Chapter Three – First Meeting

They Don't Know About Us

“Ugh Senior Year is tough!” Chanyeol sighed. She was in the library doing her Mandarin homework for she had an hour to spare before that said subject would start. She has been sitting in a table alone waiting for Sehun to arrive.  She can’t believe that amount of homework and project she had to do. And school had just started. But nonetheless, Chanyeol promised to do good and she will.

“Sorry I was late Yeorrie- ah!” Sehun said as quietly as she can. “..Pre Calculus was dreadful. It gave me a headache. But hey look at me, I survived!” She grinned and laughed softly.

“It’s ok Sehunnie. I was finishing my Mandarin homework anyway. This is got to be the toughest thing I’ve ever answered. Why do I at it?” Chanyeol started pouting.

“What are you talking about? Its not possible for you to at anything at all. Well maybe in the love department but in other things, you pretty much excel.” Sehun made a joke and playfully hit Chanyeol’s shoulders.

“Love department? Aish Sehunnie! I’ve got no time for that! I have a lot of things to do and a lot more things to study for.” Chanyeol snorted. Sehun had always been teasing her about her so called I-don’t-need-a-guy-to-date-I-have-a lot-of-things-to-do-and-love-can-wait-attitude. Even her own mother has talked to her about it. Saying that she needed to date and experience everything there is as a teenager cause you only live once and all. And its not she didn’t want to be in a relationship. She was just focusing on the more important things meaning school and helping her mom. Plus, after everything’s that happened with her parents, she would like to take her time before jumping off in this dating business.

“Geeeez Yeorrie! Are you gonna lecture me that “love can wait and I need to study first” again? Because you know a lot of people have been dating and studying at the same time and they’re still doing pretty good. So I don’t understand! I’m sure a lot of guys would ask you! Or could it be –“ Sehun grinned suspiciously now and that made Chanyeol fidget in her seat.

“What are you doing? Back off!” Chanyeol pushed her friends shoulders and shrugged.

“Could t be you have your eyes on a certain guy and you’re just waiting for him to ask you out?”

“WHAT? NO! How could you even think that?” Chanyeol quickly responded. She didn’t have her eyes on a certain guy. That she knew. But then a sudden image of Kris flashed in her mind. She didn’t know why but it made her goose bumps but she decided to shrug it off. “I think that one we should be talking about is you and your obvious crush on that Jongin guy.” Chanyeol tried to play it cool but she saw that upon the mere mention of Jongin’s name, Sehun’s eyes have shined through her thick glasses.

“Ssssh! Keep it down Yeorrie ah!” but she couldn’t hide her squeals. “Okay okay you got me there! Yes I have a deep crush for Jongin and his undeniable hotness, swooning dance moves and his irresistible bad boy attitude” Sehun blushingly admitted.

“Awww Sehunnie! Look at you, being all cute, blushing and suddenly so expressive!” Chanyeol laughed. “If you like him that much, then just go talk to him and ask him out!”

“Its not that easy when almost every girl in school is your competition and not to mention that they are way more pretty and I don’t know more interesting than me? Jongin will never go out with a girl like me. Plus he has a reputation for being a serial dater. Almost all the hot girls here got a taste of him.” Sehun sadly explained.

“Taste him? What is he? A delicacy? Hahhaha. What is up with you and your words?” Chanyeol can’t help but burst out laughing. Good thing they were sitting at the very end of the library and they weren’t many people.

“Well its true! Taste him like you know, they uh you know his past girlfriends or flings or whatever they uh did it with him already…” Sehun looked down suddenly but Chanyeol still couldn’t understand it. Taste him. They did it with him. And after a realization, she suddenly got it.

“Oh! You mean- it-? Oh. Oh.” Chanyeol was momentarily surprised. Did that mean that The Eclipse had a reputation of being those kind of guys?

“Yes. It. But I don’t mind though. I mean like I told you, he’s pretty irresistible so I can’t really blame them” Sehun just shrugged it off.”

“But isn’t it like too fast? I mean how long have the girls he’s with have been dating him? A month? And then they do that?” Chanyeol couldn’t believe.

“Hey hey hey! Don’t judge them! For all we know, they could all be inlove or something.”

“Ok.” Was all Chanyeol could really respond. She has always dreamed of her first time being gentle and slow and sacred. But she push the thoughts away.

“I actually wanted to ask you why you like him that much but I’m afraid you’ll use up all the time in explaining how much you worshipped him or something.” Chanyeol laughed and Sehun can’t help but laugh along too.

“So uhm, does all of them have reputations like that?” It just suddenly slipped right out of .

“Them? Oh you mean The Eclipse? Well no. Luhan and Tao have had girlfriends but I don’t really know much about them and well Kris has only ever been with ----- “ Sehun cut her sentence off when she glanced at the wall clock and realized they were a minute late already.

“Oh my god! Yeorrie ah! We’re late! Hurry up!” She exclaimed and Chanyeol checked her time and hurriedly gathered her things and stormed off to her next class.




The good thing about the new student is that you can always use the “I got lost” excuse when you end up being late. Good thing her professor believed her and didn’t sent her to detention. Chanyeol was practically tired. Mandarin class was a bore and her suppose to be partner had not show up yet again. She felt kinda pissed because she really wanted to get that project over with.

“Ugh who is this Wu Yifan guy anyway. Why is he always missing classes?” Chanyeol was now on her way to the football field at the back of the school to meet Sehun. Classes finished early today and she was very grateful. She was on her way to the benchs and seats side of the field when she spotted Sehun, eyes full of delight and seemingly very focused on something she was watching. Chanyeol then averted her gaze and saw that she was actually watching that Jongin guy and as well as Luhan, he recognized his youthful face, playing football on the field with a bunch of other students.

“SEHUN!!” She called out loud but to her surprise Sehun didn’t even flinch a tiny bit. She was too absorbed in watching Jongin that she was oblivious to her surroundings.

“Hey! Sehun!” She managed to shout again and this time Sehun focus was no on her and she smiled but then was confused that Sehun’s face went from excitement o shocked and she didn’t know why. Sehun’s eyes immediately widened and she heard “Yeorrie-ah! Watch out!” and by that she turned around and came face to face with  a flying soccer ball. The ball hit her face so hard, Chanyeol fell down!

“Oh my god Yeorrie- ah!” Sehun yelped and quickly ran to Chanyeol’s side. “Are you okay?”

Chanyeol had her hand on her nose, it seems to be the bull’s eye of the impact and upon checking,  it was actually bleeding.

“Oh my god, you’re bleeding!” Sehun voiced a hint of worry. She was about to help Chanyeol when a voice momentarily stopped them.


“Oh ! She’s bleeding man!” Chanyeol looked up and saw Luhan, the football guy helping Sehun in making her stand up.

“I’m sorry! Jongin’s at football. He always manages to injure a civilian or two. I deeply apologize for mediocrity.” Luhan seemed to be joking and that kind of made Chanyeol come at ease with him. Then she heard another voice coming behind Luhan storming off from the field “Oh man! I’m really sorry – oh Chanyeol ah” Jongin apologized. How pathetic is he for kicking the ball way off and now as a result, he just hurt Chanyeol, the girl he has the hots for. Jongin wanted to redeem himself so he knew he had to play it cool.

“I apologize. I didn’t mean to hurt you or anybody.” He added his winning apologetic smile, but it caught him off guard when he saw the three people; Luhan, Chanyeol and a tall girl with glasses also flashing him a smile. He figured she was Chanyeol’s friend so he smiled in her way too.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t believe him. He’s practically 181 cm of disaster. Way to go Jongin-ah!” Luhan remarked and he grinned widely. Chanyeol can sense the playful tone so she laughed  but it pained her nose to do so. The blood was now slightly pouring.

“Oh my god, Yeorrie-ah! Stop laughing! More blood is pouring!” Sehun panicked for a moment before reaching out to get her towel but Jongin beat her to it. “No its ok, let me do it. It’s my fault anyway. And with that he smiled and Chanyeol cans see that Sehun was fighting hard not to giggle or squirm on the spot.

“Thanks um, Jongin right?” Chanyeol said. Jongin nodded and and she heard Luhan introduced himself. “Yes and I’m Luhan, this is probably not the kind of moments I would like to introduce myself but hey what do you know? Jongin is full of surprises!”

“Aisssh shut up Hyung.” Jongin sneered. He knows Luhan never liked it when the three of them call him “hyung”.

Luhan was about to make a snarky retort when Chanyeol interrupted “Oh! Nice to meet you Luhan and Jongin and please stop apologizing, its nothing serious. By the way, my name is Chanyeol and this is my bestfriend Sehun.” Sehun bowed to the two gentleman and Luhan shook her hand and bowed too. Jongin who was busy with Chanyeol let out a “nice to meet you Chanyeol- ah and you too Sehun-ah” He looked at Sehun’s way and smiled. Sehun can’t help but smile too. But she had to play it cool or else her long time fantasy of actually talking to the Kim Jongin would end in a snap.

“Uhm, Jongin-ah, its okay, I can do it. I’ll take care of Chanyeol. You and Luhan oppa can go back to playing now” Sehun suggested.

“I like it when a girl calls me oppa!” Luhan smiled and patted Sehun’s head. Sehun turned her direction to Chanyeol, shy and slowly.

Just then they all heard a deep voice calling out Jongin’s name and they all turned to the owner of the voice.

“Yah! Jongin!” Chanyeol turned to see Kris, walking up to them with intense eyes, almost like he’s angry but he heard Luhan laughed at her side and commented “Oh don’t worry, that’s just his default face but he’s not angry or anything. That’s Kris Wu for you.” Then he stood up and greeted Kris back. Jongin did too.

“Duizhang! What’s up? Jong in greeted him with what Chanyeol called their secret Eclipse handshake cause Kris also did the same handshake to Luhan. She sighed. Boys.

“Yeorrie-ah can you please sit properly?” Sehun then grabbed her other hand and helped her sit comfortably enough.

“Oh! What in God’s name did you do this time Jongin?” Kris saw the tall girl with her nose bleeding and her friend too, helping her from about 3 feet away.

“Why do you always assume its me? For Pete’s sake, it could be Luhan and his idiocy this time!”

“Jongin, the only one who possess idiocy here is you. Its practically all over you. So don’t sweat arguing.” Luhan laughed and told Kris what happened 10 minutes ago.

“Yah! You Kim Jongin is being summoned at the gym right now! Mr. Zhang has been looking all over the school for you so go!” Kris almost shouted.

“Wait what? But I have to help Chanyeol here, it’s practically my fault her nose is bleeding!” Jongin protested.

“Oh please. We know you Jongin. We’ll take care of her. Up you go now.” Luhan practically pushed him to the other side and shoo him away. Jongin felt defeated but he had no choice, but he figured he could atleast say goodbye.

“Hey Chanyeol, I’m sorry again! I promise I’ll make it up to you! I’ll see you around.” Then he turned to Chanyeol’s friend. “Uhm you too, Sehun right?” He smiled. Sehun nooded. “ Take care of Chanyeol! Bye for now.”

“Ok bye bye Jongin and please Chanyeol and Sehun if you see him in the hallways do avoid him for your own sakes.” Luhan laughed and shouted “I’m kidding Jongin! God, you go now!”

And for the first time, she saw Kris upclose. Saw how brown and beautiful his eyes were or how flawless his face is and how thick and intimidating his eyebrows could be and with that she squirmed a little. Kris saw the movement.

“Oh hey, are you okay?” He asked and she was momentarily frozen. Holy ! Even his voice is something. Chanyeol thought but then she heard Sehun spoke “ Hey Yeorrie-ah are you okay? What’s wrong? It looks like it stopped bleeding.” And she was right. It did stop bleeding so she opted to stand up. Kris lend a hand and she took it.

“Thank you and I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” Chanyeol bowed.

“No worries! Don’t be sorry! Sorry Jongin was too clumsy. Its in his nature.”Kris smiled and introduced himself properly. “By the way, my name is Kris, are you the new student?”

“Neh. I’m Park Chanyeol and this is my best friend Oh Sehun. Nice to meet you Kris-shi. You too Luhan shi.” Then Sehun and her both bowed and the two guys did the same.

“Same here. Well you better get your nose checked on the clinic Chanyeol. Just to be safe.” Luhan made a suggestion. “Oh! I better get back to practice! Oh man! Well it was nice meeting you guys! See you around! Kris you take care of them!” Luhan then ran back to the field.

“Damn! I forgot Yeorrie-ah! My dad’s picking me up early today for a family dinner! He’s outside now waiting! I’m sorry!” Sehun threw her an apologetic look.

“Its okay Sehun-ah I can accompany Chanyeol to the clinic.” Kris smiled.

“Oh no, no need Kris-shi! I can do it! I can walk and uhm oh just tell me where the clinic is and I’ll be good,” Chanyeol tried to talk her way out of it. She didn’t want to be alone with Kris. Or did she?

“I forgot you are not familiar with the school yet. Please let me do this. I feel like its my obligation since Jongin did that to you. “

“ Yeorrie-ah please let him do it. I’m worried what will happen to you cause I have to go now.”Sehun pouted. Chanyeol laughed.

“You’re too old to be pouting but ok, I guess I can. Say hi to your mom and dad for me okay?” She hugged Sehun.

“Will do. Take care okay? Thank you Kris-shi and nice to meet you. Please take care of my friend.” Sehun bowed and waved goodbye.

When Sehun left. Chanyeol felt embarrassed to be with Kris alone. I mean she should right. She just met the guy. They were walking side to side. She felt anxious and the silence between them wasn’t helping at all.

“So how are you liking Seoul so far?”Kris asked so suddenly it made Chanyeol gasped.

“Uhm. I was actually born here. But my mom and I moved away when I was nine. Its nice. I love the weather and the food. Those were the things I miss the most about this place while I was in Busan. How about you?”

“Well I was born n Guangzhou but I moved to Canada when I was ten years old. Then moved back here for high school.”

“So you’re Chinese?” Chanyeol asked.

“Well yes, both my parents are but my nationality is now Canadian.” He explained.

“Oh. “ That’s all she managed to say.

“How are your classes? And do you like them so far?” Kris asked. Chanyeol was thankful.

“Yes! I love it! I still haven’t meet my Literature and Chemistry class though but I’m looking forward to it. The only thing taking a toll on my schedule is my Mandarin class.” Chanyeol informed him

“Why do you hate Mandarin?” Kris asked in curiousity.

“Well its not that I hate it I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around. Mandarin hates me” She laughed before she added “languages were always my weakness, plus my jerk kind of partner has been ditching me for two days now and we have a huge project and I don’t know a thing about it cause a.) Mandarin hates me and b.) I at it..”

“Wait what Mandarin class are you in? Mr. Kim’s?” Kris asked.

“Yes! He’s a good teacher! But why do you ask?” Chanyeol answered and questioned back.

“What’s your partner’s name?”

“Uhm, Wu Yifan I think. Yea that’s his name. I seriously wish he’s just drop by or even introduced himself and more importantly he should stop ditching classes! God!” Chanyeol exclaimed. But then she was shock to hear Kris laughing.

“Wow, he really is a jerk is he? Making his partner wait and all.” Kris grinned. Chanyeol missed the playful tone and the grin Kris was masking. Before Chanyeol could reply, they already reach the clinic.

“Oh I guess this is it. Thanks Kris-shi and nice to meet you!” Chanyeol bowed and smiled.

“Sure! And don’t worry I’m sure your Mandarin class partner will show up on Friday. Nice to meet you too Chanyeol-ah! Better get going.” He smiled and wave a hand of goodbye. Chanyeol watched him walk away from the clinic and upon it she realized how easy it was to talk to him and how carefree she was when she told them a little bit of herself. She couldn’t help but smile.

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Chapter 3: Hahaha... You're funny, Chanyeol... :-D
marianamunthe #2
I like your story....update soon pls...><
suppai #3
Chapter 3: aww kris joking about himself at the end was so funny xD
i really like this story~ genderbender will always be my guilty pleasure lol
Chapter 3: lol chanyeol, kris is your partner, and you said bad things about him infront of him?! lol~~~~

update soon~
akahashi #5
Chapter 2: Wahh..
This is gonna be exciting..
Chapter 2: I'm anticipating for the next chappie! :D
Chapter 1: update soon...^_^ i hope kris will fall in love to chanyeol first....:D
it seems nice. also,it had krisyeol and sekai. my top two otp. update soon....
i think i'am already fall in love with your story..because this one direction song...^_^