Chapter One – The Eclipse

They Don't Know About Us

Chanyeol hurriedly placed the pink bow to tie her hair neatly. She was going to a new school today, Hamlet Academy, and she didn’t know why her alarm clock chose to break and not wake her up on the very crucial day. She was pacing back and forth to make sure she had the things she needed for her first day.

“Chanyeol-ah , darling! Are you ready to go?”

“Yes Umma! Just a minute more.” Chanyeol took her pearl aqua colored bag and immediately went downstairs where her mom was already waiting for her. Mrs. Yoona Park was impeccably dressed in a red tasteful blazer over her white blouse and black skirt.

“Umma! Are you sure you’re going to work?” you could pass as my sister in that outfit!” Chanyeol suddenly commented eyeing her mom in disbelief. Mrs. Park eyed her own figure in the mirror opposite from where she was standing and smiled.

“Honey! Don’t be ridiculous! I always dress like this! You look great in your new school uniform by the way. Dark blue definitely suits you.”

Mrs. Park then grabbed her hand and they both went outside and entered their Black Lexus car. The ride to Hamlet Academy was silent and Chanyeol was grateful that her mom didn’t press her on the things that she expects of her in her first day. Chanyeol has always been in and out from different schools because of her mom’s job. She was always assigned temporary somewhere and Chanyeol being the obedient daughter that she is, could not have the heart to argue. After her mom’s job was the one funding her education at a prestigious school. What Mrs. Park didn’t know was that Chanyeol was actually pretty nervous about going to such school. It was a good thing that her childhood bestfriend, whom she kept in touch with throughout the years, was also from Hamlet Academy. Sehun promised to help her get accustomed to everything and everyone.




Chanyeol bid goodbye to her mom and immediately scanned the surrounding of Hamlet Academy. The golden gates made the façade of the school mesmerizing and she noted how the huge letter “H” at the center on the top of the gates shined brightly. She was surprised that they were only a few students. She was sure that a minute from now, classes would start. She was scratching her unitchy scalp when a voice interrupted her.

“Yeorrie- ah!” She turned around to see Sehun, grinning and eyes shining brightly through her glasses. Sehun spread her arms wide enough and practically threw herself unto Chanyeol. Almost crushing the girl with his bear hug.


“Woah! Woah! You that excited to see me Sehunnie?” Chanyeol managed to pull away from the hug and asked.

“Yes! Oh my god yes! I missed you so much Yeorrie ah!” Sehun smiled brightly. Chanyeol could only to the same.

“Me too! And thank you! Being with you here makes this whole set up less boring and less terrifying.” Chanyeol explained.

And with that being said, Sehun let out a laugh. “Don’t worry! In no time, I’m sure you’ll grow accustomed to everything Hamlet Academy related. The school uniform even suits you!”

“Aww thanks Sehunnie! Wait, aren’t we late yet? Cause I was pretty sure I woke up late today.” Chanyeol asked her in a serious tone.

“What are you talking about? We have 20 minutes to spare!” Sehun checked her watch and eyed Chanyeol confusingly.

“What? But it’s 8 am!” Chanyeol insisted.

“I think your watch is a little bit advance Yeorrie ah!” Sehun then turned around and pointed out that there were only a few students and a lot are still just arriving. “See?”

Thank goodness! I don’t want to be late on my first day!” Chanyeol let out a sigh.

“Hahaha! OC as always. C’mon let me show you to your room! We have 3 classes together right?” Sehun s her arms around Chanyeol’s and both of them walked together to the Hamlet Academy main building.



Come lunchtime, Chanyeol was mostly exhausted. Her morning class before lunch was a language class and to her dismay, it was Chinese Mandarin to be exact. Chanyeol has always been an honor student but languages were always her Achilles heel. It didn’t really help that she was tired from introducing herself over and over again Right now, she just wanted to eat and maybe relax a little. But she needed to find Sehun first.


“Sehunnie!” Chanyeol’s voice boomed from across the table where Sehun was sitting all alone with a chair she assumed was reserved for her. Sudden stares welcomed Chanyeol and like the outgoing girl that she was, she just bowed in apology, smiled and walked fast to Sehun’s table.

“Geez! Control your voice Yeorrie ah.” Sehun slightly laughed as she munched on her turn sandwich.

“Sorry Sehunnie, it’s just that it’s too crowded and I’m kinda tired of introducing myself on my morning classes, repeating the same words and I’m quite hungry too.”

“Well it’s tough to be the new girl isn’t it?”

“You have no idea how I practically had to---“

Chanyeol’s next words were muffled by the sudden screams of excitement and giggles from the crowd. And she was confused. She saw the girls in the cafeteria shrieking in delight and looking at a certain direction, she also saw the boys in the cafeteria groaning in displeasure and annoyance.

“What’s happening Sehunnie? She turned to her childhood friend. When she got to look at Sehun’s face, she also resembled that same face every girl in the cafeteria was masking.

“Sehunnie? Hey! Chanyeol exclaimed. “Sssh!! Yeorrie! OMG! The Eclipse is coming! Do I look okay?”

The Eclipse? The sun was scorching hot outside, she was pretty sure Sehun was not talking about the phenomena. What does that mean then?

“I’m sorry what Sehunnie?” She snapped out from her ephemeral reverie. “The Eclipse? What is that anyway? A boyband? An exclusive club?” She asked in curiosity.

“I’d love to tell you all about it, but I’d rather just show them or better yet introduce them to you. One by one.” Sehun then pointed to the cafeteria door, where everyone’s eyes seem to be glued. Chanyeol averted her eyes and what happened next completely stunned her. Like the Dead Sea, the crowd of girls parted into two, giving a big space for a person to walk. The sudden shrieks died down and turned into sudden hush hush of whispers. Then came a tall guy wearing an intimidating and the most threatening look Chanyeol has ever seen in her life. She was scared for a moment. The guy eyes’ were of black onyx and they were dark under eye circles around it. But then he smiled to the crowd and Chanyeol saw the softness in his features.

“That’s Huang Zitao, Hamlet’s Academy’s wushu master. He’s been practicing martial arts since he was six years old so he’s definitely not the guy you want to mess with. But despite it, he’s actually quite funny and a little bit of clumsy.” She could barely hear Sehun’s voice whispering in her ear.

Then came a guy with average height, smiling as brightly as his wavy white blond hair whose features that remind Chanyeol of youth and innocence. Like the first guy, he also smiled and she could sense that the guy must be approachable or friendly.

“ And that’s Luhan, don’t be fooled, he may look the youngest but he’s actually the oldest of them. He’s the captain of the Blazing Kickers. He plays mean football. He’s the best not just in school but also in the whole region.”

Chanyeol watched the blond guy casually followed Tao to a table opposite to where she and Sehun were sitting. She noticed that they were both still standing, as if waiting for --- then her trains of thoughts were interrupted when she felt Sehun practically shouting at her ears and nudging her arms. Before she could complain, Sehun beat her to it.

“OH MY GOD! Now here comes Kim Jong In!” She noticed that Sehun’s voice was a little bit excited as compared when she was talking about the first two guys – Zitao and Luhan – earlier. She directed her gaze to the guy now coming inside the cafeteria – he was tall with midnight black hair and tan skin. Walking inside smirking, as if the whole ordeal was a daily situation he was accustomed to – but then she thought that by judging at everyone’s faces and reactions, maybe it was.

“Kim Jong In is a dancing machine! He dances like a god.” Chanyeol watched her closest friend practically worshipped the guy with the tan skin, noting her eyes full of admiration and fondness. She mentally made a not to ask Sehun if she fancies the guy – just for confirmation though – because it was practically really obvious.

“….. he’s also Kris’ bestfriend, they been bestfriends since they were kids, their families are really close sane goes with Luhan and Tao.”

Chanyeol was confused for a moment. Kris? Who was he? But then her questions were momentarily forgotten as soon as she saw the tallest guy, out of the four, walked into the cafeteria feeling like it was his own personal catwalk. Chanyeol has seen a lot of handsome guys – she calls it perks of being into a lot of different schools – but she was never as stunned as she is now, looking at the guy before her make his way to the table opposite them.

“And now Yeorrie ah, that is Kris Wu, leader of the eclipse and the kingka of the school, straight A student, captain of the Blazing Wolves, our school’s basketball team and he speaks god-knows-how-many-languages and is pretty much the poster boy for excellence in the school. So yeah every girl wants him. Well except for me.”

Chanyeol could barely hear the words from Sehun’s mouth as she was fixated to Kris’ features. He was really tall, surely above six feet with a lean and slender frame like that of a swimmer’s. His face possessed a sharp look with thick intimidating eyebrows, high nose, small plump lips and with these edge cutting jaw line. It was also obvious how magnetic his aura was, just by walking or standing there at the table. She thought he was unrealistically gorgeous. He looked liked a demigod for Pete’s sake!

Chanyeol was then well aware that she stared far too long and face palmed herself mentally. She turned to Sehun, only to see her with a lightly amusing face.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Chanyeol felt defensive.

“What look? I was just looking at you normally! Hahahahaha so do you find him hot?” Sehun grinned.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Sehunnie.” She didn’t know why but she felt kinda shy about the question. Maybe because she didn’t really know the guy and of course it was way too early for her to start having crushes or whatever they call it since it was just her first day. Chanyeol set her thoughts aside and went on to finish her lunch.

“You are so obvious Yeorrie ah!” Sehun exclaimed but did not make anymore comments.

Chanyeol then slowly, real slowly averted her eyes to the opposite table where The Eclipse as she have been introduced to where casually sitting. And in the glimpse of the moment she was staring at Kris’ brown orbs and she fidgeted a little in her seat. She saw his mouth turning upwards into a smirk and her eyes widened. She immediately turned away and let out a huge breath she didn’t even know she was holding.






Hello there dear readers! Thank you to everyone who subscribed and if you haven't yet please do! I hope you like the first chapter. This is basically just introductions of the main characters but we have more characters to be introduced on chapter two! Please do comment and upvote! I would like to hear your thoughts. You can also follow me on twitter that's @misskhrstiee and if you want a followback just tweet me! I will update as often as possible. Maybe once or twice a week! Have a good day everyone! :)

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Chapter 3: Hahaha... You're funny, Chanyeol... :-D
marianamunthe #2
I like your story....update soon pls...><
suppai #3
Chapter 3: aww kris joking about himself at the end was so funny xD
i really like this story~ genderbender will always be my guilty pleasure lol
Chapter 3: lol chanyeol, kris is your partner, and you said bad things about him infront of him?! lol~~~~

update soon~
akahashi #5
Chapter 2: Wahh..
This is gonna be exciting..
Chapter 2: I'm anticipating for the next chappie! :D
Chapter 1: update soon...^_^ i hope kris will fall in love to chanyeol first....:D
it seems nice. also,it had krisyeol and sekai. my top two otp. update soon....
i think i'am already fall in love with your story..because this one direction song...^_^