didn't want to tell him lies. But I couldn't tell him that his father might die. So I told him that they were discussing of a way to help his father to recover quicker. He smiled weakly. He understood that even I wasn't convinced about what I was saying. It's not that I thought Minho would die, but I was too worry to think about anything. Yuri asked me to come with Yoogeun.

               I hold his tiny hand and walked toward her and the doctor. She squatted down in front of her son. She explained him that his father couldn't go out of the hospital for the moment but that he was alright. Yoogeun asked her if his father would die. I covered my mouth to prevent me from crying. Yuri caressed his cheek and tucked his hair. No, of course he won't die. Minho was strong. He smiled a bit and nodded. He held his mother's hand squeezed it. He didn't ask any other questions and just followed his mother. We walked toward the entrance and she asked Yoogeun to wait for her at the door. He obeyed. Yuri looked at me and told me that Minho was in the coma and the doctors didn't know if he would ever wake up but they were quite pessimistic about it. If Minho ever wakes up, he won't be able to use his legs anymore. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Minho loved sport. He was in a football team. I didn't know if he would support the fact that he wouldn't be able to practice football anymore. Yuri was crying all of her tears. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. She hugged me back and buried her face in my neck. I turned my head a bit on the side to glance at Yoogeun. He was looking at us and patiently waited for us to come to him.

               Yuri pushed me a bit and wiped her tears. She put a little smile on her face and we walked toward Yoogeun. He grabbed his mother's hand. He stared at her. It was obvious that he was worried about her. I followed them toward the bus stop and after a last hug, I started to walk back to my house. After a few steps, I came back to them and offered Yuri to sleep at my house with Yoogeun. My house was close to the hospital so she could visit Minho with her son as many times as she wanted. She looked at me and smiled. I could read relief in her eyes. I dragged them toward my house. I would sleep on the sofa while they would sleep on my bed. At first, Yuri refused to let me sleep on the sofa at my house but I insisted. I asked them if they ate. They didn't. I walked toward the kitchen looked at what I had. Only noodles. I was ashamed to only offer them noodles but they said that it was okay. I smiled a bit and prepared the noodles.

               Yoogeun was sitting on the sofa while watching some cartoons. Yuri eventually calmed down a bit but she was still worried. We were in the kitchen while drinking some coffee. I asked her if she knows anyone who wanted to hurt Minho. She shook her head and told me that everyone liked Minho at work and in his football team. I sighed. I swear that if I ever find out who did it, that person won't forget about me. I suddenly remembered something. What about that Jessica? She frowned and looked at me. I reminded her that about a month ago, she thought that Minho was cheating on her but that girl was in fact harassing him. She got fired after that. She may have wanted to avenge herself? Yuri widen her eyes. She hadn't thought about it at all. Her eyes turned black. Rage emanated from them. She got up. I asked her where she was going.

-"Isn't it obvious? I am going to kill that ."

               I stood up as well and prevented her from walking away. She struggled and shouted that it was her who killed her lover. I lowered my voice and remembered her that Yoogeun was with us. I made her sat down and told her that it was only a hypothesis. Nothing was sure about that. She rubbed her face and nodded. I gave her a glass of water. Little by little she calmed down. She apologized for that; but it was Minho. If he dies, what is she going to do? I tucked her hair and said that he wouldn't die. Minho is a warrior. She chuckled a bit. We walked in the living room. Yoogeun had fallen asleep on the sofa. He was so cute. Yuri carried him with the care of a mother and brought him toward my room. I told Yuri that tomorrow I will have to go to work in the day. I gave her my second key and said that she could use it whenever she wanted. She thanked me. I took some clothes for tomorrow morning not to wake them up and walked out of the room.

               I turned off the TV and put my clothes on the TV table. I picked a blanket from the cupboard in the corridor and laid on the sofa. I closed my eyes. I really hoped that Minho will wake up. I don't know what will happen to Yuri. Her job wasn't well paid enough to pay Yoogeun's school fees. I bet that she will leave her job. I frowned a bit. Yuri know how to dance and she is a good choreographer. I will ask Jung soo if he could asked his CEO if they could take Yuri in their care. I know that trainees and idols will like her. It's impossible not to like her. I sighed a last time before falling asleep.

               The sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I opened my eyes and sat up while rubbing my back. That sofa wasn't comfortable at all. I stretched and look at the time. It was nine am. I silently walked toward my room and opened the door a bit. They were sleeping deeply. I slowly closed the door and came back in the living room. I took off yesterday's clothes and dressed up with the new ones. I will take a shower this afternoon, when they will be awake. I went in the kitchen to eat my breakfast but I couldn't eat much. Minho's state was still worrying me. I took my bag and wore some shoes. Before going to work, I wrote a little word not to worry Yuri. I walked out of my apartment and locked it. I rushed downstairs and left my tenement. It was too early to go to the restaurant now so I decided to go and visit Minho. I moved toward the hospital. There I asked a nurse if I could see him. She nodded and led me to his room. I knocked before entering. His parents were here. I bowed to them before introducing myself. I told them that I met him with Yuri a year ago and that we were close now. They smiled a bit. I glanced at him. Without all the machines that were hooked on him, it seemed like he was sleeping peacefully. They told me that I could sit. I thanked them and took a chair. Hearing the repetitive bips of the machine broke my heart. I was awfully afraid to hear a long and only bip. I shook my head a bit. I shouldn't think about those things.

               His parents asked me if I saw Yuri and Yoogeun. I told them that I was leaving nearby so I offered Yuri to stay at my house until Minho gets better. They seemed to be relieved. They must have worried about Yoogeun and Yuri. I wanted to talk to them a bit more but I couldn't since I had to go to work. I bowed to them and went out of the hospital. When I think that Minho nearly died. I shouldn't think about those things. He is alive. In a coma maybe, but he is alive. I walked toward my bus stop and waited for it. Once it got here I got in and stayed next to the bus driver to talk to him. I needed to think about something else. He told me that my friend looked for me yesterday night. I frowned a bit. My friend? Who. He wasn't able to tell me who exactly it was since he didn't look at his face at all. I grumbled a bit. If that friend wanted to see me, why didn't he call me? I suddenly thought that it might be Chanyeol. He didn't have my phone number so that would explain everything. But Chanyeol had no idea of this bus. He doesn't know that I take this bus every day. I shrugged and got out at my stop.

               I was walking toward the restaurant when someone violently grabbed my arm and pinned me on the wall. It was Nickhun. He was furious. I had no idea why. I frowned and tried to push his arm away but he was stronger than me and pressed more on my shoulders. I winced. It hurt. I told him that he was crazy and asked him what was wrong with him.

-"What did you do to my Tiffany?" He shouted

-"I didn't do anything to her, now leave me alone" I coldly replied

-"What a little "

               He smirked and lest his arm to punch me. I didn't closed my arms and looked at him with daring eyes. He looked a bit surprised by it but didn't stop his punch. His fist was at a few centimeters from my head when it stopped. I raised an eye brow. What was happening? I then realized that a passerby was holding Nickhun's arm. That person who helped me grabbed Nickhun by the shirt and sent him away. I fell on the ground. It was so scary. I don't know what I would have done if the passerby wasn't here. He squatted next to me and asked me if everything was alright and if I wasn't injured. I reassured him and thanked him a lot. I kept on bowing. He laughed and replied that it was fine to save such a beautiful woman. I smiled at his compliment and thanked him a last time before heading to the restaurant again.

               My father was here and smiled as he saw me. He smiled quickly flew away when he noticed that I was pale. He asked me if something was wrong. I shook my head. I didn't want to annoy him or to worry him. I sat down a bit and asked one of the cook if I could have some water. I was shaking without realizing it. My father insisted and I ended up telling him about my altercation with Nickhun. He frowned and asked me who it was. I explain that it was Tiffany's boyfriend. He sighed and stood up saying that love nowadays was too complicated for him. I laughed a bit. It had always been complicated. Once I calmed down a bit, I jumped on my feet and started to clean the main room.

               I had just finished to clean when Baekhyun rushed in the restaurant. I sighed. Please, Don't tell me that he has another problem, because I am fed up with having to deal with them. He walked to me while smiling. I sighed in relief and asked him why was he so happy. He gladly answered that he talked to Chanyeol. I smiled at him, waiting for the rest. Chanyeol wanted to stay friend with Baekhyun but he couldn't reply his feelings. Ouch.. That must hurt.. But why my brother was that happy? I tilted my head. He explained that he met someone else. I widen my eyes a bit. So, he doesn't love Chanyeol anymore? He shook his head while laughing. Baekhyun told me that the guy he met was ready to help Baekhyun to forget about Chanyeol. I frowned a bit. Who was that guy? My brother didn't have the time to answer me, the first customers entered. I looked at him and made him promise to explain everything to me. I welcomed the customers and led them to their table.

               Customers after customers, the time flew away without I realized it. When everyone left, I got out of the restaurant to call Yuri. She was better than yesterday. I asked them if everything was alright. She told me that Minho's condition improved and added that now the doctors were thinking that he would wake up soon. I was quite impressed to hear that his condition changed that quickly. This morning when I visited him, the doctors were still pessimistic about Minho's health. I was really glad to hear that he would wake up soon. I came back inside. My father sensed that something was wrong and I told him about Minho. He was sorry about Yuri. He appreciated them although he didn't really know them. They were our regular customers. I also told my father about my wish to ask Leeteuk to take Yuri as a choreographer. He said that it wasn't a bad idea but that the final decision didn't depend on Leeteuk but on the CEO. I pouted a bit. I forgot about it. But well, who tries nothing has nothing. I took my phone and dialed Jung Soo's number. I waited a bit but no one answered. I will try later.

               I walked toward my bus stop. I was stressed that Nickhun would be on the bus. I look at the time. It was three pm. I have three hours until I come back to work. It would be better if I walk. Like this I won't meet him. I then moved away from the bus stop and walked toward my house. It was pretty far from the restaurant. Maybe at thirty minutes by feet. But I didn't really care. I could have walked until Busan if it prevented me from meeting Nickhun. I was pretty afraid of him. I never thought that he would be like this. I touch my shoulder. I could still feel the pain. And the look in his eyes. What was it? Angriness, rage, hatred? A mix of everything I guess. I sighed. I wondered if I should tell Tiffany about it. No, I can't. She still loves him. But if she still does, why does she want to move away from his place? I shrugged. I shouldn't be so concerned about her... Well, that's easy to say.

               After a few minutes of walking, I finally arrived in front of my tenement. I climbed the stairs and opened the door. Yuri was laying on the sofa. She was sleeping. I didn't want to woke her up. The TV was still on. I turned it off and walked in my room. I wanted to have a shower. I put my bag on my bed and undressed myself. I went in the bathroom and got in the bathtub. I the water. I sighed in pleasure as the warm water touched my shoulder. It felt good. I closed my eyes. I wanted to forget about everything, just for a little while. I stayed like this for a few minutes before deciding to soap myself. I rinsed myself and got out of the bathtub. I dried myself and moved back in my room to get dressed. I picked the first clothes that I found and laid on my bed. I needed to rest. I had a long day yesterday and I went to bed late. I stretched. It felt good to be in my bed. I really needed to change the sofa. But with what money? I wasn't really poor but I wasn't rich neither. I sighed. Life is really complicated.

               Yuri woke me up. I looked at her and asked her if everything was okay. She nodded but told me that it was already half past five. I glanced at my watch. She was right. I thanked her for waking me up. If she hadn't , I would have been really late. I sat up and yawned. I felt totally refreshed. I should take some naps more often. I don't know why I never think about it. Anyway I had to hurry up or else I would really be late. I jumped on my feet and quickly arranged my hair. I told Yuri that she didn't have to wait for me for the dinner and that she could take whatever she wanted in the fridge. I kissed Yoogeun's head. He was doing his homework on the coffee table. I came back in my room as I realized that I almost forgot my bag. When I was sure that I had everything, I rushed out of the tenement. If I take the bus, I won't be late but I may meet Nickhun. If I don't take the bus, I won't be late but I may meet him. I scratched my head and finally opted for the walk. I walked as quick as I could.

               I arrived ten minutes late. I was proud of myself. I thought that I would be more late. My father popped out from the kitchen and started to scold me. He stopped when he saw that I was sweating. He asked me what I did so I explained that I walked here from my house. He burst in a laugh. It's true that I am not really used to doing sport, but still, it's not a reason to pull my leg like this. I puffed my cheeks and sulked. He tried to apologize but I ignored him. I was upset. I took the broom and started to clean. From now on, I will walk every day. No one would mock me if I become sporty right? A bit before we open, Lee Teuk appeared to tell us that he would go on a live tour for at least two months. He hugged me saying that he would miss me. That made me happy and I told him that I would miss him too. We talked for a bit before we opened. I was about to serve the first customers when Lee Teuk dragged me in a corner. I asked my father if he could replace me for a bit.

               I looked at Jung Soo. He was quite embarrassed. I asked him what was wrong. He asked me if Baekhyun had told me about a man he met. I nodded and wondered if he knew him. He nodded saying that he was one of his bandmates. I frowned. What did he say? The guy my brother met is a Super Junior member? I face palmed. Can't he choose a normal guy for once? I mean a gay who isn't a superstar. I sighed. I was curious. How did they meet? Lee Teuk confessed that he didn't know neither but that was deeply in love with Baekhyun. That was quite good. Why was he that worried? He told me that his manager was really strict about it. It would create a fuss if someone discover this. I looked at Jung Soo. What did he want me to do? To ask Baekhyun to stop wanting to be with him? I shook my head. He had been enough hurt like this. Lee Teuk sighed too. What a mess. I rubbed the back of my neck and told him that we would find a solution later. Super Junior will be in a live tour so Baekhyun and him won't be able to date. So they won't be caught. He nodded and started to go out of the restaurant.

               I grabbed his hand. He looked at me curiously. I told him about Yuri's problem and if he could something for her. He gladly accepted to help her. I smiled at him and thanked him many times. He ruffled my hair and walked out of the room. He was really a good man. Helping someone without knowing him/her. If only everyone was like him. But you need everything to make a world. My father's voice drew me out of my thoughts. True, true, I was at work. I bowed at the customers and led them toward their table. Since Lee Teuk was seen in our restaurant, many new people come here. Sometimes we refused some of them because we are complete. It's not that it is bothering me, it's good for the restaurant, but I quite miss our regular customers. Moreover, work became harder. But I couldn't do a thing about it. So I have to go with it and just work.

               Later in the evening, my father's girlfriend came to visit. She was quite impressed to see the customers. The room was full. I apologized to her. I didn't have the time to take care of her. She chuckled and said that it was nothing. She asked me if she could go to the kitchen. I nodded and went back to work. I was happy that our new customers were good people. I was afraid that some sassaengs would come here and make a mess. In Korea, we call "sassaengs" the fans who are crazy about their idols. It's really scary. They follow them everywhere. Some of them even enter in their dorm or hurt them. It was really a relief.

               The last customers finally left the restaurant. I sat on a chair and took       a deep breath. It was finally finished. I think that I never had walked that much since I started working in my father's restaurant. Talking about him, he popped out from the kitchen with his girlfriend with a glass of water. I thanked him and drank it one shot. My throat was amazingly dry. I looked at my father and told him that If we kept on having that much customers, I wouldn't be able to handle everything alone. He agreed to find another waiter or waitress to help me. I suddenly remembered about Tiffany. I told my father about her and he agreed on giving her a chance. I smiled happily. That was a good thing for her. I was still curious about the reason why she wanted to leave Nickhun. I don't know why it obsessed me like this. I guess that deep inside of me I wanted her to leave Nickhun for me. I laughed nervously. I should stop dreaming. After talking for a bit, I decided to come back home. It was past midnight. Once again, I should be careful not to wake them up when I would walk in my apartment.

               I didn't feel like walking and waited for the bus. I didn't care if I would meet Nickhun or not. Once the bus got here. I closed my eyes and prayed before getting in. Fortunately, he wasn't here. I sat on an empty seat and looked through the window. The past two days were crazy. I am still bothered by this story with Baekhyun. He seemed so happy to have found someone who loved him. I am grateful to Chanyeol. He didn't give any fake hopes to my brother. I sighed. I don't want to see him cry again. I got out of the bus at my stop and slowly walked toward my tenement. I frowned as I saw the shape of Tiffany. When she saw me, she rushed to me. She was smiling happily and told me that she was ready to settle in my apartment. I froze. I forgot about it...

-"Tiffany.. I can't let you live with me anymore."

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 9: I want more taeny momentssssss
Chapter 9: Yey! Thank you so much :)
This is wonderful
So good, so good, now we know what happened to tiffany and all the other things as well :3
Tnx so much :3
Chapter 8: Ooooooh it already ended *snif* (i only found the time to read it now eh)
Really good, really good but i would like to have known tiff's side of the story as well as all those missing things (such as what happened to tiffany since she say 'i'm sorry' to be at tae's apartment door, and what's with that smirk of nichkhun to him calling her out, ... etc)
Nevertheless it was really good, thank you :D
Paipaitae #4
Chapter 8: Good story line there author ! U just need to explain a a bit more of how Tiffany has fallen in love with taeyeon. More details of the characters . Overall, I enjoyed to read this docs.. Hope this is more for + criticism but not to let u down! Cheers!
Chapter 6: Oh ! Uau! seriously, I don't know what to say!
And that way of ending, it's so cruel, I mean so many things happened here to even know how to start and then at the very end, we almost had a kiss when it is interrupted by a call that says that her dad's on the hospital?!
That's to cruel! Leaving us hanging like that! ~~~~
Hope you updated soon, can't even think straight kkkk I'll be waiting for the next chapter :)
Chapter 6: Wow so good story!! New here!
Chapter 5: Holly cow!!!
This chapter was... is... amazing man! Uau till the beginning to the end! Poor taeyeon. It's as it's said. A problem never comes alone. Poor her and all the others *sigh* and now this :/ *sigh*
Ending the chap like this is terrible author-sshi (at least for us kkk) oh god! Can't wait to know what's gonna happen
The title of this chapter really fits it, uau good work
I'll be waiting for the next chapter :)
Asunax #8
Chapter 3: Hi there, I'm a new reader, I only found this fic today :(
Ehehe I'm really enjoying the story author-sshi, I like the way you write :)

Now a comment to this chapter... Noooo! Why Taeyeon? You finally understand your own feelings don't you dare to give up on her. You have to fight to have her and you'll never know if Nichkun will hurt her again :( She has to be yours! Hump
Also, I hope that your brother gets back on good terms with Chanyeol and that the relationship between yuri and Minho doesn't crumble again :(
Curious to know Kris' mysterious woman as well who her father's seeing eheh :3

Continue the good work author-sshi
(I think 've never wrote so much eheh)
CullenCrest1000 #10
Chapter 2: Nice beginning! ^^