Chapter 11

Anyone But You

“Will you stop dragging me? We’re already halfway down the block” I cried trying to stop the abominable man’s ruthless stride. Really, who does he think he is? Road runner? Or the Flash?

Jiyong shot me a look that very well said that he was calling on my bluff. “Ok fine. But we are a good distance away from the exit. And you’re still dragging me away. To far far away. Where there is no civilization whatsoever”

“I’m just taking you to the car” Why? As soon as this girl - Kiko- came, Jiyong had started acting all funny. Not funny funny. Weird funny. And definitely not the normal Jiyong weird funny. Oh hell…I’m pretty sure my inner Chae understood what I just meant. “Why are we leaving the club so early?” I tried a different tactic, because clearly my insolent whining was not working. He stopped walking then.

Ah, so you just had to ask him nicely…Who knew…?

“Why, to continue from where we left off, of course” Jiyong said in a teasing tone. His eyes, were anything but. They were serious. For some reason, I find it hard to believe that he was talking about the other night. The night I went to his place to seduce him. God, even the thought was cringe worthy.

“Right” I said trying to keep the blush off of my face. “Have I forgotten to mention that we are not talking about that again? Because I distinctly remember telling you to not talk about it. And while we are at it, I will tell you that you’re not going to tease me about my seduction skills. Nor will we ever, EVER tell our chil-” He cut me off by pulling me in for a kiss. It was quick, fierce and full of power. Jiyong had never kissed me that way before. What hormonal induced girl would not appreciate a kiss like that?

“Why did you do that for?” I whispered when he let go of me.

“To shut you up” He grinned. Aaaaand all the fuzzy feelings evaporated. He was such a charming man. “I do NOT talk that much” I said pushing him away and moving towards the car. Jiyong’s car. He walked behind me, chuckling lightly to himself.

“By the way” He said just before starting the car. “We did not talk about not talking about that” WHAT? Why does this man insist on conversing in riddles? I hate riddles. Riddles are like my pet peeves. Not talking about talking about…Oh… “We didn’t?” He shook his head.

“We’re not going to anymore” He chuckled again, not replying to me. That certainly wasn’t an answer. I pinched him hard, “AISH!”

He took me to his place. Will this be a regular occurrence then?

“This is your house” I said staring at the house, as if it’s an abhorrent sight. And to some extent it was. It was Jiyong’s place. How can it not be a disgusting sight for me?

“I’m aware” He answered my all too obvious observation.

“Will you ever trust me? Or not hate me?” he asked getting out of the car and walking towards the door. I pretended to think about it. “No. Never” He shook his head at that before unlocking the door and entering, leaving it wide open for me to go in. Of course, the truth was far from it. How we came so far, how I have managed to put my trust in him…well I’ll leave that up to a higher power. I, for one, don’t know when that happened.

He went straight to the TV room, leaving me to stand awkwardly near the sofa. Why was I standing? I can sit. He does not need to give me his permission to sit, even though it is his house. HE brought me here, so he might just as well get accustomed to Chaerin-ah’s supremacy. With a thud, I landed on the plush sofa. “We’re watching a movie?” I asked making myself comfortable.

He ‘hmm-ed’ still going through his DVD’s. Who in their right mind still kept DVD’s? Answer: Kwon Jiyong. “Jiyong! Can’t we just watch one from your laptop or something”

“We can. But I want you to watch a movie from this magnificent Television” , “So just connect a USB or something” Is he that stupid. He shot me a look that clearly told me to shut up. “What? Its sound advice”

He ignored me and went back to going through his DVD’s/ “Faaaiiiine live in your medieval century” He ignored me. Typical Jiyong.

“What do you want to watch?” Now he asks me. He held up two movies; Godfather and The Notebook. He was pointing towards Godfather in a very apparent way. I smiled, “The notebook”

He gritted his teeth before waving the Godfather at me again. “Definitely notebook”

“You’re devil”

“Yet you love me” I grinned cheekily.

His hand stilled as he looked at me. What? Then what I said registered in my all too slow mind. Why don’t I have a filter? Oh dear lord, why? “Well…in a way the devil loves the angel…you know” I said trying to rectify my mistake. What? Why can’t I come up with a good enough explanation to save my backside?

“Devil never loves an angel” He said getting up. What’s he doing? Oh, he’s walking towards me. .

“I wasn’t kidding you know” He was so close. So very close. “About?” My voice sounded a little forced. Why was I scared? This is Jiyong. No one to be intimidated of.

“Well I don’t care about what” I said starting to walk away. “Where’s the m-” He pulled me back, bringing an end to my incessant babbling. “I wasn’t kidding” He said again. I didn’t know what to say, so I stayed still. Not kidding about what?

“We could continue” Oh. “I know you want to” He pulled me closer still. “I know I do”

“Jiyong” He was scaring me. “We didn’t get to finish what we started…I wouldn’t mind starting off from where we left of”

“I do” He was not acting like himself. I could see it in his eyes. Maybe he was slightly bit drunk. Maybe he was not thinking straight. Maybe…I don’t know. This just wasn’t how Jiyong would act.

“Jiyong” I stepped back. He took a step forward. “You want it. Say it” He emphasized the last bit, dread settling down my spine.

“You came here only 2 nights back, wanting it. I was ready to give it to you then. I can give it to you now” Ok, now I am really really freaking out. Glimpses of a similar night flashing by me. Of someone else who was ready to ‘give it to me’ then. Dean.

“Jiyo-” He cut me off with a kiss. As delightfully as the kiss was, I could not let go of my guard. If I had not seen the look on his face, then maybe I wouldn’t have minded him kissing me. We have been kissing. Quite regularly even. But I did see his face. And I didn’t like the look one bit. His kiss deepened and I realized that I was still in his embrace, swallowed up in him.

To say that I panicked would be an understatement. “Jiyong. No please” I moved my head, trying to stop him from kissing me. He latched onto my neck. I cried out. Not in pain. I felt pleasure sweeping over me, the sensation so very different from Dean’s yet very much similar. “I’m scared” I managed to say.

“You’re scaring me” I said trying to push him off. “Please no”

I don’t know what it was, but he let go of me suddenly. I stumbled back a bit, and stared at him in horror. Why was he acting like this?

“Chae” I stepped back. I honestly did not know what to make of this turn of events. “, Chaerin” He said rubbing his face in exasperation. “I didn’t mean to-”

I didn’t give him a chance to continue. What did I do? I ran. Away from him. Sadly, as he was blocking the exit I had to go the balcony. Anyplace was better than being near him, where the thoughts what could have happened, what had happened with Dean, tortured me. I held back a sob, Jiyong does not know what happened. I had to keep it together.

“Chaerin” I heard him call me, still inside the room. I didn’t reply. Couldn’t. It was my fault anyway. I knew that he wasn’t himself when we left the club. Knew that something was wrong. Knew and still didn’t bother to check.

“I’m so sorry” He said coming to stand beside me. A few inches away. “I don’t know what came over me”

I didn’t know either. Didn’t know what to say. How to react. How to make things ok. And he was my baby’s father. Things have to get okay. I should say something. Instead, I looked over at the view, there wasn’t much to stare at. Just an empty street. Jiyong was living in the most boring suburbs there ever was.

“Say something…Please”

I looked at him then. Really look. His head was bent in shame and he was fidgeting with his fingers. The look of horror, one that I was feeling, was reflected on his face.

“There’s no excuse for what I did” He said gazing into my eyes.

“You thought I wanted it” I found myself saying. “You thought I would be ok with it…and maybe” I sighed. “Maybe I would have been had it not been for the fact that you’re not you”

He looked at me confused. “I mean you are you. But you’re not you” Really vocabulary, now would be a good time as any to provide me with a good word.

“What I’m trying to say is that you’re not behaving like you. Something happened” Or someone. My inner Chaerin whispered. He shook his head.

“That doesn’t make it ok. I’m so…I’ve never done it before and I’ll never do it again. Ever” He said, sincerity filling his voice, the sound of it making me shiver. He dipped his head in apology and he too stared off into space.

I trust him. The realization hit me to the core. Even after everything, after all this, I still did trust him. And knew that he wouldn’t do it. His ‘assault’ was very much different to Dean’s. And I knew I could trust him.

Scared as I might have been, the belief in him made me move hand across the distance and lay it on top of his. He was holding onto the railings, and I held onto him. He looked at me then; surprised that I touched him.

“How are you so trusting?” He asked me, wonder filling his voice. I shrugged a little not knowing how to answer that.

“You have a horrible view” I said instead. He chuckled, a forced one. “Why do you think I avoid coming home so much?”

“Point noted” He looked away again, not making any move to do anything. “So…the movie?”

He chuckled before turn his hands to clasp my hand in his. “The notebook it is” He said. It was another attempt for an apology and it suited me just fine.

“Great!” I smiled at him and followed him back to the room.

Halfway through the movie, our awkwardness dimmed; the reason being my lurid bawling. “Shhh…its fine. It’s just a movie” Jiyong said pulling me in for a hug, his hand running down my back soothingly.

“It’s not just a movie!” I cried, hitting him lightly. “Those two only had each other!”

“I know!”

He rubbed my shoulder again. Notebook makes everything okay.

Half an hour later found me on the edge of the seat, watching intently on the scene unfolding before me. “Jiyong…This is the best part” I sighed. When there was no reply I looked at him only to find that he had dozed off. Oh well, you can’t expect a guy to watch the whole movie and not…fall asleep. At least he tried. With a chuckle I went back to watching it.

When the credits rolled in, I stood up wiping the tears off my face. Jiyong was still asleep. After adjusting him so that he was lying on the sofa, I tiptoed out of the house. I guess it was just one of those nights I have to get a taxi and go home.

 “Oh unnie” I asked, surprised as I saw Bom unnie seating herself at the dining table. “What are you doing at home so early?” I gave a quick glance at the watch before walking towards her. 1 am, it read. Yes it is early compared to the night we go clubbing. It usually ends at around 3 in the morning. Bom unnie raised her head and gave a cheeky smirk, “Where’d you both run off to?” “Aaand you are drunk” I sighed taking off my jacket. “So did you like his-“, She started drunk. “VERY DRUNK” I stopped her. 

“Now tell me, why here with a beer” I asked, sitting down next to her. “Oh I just felt like drinking some more.” She gave a teethy smile. “Okay what’s wrong?” I asked, creeped out. She doesn’t do these creepy smiles unless she is trying to hide her sadness. Her smile started disappearing, as misery filled her eyes. “Unnie” I moved the chair closer to her.

“I met Jay…” She spilled the beans. She met Jay? Oh god. Why? Why did unnie have to meet him? And by met, I’m guessing she talked to him? Oh no. “You guys talked?” I asked. She nodded in response. “He asked me about you since he haven’t seen you a while. He is scared to text you because he thinks something’s up with you.” Oh right. I haven’t contacted Jay after that incident. Well he is Dean’s friends too. Oh please, Chaerin. More like you forgot. Oh who cares, we aren’t that close anyways now.

“Just that?” I asked; hoping there was more but at the same hoping that was it. “He…” her voice came out in a tin crack. She took a while and then continued, “He said…sorry” Crap. I wished he hadn’t said that even though I actually did want him to apologize. I don’t know how to react to this. I am happy that he apologized at least but I am mad that he chose to apologize now.  Not knowing what else to say, I pulled unnie for a hug. That jerk.

Bom unnie used to be part of our clique in the club with mina, Jay and Don. Jay and Bom unnie dated for years. They were very much in love. Wait, make that Bom unnie. Bom unnie was very much in love with him but he just had to cheat on her. And also get caught red handed that very night. Now that I think about it, his luck was terrible. Hence, Bom unnie broke it off and stopped hanging out. I was about to do the same when Bom unnie asked me to not cut ties with him just because of what happened between them. He was the only one who used to get me DJ part times at places so I had to stick around him for that. But then after a few begs to my dad, he offered me a job from YG. So our hang outs got distant and distant.

I tightened the hug as I felt her tears drip on my shoulder. I sighed silently. This is going to be a long night.

“Really now?” I asked myself as I stared at the blank ceiling above me. I had just slept. Like an hour ago. Did the starvation have to wake me up? What do I have to eat even? I have to cook? I cried a little on the inside. Isn’t there like a machine that makes whatever food you want, whenever you want? No? I should dad to invest on doing something like that. Life would be so much easier.

Why am I wishing on things that never exist here? It’s not going to fill my hunger. I guess I have no choice. Frustrated; I got out of my bed to cook something. An omelet would be fine I guess.  I dragged my feet lazily to the kitchen and grabbed two eggs from the fridge. God. Making a plain omelet is so much work! I placed a pan on the stove and cracked the two eggs open into the preheating pan. I wonder if Bom unnie is sleeping well. She cried herself to sleep at that time. Curious, I walked over to Bom unnie room to just check up on her and then rush back.

I slightly turned the handle in such a way that I won’t wake her up. I pushed the door to open but it didn’t. I tried turning a few times. Still didn’t open. HOLY . DID SHE JUST LOCK HER ROOM?  Not wasting another minutes, I rushed to my room and ran back with a spare key to her room. No no no. Bom unnie don’t. The last time she locked herself up, she cut herself. And that was because of Jay. I trembled as I unlocked the door open and barged into the room.

“UNNIE ARE YOU OKAY?” I quickly lit the room and over to the bed and then took the quilt off. “Huh?”







“YAH!” I screamed loud enough for anyone to wake up as soon as I saw the unbelievable sight. “Chaerin-ah”, Bom unnie jumped up; covering herself from the quilt. I stared at her as my jaw dropped open. “I can explain” She begged.

“NO. OH MY GOD. NO. YOU!” I pointed an accusing finger at her. “AND YOU!” I pointed to the other figure that was sitting right next to her. “Uh…surprise!?” He let out an awkward laugh.


“AND WHY DIDN’T YOU EVEN TELL ME ALL OF THIS?” I glared at Tabi. I feel so betrayed. They have been seeing each other behind out back? “This is not a thing!” Tabi explained. Not a thing? Wait… what? So that means….they are just…

“YOU ARE JUST USING HER, YOU !” I grabbed a pillow and smacked Tabi. And where the did even come from? He is clearly not a women, what’s wrong with me? Right. I am too mad to think about the meanings of the words. “Ow!” He yelped each time he got hit. “Chaerin-ah stop!” Bom unnie tried to protect Tabi.

Oh look at her protecting him when he is using her. And this is what he meant by getting Bom unnie? Typical guys. I cannot believe I gave away my tremendous advices to this little piece of .

don’t ever think about using a cheesy line on her”

 Uh…okay maybe not tremendous and advice’s’, I still can’t believe I tried to help him. Jay hurt her and I cannot let any other guy do the same to her. I kept on hitting him.

“WAIT!” Tabi screamed causing me to stop. He then sniffed a little and asked, “Don’t you smell something burning?”

OH CRAP. THE OMELET! “WE ARE NOT DONE” I called out as I ran back to the kitchen and turned the stove off. Smokes filled through the entire hallway and the kitchen along. Argh. This is turning out to be one foul night. I opened windows to let the smoke out. If I had been any late, I would have burned this house down.

I walked back to the stove and stared at my could-have-been treat in the pan. “Wow, that’s one black omelet.” I heard Tabi stand at the back. “Aigoo. Who leaves an omelet on the pan and go away?” Bom unnie shook her head as she in and took the pan to wash. I just stood there, not moving. “My food” I cried. I just got up to make it and now it’s…gone. It’s black and gone.

“You were hungry?” Bom unnie who was dressed in her robe asked. I nodded pitfully. “She says yes” I heard Tabi seat himself in the dining chair. I almost scoff. Look at them acting like a married couple. I rolled my eyes before turning back to him. “We weren’t done!” I reminded him.

“Rinnie, he is not using me” Bom unnie place a hand on my shoulder and assured me. “Then what is this?” I asked pointing at both of them. “He happened to call me at that time, and we talked since he knew I was down and…then we just agreed on this. Just tonight” Bom unnie explained as she started preparing something.

“ONE NIGHT? YOU CAN’T DO ONE NIGHTS!” I cried stamping my feet. They really can’t! I mean its Bom unnie! And …Tabi! They just can’t. I don’t agree with this! Bom unnie faced me and she and tabi shot me the same look in union. They both arched an eyebrow at me.

“Says the one who went to Jiyong…for one night” Tabi smirked. HE KNOWS TOO? And okay I may not be the best person to say that to them. “WELL, MY CASE IS DIFFERENT!” I defended myself. And they both repeated with the same look at me. “IT’S FOR BENEFIT OF MY BABY! OF OUR BABY!”

“Well, in our case, it’s for the benefit of us” Tabi smiled. Did he just say…our? I have no idea why but that makes me happy. Tabi could actually commit himself in a relationship with Bom unnie. I wouldn’t mind as long he is treating her right.

“Yeah” Bom unnie agreed as she kept on preparing food. Okay fine. They win. But hey I am still not proud of what I did either.  I slumped my shoulder and walked over to grab a seat. “So what did you and Jiyong do?” Tabi teased.

OH not this again! “We talked” I smiled, breaking their fantasy. Tabi scoffed in response. “Right” “Really! What’s up with you guys? We are just a soon-to-be mother and a father who tries their best to get along for the benefit of the baby. Not that we don’t get along.

Okay, maybe we don’t. Not all the time anyways. We are working on that…more or less.

“You sure do pull that card a lot” Bom unnie said. I could almost hear her eye roll. “I am not pulling any card. I am telling the truth” I played innocent. “Sure” Tabi didn’t buy it.

“Well then, let’s eat and sleep. Shall we?” Bom unnie placed a plate with three toasts on it. “I’m going to have nightmares about you both” I shuddered, munching the toast.

“KWON JIYONG!” I screamed in to the phone as soon as I hear him pick up. “W-wae?” his sleepy voice talked in. “BOM UNNIE AND TABI SLEPT TOGETHER!” I announced the news. Though they have explained to me, it’s still huge news. I can’t take it alone. Plus Jiyong needs to know!

“You woke me up in the middle of the night just to tell me this?” he asked. “YES! Why aren’t you freaking out! This is HUGE!” I explained my reason. Seriously, why isn’t he freaking out? I waited for him to say something really sarcastic at me but instead all I heard was a chuckle. What is he chuckling for? For Tabi for doing a good job?

“You know what I just realized?” He asked.

“What?” What did he realize?

“That I really do need you in my life”


I felt my heart skip a beat for a second.

HOLD UP HOLD UP HOLD UP! What the is he talking about in the middle of the night! I called him to tell him about one of his best friend sleeping with my best friend! And he just tells me that he needs me?

“…Are you drunk?” I shot a curios question. No, really! Is he? I mean I am talking about something and he is talking about something else. And that something else is not making me feel very good.

“NO!” I heard his annoyed voice.

“Oh okay. Continue...” I told him. I mean I’m curious as to why he said that. Am I like really special or something to be needed in his life? I wanted to know. I smiled to myself.

“I meant, my life is too boring and I need someone like you who would wake me up in the middle of night to report something.”

Awe. Did he find what I did cute? And so he thinks he needs someone who does cute things in his life? My smile grew wider.

“I need someone who does stupid things like you to make it interesting”



I could almost hear pieces of glasses breaking inside my head. I HATE THIS GUY! “GOODBYE!”I cut him off angrily and fell back on my bed. I hate him. I hate him. I HATE HIM.

My phone buzzed. I opened it to see a notification from Jiyong. A text. What does he have to say now?

‘I was kidding! Gosh that temper of yours. Fix that! I don’t want my baby inheriting any of that.’

I don’t have a temper! Maybe a little… I rolled my eyes before replying to it.

‘You fix yours first!’

He does have a temper right? So it’s not only me. HAH!

‘Mine’s not as worse as yours.’ He replied back.

Jerk! I threw the phone and made myself comfy on the bed to sleep the night away when my phone buzzed again. Another text.

‘I meant it. You making my life interesting. It’s….endearing’

I couldn’t help but smile a bit at the text and reply to him.


“Why the hell are you all so quite?” I narrowed my eyes at everyone who was…just doing their work and it feels like they are being awkward about something. “No particular reason. I guess” Teddy hyung answered looking around.

“Just do your work” Jiyong nudged her head away slightly as he passed by her with a pile of papers in his hands. Yes, ma’am. With an eye roll, I sat on the couch joining Bom unnie and Lydia for the lyrics.

“Let’s meet after break” Teddy hyung said as he opened the door to go out from the studio. Agreeing, one by one started to leave. I should just grab something quick and go to Dad since he wants to meet me. “I’m leaving” I waved a bye to Xin and Jiyong who was left at the studio. They nodded.

What should I get myself? I wandered as I got into the elevator. The usual is getting boring. I should probably asked Sumi for something new. I got out of the elevator when my phone buzzed. I opened it to see a text from dad.

‘Bring Jiyong with you’

Now he tells me this? After I come down? His timing couldn’t be any more perfect. I’ll just grab a quick drink and then go to Jiyong.

I was about to go in when I heard Xin and Jiyong talking. There are still here? What are they talking about? Deeply regretting; I anyhow decided to eavesdrop on them.

“Why not?” I heard Xin ask.

“I just…can’t…okay?” Jiyong explained.

What can’t Jiyong do?

“But you really need to tell her. How do you think she is going to feel when she finds out?”

Tell her…again? Who the is her? Wait…. Could it be that girl who came last night? Jiyong seemed tensed. What was her name again?...Kiko? Yeah.

“You think I haven’t thought about that? You think I haven’t ing thought about how she would feel? She ing matters to me” Jiyong snapped.

Wow…He really cares about her. He really likes her. Well, this is a different side I’m hearing. Kiko must be really lucky.

And why the hell am I sulking? Get your head in the game Chaerin.

“You know what? Let’s drop it. I’ll tell her when the time is right” I heard Jiyong give up.

“Alright. Let’s go eat something” Xin suggested.

DOUBLE . They are coming out? Where do I go? Where do I hide? The elevators going to take time. Where do I goo?

Oh right. There is a staircase you idiot! I’ve already wasted so many good precious seconds. I tiptoed to the staircase and was just about to go down when they came out. “Chaerin?” Xin asked. Dammit.

“Oh you are here?” I turned back and walked towards them. I was about to go down to see if you were there” I lied. “From where are you coming down from?” Jiyong asked. “Dads” I smiled. Yes.

“You came down the stairs from up there?! You are pregnant for heaven skae Chaerin! You don’t do that. You are tiring yourself out!” He scolded me. Great. Not very genius of me to say that I came from dad’s. “No. You are tiring me out with your scolding” I pointed out.

“That reminds me, dad wants to see us” I told Jiyong. “Now?” “Yeap” I popped the p. “Okay. I’ll catch you guys later then” Xin hugged me before taking the elevator. “We are taking the elevator too” He demanded. Gosh. Did he really think I am dumb enough to come down that many steps? I nodded.

We both walked in for a surprise. Looks like dad isn’t the only one in the room. He’s got company. And that company turned out to be Lee Soo Man. Jiyong’s dad. I gave glance at Jiyong and he is as surprised as I am. Jiyong tried keeping a poker face. Right. He thinks I still don’t know about his not-so-little secret.

“You actually brought her here for me?” Lee Soo Man smirked as he looked at me. Oh god, the smirk. And what? Brought her here for me? IS MY DAD TRYING TO SELL ME TO THIS GUY? What the dad? Is this your way of disowning me? So this is why he asked me to come? Oh my god, he really is selling me. What kind of a dad have I got? Someone kill me.

“I-“ Dad cleared his throat. “You are actually a good pal, huh?” He smiled at my dad and then back at me. “And your name was Chaerin?” He asked me. I nodded. Well what choice do I have anyway? I am going to become his mistress anyway.

WAIT WHAT. WHAT THE AM I THINKING? OH MY GOD. I  AM GOING CRAZY. Plus I am carrying his son’s child and having to be a mistress of him is just…ed up.

“I was thinking we could have a little chat. You left an amazing impression on me” Lee Soo man got up and walked towards me. I see no reason why I should have a chat with this person. I looked over at dad and I see him shaking his head slightly; telling me to reject. Dad, you are my dad! You are supposed to reject it for me. Every other girl’s got a dad who is a hero while I get the freaking Mojojojo.

“What do you mean brought her here for you?” Jiyong finally spoke. Oh thank god, he is with me. “Well, I just think that I should bond with the girl my son loves” Lee soo man explained. WITH THE GIRL HE LOVES? Let me just puke on that. Jiyong froze. Of course his dad just blew his secret.

“I met her the other day at your house. Looks like she spent the night there.” Jiyong’s dad smiled at him. “You know?” Jiyong turned to me. I nodded. “You knew and you didn’t tell me that you knew?” Jiyong sounded upset. “Well it looked like you didn’t want to tell me, so I just kept it a secret” I defended.

“Know what?” Jiyong’s dad asked; confused. “Jiyong didn’t tell her that he is your son” my dad explained standing up. OH, NOW HE HAS A MOUTH? “Oh. He usually doesn’t. He likes to keep it low” Lee soo man patted Jiyong’s back. Jiyong stood there awkwardly.

“But I don’t see why shouldn’t tell your girl” Jiyong’s dad said. Okay listen up Mister, I am not his girl! I wanted to blurt out but I chose not to say anything. And so did Jiyong.

“I am glad to see my son doing well here at YG and now that she works here as well, I’m happy” Lee soo man chuckled. “You know if you both want, you could move to SM. The pay is good” Jiyong’s dad offered. WHAT? Why the hell would I want to move into SM? “Um…you see” Dad interrupted. “That little girl over is there is my daughter” He pointed at me.

Lee Soo Man didn’t know I was his daughter? His eyes widened at it. “Oh” He tried to look calm. “Good to know." Okay this is getting awkward. No one's sayin anything. "I…I guess I’ll be going then” Lee Soo Man shot Jiyong a glare before leaving the room. As soon as he left, I cried, “YOU WANTED TO SELL ME? HOW COULD YOU DAD”

“WHAT?” My dad shot me the craziest look he can give. Oh and Jiyong too. “YOU WANTED TO SELL ME OFF TO LEE SOO MAN, SO YOU ASKED ME TO COME?” “What the hell?” My dad’s eyes shot wide open. “AND HOW COULD YOU NOT EVEN TELL HIM ABOUT ME BEFORE? YOUR OWN DAUGHTER?”I expressed my hurt…in a loud way. “Honey, we are not even close enough to ask how each other is doing! Why the hell would I share my family stuff with him!” He defended. Point taken. But still.

“AND did you even check your phone?” Dad asked pointing to my jean pocket. My phone? I took it out to see that I had received another text from dad.



“Oops?” I smiled back at him to get a sigh in return. “What did you guys talk about the day you met him at my house?” Jiyong asked walking towards the couch. “Not much. We just stood there shocked and then Xin came in” I explained. “Oh” he nodded.

“I’m sorry you had to meet your dad here, Jiyong” Dad apologized as he sat down. Why is he sorry? It’s his dad? I really can’t understand Jiyong and his life. “It’s alright.” Jiyong smiled. “Why didn’t you tell him about his grandchild” dad asked.


“OH MY GOD HE IS GOING TO BE THE GRAND FATHER OF MY BABY!” Why didn’t this hit me sooner? Dad covered his face to my slow reaction. Jiyong shook his head. SM and YG having the same grandchild. WOAH. This is going to create some huge news.

“At least you both aren’t getting married. The last think I’d want to do is be with in laws with him” Dad sighed in relief. Oh yes. I am glad we aren’t getting married or anything. I mean c’mon it’s not like we are going to fall for each other. He has his Kiko and I got…no one. YET.  Now that I think about it, I should find myself a man too.

 “Pregnancy sure does hit you slow” Jiyong shook his head. “Yeah it’s all thanks to you” I rolled my eyes before seating next to him on the couch.

“Anyways the real reason I asked you to come here was, I chose a few classes today and I need you both to go and check them out” Dad crossed his arms. “Classes?” We both asked. “Yeah. Pregnancy class?” Dad reminded us that we have such things to attend to even. “But dad I am just 1 and half months.”

“That’s almost 2 months! That is my grandchild and I want the best for him/her” Dad scolded me. “Okay dad” I backed off in surrender. “You don’t have to attend now, just go and see which classes you feel more comfortable with then go to them later” Dad suggested.

I guess he is right. I mean what’s the harm in doing things early? Jiyong and I nodded. “Here’s the address” He passed a slip of note towards the end of the table. I walked over and was about to take when dad stopped me with his hand. “I am still not done with your ‘YOU TRIED TO SELL ME’ talk” Dad mocked me.

Uh oh. “Jiyong, what kind of a daughter thinks that her own father is trying to sell her to his enemy?” Dad asked Jiyong. “A very screwed up one” Jiyong chuckled. Thanks a lot. “Hey I was freaking out. I thought I was going to be his mistress or something!” I defended. “OKAY WORSE THAN SCREWED UP” Jiyong corrected as he looked at me in shock along with dad.

“BLAME YOUR SON!” I pointed to him, making my point.

“So this is the last one out of there?” I asked as we waited for the instructor to come with a pile of more information. Jiyong looked at the note and then nodded. Phew. Thank god. I mean, I don’t know even know what we are doing by going to these classes. They are practically the same! What the hell did dad mean by asking to choose a better class! They probably do the same stuff.

“Here you go” The instructor walked in passed a few leaflets to us. “It contains all the information I just told you about in case you want to know about them later. “ She smiled. “Ah thank you” I smiled as I went through the leaflets. Very interesting I must say with all these baby doodles all over.

“Oh, would you perhaps want to visit the ongoing session just to see how it goes?” She asked. Would we? We both looked at each other for answer. “Let’s?” Jiyong suggested. I nodded. I really am curious as to how these classes go so I guess yeah, we should. “We’d love to” I told her.

“Great! Follow me” She exclaimed happily and led us into a room where a pairs of couples were following an instructor in that room. All I saw tummies, s, S AND BIGGER S. OH MY GOD DON’T TELL ME I AM GOING TO TURN OUT LIKE THAT. NO!

The men were holding their women, who were sitting between their legs, their own legs spread wide open. They seemed to be encouraging the women on something.

“C’mon baby. You can do it” One man said, his hand rubbing his woman’s back.

“I’m NOT doing this with you” Jiyong screamed. I was about to answer when I saw another woman panting slightly and making weird faces while her husband kept saying, “Push baby, push”

“OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! I’m SOooo not doing this!” I cried running out of the room. Jiyong high on my heels.

 “You okay?” Jiyong asked as we got out from the building, snapping me back to earth. “Eh?...Yeah” I nodded slightly. “Let’s go” I said as I started walk over to his car only to be stopped by him. “Seriously. What’s up?” He asked; worried. “Are you not feeling well? Are you feeling vomit-ish?” He cupped my face. I shook my head with a pout. “Then?” He asked.

“I am going to look like a humpty dumpty in a few months” I cried. REALLY! “What? Unbelievable” he removed his hand with disappointment for wasting his worries on me. BUT HEY this is really worrying! I am not the type of girl who remains in the same shape regardless of how much I eat. I crave for food even now. Just imagine when I start craving for more food, I am no doubt going to become a humpty dumpty in a second.

“This is a huge concern!” I defended. “Totally” He agreed sarcastically before walking away. I was about to do the same when the mall in the opposite side of the road caught my attention. “Waaaait” I screeched following him. “What?” “We are going there!” I dragged him to cross the road with me. Yes. I need to buy stuff.

“There is no way in hell I am going in there” Jiyong cried as we stood in front of the triumph shop. “Oh c’mon! Did you see them s? Mine are going to turn out like that and I won’t be able to wear what I have with me anymore. In fact I am already starting to feel it growing!” I made a ridiculous point. Of course I am scared and I know I could buy them later. But I feel like Jiyong’s feeling down today. Either because that girl or I don’t know. So yeah, I guess this is my way of cheering him up.

“It’s still the same size though” He looked down and commented. I know I should be happy for it not changing much but he just made it feel like an insult. “Still” I took his hand dragged him inside.

“I am going to kill you” Jiyong muttered near my ears as we got in. To make matters worse, he turned out to be the only guy in there. “Awe. But you can’t” I ruffled his hair before going back to browsing.

“How can I help you miss?” A staff approached us. “Oh we are just looking for bra because she thinks she is going to have these massive huge s in a few months” Jiyong answered before I could tell her what I need help with. Thanks a lot Kwon Jiyong. Maybe bringing him for this wasn’t the best idea. The staff chuckled with a blush. “Ignore him” I told her. “I am going through pregnancy so I was wondering if there anything I could buy beforehand” I explained.

“Oh, then this way, Miss” She led us to the undergarment section. Damn those bras were fine! It has several prints with different different colors. Waah. This is heaven at some point. “May I ask what the size is?” the staff asked. “Oh she is a 20 A” Jiyong shot. I glared back at him. Mine is not THAT SMALL! “I am a 36 B” I corrected. “Really? No way!” Jiyong teased. “What size do you want then?” the staff smiled. What size would be the best? Maybe just a cup bigger would be fine? Or maybe just two cups? ARGH I don’t know. “Give her a 48 E” Jiyong butted in causing both me and the staff to drop our jaws in shock. 48 E? Okay this was a definitely a bad idea. “OUT!” I pointed him to get out.

“What did get yourself?” I asked, coming out from the shop as I saw Jiyong waiting with a plastic bag. “For you” He passed me the bag. For me? Curious, I dug in to see three different kinds of lingerie in it. I raised my head and glared at him. REALLY?

“What? You never know when you’ll barge in again ‘for the benefit of the baby’” He did a quotation mark in the air. “YAH! I told you that was just one night!” I cried. “You never know” He smirked. “Plus you can wear those to improve your seduction skill with your future man” he added. “Thanks for being so concerned about my love life” I rolled my eyes as I shifted that bag to the other hand, joining the rest of the bags. I am so giving this to my mother!

“WOH KY GWOD” I exclaimed with a mouthful of food inside my mouth as I realized what I was seeing. “What? Yah eat and then talk” Jiyong passed a tissue with a disgusted face. I pointed to the direction of what I was seeing as I tried my best to swallow the food. Curious as to why I was surprised, Jiyong turned back to the direction where I was pointing. “What?” He turned back. “I don’t see anything.” God this stupid idiot.

“Lydia unnie! And Teddy hyung!” I spilled as soon I swallowed the food.

“Lets go!” I grab his hand drag him out of his chair. “but food” He cried, “Later!” “We need to pay!” He cried out again.

“Oh! Have you never read Nancy Drew or watch Sherlock Holmes? We don’t waste time on food” I wailed stomping my foot. We were losing precious time!

“Fine” He gave in, dropping a load of money on the table before grabbing my hand and leading me away. “This better be worth all those money”

“I never asked you to give away all of that” He glared at me. I smirked back. God, it feels so good to openly ridicule him.

“So where did they go?” Ok detective mode on. “Left” No. “No, right” He started moving again.

“No, left. Definitely left”, “Chaerin-ah I’m going to kill you!”

We were already walking so I didn’t take his threat that seriously. Besides Detective Chaerin was at work. They don’t really listen to their sidekicks; in my case, Jiyong.

“Is that them?” He asked pointing at a couple. “Do you even know how they look like?” I snapped at him. Seriously men. “Lydia unnie has blonde hair. Ok? Blonde!”

“She’s wearing a hat Chae! Hey that is them!” Ok, mental facepalm in 3…2…1…

“What are they…are they out on a date?” He sounded amused.

“This is not funny! First Bom unnie and Tabi! Now, Lydia unnie and Teddy!” I wailed, I was going crazy. Too much excitement…cannot handle.

“Act nonchalant!” I screamed as soon as I saw them turn a little. Jiyong shot me a, are-you-kidding look.

 “It means-”

“I know what it means!” He cut me off, the big bullying dictionary!

“Oh they are coming” I panicked moving a little and accidentally stepping on his shoes. “Ouch!” He wailed.

“Why are you so loud?”

“Why does your shoes have to be heels?”

I ignored him. In spite of all the noises Jiyong was making, they remained blissfully unaware of us. Omg…

“OMG!” I screamed! This time it was Jiyong who put his hand on my mouth, cutting off my excited squeal. My glare must have been enough, for he removed his hand then.

“Omg, they are kissing” I fangirled, swooning into Jiyong’s arm. “Why are you getting so excited?” he asked, giving me a weird look. He held me from falling.

“Just. Enjoy the moment”

“Target is on the move” I said as soon as they started walking away. “I repeat, target is on the move”

“How many time have you done the detective thing?” Jiyong asked me, following my harried pace, easily.

I smiled, “There’s always a first time.

“Make sure it ends up being the last time”

“Yaaaaa!” I punched him on his shoulder.

Lydia and Teddy turned a bit before they started moving again. We crept behind them trying our best to not act like stalkers.

They turned again.

“Oh !” I cried moving behind the pillar. Unfortunately Jiyong had the same idea. They were now walking towards where they had been. Double .

I grabbed Jiyong’s head and kissed him. He was shocked at first, especially after last night, but then he enveloped me in him, kissing me back hungrily. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Lydia unnie and Teddy come to stand where we had been, completely ignoring us, and then left. Hand in hand. They were definitely a thing.

And we were still kissing.

. Must. Stop. Now.

I push back a little, and he immediately stopping. Heaving deep breathes, he turned around to watch them leave.


“They are definitely dating” I declared. He nodded before turning back to me. “Is your detective work done for today?” I nodded. “Good. Then let’s go”

 “What are you doing here?” I glared at Minzy who was now standing at the door, since I knew where this was going. “Unnie!” She acted cute and hugged me with her huge bag hung on her shoulder. “You…a-are suffoca-ating me!” I managed to speak. “Mianhe” She pulled back. Adjusting my hair, I repeated the question again. “What are you doing here?”

“Why can’t a dongsaeng come and just spend one night with her unnie?” Minzy cried. “One night?” I folded my arms and looked down to the bag she was carrying. It doesn’t look like it’s for one night. “Ah this? I swear it’s for one night!” She opened her bag and showed me. “YAH! CHAERIN! Let her in.” Bom unnie scolded me as she smacked my head lightly. But-but…

“Fiine” I gave up, moving to a side so Minzy can enter. “Oh unnie. I love you” She cried dramatically hugging Bom unnie. I scoffed. “If unnie is not letting you sleep, come to my room okay?” Bom unnie her hair. “Don’t make me sound like bad unnie!” I pouted. “But you are” Minzy stick her tongue out. I did the same in return.

“Aish. You both.” Bom unnie squeezed Minzy before pulling her away. “I am going to sleep. And don’t fight over stupid stuff” She called walking in to the hallway. Minzy smiled at me before rushing into the hallway. She better not make a mess tonight.

“So why are you here?” I asked closing the door behind me. “Dad took mom out on a date” Minzy explained as she poured all the stuff on my bed. Oh look there she goes. But wait…”What?” I asked shocked. He does take her on dates but only in their anniversary. And this isn’t their anniversary so why? He is just too busy to take her out. “More like she forced him” Minzy corrected. “OH” Yes now that makes sense.

“And since it’s going to be date, I don’t want to be alone in the house when they end up coming and finishing the rest of their date in the house.” She laughed. “God no. Don’t remind me” I sat on the bed, joining her.

“THIS IS FOR ONE NIGHT?” I screamed as I hovered through the stuffs on my bed. 3 shirts, 3 shorts, 1 legging, 2 mini dress, makeups, hair dryer…and so on. This is for just one night?! “Before you scream at me anymore, let me explain!” Minzy begged. “I brought all these so we could play dress up” Minzy grinned. “Dress up?!” NOW?

“What? C’mon! We haven’t played this for so long. It’s going to be fun. Plus you won’t be able to do these later since you’ll lose shape and then later have a kid to take care of” She pouted. It—Yeah. How long has it been since the last time we played dress up? I can’t remember. It used to be our daily play, dressing up in mom’s clothes and then practicing dancing later together. Though Minzy’s the smallest, she was the one who taught me to how dance. Good old memories.

“Please?” Minzy asked when I didn’t respond. “Idiot” I muttered as I took off my shirt. I cannot believe I’m going with this.

“See that was fun!” Minzy fell beside me. It was. It really was. It brought back the memories and we were able to relive them. “I am not going to look at the floor. You are cleaning this up as soon as you wake up tomorrow!” I scolded, shutting my eyes. In the end, it really did turn into a mess. Well I cleaned my stuff anyways.

“Yes ma’am” Minzy chuckled, hugging me. “Hit my stomach once and you sleeping on the floor” I warned. “I have missed you unnie” She laughed. “I missed you too” I hugged her back. Let's just sleep.










“Ladies and gentlemen, this is Kim Chae Jun and I’m your chief flight attendant. On behalf of Captain Kim Jong Hyun and the entire crew, welcome aboard South Korean Airlines flight K19, with service from Seoul to Sydney.”

Aaand off to Sydney C: 
I am so sorry for the late update x.x *bows*


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Chapter 20: I'm still hereeee for an update, please i beg you
suchant2 #2
This is 2018 and i'm still waiting T_T
addy88 #3
Chapter 20: Im still reading this in 2018 after few years
suchant2 #4
Chapter 19: I've been reading this over and over again T.T
Do you know how much i love this story? Please update, don't leave us hanging...
suchant2 #5
Please update this..
Pheana #6
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon and please don't end it yet
Yongchaee82 #7
Chapter 20: Omg please update this TT
Yongchaee82 #8
Chapter 19: Omg I really really love this story so much why did I just find out this? ><' omg both character Jiyong and Chaerin are so dumb sometimes but they're so cute this story is so good Please update please please
suchant2 #9
Hi..! How are you? Please update soon. Thank you. 。^‿^。
Update pleasee :'( i'm still waiting