I admit, I love her

The day I fell for you

I was sleeping and rolled on the side. I pulled up the blanket to my chin to be more comfortable.  I heard a chuckle and opened my eyes slowly. She was there smiling at me.  She told me to wake up so I put the blanket on my head and rolled on the other side. She laughed and pulled the blanket. I whined but she was stronger than me and took out the blanket from me. I sighed and sat up while messing my hair. She poked my cheek and told me to be ready soon because the coffee might become cold. I nodded and she went away with her crutches. I sighed and laid back on the bed. It was Sunday, it had been nearly a week since Tiffany came to live with me. I was really happy about that. It felt great knowing that someone was waiting for you at home. But sometimes I felt guilty to leave her alone even if I come back home in the afternoon. She never complained about anything. She just says gladly "welcome back" when I finish my work and she also makes the meals. She says that she wants to take care about something in the house to thank me for welcoming her. I tried to say no but she was too stubborn and I had to concede. I got up and walked toward the living room. She was washing the plates in the kitchen. My cup of coffee was on the table. I took it and drank a bit. It was still hot. I walked toward her. Her crutches were leaning against the wall. I sat on a chair and we started to talk. We talked about my work and about Yuri and Minho. She told me that she liked them and that they were really friendly. I smiled while thinking about these two and their children.  They have come to eat dinner at home on Thursday. My father had allowed me to come back home earlier that day. Tiffany was quite surprised to know that they already have a child who is six years old. I then explained her that they met when they were in high school. Minho first fell for Yuri and confessed. Yuri didn't have the heart to reject him and they started dating. Soon, Yuri realized that Minho was a wonderful man and the man she wanted for the rest of her life. But when Yuri was eighteen, she got pregnant. Hopefully their parents were really understanding and they bought them this little apartment. Since then they are still living in this apartment and they both found a job. Yuri is an elementary school teacher and Minho is a security guard at a supermarket. Tiffany looked at me with teary eyes. I got worried, maybe I said something that had bothered her?

-"This is so cute !" she said while holding her tears

I couldn't help but laugh a bit. As she puffed her cheeks, I got up and ruffled her hair. She gave me a beautiful eye smile. My heart throbbed. I sight while patting my chest.  Since a little while, it happens to me a lot. Without any reason, my heart stars to throb and beats fast. I think I should go to see the doctor. I picked out a bowl and poured it with cereals. I sat again on the chair and ate hungrily, Tiffany told me to eat slowly but I couldn't listen to her. I was too hungry. Once she finished washing the plates, she took her crutches and went to the living room. I quickly finished my cereals and joined her there. She was sitting on the sofa while reading my book. I quickly took the book from her, afraid that she might lose my page. She pouted and asked me what kind of book it is. I told her that it was a book that dealt with two people living a forbidden love. She laughed at me saying that I was too sentimental. I sat up next to her and we started to talk again. We ended up talking about Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

These two have become really close these days. Baekhyun moved in the tenement earlier than it was originally planned. We suspected Baekhyun to be in love with Chanyeol but we weren't really sure. We wanted them to be together, they would be too cute, the teasing couple. But we didn't know with Chanyeol swigged this way or not. Then we talked about Kris and his brother. We met them again at the supermarket on Wednesday. Tao left yesterday. They had a funny and cute brother relationship. They always argued over little things but it was never serious. And Tao was just too funny. He looks like a y beast at first and then his cuteness destroys everything. We laughed as we remembered about when he ran like crazy when he saw that bee. That day I learnt that Kris was in relationship but he didn't told us who was it. So he decided to investigate about that. We grinned at our idea. She asked me how was doing our restaurant. It was doing well, even though my father got sick. I sighed. He always over does himself. It wasn't really serious but I was still worried.  She patted my head and I glared playfully at her. I know I am short, she doesn't have to remind me it. We laughed together. It was now 10:30. Wow, I woke up early for a Sunday. I stretch and yawned. Tiffany told me to go dress up. I asked why since it was Sunday I could stay in pajamas the whole day. But she reminded me that we were invited at Yuri's house. I face palmed.  How could I forget about this? I'm really hopeless.  I walked to my room and picked out a black slim and a white tank. I am going to wear it with white sneakers. I was undressing myself when Tiffany appeared. I screamed and covered my . She giggled and told me that it was okay since we were both girls. My heart was beating so fast. She really scared me. I tried to calm my heart but for some reason it couldn't calm down. I tilted my head on the side wondering what was wrong with me. I shrugged and continued to undress myself before starting to dress up. I felt a strong look on me. It made me blush. It was really embarrassing..

Once I finished dressing up, Tiffany asked my help to dress up. Since she had a plaster, She couldn't wear any jeans or slims. I looked at the weather. It wasn't bad so I suggested to wear shorts or a skirt. She nodded and went for a short. I picked up the short she wanted and put it on the bed next to her. I squatted down and pulled down her pajamas' pants. I did everyday and it was everyday  a torture. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would pop out of my chest. As I was pulling down her pants, I had a whole view on her tight. Her white skin was so beautiful, pure like porcelain. I kept looking at it. How I wished to that these legs. They were long and thin. But not too thin, just perfect. I finished pulling down her pants and stepped back. My heart couldn't stop beating. I patted my chest. It was the same thing every morning. Maybe squatting down and getting up made my heart beats so fast?  But that didn't seem really possible. I know that I am not really sporty but I think I am healthy enough not to be out of breath from that. I shook my head and helped Tiffany to get up when she finished.  it was only 10:50 but we decided to go since Tiffany had crutches and that she couldn't walk fast. We walked toward the door and I put my sneakers on before asking Tiffany which shoes she wanted. She pointed with her chin at a pair of pink vans. I took the right shoe since her left leg was in plaster and put it on her feet. I could see her leg close. Her skin was even more beautiful then what I was expecting. We laughed. It looked like she was Cinderella and I was the Prince. Somehow it made me happy that she compared us to them. I opened the door and let her going out first before following her and closing the door. I carried her crutches as she was walking down the stairs. She was helping herself with the banister and she was holding shoulder too.

The first day she tried to hold my arm but since I was too little she couldn't and helped herself with my shoulder. We greeted one of my neighbors and got out of my tenement. We walked toward my bus stop. Tiffany asked me why I didn't have a driver license.  I told her that I failed each of my drive exams and then I gave up on driving a car. Since I wasn't living far from my workplace and from the city center, it wasn't really needed. She nodded as she understood. She told me that she have a driver license but that she didn't have the money to buy a car. I raised an eyebrow. I thought that hosts were well paid. She chuckled and told me that she had to pay back the debts that her father left. I opened my eyes wide. Whoa.. I never knew about that. Without knowing what, I said that I was sorry. She chuckled and shook her head. I wasn't responsible of the debts. She looked down to talk about that so I smile cheerfully to her and made a dorky face. She laughed and gave me one of these eye-smiles that I love so much. The bus eventually arrived and we got in. We sat in empty seats. I looked at my watch, It was 11:15. We would be early for our rendezvous with Yuri's family. On the bus, Tiffany talked a lot. I was half hearing what she was saying. I couldn't help but looking at her hair. It was beautiful, like silk and the scents that emanated from it made my mind go blank. It smelled so good. I never smelled that scent before. I wonder what shampoo she was using. I unconsciously reached out my hand and touched her hair. It was soft. She laughed and asked me what was I doing. I quickly pulled back my hand and blushed a bit. I stuttered that I liked her hair's scent and that it looked silky so I wanted to touch it. She messed my hair.

-"Weird yet cute" she said

I pouted a bit. We got off the bus at the right stop. It was now 11:30. We had to be at Yuri's house at 12:00. We had thirty minutes to kill.  Since Tiffany couldn't really walk, we sat on a bench and looked at people passing by. It was really funny to looked at them with Tiffany. She kept on commenting everything. I know it's bad to comment people but.. well sometimes it's funny. And we weren't men, we were just saying what we were thinking.  Without realizing it, it was already 11:50. We decided to go. We walked toward the apartment. Yoogeun was waiting for us in front of it with his father. As soon as he saw me, he ran to me and jumped in my arm. I chuckled while hugging him before kissing his head. He greeted Tiffany who ruffled his hair gently. Minho came to us and laughed a bit. Sometimes he wondered if Yoogeun didn't like me more than his own parents. We laughed together before going in the tenement. Minho told us that Yuri was still preparing the meal. We entered in the apartment and  greeted Yuri. Minho made Tiffany sit at the table and they started to talk. I went in the kitchen with Yuri to look if she needed and help.  She said that she just finished to cook. It smelled really good. We walked to the living room with the dishes. It was lamb with rice. We started to eat and talked joyfully. It was really great to be with them, they were so friendly. They immediately accepted Tiffany and talked to her as if they knew each other for years. We talked about Yoogeun.

He was doing well at school and even though he was young, he already drives girls crazy. We laughed as Yoogeun tilted his head without understanding what we meant. His mother ruffled his hair. He was still innocent. Minho had to leave early because he was working this afternoon.  So we stayed in the apartment with Yuri and Yoogeun. He was sitting on my laps while drawing.  Since we were girls, we couldn't help but gossip. The hot topics were : Baekhyun and Chanyeol and who was Kris's girlfriend. We tried to think hard but we couldn't see who could it be. Tiffany told us that he had one customer who was really pretty and matches with him but it was forbidden to date the customers so it couldn't be her. We started to imagine how that girl could look like. She might be short and really cute or quite tall and hot. Both of that matched Kris appearance.  We all agreed that Kris was really handsome and that we wouldn't mind to date him. We laughed when Yuri said that since she was already with someone. She retorted that it wasn't a sin to look at beautiful things and to want them. We laughed more. Then we talked about Baekhyun and Chanyeol. It was a bit less joyful when Yuri told us that she often sees him with a girl. Uh-oh.. If Chanyeol was dating that girl, he must have told Baekhyun already and knowing him, he is pretending that everything is fine. But nothing is sure since we don't know about Baekhyun's feelings toward Chanyeol and we aren't sure that Chanyeol was actually dating that girl. We sighed. This is going to be quite complicated. To change our mind, we talked about Yuri and Minho. I told Yuri that Tiffany knew about their story and that she found it really cute. Tiffany nodded fast and eye smiled. Yuri thanked her and told us that they almost broke up a month ago. Both of Tiffany and me were in shock. How could it be? They seemed to be alright when they came to our restaurant. Yoogeun added that his parents were always arguing and fighting. His mother gently messed his hair and asked him if he could go to draw in his room. After a kiss on Tiffany's and my cheek, he went to his room obediently.

We waited for Yuri's explanation.  She explained that she once went to surprised him at his workplace a Sunday afternoon when Yoogeun was at his grandparents place.  She noticed him and hide behind a wall to surprise him but she caught him with a girl. She was a casher. They were really close. That girl leant to him to kiss him but Yuri popped out before she could kiss him.  She didn't make any scene and ran away. When Minho came back home that day, he tried to explain himself to Yuri but she didn't want to listen to him and went to sleep. After that, they kept arguing and Yuri became more jealous then she was. One day, when they were arguing hard about that girl, Yuri slapped Minho's face. It was that day that they almost broke up. But finally they forgave each other and made up. She told us that that girl kept harassing Minho at work and that she got fired. I winced in disgusted. How much I hated this kind of girls. Why can't they find single men instead of trying to have taken ones? Yuri and Tiffany laughed at my face. Apparently I was making a funny one. I laughed with her. IT was now the time for Tiffany and me to leave. We went in Yoogeun's room but that little boy fell asleep. We didn't want to wake him up so we just kissed his forehead. We said goodbye to Yuri and went to the bus stop. It was 14:30.  We walked to our bus stop and I asked If she was not tired with her crutches. She shook her head and smiled gently. We didn't have to wait the bus for a long time and went in. There were just one seat empty so I let Tiffany sit on it.

We talked about Yuri and Minho's fight. We were quite shocked, I was more than her since I met them during last month and they acted like everything was alright. Anyway, they were right. It was their problem and not the world's one. We didn't talk much in the bus. There were silence between us but it wasn't a heavy silence. We just didn't need to talk to each other. We got out of the bus at my stop and we walked toward my tenement. We met a cute puppy Labrador on our way. Tiffany wanted us to pick it up but since we didn't know if it had an owner or not, we couldn't. She sulked until the house. During this week, I discovered that she could be very stubborn. We climbed the stairs and went in my house. Tiffany went to sit on the sofa. After closing the door and put the keys on the cupboard, I joined her and sat next to her. I the TV and we watched it. After around ten minutes, Tiffany suddenly wanted to bake a cake. I sighed. What's with that.; out of the blue. Since she was insisting, I gave up on watching TV and followed her in the kitchen. She was whittling as we prepared the ingredients we needed. Eggs, sugar, flour, butter and so on. We started to bake the cake. I accidently reversed some flour on Tiffany's arm. I didn't have the time to apologized that I received some right on my face. Soon it became a war. I was advantaged since she couldn't really move. We kept laughing as we threw the flour. We had to stop before we didn't have enough for the cake anymore. We finished to prepare the cake and put it in the oven. Tiffany sat on a chair as I was cleaning all the flour on the floor and a bit everywhere. Tiffany laughed and said that now it was me who was Cinderella and Her the Prince. I laughed with her and kept cleaning.  

Once finished, I made some coffee and we waited for the cake to be cooked. As we drank, we talked about Baekhyun and Chanyeol. We hoped that Baekhyun won't fall in love with Chanyeol. If so, he would be in pain. I sighed. I hated love stories with a band end except when it was in the books. But books are books. Reality is different. In the books, we don't have the characters in front of us. The pain is only marked in the words. In reality, we have to person right on front of us. The face deformed by the pain and the tears flooding the cheeks. It's totally different. As we were talking, the time went by and the cake was fully cooked. I carefully took it out of the oven. We smelled the cake. It smelled really good. I my lips. I took a knife and waited a bit to cut the cake. I gave a piece to Tiffany. She took a bit and eye smiled. She was really happy about the cake. So I tasted it and spilt everything. Tiffany laughed at me and drank water. She tricked me. How can the cake taste that bad? as we looked for the mistake, I tasted the sugar... It was in fact salt. I sighed. What is wrong with me? Tiffany kept laughing at me. I pouted and looked at the cake. What a waste... My heart ached a bit as I had to throw the cake away.

After smelling the cake, Tiffany and me became hungry.  So I took some bread and chocolate. Tiffany told me that she couldn't eat much. As a host, she couldn't gain any weight or she'll be fired. Talking about that, I wondered if it was okay for Tiffany not to go to work for two or three months. She nodded and told me that she asked the hospital to contact her host club. So everything will be okay but she was afraid that someone might take the first place during these months. I mess her hair. It was impossible that someone takes her place.  She was unique and the rank is just a number. As soon as Tiffany would come back, she will take the first place again. She smiled and thanked me. I took a bit in the bread and kept talking about her job with her. She suddenly reached out her hand to my cheek and wipe some chocolate at the corner of my lips with her thumb and it. I turned red right away and looked at her. I was in shocked. My heart was beating so fast I thought I would have a heart attack. She laughed at my reaction and went to sit and watch the TV. I laid my head on the table and tried to calm my heart. But it wouldn't listen to me. It kept on throbbing in my heart. It beat so fast that it almost hurt. I held my chest hard and breathed deep, kept on trying to calm myself. But everything I tried didn't work. I took a glass and poured it with water. I drank it one shot and waited a bit. But my heart still beat fast. I sighed and sat on the chair again.  I leant my head backwards and closed my eyes. I stayed like this for a while and my heart finally calmed down. I walked to the living room. Tiffany smiled at me and asked me while laughing if I calmed down. I nodded and sat next to her. She was really mean. Looking at her grin, it seemed like she enjoyed seeing me like that.

We were watching an idol show when I heard someone knocking on my door. I got up and went to open the door. It was Baekhyun. He looked awfully tired and had huge dark circles and his eyes were swollen. I let him in and got worried. I asked him what happened but he didn't answer me. He went to the living room and greeted Tiffany like he could and sat on a chair. Tiffany turned the TV off and looked at Baekhyun. He opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out of it except sobs. I walked to him and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged my arm and buried his face in my neck. He cried. I could feel his tears dropping on my neck. I felt terribly bad.to see my little brother in such a state. I kept his hair until he calmed down. It was obvious that Tiffany was worried too and quite embarrassed. Once he was fully calmed, I gave him a tissue and he started to explain us. He knew that Chanyeol  had a girlfriend. Every time that he was with him, he kept on talking about her. Today, Baekhyun asked Chanyeol if it was possible to meet but he said that he was sick and couldn't go out. So baekhyun went out alone. He was walking in a park when he saw Chanyeol with his girlfriend. He went mad because Chanyeol lied to him so he walked to them and made a scene. Baekhyun was holding his tears as he was explaining us.  He told us that it was love at first sight with Chanyeol but that one was straight. It was hard for Baekhyun to stay with him but he endured it. Anyway when Chanyeol lied to him he couldn't handle it no more and lost his mind. Baekhyun fought with Chanyeol. Chanyeol told him to get lost and to never talk to him again. Baekhyun cried again at that last sentence.

-"Poor child" said Tiffany

She walked up to Baekhyun with her plaster and gave him a warm hug. I also hugged him. The three of us stayed like that for a while before separating. We tried to cheer on Baekhyun. Tiffany and him decided to watch cartoons while I was cooking the dinner. My brother would stay with us for the night and maybe for somedays, until he felt like returning to his apartment. Tonight would be chicken with a salad. As I was cooking, I kept thinking at Baekhyun's words. I couldn't believe Chanyeol to act like that. He looked so calm and mature. Well.. It's true than when Baekhyun makes a scene, it's hard to deal with him and you can easily get mad at him. But telling him to get lost.. It's a bit too harsh. I sighed and called them to eat. My brother was smiling again. Even though it was a bit,  it warmed my heart a bit. During the dinner. Tiffany and him talked a lot. It was funny to look at them getting to know each other. I was sure that they are going to be good friends. I was quite happy about that. Since Tiffany would stay here for a while so it was better if they could get along. I couldn't help but looking at Tiffany. Her beauty will always impress me. Her skin was like porcelain. I wanted to touch it..

Really. I wondered if it was as soft as her silky hair. But I had to restrain myself. If I touched it, it would sound weird. after the dinner; Tiffany went to sleep early. I helped her to put her pajamas on and went back in the living room to talk with Baekhyun. sat down. We talked a lot about Chanyeol. I told him to wait. He wasn't the kind of people to cut things off like that. He will surely call him and apologized to him. But he must confess to him. That would save a lot of misunderstandings.  He nodded and I patted his back. I know it's going to be hard. He looked at me and smiled and asked me since when I was in love with Tiffany. I couldn't help but laughing.  I wasn't in love with Tiffany. He said that he noticed how I looked at Tiffany. I retorted that I felt jealous about her skin that looked so beautiful and that I wanted the same skin. This time, it was Baekhyun who laughed and said that I was a big idiot. I glared at him before laughing with him. Even though I didn't understand why he called me stupid, I was too tired to try to get it. After a while, I went silently in my room to take a blanket and gave it to Baekhyun. He would sleep on the sofa. Once I made sure that he felt comfortable, I walked to my room. I sat on the bed and sighed. What did he mean by loving her? Of course I don't, she is a girl. While sitting on the bed, I started to take off my tank and my bra. I suddenly felt arms wrapping around my waist and a kiss on my neck. I froze and stop breathing. My heart beat fast again and blushed. I didn't dare to move. Then the arms disappeared and I heard a "Nickhun".. My heart stopped beating immediately and huge pain replaced the beats. I hardly breathe and thought I had an heart attack but I soon calmed down. I breathed heavily and completely undressed  myself before putting my pajamas on. I laid on the bed and covered my body with the blanket. If it kept going on like this.. I wonder if my heart will be able to take it.

The alarm woke me up the next morning. I sat up and quickly turn it off before it woke Tiffany. I quickly dressed myself up and washed my face in the bathroom. I combed my hair in a pony tail and applied some make up.  I quietly got out of the room and walked to the living room. Baekhyun was still sleeping. I took a piece of bread and kissed beakhyun's forehead. This little boy.. I smile gently at him then grabbed my bag and walked toward the door. I was about to but my shoes on when I thought that it would be better if I let them a word. So I came back to the living room, being careful not to wake Baekhyun. I took a piece of paper and grabbed a pen. I wrote that I was going to work and that they shouldn't worry. Proud of my words, I left the paper on the table and walked back at the door. I put on my shoes, took my keys and walked out of the apartment. I looked at my watch. It was 9:00. I have never been ready that early. My father will be proud of me. I grinned happily as I walked toward the bus stop. The bus driver was surprised to see me that early. We both laughed and I went to sit on an empty seat.

About five minutes after I went in the bus, someone sat next to me. I looked up and noticed that it was Nickhun. Last time came back in my mind. I sighed. He asked me if everything was alright. I nodded and told him that it has been a while since I last saw him. He told me that he got busy with his work and that he couldn't go out much because he was tired. I didn't know why but I couldn't really believed him. Out of the blue, he asked me if I had news about Tiffany. I raised an eyebrow and told him that she broke her leg and that she was living with me until she was fully recovered. He looked surprised and told me that he could welcome her at his place because he know that Tiffany can be stubborn sometimes and that it might be a burden for me. I shook my head and told him that it was alright and that I found it really cute. He chuckled a bit and agreed with about the fact that Tiffany was cute. Once again, I felt my heart ached. But it wasn't as painful as last night. He kept asking me about Tiffany. It was quite annoying. I felt relieved when the bus arrived at my stop. I quickly said goodbye to Nickhun and got off of the bus. I sighed in relief as I saw the bus driving away. I walked toward the restaurant.

It was still early and the face of my father seeing me was priceless. While laughing, I started to clean the floor. The atmosphere was light and happy. My father told me that he met someone last night. I almost choke on my saliva. My father hadn't gone out ever since my mother's death. I was really happy to hear that. He confessed that he was afraid of my brother's reaction. It's true that we was really close with my mother. But I think that he is now mature enough to accept that woman. I smiled cheerfully at my father and told him that he couldn't stay single until his death. Anyway I was a bit worried to see him work since he was sick. He reassured me saying that it was just a cold and nothing serious. But I still didn't like that and asked him not to overdo it. He nodded and went in the kitchen with the cooks that just arrived.  I sighed. At his age, it was useless to try to change him. I kept cleaning the floor and arranged the tables before the first customers arrived.

One by one, I led them to their tables and served them. I loved our customers. They were all kind and gently. Nobody ever fought there. Sometimes we welcome customers that have problems on their mind. It makes me happy to know that the time of a meal, they can forget about them and just enjoy what we prepared to them. I think that's the reason why my father opened the restaurant.  He wanted to make people happy with food. Unfortunately, my father can't cook. Indeed, every time he touches any food and tries to cook it, the food end up to be burned. I chuckled at it. My mother often gave him cooking lesson but nothing worked. My father was hopeless. Just like me. I welcomed another customers and smiled as I noticed it was Kris. I led him to a single table and gave him the menu. I grinned as I was walking away. It was now the time to investigate about his girlfriend. 

Each time that I went to his table, I asked him about girls and what kind of girls he liked. He seemed to have fun looking at me investigating. He always avoided the question and that made me upset. I sighed and decided to give up for today. I let him finish his meal and went to serve other customers. Once everyone was served, I came back to Kris and asked him why he was eating here alone since he had a girlfriend. He told me that he couldn't get noticed with her girlfriend or they will be in trouble. I opened my eyes wide. Is his girlfriend a part of the mafia? He laughed and messed my hair saying that I was cute. I pouted. What did I say that was that funny? He said that no, his girlfriend wasn't in the mafia but that she was well-known and that it would be troublesome if a scandal appeared. I raised an eyebrow. So his girlfriend was an idol? He nodded but still refused to tell me who she was. I asked about his job. His girlfriend must be jealous. Moreover they didn't get to see each other often so.. Kris explained me that it was his last month working as a host and that he will now try to become a professional basketball player. I was quite surprised. Even if Kris was still young, he was kind of old to debut in this sport. He shrugged and  said that it was better than being a host. I chuckled and raised my thumbs up to cheer on him. My father called me to welcome a customers. After wishing him luck,  I went to welcome that customers. It was a new one, I never met him before. I led him to a table and handed him the menu. He refused it and told me to bring him our specialty.  I frowned a bit but smiled at him and went in the kitchen to pass the orders. What a weird customers. I really felt something bad about it and told my father about that strange customers. He hit the back of my head and scolded me silently, not to make a fuss in the restaurant. I pouted and asked him what was that for. He explained me that the customers that I found weird was in fact one of the most well known cook in the world and that he was here to judge our restaurant.  He begged me to give him a special treatment. But I refused.  Why would I treat him differently? He was just one of our customers and I didn't care if he was the most well-known cook or whatever. I puffed my cheeks a customers is a customers. I made Kris paid the bill and waved at him when he got out of the restaurant.

I laughed with one of the customers and made a magic trick to one of the child that was here. I didn't notice that the weird customer was looking at me. His dishes were soon ready and I brought it to him. I smiled at him happily and told him to enjoy the meal.  It was 14:20 when the last customer left the restaurant. Only the weird one stayed.  He told my father and the cooks that the dishes were delicious. I chuckled at that. Of course they were. Our cooks were the best of all the Asia. He laughed at my words and ruffled my hair. I was a bit shocked but I let him do that. He told me that my way to welcome the customers was one of the best that he ever experienced. I raised an eyebrow. That was impossible. I am sure that there are a lot of restaurants which welcome their customers the way I do. He relied me that yes, I wasn't the only one, but my way to be always happy whatever the circumstances were. I smiled proudly and told my father that I wasn't that hopeless. We all laughed and the cook stayed until the night. We talked a lot and he told us about his restaurant and the numerous countries he visited. This man went to almost every country of the world. I was amazed by that. I want to travel too! But I am too attached to my country to leave it. I sighed. I didn't realize that I forgot to tell Tiffany that I couldn't come back home today.

I received a call from her and smiled. I was happy that she worried about me. It really warned my heart up. During all the evening, I kept thinking about Baekhyun's word. Was I really in love with her? Well it's true that she can change my mood with just words. But I don't think that I am in love with her. I just have a heart problem. I should quickly go to the hospital because it became troublesome. I sighed and kept on serving the customers until the last one. After cleaning the floor and the tables, I finally could walk to my stop. I was just exhausted. I sat on an empty seat. At this time of the night, the bus was almost empty. We were only three. Once the bus reached my stop I got out and walked toward my tenement. I was impatient to see Tiffany. I froze in front of it. Nickhun was standing, waiting for me. I hid behind bushes and kept looking at him. He was pacing in front of my tenment. I didn't want to meet him. Because I knew that if I walked to him, I wouldn't be able to send him back home and would have to welcome him in the house. And Tiffany and him will meet up and she will leave me. A huge and painful burn appeared in my chest. I covered my chest not to let my voice out. I sighed. Okay I admit it, I am in love with Tiffany. But this is wrong. I have to let her go.. right? I walked toward Nickhun and faked a smile.

-"Hey Nickhun !"

-"Oh Taeyeon. I was waiting for you"

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 9: I want more taeny momentssssss
Chapter 9: Yey! Thank you so much :)
This is wonderful
So good, so good, now we know what happened to tiffany and all the other things as well :3
Tnx so much :3
Chapter 8: Ooooooh it already ended *snif* (i only found the time to read it now eh)
Really good, really good but i would like to have known tiff's side of the story as well as all those missing things (such as what happened to tiffany since she say 'i'm sorry' to be at tae's apartment door, and what's with that smirk of nichkhun to him calling her out, ... etc)
Nevertheless it was really good, thank you :D
Paipaitae #4
Chapter 8: Good story line there author ! U just need to explain a a bit more of how Tiffany has fallen in love with taeyeon. More details of the characters . Overall, I enjoyed to read this docs.. Hope this is more for + criticism but not to let u down! Cheers!
Chapter 6: Oh ! Uau! So...so... seriously, I don't know what to say!
And that way of ending, it's so cruel, I mean so many things happened here to even know how to start and then at the very end, we almost had a kiss when it is interrupted by a call that says that her dad's on the hospital?!
That's to cruel! Leaving us hanging like that! ~~~~
Hope you updated soon, can't even think straight kkkk I'll be waiting for the next chapter :)
Chapter 6: Wow so good story!! New here!
Chapter 5: Holly cow!!!
This chapter was... is... amazing man! Uau till the beginning to the end! Poor taeyeon. It's as it's said. A problem never comes alone. Poor her and all the others *sigh* and now this :/ *sigh*
Ending the chap like this is terrible author-sshi (at least for us kkk) oh god! Can't wait to know what's gonna happen
The title of this chapter really fits it, uau good work
I'll be waiting for the next chapter :)
Asunax #8
Chapter 3: Hi there, I'm a new reader, I only found this fic today :(
Ehehe I'm really enjoying the story author-sshi, I like the way you write :)

Now a comment to this chapter... Noooo! Why Taeyeon? You finally understand your own feelings don't you dare to give up on her. You have to fight to have her and you'll never know if Nichkun will hurt her again :( She has to be yours! Hump
Also, I hope that your brother gets back on good terms with Chanyeol and that the relationship between yuri and Minho doesn't crumble again :(
Curious to know Kris' mysterious woman as well who her father's seeing eheh :3

Continue the good work author-sshi
(I think 've never wrote so much eheh)
CullenCrest1000 #10
Chapter 2: Nice beginning! ^^