Chapter 2

Anyone But You

“Your bed?” he raised a brow at me.

Hold on, this isn’t my bed. And for goodness heaven this isn’t even my bedroom! Realization hit me.

. I cannot bring myself to stay any longer in the same bed with this ert.

I needed to get off. Hastily, I tried to get off from the side.

Luck not being on my side, I tripped on the sheet and fell right on to the floor with a huge ‘Bang’, exposing my whole body. My headache increased double fold.

‘Are you alright?’

I saw Jiyong poke his head out from the bed.

“YAH! DON’T LOOK!” I screamed, ignoring my splitting headache, as I swing my foot at his face, causing him to back off.

Quickly, I grabbed the tip of the sheet that was hanging out from the bed, pulled it and wrapped it around my body as I got up.

Jiyong chuckled. “You are clumsy”

“YOU!” I pointed my accusing finger at him, as I moved back from the bed.


I literally couldn’t believe it. I thought he was at least a little Mr. Nice Guy. Oh how I was totally wrong.

“Wha-“, confused, Jiyong interrupted. However, I gave him no chance to continue.

“You get me drunk and then take me to your home and take advantage of me?” I gestured to the all-white room that I was enclosed in with him.

The room was huge. Very much so. The bed was located at the far end of the corner. The huge room giving the king sized bed the space it needs. It was still able to accommodate the comfy couches accompanied with the huge screen TV with a lot of space in between them and the bed. There was also a dining table at the other end of the corner, with a small bar right next to it

“Woah Woah Woah! Hold up!” Jiyong stopped me.

“First of all, I didn’t get you drunk. You did that on your own” He got off from the bed, totally forgetting about the pillow he needed to have with him.

And then…I saw it.

“ARGH!” I let out a scream as I covered my face.

“” I heard him mutter.

Good. He got it.

Few seconds later, I removed my hands to see his lower body wrapped with the other bed sheet.

Damn, six packs. It was so hard to force myself to look away. 

“Second of all, this isn’t even my room.” He continued as he started walking towards me.

“Third of all, that? “ He pointed at my body.

“It doesn’t " he shook his head, smirking.

I scoffed at his remark ignoring the blush that had taken root on my cheeks.

I am totally y and curvy! I reminded myself, trying to not let it get to me.

Okay, I might not his type; Petite girls with next to nothing s, really I was better like this, but was it really necessary for him to say that out loud? Moreover to my face?

Oh god. I cannot believe I’m saying this but Xin is so much better.

“JERK! JERK! JERK!” I screamed at him throwing a pillow in his direction. He laughed as he easily dodged it, his voice as high an octave as mine.


A third party voice hit us.

I froze up. So did Jiyong.  

That voice, don’t tell me-

Too late. Xin groaned as he popped up his head up to the bed, from the other side. Damn six packs…Who are these guys? Gym addicts?

“I am trying to sleep here!” he stood up to reveal his body with only a boxer on. At least he got that on, I tried to reassure myself as panic built up within me.

“Oh god” I saw Jiyong cover his face in regret.

But wait...

Inner freak to come out in 3…2…1


I screamed as loud as I can.






Dear god, dear mom, dear dad, Dear unnie, I am so sorry!

I wrote an apology letter in my head, in the middle of screaming.

“WOMAN STOP!” Xin screamed back, putting an end to my endless loud screaming.

Jiyong released the fingers chucked in to his ears, as he saw me stop.

“Let me explain!” Xin sat on the bed.

“I don’t know what happened between you both, but I was clearly not with you guys when you were banging, which I’m assuming that’s what you both did” Xin explained as he skipped on words swiftly.

“I went out for a smoke, and that locked me out, so I came here to sleep. “ Xin groaned once again as he stretched.

“You didn’t lock the door!?” I shot Jiyong a glare. This guy did not get the general rules of decency and privacy.

“Don’t look at me! I don’t remember what happened either!” he raised his hands both in surrender.

Knowing that I only spent the night with Jiyong, kind of eased me at some point. Two guys and one girl? Nuh uh.

But spending the night with Jiyong was wrong as well.  

“You came with a girl? Jiyong folded his arm as he questioned Xin.

“Hey you both were all over each other, the rest of us were lonely. It’s only natural we pick up some girl.”

All over each other? I shot Jiyong a half glare-half curious look only to find me scrutinizing me as well. Good, neither of us could believe that we would be ‘all over each other’

I’d give a million dollars away just to remember what exactly happened last night.

“What do you mean?” I asked Xin, curious.

“Well, I don’t remember much, I do remember you both making out on the couch. And then you both left in Jiyong’s car. So I think we followed you here.” Xin replied.

“Who paid for this?” Jiyong pointed at the room.

“You did!” Xin chuckled. “You paid for all of us it seems”

“You were so drunk; you took the most expensive suites?” I asked, amazed. Despite the situation, I felt laughter bubble inside me. My amusement must have been evident on my face as he narrowed his eyes at me in response.

I could see the regret on his face, but he brushed it away. “It’s just a few pennies. I am not broke.”

Hah. He is trying to play cool. I rolled my eyes at his response.

“Well, I am going now, you both should dress up” Xin, got up and made his way to leave.

I let out a deep sigh. What a morning.

“Why don’t you take a shower first?” Jiyong suggested as he gestured me to go in. Hah! Look at that. He just might turn into a gentlemen. Then I think of how I spent the night and I brushed off the ridiculous idea. Jiyong and gentlemen? They just don’t go hand in hand.

I picked up my clothes, thrown onto the floor and left to the bathroom.

A warm, relaxing bath is all I need now. I slipped into the tub and drifted off to the peaceful land. I moaned as the pressure from the hangover eased off until it became nonexistent.

After spending almost an hour in the bathroom, I got out.

“Oh god. Finally!” Jiyong got up from bed.

The room was all prefect clean. Not a trace of dirt or messy bed.

He is a perfectionist, I see.

“One hour to get ready. Wow” Jiyong sighed as he disappeared into the bathroom.

“Be a girl and you‘ll know” I called back in response.

My hand bag was neatly hung on the hanger, near the bed.

I took the perfume and sprayed all over when I came across a light torn in my dress near the side.

“Wow, he is rough?” I widened my eyes. A slight tingle ran through my body as I imagined just how rough he might have been.

I put back the spray and took out my phone.

Bom unnie, I bet she is worried.

I unlocked my Samsung S4 to get a notification of 52 missed calls.

“What the-“ I muttered as I quickly scrolled through the missed calls.

Bom unnie
Bom unnie
Bom unnie
Bom unnie
Bom unnie
Bom unnie
Bom unnie
Bom unnie
Bom unnie
Bom unnie

“!” I completely forgot. 

And if he were to find about what happened- DOUBLE .

Not waiting any longer, I dialed Dean.

Few rings and the cold tone hit me. His voice made my inside go numb.

“ YOU” and he hung up.

Good job on making him mad…again, Chaerin.

Relieving a deep sigh, I dialed again.

“Dean” I talked in before he could say that anything.

I heard him sigh on the other end.

“Oppa, where are you going?” a girl’s voice carried through the phone and the realization was enough to cause a shooting pain straight to my heart.

He is with a girl again.

I looked up to the ceiling to stop the tears from dropping.

You can’t cry Chaerin. I told myself.

This is far too usual.

“Who’s that? A new stripper you scored?” I laughed trying my best to sound nonchalant.

It wasn’t very funny but it was funny on how he could do such stuff and still get mad at me.

“None of your business. This is what happens when you don’t pick up.” He talked in. Rather calmly.

“So were you ing someone?” He coldly asked.

“Yes. Yes indeed, Dean. I was. And though I’m not proud of it but I would love to rub it in your face!”

 That was what I originally wanted to say.

“No. I fell asleep. I was tired.” I rested my other hand on my hip.

“Oppa!” the girl’s voice made me roll my eyes.

“I got to go.” Dean said in a rush.

Of course

“Alright” I sighed. I wished, for the hundredth time, that he wouldn’t go to seek another girl’s comfort. Was I not enough?

“I’ll call you when I need you” And he hung up.

Talking to Dean is becoming tiring and usual every day.

Putting my phone back, I zipped my bag.

“Trouble in paradise?”

I turned around to see Jiyong come out, dressed up in the clothes as yesterday.

“More like trouble in hell” I hung the bag on my shoulder.

“You are going now? Need a ride?” Jiyong asked.

“Yeah and Nop. I don’t want anything more to do with you at all” I walked passed him.

“Alright! Just being a gentleman.” Jiyong called out.

Whatever, I ignored him and left the room.

Suite 13?

Number 13 is supposed to be my lucky number since it’s my favorite. But I do not see anything lucky about that.

I walked pass through the hallway quickly and into the Elevator.

It was just about to close when the guy named, Kush stopped it.

Oh no.

“Hey!” He greeted cheerfully.

I cannot say no to a cheerful greeting.

I don’t think he means any harm.

“Annyeong!” I bowed to him.

“Leaving, I see” Kush started a conversation.

“Yeah” I smiled.

“Did you have fun last night?” He laughed.

Oh god. Not this again.

“I can’t remember anything” I did the I-don’t-know gesture.

“Well I bet you did.” He teased.

“Do you at least remember some things he did to you” he asked.

Okay, this is getting weird.

Elevator, reach to the ground floor! Now!

“No” I faked a laugh.

“Well, I can tell you about-“ He started.

Ding. And the elevator opened up to the ground floor.


“Uh- I gotta go now though. Bye bye!” I rushed out, waving a bye to him.

Confused, he waved back and went the other way.

What a Bunch of creeps. I shook my head and headed to the exit.


I have never been here, never seen this place, never heard of this place.

Did he perhaps bring us to another planet?

I don’t see anyone, or any transportation.

“Um, excuse me but how do I get to the main road?” I asked the security guard.

“You would have to walk straight and then take a left turn. If you were to walk, it would take around twenty minutes” He answered.

“Twenty minutes?!”  I mean really?

“Im sorry for the inconvenience Miss. Since we are currently under construction, it had to be like this. We do have a chauffeur, but he just went out with another customer. My deepest apologize ma’am.” He bowed.

All I could see was construction buildings that filled the whole area.

Just how big is this land?

“It’s alright. I’ll walk”

I was to take off when a random man, came up to me, “Hey, I could give you a ride. It’s not very safe of a pretty girl like you to wander around alone with all those workers working now. You are scared right?”  He winked at me. That was definitely not a sincere request.

Thank you but I was not scared until you just told all those things. I wanted to blurt out.

But instead, I went “Nah, it’s alright. I’m going to go with my boyfriend. Thank you for the offer” I smiled and walked back in.

I cannot believe I just said that. And I cannot believe I’m going to do this.

“I thought you didn’t want anything to do with me?” Jiyong smirked, as he leaned against the door.

“Just this once” I looked away from him, folding my arms.

“Hah. Hold on” He went in and came back after switching off the lights.

“Leggo” He lead the way.

“Miss, is this the boyfriend you were talking about?” the security guard smiled at us.

. No. Oh god.

“Boyfriend?” Jiyong smirked at me.

Why? Why is there such a security guard who butts into other’s business?

How do I explain this to him?

“Wha-“I was about to explain when Jiyong pulled me in to him.

“Yeap, that’s right.” He smiled at the security guard as he tousled my hair playfully. I gritted my teeth to refrain from saying anything. He was supposed to be my boyfriend after all.

“Let’s go my lovely ‘girlfriend’” He turned to me.

Oh goodness.

We both bowed at the security guard and made our way to his car; his hand still wrapped around my waist.

“In you go, my lady” He teased as he opened the door for me.

“Ugh, shut up” I smacked his shoulder.

I so regret saying that to the security guard.

“Where to?” He asked as he hopped in.

I explained my address and he zoomed off.

“So, care to explain what happened back there?” He spoke as we drove along.

“I did it for my own benefit, okay” I rolled my eyes.

“Of course, it would be a benefit. I mean where in the world, would you get to be with a hot guy like me?” He joked as he kept his focus on the road.

“Oh, such a self-obsessed ” I scoffed, earning a chuckle from him.

“I had to walk through all these, alone! And, and this random guy appeared asking me to ride with him. He is a stranger! And he had the evil smirk on him. I can’t trust him!” I explained.

“And you trust me?” He looked at me.

“Well, no. but at least I knew you for an hour?” I replied.

“Hah.” He nodded, getting my point.

“How did you even get to this place? No wait, I mean how do you even know this place?” I was curious.

With that, his face calmed by a bit. The smile wasn’t lively as before. I could feel it.

“I-uh, used to come here a lot” his cheerfulness came back.

Personal stuff, huh?

“Oh” I decided not to ask anymore.

I was enjoying the sceneries when his question distracted me.

“How are you gonna explain it to your real boyfriend?”


What did he just say?

“Your boyfriend? How are you gonna explain this entire thing that just happened?” He seemed curious.

“I don’t have a boyfriend” I shifted my attention to enjoy the view.

“But I saw you making out with a guy last night”

He saw it?

Don’t tell me he saw me get slapped.

“Ah, It’s just a fling between us” I explained

“Oh” he responded.

Just how much did he see?

“Um, how much did you see?” I had to ask him.

“Well, i saw you both making out, and then after a while, I saw you go. Why?”

“Nothing” Okay, hopefully he didn’t.

“Did you really think, I’m lifeless to watch every move you do?” He chuckled.

He definitely didn’t see it. Thank god.

“Yeah, I am y, aren’t I?” I answered proudly.

“Look who is the self-obsessed now?” He nudged me.

“Oh there it is” I pointed out as my villa came in sight.

“Wow. Pretty cool” he complimented.

“I know” I braggingly answered, causing him to roll his eyes.

“Alright. Thanks a lot.” I thanked as I hopped out.

“And remember from now on, we don’t have ‘ANYTHING’ to do with each other, okay?” I made it sure.

“Got it. “, he assured me and waved a goodbye at me as he drove off.

It was nice knowing you, Jiyong…

I walked up to the door step, to see a pair of man shoes.

The scene made my face lift up.

“Oppa!” I screamed happily as I opened the door, to reveal Bom unnie and the man; who is like a real brother to me, sitting on the couch.

“And there is my beautiful Chaerin!” He screamed as well, when he got up to greet me with a tight hug.

“I have missed you!” I cried in as he hugged me.

“Aw, I have missed you too” He ruffled my hair.

“Yah, Park Daesung, let go of my boo!” Bom interrupted our little reunion.

“No fair! You are supposed to miss me more since I am your own blood related sister!” Bom unnie whined.

Daesung laughed it off; “Of course I did” He kissed the crown of her head.

Daesung oppa might be Bom unnie’s brother, but he was like a brother to me as well.

“Where is Minzy? How is she?” Daesung oppa asked, as all of seated.

“She is doing fine, she was gonna come over for a little vacation, but I reminded her that you will be here” I stuck my tongue at him.

“Yah!” He mocked a hit on my head.

“I am just saving my little sister from weird guys!” I defended myself.

Yes, Minzy. Minzy is my little sister who decided to stay back in France.

I spent almost my childhood in France and so did Bom unnie.

My father would visit Korea very often since he has established his company here. After a few years later, he suggested that we move to Korea. However, Minzy wanted to stay. So in the end, all of us moved back to Korea except Minzy who is now staying alone over there.

She has adapted herself to that country, so we aren’t really worried about her.

And Daesung oppa, he pretty much had or has a tiny crush on her.

“Are you implying that I’m weird?” Daesung oppa expressed his hurt.

“Yeap” I laughed.

“Ah!” Bom unnie interrupted, yet again. This time it seemed as if she had something important.


“Please tell me you went to work! I called you a number of times! What happened?”

“!” I exclaimed.

No. No. No. I have work today!

And I am late for work! Again! I am late to work by 3 hours!

Can this day get any worse?

I couldn’t stay any longer.

“I AM SO SCREWED!” I cried as I rushed in to my bedroom to wash up and change my clothes.

A random pick and I was ready. I waved and kissed them goodbye as I got into a cab, which was luckily called up by Bom unnie.

Thank you unnie.

“Chae” Bom unnie said when I got back from work. “How was work?” She asked.

“Don’t even go there” I said sighing and jumping on the bed with a sigh.

“Awww” She said climbing in after me. “That bad?” She asked. I gave an unintelligent shrug. To tell the truth, work was really good. Just one problem. Me being late. Always.

“Bom unnie” I asked turning so that I was staring up at the ceiling.

“Yuh” She said mimicking my action.

“Dean” I said simply.

“What did he do this time?” She asked giving an impatient sigh.

“He was with a girl last night”

“I don’t understand you girl. Why are you still with him?” She asked. I shrugged again. Damned if I knew.

“CHAERIIIIIIN” I opened a groggy eye as the sound of my name, being screamed at the top of one’s lungs, hit my ears.

“Unnie!” I cried pulling a pillow on top of my head. Much better.

“Chaerin office!!!” Bom unnie came to stand right next to me and with much fighting, from my side, managed to get the pillow off of me. “Get up now!”

“5 minutes” I said covering my head with the blanked. Bom took that away as well.  I attempted to glare at her. But really how much can one glare with only one eye open, that too all bleary.

“Aren’t you a ray of sunshine today?” She said sarcastically.

“Not everyone is a morning person like you, Cinderelly” I shot back.

“It 9 already Chaerin!” She said matter-of-factly.

It was as if someone had splashed cold water on me. I was instantly awake.

“9!!! Bom unnie I was supposed to go at 7!!” I screamed at her. “I haven’t been this late since…” Since that day really. The day of the Jiyong, now wasn’t that a good name to call that day?

“Since that day a week ago!” I finished as I grabbed my white shirt and black pants as I dashed towards the bathroom.

“You didn’t call me!” I wailed. “I was given the last warning. They said they will punish me if I get this late again”

“Chaerin! I’ve been trying to wake your lazy since 6!” Bom unnie sounded angry.

I peeked out of the bathroom door to give her toothpaste grin. “Oops?” I said.

“Hurry up. I’ll fix your breakfast and call a cab for you”

“What will I do without you Bom!” I said, once again inside the bathroom.

“DIE” Came her reply.

I fixed my hair, as I arrived at the company.

“Ooh you are late~” The security guard named Jungsuk teased.

“Shh, don’t tell anyone” I begged him.

“Sure” He smiled.

No one seems to be in sight.


I entered the elevator to be greeted by the automatic system programmed in.

‘Welcome to YG Company’

The elevator opened up to reveal the person that I had hoped to not run into.

 “Very late, aren’t you, Chaerin? “

I gulped.

I am so in trouble.

“Sajjannim” I forced a smile.

And there stood the boss of this company, folding his arms. Very unhappy.

“I can explain!” I got out from the elevator.

“You better” He cocked his brows as he followed me into the studio.

I walked into the studio, to see Teddy hyung gesture me a ‘you-are-dead-meat”

I made a pout in response.

“I am not gonna make any excuse. I overslept. And I am ready to face the consequences” I spoke bravely.

He better be proud of me for speaking like this.

“Yes you will. I will report to you about that later. For now, I have an important meeting to attend to.” And he left the room.

“Damn girl” Teddy hyung laughed.

Yeah, I call him ‘Hyung’

The ‘Hyung’ thing started off as a teasing first, but then it turned out to fit him even more so I decided to stick with it afterwards.

“Well, Well seems like our little producer is back to her old self?” He chuckled.

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I put down my bag.

“Both, I guess. I mean I like that you are trying to be punctual but I miss seeing you get into trouble” He laughed.

“Very funny” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“It is” He pointed out.

“So still on that same track?” I walked over to him, who was leaning against his chair near the studio desk.

“Yeap” he sighed.

“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s work on it!” I cheerfully exclaimed.

I love being a producer. It has always been a dream job of mine. The most thing I love about this job, is working with Teddy hyung and other workers who are just as friendly as him.

We are like a family.

“Yes!” I squealed as I stretched myself on the chair.

After a well spent 5 hour, the track is almost done.

A burden has been lifted off from our shoulders.

“Just a little touch up tonight and we are good to go.” Teddy hyung assured happily.

“Woohoo!” I gave Teddy hyung a high five.

“Im gonna get myself a drink. Want a coffee?” I suggested.

“Nah, I’m all alright. Help yourself” He waved me bye.

Feeling a lightness in step, I made my way towards the elevators to go to the second floor. My favorite floor really. It’s the floor where the cafeteria is.

“Heyy Sumi!” I said greeting the girl in the cafeteria.

“The usual?” She asked smiling back at me.

“Yes please”

When she handed me my coffee, mocha with double cream with no sugar, I almost moaned taking in the aroma. “You are an angel sent from heaven! Specifically for me” I said grinning at her before I made my way back.

The day was going extremely well if I say so myself. Well, except for the tiny part where I was late for work. But that’s almost every day. So really, everything was going just perf-

“Aargh” I groaned as I bumped into someone. It seemed like that old man Newton was right after all. Every action did have an equal and opposite reaction. The opposite reaction for me sent me flying back a few couple of steps. The coffee splashed everywhere! And I mean everywhere! I whimpered as I looked down my fresh white shirt, now all wet and stained with coffee, clinging to my chest area.

“Oye!” I said lifting my head to look at my culprit’s face. And there, I lost my ability to remember how to breathe. The ability to hold things as well, it seems. My grip on the coffee cup loosened at I let it fall to the floor.

I stared at the person in front of me, all blonde hair and y mole-ness resurfacing the panic crazy woman who had subsided after a peaceful stress free week without him.

No. Just no.

“” I heard him mutter.

“What are you doing here?” He demanded.

I, well, I have forgotten how to breathe, how does he expect me to answer him? So I just stared at him. Mouth agape. Not one of my finest moments.

 “Chaerin!” I heard someone say. That someone came and stood between us in the form of YG. “Oh good. You two have met” He said smiling.

I slowly let out the breathe I was holding trying to calm myself and turned to look at YG.

“What happened to your shirt?” He asked. “Never mind. It’s you!” He said dismissing me just as easily. I narrowed my eyes at him. I heard Jiyong snicker. I narrowed my eyes at him as well.

“Chaerin meet Jiyong. The future. The best producer I’ve got the pleasure to work with”

“It is your duty to assist him and help him for the whole month, since he is new here. He is really a great guy. You are gonna love him” He said grinning at Jiyong with fondness.

Right. I rolled my eyes.

Still with the smile intact on his face he started to move in the opposite direction then stopped as if a thought had occurred to him.

“Oh and Chaerin?” He called me. I was glaring at Jiyong so him suddenly calling out my name startled me.

“Yaaah?” I said.

“As for your punishment, you’ll be working with Jiyong every day. Even on weekends” He grinned at me. I stared at him in shock. Really? Seriously?

“APPAAAAAA!!!” I screamed in frustration.


Hope you nejoyed it ^-^

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Is it weird that She is a lee and her dad is a Yang? xD I guess i have to change that XD 

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Chapter 20: I'm still hereeee for an update, please i beg you
suchant2 #2
This is 2018 and i'm still waiting T_T
addy88 #3
Chapter 20: Im still reading this in 2018 after few years
suchant2 #4
Chapter 19: I've been reading this over and over again T.T
Do you know how much i love this story? Please update, don't leave us hanging...
suchant2 #5
Please update this..
Pheana #6
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon and please don't end it yet
Yongchaee82 #7
Chapter 20: Omg please update this TT
Yongchaee82 #8
Chapter 19: Omg I really really love this story so much why did I just find out this? ><' omg both character Jiyong and Chaerin are so dumb sometimes but they're so cute this story is so good Please update please please
suchant2 #9
Hi..! How are you? Please update soon. Thank you. 。^‿^。
Update pleasee :'( i'm still waiting